Whats your Dream?



  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    I dream of bacon.

    Other than that to learn to sail and just take off for a year in a boat.
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    to become health, physically fit, and to walk the Camino De Santiago in Spain for my 50th birthday.
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    I would love to live in Japan. I'd love to find a love of my life here in America, eventually move off to Japan and live in Tokyo or Shibuya, some big city. Then, as I get older, move to a smaller, more quaint and quiet village. I am a huge dreamer. I have so many dreams, this is just one the bigger ones!

    Have you looked into mission work? I dont know much about it but you are young so maybe that or some kind of work training program will get you over there with a place to live. Food for thought. Go after what you want. Life is too short not to.
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    My dearm is to be able to run...and enjoy it!

    You are a bigger dreamer then me on this one!!

    I dont like running....unless its a mud run! did that for the first time this weekend and loved it!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    to have big boobs
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    mine is to finish a 100 miler! my running friends can relate!
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    To design and build (or help) build me and my husband's dream house on a large acreage, and have a miniature horse ranch (mini horses not mini ranch)
  • aleka1961
    aleka1961 Posts: 18
    My dream is to get on my bicycle again and ride without passing out!!!
    Also to play baketball with the kids.
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    to be slender... and one day maybe move to nyc... i'm still on the fence about that one... but slender is the ultimate dream.

    Slender is a good goal. Its obtainable. its tangible. What about a dream? Whats in NYC that you want to be a part of?
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    I doubt I'll ever pull it off, but it'd be nice if I could start up my own Game Development company.

    Other than I'd also like to find a nice girl one day, start a family, raise kids to be good people, and die a happy ol' man. Standard stuff.

    That sounds fun. Are there many of them these days? WHat would make YOUR company better then the others? Do you have a way to achieve these dreams?
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    to have a "normal body" again! :wink:

    What is your idea of a "normal body"? How are you going about making it happen?
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    My dreams are to travel the world (not just one place~ there are so many I'm dying to see. If I could at least visit each continent I'll be happy. 2 down so far!), to have a baby, and to own a farm-like property by a stream where I can have lots of animals running around. Almost forgot, I would love to one day get back into the art/fashion field and make a career out of it!!!

    What's stopping me from all of the above is money~ but I'm going to find a way to make it all happen! :happy:
  • shimewazaMan
    shimewazaMan Posts: 413
    - To look like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson!
    - To be a professional artist.
    - To be a tattoo artist.
    - To give my wife the chills when she sees me with my shirt off!!!!
  • julepgirl
    julepgirl Posts: 55 Member
    My dream is to have a handful of happy, self-sufficient kids who are well on their way to being happy, self-sufficient adults; and to be healthy myself through it all - I have a 14 month-old so far, and I can tell my weight is going to make being a mom a lot harder - getting up and down off the floor, carrying him for long stretches (I don't have a waist, which means I don't have a good hip for him to sit on), etc. And when he starts really running, that's going to be another challenge. If I can get myself down a few sizes before we start planning for the next one, it'll be an easier pregnancy too. This is going to be a long quest, because I'll go back and forth between being working hard on losing and working hard on gaining at an appropriate rate during pregnancy. On top of all that, I'd like to have family pictures that don't involve my double chin.
  • bobemmer
    bobemmer Posts: 16 Member
    I have simple dreams, be able to play basketball with my kid and at the community center, get the weight off which will lead to better health!
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    Omg I have a million! Hahaha

    Write a novel, travel the world, walk the Great Wall of China, climb a mountain, experience this, see that, blah blah blah

    And it's kinda sad...but in many ways, my biggest dream is to fall tragically in love with the perfect person :blushing: hahaha
    Love is the greatest adventure of all?

    Love is a ride, an adventure, and a headache worth having all rolled up into one! SO with your dreams, what are you doing currently to achieve them?
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    For my tiny design studio to make it big, so I can sell it, move to the middle of nowhere and open an animal sanctuary.

    Basically my dream is to be a weird dog lady.

    Doesnt it just take one great design to make it big? Make that happen! Is it because you have a bigger dream of the animal sanctuary or because you are unhappy with the design studio?

    Better weird dog lady then weird cat lady!
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    My dream is to be a nurse. I put it on the back burner for a looong time. BUT I'm not only 3 semesters away from graduating. I did my pre-reqs in 3 semesters and have one nursing semester under my belt now. Only 3 more to go!

    I always had an excuse about time, and money but nothing was changing so *I* changed. I started back to school and started here after my first semester because I could NOT be a fat nurse and tell people to lose weight. So I got off my booty!

    So yes I go to school full time with a 5 year old, and a husband and I'm not working. It makes things REALLY REALLY tight but the end is near! My husband is wonderful and even though he has multiple sclerosis he works hard so that I can go to school and then he will be able to work part time when I'm done and not worry so much. If I had just gone back to school sooner it would have been so much easier on him. My only regret is not doing it sooner.

    After I'm done with school I'd like to model for fun again (something I did in high school), We are considering other states to live in (which terrifies me but is exciting!) and we want to take a trip to Japan.

    The nursing goal is great. I wanted to do that at a time in my life. I decided that I had other aspirations.

    Excuses are something I am all to familiar with. I have made them my whole life but not any more. Dreams are within reach if you put your arms out and run like hell towards them. What states are you considering? I love the inland northwest.
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    My dream would be to open a business with my husband
    Publish my book
    have both of my children graduate from College with honors
    buy my mother the house of her dreams
    Make a pilgrimage to Mecca
  • davecannon
    davecannon Posts: 92
    To move out of San Diego, maybe to Washington, or Idaho..or ?? anywhere but here. :ohwell:

    I cant say I blame you. Northern Idaho is AMAZING! (I live here!)
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