
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    oh, and motorcyclists (usually men under the age of 25) doing wheelies down the highway. IDIOTS!
    Nothing ticks me off like seeing someone on a crotch rocket going a million miles per hour down the highway weaving in and out of cars popping wheelies. It's just a recipe for disaster.

    I HATE when everyone is stuck in traffic and some (insert bad name) on a motorcycle decides that he can fit in between the cars and rides down the road BETWEEN the two lanes of traffic!!! Thankfully the little angel on my shoulder is stronger than the little devil on my other shoulder cause I am so tempted to open my car door and let them run into it.
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    oh, and motorcyclists (usually men under the age of 25) doing wheelies down the highway. IDIOTS!
    Nothing ticks me off like seeing someone on a crotch rocket going a million miles per hour down the highway weaving in and out of cars popping wheelies. It's just a recipe for disaster.

    I HATE when everyone is stuck in traffic and some (insert bad name) on a motorcycle decides that he can fit in between the cars and rides down the road BETWEEN the two lanes of traffic!!! Thankfully the little angel on my shoulder is stronger than the little devil on my other shoulder cause I am so tempted to open my car door and let them run into it.

    I just laughed out loud haha. Now my kids think I'm crazy :laugh: :laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It's called lane splitting. It's legal in California, and should be legal everywhere - it can really ease congestion.

    But it's not. That lane splitter in Carolina is breaking the law. :angry:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I HATE when everyone is stuck in traffic and some (insert bad name) on a motorcycle decides that he can fit in between the cars and rides down the road BETWEEN the two lanes of traffic!!! Thankfully the little angel on my shoulder is stronger than the little devil on my other shoulder cause I am so tempted to open my car door and let them run into it.

    I understand it's legal in California. the running between cars I mean, not the opening the car door. :wink: Seems crazy to me...but then some states repeal their helmet laws - DUMB! I haven't heard of a state repealing a seatbelt law.
  • My pet peeves are at the supermarket in the 20 items or less someone is buying a weeks worth of grocerys and I'm standing there with 1 item. And the checker lets them do it.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I haven't read all the posts so these may have already been mentioned.
    :grumble: liars
    :grumble: boasters
    :grumble: know-it-alls
    :grumble: laziness
    :grumble: those that aren't willing to help themselves
    :grumble: "will work for food signs" it's an oxymoron- OKAY THEN-GO WORK!!!
    :grumble: people who blame others for their own choices
    :grumble: people who are pretentious
    :grumble: rude people who don't use manners
    :grumble: people who are overweight but "don't eat that much" and don't know why they are overweight
    :grumble: not taking ownership of their own actions
    :grumble: people who are really sick but insist on coming to work "to spread the love"
    :grumble: giving unsolicited advice
    :grumble: those who always have a story that matches or one-ups yours
    :grumble: parents that don't discipline their children
    meetings-they always seem to be a waste of time-and get off track-and unproductive
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    My pet peeves are at the supermarket in the 20 items or less someone is buying a weeks worth of grocerys and I'm standing there with 1 item. And the checker lets them do it.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    My pet peeves are at the supermarket in the 20 items or less someone is buying a weeks worth of grocerys and I'm standing there with 1 item. And the checker lets them do it.

  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I haven't read all the posts so these may have already been mentioned.
    :grumble: liars
    :grumble: boasters
    :grumble: know-it-alls
    :grumble: laziness
    :grumble: those that aren't willing to help themselves
    :grumble: "will work for food signs" it's an oxymoron- OKAY THEN-GO WORK!!!
    :grumble: people who blame others for their own choices
    :grumble: people who are pretentious
    :grumble: rude people who don't use manners
    :grumble: people who are overweight but "don't eat that much" and don't know why they are overweight
    :grumble: not taking ownership of their own actions
    :grumble: people who are really sick but insist on coming to work "to spread the love"
    :grumble: giving unsolicited advice
    :grumble: those who always have a story that matches or one-ups yours
    :grumble: parents that don't discipline their children
    meetings-they always seem to be a waste of time-and get off track-and unproductive
    I agree with all of your choices except I don't understand how "will work for food" is an oxymoron. Maybe I just don't get it?
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I haven't read all the posts so these may have already been mentioned.
    :grumble: liars
    :grumble: boasters
    :grumble: know-it-alls
    :grumble: laziness
    :grumble: those that aren't willing to help themselves
    :grumble: "will work for food signs" it's an oxymoron- OKAY THEN-GO WORK!!!
    :grumble: people who blame others for their own choices
    :grumble: people who are pretentious
    :grumble: rude people who don't use manners
    :grumble: people who are overweight but "don't eat that much" and don't know why they are overweight
    :grumble: not taking ownership of their own actions
    :grumble: people who are really sick but insist on coming to work "to spread the love"
    :grumble: giving unsolicited advice
    :grumble: those who always have a story that matches or one-ups yours
    :grumble: parents that don't discipline their children
    meetings-they always seem to be a waste of time-and get off track-and unproductive
    I agree with all of your choices except I don't understand how "will work for food" is an oxymoron. Maybe I just don't get it?
    I was thinking that if they are really willing to work for food they would be working and not holding a sign saying they are willing to work for food. :smile: Maybe the word ironic would fit better instead of oxymoron?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    I HATE when everyone is stuck in traffic and some (insert bad name) on a motorcycle decides that he can fit in between the cars and rides down the road BETWEEN the two lanes of traffic!!! Thankfully the little angel on my shoulder is stronger than the little devil on my other shoulder cause I am so tempted to open my car door and let them run into it.

    Don't go over to Italy then.
    I was just there in June, and they do that all over the place.

    Motorcycles/scooters/mopeds, passing between cars.

    Many times I was stopped at a red light, and about 5-10 people, male/female, old/young they would pull up between traffic and all be at the front when the light turns green.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Men who talk to your breasts. I mean full scale conversations- little to no eye contact.

    People who start a public vendetta against you because you point out a personality flaw in private.

    People who make a big seen in public but want to apologize and admit they are wrong in private.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Women who display cleavage that could easily conceal a small child, and then complain if a guy notices.

    So there,,, Hehehe :laugh: <<Kidding ma'am, but you get my point>>.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member

    I HATE when everyone is stuck in traffic and some (insert bad name) on a motorcycle decides that he can fit in between the cars and rides down the road BETWEEN the two lanes of traffic!!! Thankfully the little angel on my shoulder is stronger than the little devil on my other shoulder cause I am so tempted to open my car door and let them run into it.

    Don't go over to Italy then.
    I was just there in June, and they do that all over the place.

    Motorcycles/scooters/mopeds, passing between cars.

    Many times I was stopped at a red light, and about 5-10 people, male/female, old/young they would pull up between traffic and all be at the front when the light turns green.

    If they didn't do that, and each vehicle no matter how small took up a full 10 foot wide by 15 foot long piece of highway (like we do), they'd never get anywhere.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I agree with all of your choices except I don't understand how "will work for food" is an oxymoron. Maybe I just don't get it?
    I was thinking that if they are really willing to work for food they would be working and not holding a sign saying they are willing to work for food. :smile: Maybe the word ironic would fit better instead of oxymoron?

    It may seem ironic, but maybe they can't find a job? At least it's not some young healthy looking guy standing there with a cup asking for spare change- some people make a living out of that.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    What really PEEVES me- men looking lustfully at my 14 year old daughter or trying to flirt with her. Even when she was younger than that. It's not necessarily a pet peeve...more of a, "I'd like to punch their face off" kinda thing. :smile:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yeah, that's creepy. I don't really see females under about 25 anymore - and I think there's something odd about 40 year old men who do...

    Love the new pic BTW Brenda.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Yeah, that's creepy. I don't really see females under about 25 anymore - and I think there's something odd about 40 year old men who do...

    Love the new pic BTW Brenda.

    Thanks. :wink:
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    I had a coworker who always showed a lot of cleavage - I couldn't help talking to her breasts either, and I'm a heterosexual female! I figure if you show it, you must want people to see it, and in order to see it, people have to look at it.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I cannot conceal a small child but I can hold a cell phone, 1/2 cup of popcorn and a small box of raisins:bigsmile:

    My aunt can hide a pistol :noway:
    Women who display cleavage that could easily conceal a small child, and then complain if a guy notices.

    So there,,, Hehehe :laugh: <<Kidding ma'am, but you get my point>>.

    Noticing is fine, even frequent glimpses but don't strike a conversation just to oogle my completely covered breasts. If you do at least leave a tip. :wink:
    What really PEEVES me- men looking lustfully at my 14 year old daughter or trying to flirt with her. Even when she was younger than that. It's not necessarily a pet peeve...more of a, "I'd like to punch their face off" kinda thing.

    I'm with you. My niece was highly developed at 14. I was always in fight mode because there are a lot of lecherous old men around.
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