Don't Request Me



  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    thats great and all, but everyone has their reasons. why do you have you best friends in real life, because you are like minded. there are reasons for everything, and like you said 'similar goals'. my goal is to eat more, hence i wont add people who dont eat enough. its triggering to the relapse of an eating disorder. i dont add people who dont log in regularly, and why would i. they dont offer the support that i want *and need*. i got very upset reading the thread about not adding males as friends, because i feel like everone should have a chance to offer their support. but i wount start a thread about how its not fair to think that way because everyone has a personal opinion. i have a few close friends on here, and ive had them for over two years. add them on facebook and text with them too. just like real friends, and thats what im looking for. if other people add me i *usually* wont deny them and see how it goes. if i look at their profile and their view are much different then mine i wouldnt. lately ive only added people that i see posting on other things who have intrests that arnt fitness related. like a favorite tv show, book, activities etc. just like i wouldnt hang out with people who upset me. point being, its a personal choice and what you say wont change anyones mind.

    I won't start a new thread to share that I agree with your statement about not adding male friends. Men need support too.

    Let me tell my husband, men need support too! He'll look at me like :huh:

    Lmao... I can only imagine. I haven't dated in so long I forgot what it is like. Listen to your man. I don't blame you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    someone removed me because i ate jalapeno poppers for lunch oh well. I just had a craving for them that day not like I do this everyday.

    After my dinner tonight, I may be losing quite a few friends. :)
    I would delete you if you ate jalapeno poppers & didn't share them with me. Seriously though, it's a tad extreme to be judgmental of what people eat. I guess I'd consider axing someone who ate like crap AND complained about feeling like crap & not losing weight AND I had tried to offer some constructive criticism said person repeatedly ignored. But that's kind of different.

    I had pomegranate martinis & bar food for dinner. Definitely not one to judge. :glasses:

    I am so defriending you!
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    haha story of my life, i got deleted by so many friends because at one point i lost my motivation and couldn't log in for a couple of weeks...
  • Nacima26
    Nacima26 Posts: 28 Member
    well said =)
  • wenikikini
    wenikikini Posts: 36 Member
    I agree! I've had some delete me too. Tried to add them back and they wouldn't do it! I am always looking for new friends and support! Anyone can add me if they wish! I was addicted to Facebook and I deleted that on memorial day. This has become my Facebook! :) I love ALL people! None of us are perfect and we all need help in some way or another! I have a friend who could use a lot of support and friends as well! Feel free to add me and her! Her name is Ca6980.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    ~ I have over 800+ friends ... why ? Because either I inspired them or they inspired me in one way or another. People often ask me ... " how do you keep track of all of those people ... how can you support that many people ? " ... My response is simple ... I am not here to track anybody ... I am here for myself ... as I continue on my journey, I tell my story ... I post positive quotes daily for myself that others find useful along their own journey.

    I came here to reach my own goals and perhaps inspire a few others with my ambition and determination. I respond to whomever is in my feed when I log on ... that differs every day. I get tons of " PM's " and I answer every one of them.

    Not everybody on here needs to be " chatted " up daily ... some just want to cruise the forums, gain knowledge and test new theories ... not everybody has to be in the limelight ... sure, it's nice to have friends who follow everything you do ... but then again, it's nice to make a mistake here or there and not have people threaten to unfriend you because of it !

    I never judge anybody ... rarely decline a request ( only decline creeps not here for the right reasons ) .... and if a new friend wants to lurk in the shadows and just sit in the bleachers ... so be it !

    I never understood why people on here call it " collecting " ... the way I see it ... the more supporters, the merrier ! At this point, I am not only letting myself down when I think I can't do something ... heck I'm letting 800+ friends down too ! And trust me ... they ain't happening !

    Soooooo truth be told ... I need each and every one of my friends in one way or another ... I may even need them more than they need me !

    If you want to judge, decline or give title's to people .... Facebook has new openings every day ! Let the people who have the same mindset and goals as me ... join me in a lifetime of healthy living and getting fit !

    Cheers ! Ok .... rant over ... Carry on ! :drinker:

    Well Said!!:flowerforyou:
  • akame89
    akame89 Posts: 2
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    sorry, but im in the other boat,

    I've just recently started denying friend requests (especially those with no message.. how the hell did you find me??)

    mainly cause im not on really much anymore, and when i am, i do it to support my friends. I don't like lurkers.. whats the point of having friends if they just read your news feed, but dont look at your diary and give you suggestions?, and sometimes it just gets too many to keep supporting them all. however if there is a specific reason , if thy ywant info from a post i have written, i will gladly answer all thier questions and add them as a freind.

    just my0.2

    DITTO! I've only started to feel this way recently-people have been adding me left and right, with NO message. Every single FR I've ever and will ever send I will always state why and that it's cool if you deny. I can guarantee 99.99% of my friends prior to this week when I put on my profile requesting a message never sent a thing. I find it utterly disrespectful, rude and creepy that someone wants to be friends and not say anything. I can honestly say I have a handful of people who consistently msg/comment and I'm getting more and more bothered by howmany "lurkers" I have. It's creepy and yeah. I don't like not getting the same amount of support I give. It's disappointing. :/
  • the_albino_1
    the_albino_1 Posts: 101 Member
    I have to somewhat agree with the OP. It's not like in real life when you meet someone you say, "Excuse me, we can only be friends if you talk to me at least 3 times a week, you don't talk to Amber because she's a beyotch, and you love sushi." Hopefully in real life people take the time to get to know a person before they decide if they want to be friends or not.
    I guess that's kind of my philsophy about accepting friend request on MFP... might as well give it a try and if we don't click or they don't meet my secret criteria then I can always unfriend them.

    But then again, I somewhat see the point of the people who post those criteria. Especially if they have been on MFP for a long time or have become popular or well known. I'm sure it's hard to keep up with a ton of friends and it might be easier to weed people out in the beginning.

    I guess in the end I try to only send friend request to people who are asking for friends or to people who I send a message to first.
    And if anyone wants to be my friend, feel free and add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    [ earlier comments omitted ]
    I had pomegranate martinis & bar food for dinner. Definitely not one to judge. :glasses:

    Pomegranate... that's fruit. Bars... wood, lots 'o fiber. Sounds like a good selection to me! :wink:
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    sorry, but im in the other boat,

    I've just recently started denying friend requests (especially those with no message.. how the hell did you find me??)

    mainly cause im not on really much anymore, and when i am, i do it to support my friends. I don't like lurkers.. whats the point of having friends if they just read your news feed, but dont look at your diary and give you suggestions?, and sometimes it just gets too many to keep supporting them all. however if there is a specific reason , if thy ywant info from a post i have written, i will gladly answer all thier questions and add them as a freind.

    just my0.2

    DITTO! I've only started to feel this way recently-people have been adding me left and right, with NO message. Every single FR I've ever and will ever send I will always state why and that it's cool if you deny. I can guarantee 99.99% of my friends prior to this week when I put on my profile requesting a message never sent a thing. I find it utterly disrespectful, rude and creepy that someone wants to be friends and not say anything. I can honestly say I have a handful of people who consistently msg/comment and I'm getting more and more bothered by howmany "lurkers" I have. It's creepy and yeah. I don't like not getting the same amount of support I give. It's disappointing. :/

    Left and right! That's just insane. No message... that is so creepy. MFP is note safe. Hide your kids... hide your wives.
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Love it!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    All those guidelines people post on their profiles are kind of ridiculous. If someone sends you a friend request with no message, just press ignore. And just delete someone if their habits bother you! No need to make yourself look like a tight *kitten*.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    sorry, but im in the other boat,

    I've just recently started denying friend requests (especially those with no message.. how the hell did you find me??)

    mainly cause im not on really much anymore, and when i am, i do it to support my friends. I don't like lurkers.. whats the point of having friends if they just read your news feed, but dont look at your diary and give you suggestions?, and sometimes it just gets too many to keep supporting them all. however if there is a specific reason , if thy ywant info from a post i have written, i will gladly answer all thier questions and add them as a freind.

    just my0.2

    DITTO! I've only started to feel this way recently-people have been adding me left and right, with NO message. Every single FR I've ever and will ever send I will always state why and that it's cool if you deny. I can guarantee 99.99% of my friends prior to this week when I put on my profile requesting a message never sent a thing. I find it utterly disrespectful, rude and creepy that someone wants to be friends and not say anything. I can honestly say I have a handful of people who consistently msg/comment and I'm getting more and more bothered by howmany "lurkers" I have. It's creepy and yeah. I don't like not getting the same amount of support I give. It's disappointing. :/

    Left and right! That's just insane. No message... that is so creepy. MFP is note safe. Hide your kids... hide your wives.

    The point is - are you seriously THAT lazy that you can't write a f**king note to say "why"? I think it's rude. Don't get me wrong I love my friends that are encouraging, but there are some people that I know for a fact that I have commented on and have never commented on my page. I think that is in distaste.
  • ScarlettIsSpiffing
    ScarlettIsSpiffing Posts: 121 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more, each to their own I guess but what's the harm in having quieter friends on here as well as the ones you chat & interact with regularly, the more the merrier I say & all are welcome to add me ;))
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    sorry, but im in the other boat,

    I've just recently started denying friend requests (especially those with no message.. how the hell did you find me??)

    mainly cause im not on really much anymore, and when i am, i do it to support my friends. I don't like lurkers.. whats the point of having friends if they just read your news feed, but dont look at your diary and give you suggestions?, and sometimes it just gets too many to keep supporting them all. however if there is a specific reason , if thy ywant info from a post i have written, i will gladly answer all thier questions and add them as a freind.

    just my0.2

    DITTO! I've only started to feel this way recently-people have been adding me left and right, with NO message. Every single FR I've ever and will ever send I will always state why and that it's cool if you deny. I can guarantee 99.99% of my friends prior to this week when I put on my profile requesting a message never sent a thing. I find it utterly disrespectful, rude and creepy that someone wants to be friends and not say anything. I can honestly say I have a handful of people who consistently msg/comment and I'm getting more and more bothered by howmany "lurkers" I have. It's creepy and yeah. I don't like not getting the same amount of support I give. It's disappointing. :/

    Left and right! That's just insane. No message... that is so creepy. MFP is note safe. Hide your kids... hide your wives.

    The point is - are you seriously THAT lazy that you can't write a f**king note to say "why"? I think it's rude. Don't get me wrong I love my friends that are encouraging, but there are some people that I know for a fact that I have commented on and have never commented on my page. I think that is in distaste.

    Just quote your above message on your page and I guarantee you won't have the same issue... problem solved. It's all in the delivery. Great choice of verbiage.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    All those guidelines people post on their profiles are kind of ridiculous. If someone sends you a friend request with no message, just press ignore. And just delete someone if their habits bother you! No need to make yourself look like a tight *kitten*.

    Isn't better for someone to know and add a quick note than just be ignored out of hand. Are they supposed to be psychic and magically know you want a message. Please use logic.
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I agree all the way! That's the only thing I don't like about this site. That and when people are rude for no reason, or talk down to people.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I find it very strange how people refuse to add more friends or set so many guidelines for them.

    "Here's my success story, but please don't request me as your friend"
    "I give my friends 110%, and expect the same in return"
    "If you eat 1200 calories a day, don't try to friend me"
    "If you stop logging for 5 days, I will remove you"
    "If you are not eating enough protein you will be removed"

    Seriously?.... Like seriously? We are all here for the same reason. We are for the most part experiencing the same struggles, or we would not be here. No method is the right method and that is okay. Maybe you think eating more to lose weight will get you there, or 1200 calories each day. It really does not matter.

    I will be your friend. I am here to lose 100 pounds and I will not judge you and I hope you will not judge me. I will not set any guidelines for our friendship or judge you for any relapses. We are in this together.

    You are entitled to your opinion, however in doing so it feels as though you ARE judging those people that are selective about their MFP friend choices. In life most people would not befriend every single person they come into contact with. We unconsciously select our friends through the places we frequent for leisure, the clothes we wear, where we live, where we shop and so on. We usually select people that have similar interests or outlook to our own, people who match our current or future aspirations, people who do things in a similar way to ourselves, or do things in a way we can learn from. Generally people do not deliberately enter into relationships that would be detrimental to their well-being or their goals. Do you accept every single invitation out for a drink from everybody who asks you? I think not (well I hope not anyway, :wink: ).

    Being on MFP is just another facet of life. In life we have friends that are with us for a short period of time, medium term and those that are with us for the long haul. I see nothing wrong with being selective, and periodically deleting MFP friendships that have fallen by the wayside. Rather like in real life, you would stop calling people, or drift apart as friends. Irrespective of whether you have the same goals or the same struggles - it is how a person approaches those things in life that matter to us as individuals. You can give your support of course, but that does not always work - then it becomes detrimental to you and draining. As charming as your "Polyanna" approach is, it is important to be realistic and honest about the GOOD and the "BAD" aspects of our own human nature.