Judging other people's diaries



  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I log pretty regularly and am usually within my goal. If I have my cheat meal, I usually don't add it and don't complete my diary. People can think what they want...that I forgot or wasn't near a computer. I think most of my friends would be nice or just say that tomorrow is another day but I don't even go there on my cheat days haha
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I dislike seeing people write "Good job, except for that soda" or "You could have gone without those fries."

    Who says that? If someone commented that on my diary I would LMFAO.

    I used to have comments like that one my diary with my old account, so I understand where the OP is coming from. Most of the time I said screw you and moved on, but... there was one time I had an MFP pal make me cry for eating cake.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Personally, I dont think anyone should comment on someones diary unless they have been asked. Some people are very new to nutrition and have no idea what to eat, so they ask for opinions, then its okay to jump in and offer advice. I do think its okay to ask questions, like "do you have the recipe for those low cal muffins you're always logging?", btw, theres a BIG difference between questions and comments. Then you have "those" people, you know, the ones who need to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down, like Gramma always said, "If you dont have anything nice to say, then keep your mouth shut!". My diary is open, and to those who like to judge: if you dont like what I eat, oh well, too bad, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, but I just might burn some extra calories having a good laugh at your expense!
  • mrgphillips
    Do you feel bad about your lunch today? Could you have made a better choice? Is that what you think your friends might think? Would you put off eating even when you're hungry if you were to log a chicken salad with a yogurt instead? Just playing devils advocate with you.

    On the other hand, a calorie is a calorie. If you are eating at a deficit, then you're still ahead of the game.

    Perfect point! Helps me make better choices everyday. I'm a fast food'er also but WE have to find alternatives, its hard it know.
    Like someone else noted if you are see progress no worries, if not then maybe a change should be made.

    One last note - the truth can hurt but I personally don't like being lied to. Just cause someone point out an alternative does not mean they are judging you or your diet.

    Keep and open mind, try not to let everything be personal.

    Keep working at it, we in this fight together.

  • SoulsGirl
    SoulsGirl Posts: 10
    How do i make sure my diary is open? I'm pretty new here and i just want to make sure it is. Or maybe it's already open? I'm just not sure

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  • mrgphillips
    instead of looking at it like negative criticism look at it as positive feed back and then do with it what you like.

    Like Button.

    Could not have said it better.
  • AbzRocks
    AbzRocks Posts: 45
    I like to give positive comments. I think people know what they eat which is wrong and being negative won't make them change.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    I once saw where someone was trying to alert authorities over an eating disorder they thought someone else had. REDICULOUSNESS....this is why mine is private. I have a hard time eating all my calories most of the time, but I come as close as I can. I'm definitely not starving or I wouldn't be here..lol. I am 5'4" and weigh 185, I don't think that screams anorexia, but I know when I am hungry and when I am not better than anyone and same goes for everyone here. Each person knows their body better than anybody else. But because of rediculousness I am also afraid to make mine public. I don't want the 'diet police' showing up at my door...lmao:laugh:
  • mrgphillips
    I like to give positive comments. I think people know what they eat which is wrong and being negative won't make them change.

    There is a point at which comments can be negative, but suggesting one thing over another i would not consider negative.

    Everyone is different.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How do i make sure my diary is open? I'm pretty new here and i just want to make sure it is. Or maybe it's already open? I'm just not sure

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    Go to MyHome click on Setting in the menu below and then click on Diary Settings. At the bottom you can select whether you want it viewable by everyone on MFP, only your friends, keep it totally private or viewable by a password.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I completely agree with you! Look, we're all on a journey here, but its a personal one. Most of us are hard enough on ourselves when we know we've eaten something we shouldn't have, or slacked off for a while on exercising. It's really none of anyone elses business if we take a little detour on our journey.
    My food Diary IS public, and its staying public. I'm not going to apologize for having a bad day, and I'm not going to make excuses for it either. It's MY journey!

    Keep on walking proud!
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm a firm believer of everything in moderation. You can have your fries and burgers as long as you account for it and you are honest about it. If my friends leave their diaries open for me to see I take that as a sign of honesty and trust. I comment when I see something I like myself and encourage them but I don't go off on them because they had a burger for lunch. It's their body, their choices.
    No one can be perfect all of the time and no one will be able to maintain healthy choices 100% either. We all make mistakes and as long as you are honest with yourself first about what you are putting into your body you won't need anyone else to point out where you are going wrong/right.

    "Do you feel bad about your lunch today? Could you have made a better choice? Is that what you think your friends might think? Would you put off eating even when you're hungry if you were to log a chicken salad with a yogurt instead? Just playing devils advocate with you."

    Lastly, the above quote. Learn from your choices and see how you can curve this in the future. You could also simply ask your friends..hey I was having a bad day today and I reached for this instead of something healthier etc..any advice on how to cope? I am sure a lot of your friends would be willing to help out as much as possible. There are many people who will lose weight on bad choices-however will they be able to maintain after the weight comes off? That is the question. Life style changes is the key, in my opinion, and making the better choice now and learning from it, is what will define successful weight loss maintenance.
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Why so much fear? If you don't like your choices, then make choices you do like. If you are ok with your choices, then quit worrying about what some random person said about them on the internet. I'm here to learn, and I learn more from people that have a differing POV than my own than I do from glad handing comments.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I think for me it depends whether the diary comment is on a wall or a thread.

    Sometimes people ask for advice on a thread and have their diary open, so it's logical for people to take a look and make suggestions. Sometimes folk get upset when someone suggests that eating 600 cals isn't great, or that half your calories shouldn't come from cake and alcohol... but I'm sorry it's an open forum and if you ask a question, you may get to hear responses of which a proportion you may not like to hear.

    In terms of comments on my wall, it's about accountability, and I don't mind someone saying "hey less carbs, more protein" etc. It's how it's said. I've never had anyone be rude.

    What I don't like is this blind support to anything people do. A diary full of rubbish and people posting "well done WTG!!"... :huh:

    That's not helpful.

    If I see friends diaries that are inspiring I say so. If I see stuff that makes me shake my head, then I keep my mouth shut... unless I know someone very well and may send a PM.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I agree. The only time I judge in my head is when the person's entire day consists of really bad food, consisitently. Even then I say nothing, it's not my place. Same goes for people who eat nothing but health food, it's just as crazy. Again, I'm quiet. If someone wants fries or a chocolate bar, who gives a crapola? I eat at least one thing a day that's not counted as "good" food, and I've lost half my bodyweight so far. So those people can screw off.
    And I don't like the "way to go"-ers who just cheer blindly. Again, I'm quiet until i have good reason not to be.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member

    That said, if you're not comfortable with anything that may be written on your wall - why not just keep your diary closed? I have absolutely no issue with anyone pulling me up on things - in actual fact I welcome the fact that somebody cares enough to invest their time and try to point me in a better direction. Nobody I've come across has been rude, but then again I've got a good group of supportive friends on here with similar health and fitness goals to myself.

    If you're worrying about what people will say about your food diary, for me that points to a bit of insecurity on your part on what you're eating... and it's unfair to take those insecurities out on other people.

    Live and let live I say... it's only a food diary after all ;)

    Edit: the ^^This was for Kara's comment!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I agree 100%. Sometimes I do get those comments on my wall but I normally don't have a problem with that since I know that its not about judging my food, its about a friend being concerned because he/she cares enough for me. However I have one friend who constantly PMed me before saying something about my food choices, the calorie content of that meal I just ate, I should eat this and that etc. even though its mostly ethnic food but it happened that this friend of mine knows lots of things about the foods here. In short he was acting some sort of like a nutritionist which pissed me off. One time he PMed me saying things like MFP is supposed to be for encouragement, support & helping each other but why is it that his friends all get pissed off every time he would comment something on their food. He thought that by acting like a nutritionist to his friends, he is doing a great job helping them but in reality its not.

    Main thing is that unless I'm asking for some advice & suggestions on my nutrition, its better not to say anything because we never know the history behind that diary which only the owner knows.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I hav great pals...I want them to tell me anything is off or less than especially if they c something inconsistent with me. Eg bar after bar of chocolate - but I also write food notes to say yep I was struggling etc so they know I know. I'd send message asking if someone ok just to give them the opportunity to say they r having difficulty if they want. Whether or not I c someones diary is up to them and I respect that. I also think it says something else when you open it too...I like mine open although at beginning I didn't need to. With pals I try harder and I feel responsible. But if I ever felt that I needed to hide my food choices cos people would b shocked then I would close it rather than fudge it. MFP is ultimately my weapon of choice on this journey and if I start cheating on it to please other people then it becomes useless to me. Cos ultimately this journey is really about one person ...for each of us.
  • SoulsGirl
    SoulsGirl Posts: 10
    Thank you so much :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It depends. I don't usually comment on others diaries, BUT.....

    one of those on my friends list had completed her diary last week, and was under her goal, and so there was the usual chorus of "well done!" "WTG!" etc etc.

    I looked at her diary and she'd eaten about 800 calories. This was a typical day, having looked back over a few days.

    I asked the question - any particular reason the calories were so low?

    She didn't reply, just deleted me as a friend. And that's OK, its her choice, and if she can't handle concern from her friends then maybe having a private diary would be better.