Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls and welcome to our new gals:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I was down. .4. I can't seem to get a whole number of pounds lost. I will take it though. The reason I say yesterday is we ate out last night and I am retaining water. So I am going by yesterdays weight. I will weigh in again tomorrow. I will give my self a percentage of 0 for this week.

    I enjoyed reading everyone's post today.

    lstpaul, congrats on the great job your daughter did. It is fun to see our children do well.

    awestfall, you have done amazing this week.

    jlb123, I think you are right about trying to eat some of our exercise calories.

    Macurry20, I too think exercise is a wonderful stress reliever.

    Here is our calculator to check our percentages


    Hope all have a wonderful friday. Biggest loser whoever you are please post our challenge for the week.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey there.. sorry I have not been around for the past few days! My life has been so crazy busy at work! (But that is a good thing, as it pays the bills) :laugh:

    My week has not been too bad. I actually went to the movies with my husband yesterday and walked right past the popcorn. That is a pretty difficult thing to do. My husband tried so hard to talk me into popcorn or nachos but, I stood strong and handed him a tlc bar from kashi. :wink:

    My will power is getting a bit stronger and I am so very happy about that as it seems as though people are always tempting me with things even though they know I should not have it. arg.. I guess it will just make me stronger for Thanksgiving and Christmas and boy I think I am really going to need it then!

    Check in this week.. I am down 2 lbs
    calories - good stayed with in my limit all week
    water - have drank a gallon everyday this week except Wednesday
    exercise - 50-60 minutes 5 days this week just don't always have time everyday

    I am hoping to go shopping and get a food scale and a HRM.. I feel like i am winging it with measuring cups and not getting actual calories burned info. Any suggestions? I saw on another post that the biggest looser digital scale at Bed Bath and Beyond was 20.00 and the person really liked it!

    Well, I really need to get tot he workout room and get started I have to be to work in 2 hours!


    Hey Girl, good for you. I am not sure I could pass on some buttery delish popcorn. I am really proud of you. You are doing great this week. 2 pounds!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Congratulations awestfall! It's so good to see you (um, read you?) so happy & excited! YAY!! :drinker:

    You can do this! WE can do this!

    On another note, I've spent a lot of my morning reading the permenant posts in the general diet & exercise forum. I really am going to buckle down to eat at least half of my exercise calories. I'm so worried about sending my body into "starvation mode" and messing up my metabolism. Some days, my net calories have been as low as 200 or 300 which is insane. My BMR is supposedly about 1800 calories/day. Add in my normal daily activities and exercise and I'm probably close to burning 3,000 calories most days. So why am I expecting my body going to survive on 1200-1300 calories total? I probably have a deficit of at least 1500 calories every day. 2000 some days. So, if a pound is 3500 calories, the weight should be melting off me. But it's not. So I think I've messed up. I think my body is saving calories and conserving energy. I got dizzy after my run last night. I'm not feeding my body enough. I think I've been doing this the stupid way because I've been so conditioned to think weight loss involves eating as close to 1200 calories/day as possible. I want to do this the right way. I want to do this in a way that isn't going to cause me to hit a wall and give up. So, if that means no more 4 pound loss weeks, that's fine. If that means I have to cram peanut butter down my throat to get in at least half of my exercise calories, then that's fine too. I'm going to do this the right way -- the healthy way.
    When my body began to do this I switched things up a bit.Its called cycling .One day eat 1200 calories and exercise for an hour.The next day eat 1400 calories and exercise for 1 hour and a half.My doctor told me my body is not going to go into starvation mode just because I am on a 1200 calorie diet each day.And the reason behind that is because I am obese or overweight whatever you want to call it.If you have more than 100 pounds to lose trust me your body is not going to go into starvation mode this is via info from my MD.You have to do what you think is right but don't start eating more calories just because another forum on here or another person told you had to in order to continue losing.You don't have to listen to me but I have been down your road and I am fighting to get those 20 pounds back off that I gained back because I listened to others telling me to eat more.As you lose weight and get closer to your goal then add some more calories to your diet.The idea is to make your body use the stored fat thats why my doctor told me stay around 1200 to 1400 calories a day and I will see results especially if I am exercsing hardcore.I hope this helps I am not trying to lecture you on what to do but I have been there before.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I understand that the same rules don't applie to people who have a ton of weight to lose. But I also understand that I'm working out harder than ever and eating 1200 calories most days and the weight isn't coming off. I've lost very little in the last 3 weeks or so. If I'm already at a 1000 calorie deficit every day before I even exercise, I don't think eating a few hundred more calories is going to hurt. As long as they're *healthy* calories (ie - not stuffing my face with ice cream and potato chips just because I ran for 30 minutes that day), I think it's a pretty good idea.

    This plateau is exactly what happened to me last time I tried to lose weight. I sat there for over a month and then gave up. I'm not going to give up this time, but I am going to try to switch things up to see if I can jolt my body into giving up the weight again. If I burn 800 calories one day, I'll eat 200-300 more that day. If I burn 300 calories, I'll eat 100 or so more that day, etc. I'll still be maintaining a 1000+ calorie deficit. I'm going to see if it works for me. I've read it's worked for an awful lot of people here and other places so I think it's worth a shot. Of course, it's a personal decision that I've made for myself at this time but I do appreciate your advice and concern!

    Oh, and I think the main reason I started thinkg about this is being so dizzy after my runs. That was a signal to me that my body isn't getting the nutrients/calories it needs to function.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So I lost 2 pounds...and I am proud that I am actually losing weight again.

    242 last week 240 this week

    0.84% weight loss!

    Also, I got a really cute dress at nordstroms last night (my friends and I went shopping for our works holiday party ) I wasn't even looking for a dress, but it was like fate, and total opposite of what I usually wear...I will try to post a pic of me in it for you guys!! How do you post pics in here?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I understand that the same rules don't applie to people who have a ton of weight to lose. But I also understand that I'm working out harder than ever and eating 1200 calories most days and the weight isn't coming off. I've lost very little in the last 3 weeks or so. If I'm already at a 1000 calorie deficit every day before I even exercise, I don't think eating a few hundred more calories is going to hurt. As long as they're *healthy* calories (ie - not stuffing my face with ice cream and potato chips just because I ran for 30 minutes that day), I think it's a pretty good idea.

    This plateau is exactly what happened to me last time I tried to lose weight. I sat there for over a month and then gave up. I'm not going to give up this time, but I am going to try to switch things up to see if I can jolt my body into giving up the weight again. If I burn 800 calories one day, I'll eat 200-300 more that day. If I burn 300 calories, I'll eat 100 or so more that day, etc. I'll still be maintaining a 1000+ calorie deficit. I'm going to see if it works for me. I've read it's worked for an awful lot of people here and other places so I think it's worth a shot. Of course, it's a personal decision that I've made for myself at this time but I do appreciate your advice and concern!

    Oh, and I think the main reason I started thinkg about this is being so dizzy after my runs. That was a signal to me that my body isn't getting the nutrients/calories it needs to function.
    Well if you are getting dizzy than yes eat a bit more.I don't know how much weight you need to lose but like I said in my last post I have about 100 pounds to lose so I know I am not going to starve.LOL!!! I didn't want to come off like you should do it this way and I hope it didn't come of that way.I was just offering some advice from personal experiences.But it sounds like you totally have a plan figured out and thats GREAT!!! I hope you start losing some more weight this week.GOOD LUCK!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Well if you are getting dizzy than yes eat a bit more.I don't know how much weight you need to lose but like I said in my last post I have about 100 pounds to lose so I know I am not going to starve.LOL!!! I didn't want to come off like you should do it this way and I hope it didn't come of that way.I was just offering some advice from personal experiences.But it sounds like you totally have a plan figured out and thats GREAT!!! I hope you start losing some more weight this week.GOOD LUCK!!!

    Thanks! You didn't come off preachy or anything and I really do appreciate your advice and support!

    I've been peeing my life away today, though, so we'll see what I weigh in the morning. If it's good, I'll stick with what I've been doing (but I'll start adding an extra protein/carb snack before my runs) until it stops working.

    Thanks again! I really do appreciate you! :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am checking in

    Calories: Yes, 1600
    Exercise: 55 mins, burned 600 calories
    Water: Yes, about 98 ounces

    I am proud, because I had a couple of emotional situations come up that made me want to eat and I chose to be very careful as you can see by my cals and exercise .:happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello everyone ...been a busy day..

    cals i think are good today, haven't entered them in.

    I have been wondering about exercise calories, so thanks for all the inputs. I usally don't touch my exercise calories...I have 145 lbs more to loose:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: so thinking i won't go into starvation....i usally stay aroun1500...some days gone over.

    My weight had gone down today so that was good....maybe it will be back down to waht it was last week tomorrow.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in:
    calories: good, 1400 ... that leaves me 200 more for a small snack yet tonight ... I will make a good choice
    exercise: none :grumble:
    proud: good food choices
    water: not good ... I'm at only 16 oz. so far ... I'll drink more yet, but won't get to 64 today

    jlb123: I know there is tons of debate about eating exercise calories or not. I think it comes down to figuring out what will work for you at the moment (which might change from time to time too) ... everyone's body is different. For myself, if I'm not eating enough calories I get too hungry and want to quit ... but I spend too much time on the other end too - eating all my exercise calories and not losing. I think for me it has to be a happy medium ... eating some of my exercise calories so I don't feel deprived - but not eating them all, especially if I've had a particularly high exercise day. Hope that helps, good luck! I'm also of the opinion that plateaus are our bodies way of adjusting to our new weight in stages ... at least for me it seems like I can lose for a few weeks, then stay the same for a few weeks, etc. I think the trick for me is to try not to gain during those plateaus ... unfortunately I'm working on re-losing 3 pounds now.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Sorry it took me so long to weight in. The scale is telling me I gained 2 pounds this week. I of course had a terrible day of self loathing, and horrible eating to "celebrate" my gain. I am done feeling sorry for myself, and will be back on track tomorrow.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good for you Jenn, You have been doing so well and it is great that you are able to get right back on track. I tend to have too many cheat days and it shows with my usual .4 pounds. My body seems to love that number.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: Hrm... bf started in on me about getting Mexican food the second I stepped in the door tonight. He won. :laugh: I ate half a spinach burrito & half a cheese enchilada. And pretty much way too much guacamole. I ate very well earlier so I'm probably still under 2000 calories for today. It's the sodium that's gonna get me. :ohwell:
    Exercise: 20 minutes on the stationary bike so far. I may hop on for another 30 minutes. I may not.
    Water: Over 100 ounces.
    Proud: Oh, I guess that I didn't order any queso with dinner. Dinner could've easily been a lot worse. :wink: It's the first excessive meal I've had in well over a month so I don't feel bad about it at all and I don't feel like I've gone off track or anything. I've got my long walk with the dogs at the canal planned already for tomorrow morning. :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I posted a couple more pictures of myself on my profile. One's from May 31, 2008 when I adopted my 2nd grey Kid. The other is from yesterday. I can't believe I can actually see a difference! :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Checkd out your pics...you do look great!!!!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    great and busy day.

    calories: under 1104
    exersice: yes
    water: yes
    proud of: We went out to dinner tonight and I only had half my meal and brought the rest home. Now that I put in the numbers I could have had the whole dinner.

    It is midnight and so I will eat the rest for luch tomorrow. Have a great weekend. I will be in class again for 8 hours for C.E.R.T. so I will check in tomorrow night to find out the challenge.

    You all have a great weekend.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I'm just getting to post my stats from yesterday:

    Calories: 1250
    exercise: yes - zumba
    water: 48oz
    proud of: making time for myself and getting to the gym
  • Hello everyone!
    I am in a super good mood bcuz I just weighed myself and I weighed 237.6..down from 240 the last tme I recorded it on here...but since it is not weigh in time I am not logging it on here...it is the weekend and I am going to be watching a marching band competition for 5 hours...so stadium food for dinner...I prob come back and go to the gym and work it off to make me feel better. For some reason I have become a calorie counting Nazi....When I feel I have eaten too many calories in one sitting I feel gross and I feel the need to go to the gym and sweat it off...is that bad...I think for right now it is ok but I don't want to get too outta hand.
    My mom had had the lapband surgery and she lost 103lbs in a yr I am very proud of her and I am getting anxious to lose weight cuz she now fits in my clothes....She probably is my main motivation. We don't get along very well and I hope this might help bring us closer, kind of lose weight together.
    ~Sorry for any grammar errors :)
    You all have a good day!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OMG jlb a HUGE DIFFERENCE in your pics! You go, girl! And it's REALLY important that you notice the difference. :happy:

    Macurry - Be careful with the obsession - when I was anorexic I obsessed with working out after every meal. My thoughts would race in my head that whatever I ate was too much. Keeping track of your calorie intake is the best way to go. I noticed you wrote "when I 'feel' I have eaten too many..." When you feel this way, try to write down what you ate and see it for what it is worth. It may not have been as bad as you think. This is just a suggestion - I am not a doctor! :tongue:

    So my stats from yesterday were OK. I noticed I did not get in my water. I am almost to 8 glasses today so I feel better about it.

    Stats today:

    cals: under but I planned for more since I am going to a party tonight.
    exercise: none
    water: 8 glasses! :happy:
    proud: that I am back on the horse
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lstpaul - thank you for the words of encouragement and the advice. I thought 9 was questionable, too! :grumble: I never thought about taking my measurements - I think I will do that tomorrow. I WANT to get back on that scale today to see what it reads, but with my past so shaky with obsessing I am going to force myself to not weigh today and to just keep looking forward. Not easy for me, because I can slip right into obsession REALLY fast. I am grateful I found this group - you are all so wonderful and supportive! I hope I can be the same for you all. :heart:
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