Who is 5'1-5'2



  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently weight 199.4 lbs, yikes it is very scary to see that in writing :( When I started MFP a week ago I was 205 and I am consuming 1300 calories and working out every day (1800 calories with my exercise calories). I am completely embarrassed and humiliated that I look like this. I haven't told a single person I know that I am doing MFP, seems like when I tell people what I am trying to do, I put too much stress on myself to lose lots of weight because people are always watching me and I fail SO BIG. So trying something new here and so far so good. I really enjoy the community posts, they are extremely helpful and everyone is so pleasant, it's nice.

    yeah Im right up there too, it is a hard pill to swallow being 209lbs *as of now started out 214!!! eeeek!!! Anyway, whenever I think " this exercise hurts!!" and want to wuss out at the gym I say no being 209 hurts!!! keep going!! LOL!!

    anyway, Im 5'2

    SW: 214
    CW: 209
    GW: 145 ( Im pretty muscular due to martial arts training in the past and always have had bigger calves and thicker muscular arms and Im okay with that :D)

    I feel that 145 looked/felt great on me so that is what Im going for now, perhaps I will pick a new goal when I get there :D only time will tell! Right now I would just be THRILLED to get under 180lbs again! * havent seen that number in ten years, so that is a start!

    I am nursing still so I get about: 1870 calories a day and usually after a heavy lifting/ cardio workout I earn 2100 or so but usually am 300 or 400 under my goal, its just sooooo much to eat! uuuggghhh LOL

    about clean eating, the thing I am weaning myself off of is sugar. I only have a lil in my morning coffee, and drink a diet soda on occasion * use to get those huuuge mc donald dr peppers for a buck!! at LEAST two times a week! eeewwweeee... diabetes runs in my fam so I figure it best to cut it out just in case. even tho I been tested already and was neg. better to be safe than sorry!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I am 5'1" I started at 201 and am now down to 179.8 I would like to get down to somewhere between 115 and 125
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I'm 5'3.5-5'4 and my goal is 105.
  • JeceCanDoIt
    JeceCanDoIt Posts: 26 Member
    5'2 1/2" and I've been maintaining 135 lbs for a couple months now consuming 1800-2200 cal a day (YES U READ CORRECTLY, read my diary lol). However, I will soon start carb cycling and cutting for vacation in August so I'm dropping down to 1500-1800 cal/day. I perform regular HIIT cardio (sprint/rest) and weight train 4-5 days/week. Weekends are off or light workouts OUTSIDE of the gym =)

    I don't have a goal weight, I have a goal size, body wise. That's what really counts.

    Follow me @ JuiceyJece on Twitter and/or Instagram. I love to help others! Upload workouts, recipes, and progress photos regularly!
  • JenniferRT66
    JenniferRT66 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5' 1.75", started at 164, now I'm about 121, which I have been maintaining for a few months. I don't really have a goal weight in mind at the moment; instead I'm thinking more about body composition. I'd like to burn some last lingering belly fat and add some muscle mass. I'm not going to totally eliminate cardio, since I enjoy several activities (Leslie Sansone walk at home, step aerobics, outdoor walking, and bike rides), but I'm going to add more strength training. Just have to work on the diet part and what / how much to eat to obtain the results I want.
  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    I'm 5'1" and I'm currently floating between 113-116lbs. It's skinny fat though, and I'm an athlete (cheerleading and track) so I'm working to turn it into muscle. With that being said I might not exactly drop pounds, but I will drop inches. Hopefully though I can get into the 105-110lbs range.
    I take in about 1200 calories a day, it's hard for me to up them but I've been trying to do that.
    As for clean eating, if it's got ingredients that you can't pronounce or don't know what they are - it's not all that clean. Eat close to the earth and less processed food.
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey I am 5'2" as well.

    Heaviest was 169, currently I am back and forth between 135 and 137. My goal weight is 125. It used it be 135 but I am around that now and still have a bunch of fat to lose and am still unhappy with the way I look.

    I usually eat around 1,400 - 1,800 depending on my workout for the day. I try and eat between my BMR and TDEE so that's like 1,400 - 1,600 but if I have a good workout I let myself eat a lil more.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Who is 5'1-5'2? What is your weight goal? How many calories do you take in? For clean eaters what foods do you eliminat

    *raises hand* 5'1" here. My starting weight was 276, and my current weight is 192. My goal is around 150, but I will see how that feels if/when I get there. I have my calories set right now to 1360 daily, but I tend to try and zigzag them a little day to day, mostly staying under my weekly limit. This seems to work best for me, although I may try upping my calories a little with EMTWL and see how that works out.

    I pretty much don't eat fried foods at ALL. Not even because they are bad necessarily, I know they can be fine in moderation, but just because I honestly no longer enjoy them. I also try to eat as few processed foods as possible. I also stopped drinking soda around 7 years ago, and don't miss it at ALL. I pretty much only drink water, tea, and coffee, and very occasionally some almond or coconut milk (or an almond/coconut milk blend that I am currently in LOVE with lol).
  • sunshineshica
    I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 120 but I'm noticing a good amount of you wanting your goal weights to be like 100-115. seems so small to me. I'm thinking, am I supposed to be around that size as well? I couldn't tell you if I've ever in my adult/teen life been that size. I have a small frame. I don't have big hips,booty or legs. So the smaller I get the smaller everything else on me will get smaller. *shrugs* different strokes for different folks I guess
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I'm 5'1...and currently at 150...As someone else said, I am trying to take it day by day and make sure I make it a lifestyle change. I'd really like to be around 120-130. I'm a munchkin, but have kind of a muscular build from swimming and such.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
  • tar2284
    tar2284 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'2 and just started. I am 44 and weigh 186. No excuses, just poor eating choices. I am at 1400 cal a day and so far, so good. I have just been trying to add vegetables to EVERYTHING and make smart choices. I lso try to go on a bike ride or walk everyday. As long as I load up on veggies and drink water (no more soda) I feel pretty good at the end of the day. Thinking of healthy snacks are my hardest choice. Any suggestions?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I am 5'2" and my heighest weight ever was 185lbs - Quite a few years ago...My starting weight on here in January 2012 was 169lbs but right now I am doing a Metabolism Reset b/c of eating VLCD for so many years and wasn't losing any weight on here doing it either...Right now I am eating 2029 cals/day until my CUT in 3 more weeks...Then I will be eating around 1725 cals/day...I am a part of the EM2WL group and thank goodness I found out about the reset b/c I was frantic with exercising and eating VLC and not losing anything at all...UGH, so frustrating!! Right now I am at 165lbs and holding steady...I can't wait for my CUT to start!!

    Good luck to all of you fellow 'shorties' - We CAN do this!!!! :)

    ETA: My goal weight is 130lbs right now...Ultimate goal may be 120lbs...I am also lifting so as long as I am toned - Even at 135-140lbs I would be happy - As long as it is muscle and not fat anymore. I also gave up any soda, most of my sugars, fast foods, juices - I drink water now all of the time and I used to hate water before!! I haven't given up much really b/c I believe everything in moderation really...

    I would also be so happy once I fit into single digit size pants again...That is my main goal - So I can throw away all of my 10's through 14's....YAY!!! Soon, I hope!!
  • ThatsNotMine
    ThatsNotMine Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5ft 1in and my highest weight was around 140 (I wasn't weighing myself very much at the time). Like some of the others, my goal is body fat percentage based, as well as body measurement based.

    110lbs is my rough goal. Right now I'm about 120.

    Back in the day, when I played sports, ran, etc...I was 117 and LEAN like a mofo so I'm not sweating the scale so much these days.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    5'2" Currently eating 1672 (BMR). I eat back exercise calories if I need them. SW 216 CW 205. I'd KILL for some of the SW around here!!!!!!!! My first goal is to get from Obese to Overweight (163) and my second goal is 148-140. I weighed 112 20 years ago - no butt, no boobs, no thanks. I have larger bones (I'm not just saying that, my wrists are BIG) so I'm shooting for the 140's.
  • hmoore202
    hmoore202 Posts: 15
    I encourage those with less than 15 lb to lose to increase your calories. The less body fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get off. You basically have to coax the fat off lol. Its a slow process and I'm still working on it, but definitely eating more (and heavy lifting) and made the most dramatic change in my body in the last year.

    agreed 100%

    I agree as well. I am 5'1'' and consume anywhere from 1500-1700 calories a day. I weight lift 3x times a week, cardio 3x a week, boot camp and cardio kickboxing classes 1x a week each and yoga at least 2x a week if not more (im in training to be a yoga instructor). With this level of activity, i find it necessary to eat 5x a day ( three small meals and two snacks) in order to keep my metabolism going and to fight off fatigue. Feeding the body is the most important part of successful and permanent weight loss. I try to eat something every three hours throughout the day. I cut out most refined sugars and only get sugar from natural sources like dairy, come veggies and fruit. I also eat a high lean protein diet (fish, boneless skinless chicken breast, turkey, eggs, protein shakes) combined with healthy fats (natural peanut butter, almonds, avocado,olive oil) and whole grains/slow digesting carbs (sweet potatoes, quinoa, oatmeal, Kashi Go Lean, Joseph's pita bread and whole wheat wraps). I have also cut out all condiments except mustard and i put salsa on everything. I have found that bwn 123-126lbs is a healthy sustainable weight for me, but i am more concerned with total inches lost than what the scales says, as it is not an accurate measure of overall body fat lost. I'm a size 4/6 and i'm happy with that. I am naturally curvy and i have found that weightlifting has helped to re-shape my body to look exactly the way that i want it to. I feel better now than i did 10 yrs ago in high school.
  • misskre8ive
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    I'm 5'2" & right now at 152. I weighed 110 until my late 30's when I had my last bio. child ( we have an adopted 5 yr. old daughter). I lost 25 lbs. 2 yrs. ago, but gained it back within 6 mo. I am determined this time to change my way of eating & what I eat. I do like my red wine in the evenings & won't cut that out. I want to weigh 125 & at my age 55 that is probably a healthy weight. If your young you could go lower. The old rule of weight when I was growing up was at 5' you should weigh 100 lbs. & add 5lbs. for every additional lb.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm 5'1". And athletically built. Medium to small frame.
    My current weight is 158.4, and I've been fighting this battle since 2007, when my original starting weight was 232.
    My unofficial goal is 120. But right now, I'd like to just get down to a healthy BMI weight (137, I think) and go from there. I would like to see what is maintainable.

    edited to add that I currently eat about 1200 calories a day, and only consume my exercise calories on the weekends.
  • Cutiecheergirl69
    I'm at 118- I started at 127 a few months ago...but my goal weight is 98!