What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    Bending over in public to pick something up or get something and you didnt realize half of your entire *kitten* was displayed to all surrounding shoppers.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I was walking down the street after dropping my son off at school, wearing a red shirt, when someone leaned out the window of their house and shouted "Hey, Kool-Aid!" and a bunch of people in the house laughed, as well as two people walking on the other side of the street. I was so humiliated, I refused to wear red for almost 10 years. I still don't feel quite comfortable in it...

    well you are looking pretty fab in your red and black profile skimpy :)
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    I've had a lot of them. The pants ripping out, just recently actually a size 2 VP saying something about the pants I was wearing and I get a "Well, maybe if they were bigger..." and they were 2 sizes bigger than I wear, the taking before pictures in my underwear and being absolutely mortified even after months of working out and losing 20 lbs, the photos you see that you're tagged in of what you really look like on facebook, The asking of being pregnant when you're not, The seats at Fenway park or the movie theater or even airplanes being tight and worrying about fitting. Amusement park close calls. The big blood pressure cuff at the dr's office. Still every time I go. I've had it all. But the thing that stands out the most in my memory is actually the feeling I remember when I was probably 10 years old a few years before my father passed away and him not being able to go on an amusement park Zipper ride with me because he was too big. I just remember feeling so bad for him. Actually, thanks for reminding me why exactly I am doing this!!
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Anytime I put on a bikini.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I was walking down the street after dropping my son off at school, wearing a red shirt, when someone leaned out the window of their house and shouted "Hey, Kool-Aid!" and a bunch of people in the house laughed, as well as two people walking on the other side of the street. I was so humiliated, I refused to wear red for almost 10 years. I still don't feel quite comfortable in it...

    well you are looking pretty fab in your red and black profile skimpy :)

    Hah, thank you! I'm slowly getting over it. ;)
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    I had a similar experience, only it wasn't a boy that I liked. More it was one that I was terrified of. I got picked on, constantly. I wasn't really that fat (well...5'6" at 185 lbs was kind of big for a Sophmore), but in my school, there were very few people who were chubby at all so we all got grilled. I was REALLY shy so it made it worse. This one jerk wrestler made it his personal mission to humiliate me every day. He'd call me names (almost always fat-girl related) in class and taunt me (he was older, you would think he'd know better). One day he tripped me in the hall during a 5 minute passing time. TRIPPED ME. I had books in my hands that went flying. I fell hard, books everywhere and tried not to cry, but the tears fell anyway. Some people laughed, but a few people helped me get up and get my books together.

    My only consolation (and I know this is petty) is that he came to school the next day with a black eye and avoided me like I had the plague. I found out later my sisters friend had given him a taste of his own medicine and told him to leave me alone. :-)
  • GAbutterfly82
    GAbutterfly82 Posts: 10 Member
    - A coworker asking me how the baby was - mistaking me for someone who'd just given birth the week prior and was still on maternity leave.
    - A Christmas dinner with old friends from high school, and outweighting them all by at least 30-40 lbs.
    - Being told by my Daddy, "you've gained some weight, haven't you?"
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    wow I read this and thought..."mmmm I don't remember writing thi"s...!! you're story sounds exactly like mine...except it was a guy not a girl LOL
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    1) being asked when I was due... never been pregnant in my life
    2) my BFF's 7 year old just came out one day and said "Heather you're fat" WTF??
    3) walking with my hubby and his brother at the Ice Fields (I live in Canada) and couldnt walk up a minor hill to get there without huffing and puffing so loudly that people were looking at me wondering if I was gonna croak (I turned around and didnt actually go see the Ice Fields as I was too embarrassed)
    4) **And the Number 1 most embarrassing fat moment** ........
    *I was in a Zellers bathroom stall umm doing ummm number...2 and when I went to go wipe....I couldnt reach because the stalls were so tiny....like really skinny stalls so that the door would hit the front of the toilet seat when you opened it. I managed/stuggled but barely. I sat there and cried and cried.
  • PLeeChow
    PLeeChow Posts: 2
    I was going to a party and before I got in the person said I didn't need to scan since I was pregnant...
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I was at my brother's wedding wearing a size XXL indigo formal cocktail tube dress with an adjustable tie at the back that my body had a hard time getting in. The gown was actually too tight on me from the start but then I still bought it because it was the biggest one that the shops have. Anyway back to the story, I was getting late already but still had the hell of a time trying to fit in with the gown that I eventually broke the zipper that was on the butt part. Then I asked someone to help me get some safety pins to put everything in place. Then as we approached the reception, I got out of the cab in a hurry as I needed to hand out the programme to my other brother who was the emcee. Then as I was on my way to my brother, suddenly I heard a crack then I felt something pricky. Turned out that it was the safety pins that got broke up because it couldn't hold my gown anymore & not to mention that the butt area where the broken zipper is was wide open that everybody saw it & even pointed the thong that I was wearing underneath. I felt like I wanted to disappear on that moment :embarassed:
  • Sitting down on the toilet and having the seat break. If that wasn't bad enough the crack in the seat pinched my *kitten* cheek hard enough it started to bleed. This has happened to me twice now. But I think the toilet seats had a structural defect. Feel free to point and laugh :-)
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I was training with other students in my kung fu class. Other guy tries to throw me and misses, but I fall to one knee. And break the floor on impact. And this was a floor designed to take the abuse of people jumping and down on it. I never forgot that moment.

    I made sure no one ever was able to throw me again.
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    My sister (who weights 100 pounds literally) and I were driving down the vard in our town. It's kind of a thing for people to hit on each other on the vard. Some guys were yelling at us in our car from theirs trying to hit on her, and I looked over and one of them said "Not you, the hot one!". That was like 6 years ago and I still think about it sometimes.
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    It was a long time ago, but I asked this guy out in school and he said no. I asked him why, he said I was homely. I told him I didn't know what that meant so he gave me a dictionary to look it up, and then told me that I was also too fat and that the only cows he needed in his life were on his farm.

    Homely: (of a person) Unattractive in appearance.

    That was the first and last time I EVER asked a guy out.

    I do not know you, but I got tears in my eyes when I read this, and can only hope in words more acceptable, Karma has made him regret what he said to you. My most embarrassing moment is when the plane is ready to take off and the stewardess walks around to check if people have their seat belts on,mine would not fit without cutting into me. I tried to fake it like it did but the stewardess handed me a belt extension without me asking for one. OUCH I took it turning 10 shades of red.
  • kbolin
    kbolin Posts: 4
    Interesting enough, mine was also a roller coaster that I didn't fit in at King's Dominion. I can't remember what it is called, but it is indoor and goes 0-70 in less than 3 seconds. I loved it when I was growing up, but when I was 22 I didn't fit in it. I didn't take a lot of time trying to fit, I knew it wasn't gonna happen the moment I sat down. I just cried.

    Is this roller coast in cincinnati- Kings Island? they have one- its called "Outer Limits"
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
  • mrsfickle
    mrsfickle Posts: 34 Member
    The day before my wedding in October 2000, I was getting a manicure at a spa with my bridal party. The salon was in an old mansion with anitque furniture- when it was my turn I sat "carefully" and broke the chair. I was mortified and then had to endure an hour of the manicurist describe in detail how AMAZING her dress was (size 0, of course) and how EVERYONE told her what a beautiful bride she was. I cried.

    On a the train at a Halloween event at our local zoo (with our 3 year-old son), I got to listen to a teenage volunteer remark loudly to the other volunteers that she 'wondered how I fit in the train car' and how she hoped someone would 'shoot her if she ever got that big'.

    When buying a new vehicle, the salesperson told me that the model I was looking at was 'not the vehicle for me' because he couldn't see me 'squeezing into that car comfortably'...I just turned and left.

    Then there was the boss that told me I was not allowed to wear shorts like the other thin staff because it turned customers off from eating. Then a close friend's spouse threw a volleyball at my breasts at a picnic after he joked the tires on my side of the car were flat. There were the remarks made by women in the grocery store, teachers,and other parents. Apparently, I was so enormous that perfect strangers felt compelled to make snide comments and remarks.

    I weighed 398 pounds in 2001. I lost over 140 pounds and kept it off for more than 10 years! I joined MFP in Feb 2012, after slowly gaining 40 pounds back with the goal in mind to lose the ALL of the remaining weight to be at a healthy BMI and to finally be free! I am halfway to my GOAL dream weight!!!

    Yesterday I fit into the smallest size jeans I have ever owned...I wore them for 2 hours in 80 degree heat! I was so excited (and yes, I cried). And I would also like to say that I am nice to everyone regardless of size!!!!!
  • mrsfickle
    mrsfickle Posts: 34 Member
    I'll share another story since I've gotten a lot of feedback.

    I've always been SUPER tall for my age. When I was 5, I was 4"5, when I was 11, I was 5"8, and now I'm 23 and 5"11. At school they always did an annual height and weight check in the P.E class. I remember being 5 and I towered over ALL the kids. When I was waiting in line to get weighed, all the boys were saying things to me like, " I bet you're gonna weight over 100 pounds." Or they would say," Let's get weighed first b/c she'll break the scale." I started crying in line. I knew I was big. My mom cooked but she believed in having 2nd's. Plus we ate fast food at least 4 days a week.(needless to say both of my parents were big too). When it was my turn to get on the scale the PE coach just looked at me and said I was 95lbs. I was 5! That's way too big for a 5 year old. So what made it worse is the kids really weren't too far from the truth when they said they bet I'd be over 100 lbs. Shoot, at that rate, I was probably over 100 lbs by the end of that year.

    I don't have children, but when I do I'm definitely going to teach them healthy eating habits. My parents didn't care that I was big. They always bragged at how good a eater I was. I can't blame them though. They were both raised eating everything fried and with lots of grease.

    Happened to me too...being weighed in front of all of the girls in my 7th grade class. The nurse wrote the weight down and the doctor said 'obese'. I didn't know what that meant so I went home and looked it up and cried!
  • stegs1983
    stegs1983 Posts: 11
    Mine has to be when my 75 year old grandmother looked at me and asked, "Just how big are your boobs getting." Thanks grandma! If you look quick, you'll get to see that my *kitten* grew too :)