Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    You ever had very bad menstrual cramps where the pain goes down to your legs and makes you where you can hardly move and the pain is so bad you're going to vomit? I assume not since you're male, try to talk of something you know of before saying its a sign of being lazy.

    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses.

    In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.

    You don't have a uterus, therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Hit the bricks.
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    So.... Jumping jacks in between bouts of vomiting right?

  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    Unless you have a vagina, your input is absolutely irrelevant to the topic of this discussion.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Has anybody else noticed that the OP just...vanished...?

    Starting to get the feeling we may have all inadvertently fed some trolls...

    I was kind of thinking the same thing!
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    You ever had very bad menstrual cramps where the pain goes down to your legs and makes you where you can hardly move and the pain is so bad you're going to vomit? I assume not since you're male, try to talk of something you know of before saying its a sign of being lazy.

    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses. In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.
    but some people's ability to go past a certain amount of pain is also different from everyone else. there are a lot of factors that go on with a period, not just cramps and blood flow and some mood changes. There's pain and tenderness in the breasts, changing of body temperature, nausea that can really make you feel like you're about to vomit at any moment, pain that literally stops you in your tracks, a lot of things. If its a life and death situation like a burning building those things might hinder you but you'd do your best to get out, but in terms of exercising there's no problem with saying, my cycle started so I don't feel like it.
  • nucreeman
    nucreeman Posts: 40
    I'm not totally at the point I want to be, where I can take focus off myself, an put it on others. Don't know if I'll ever be there because there's always room for improvement in some aspect.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    For real. Exercise helps with cramps anyways.

    Depends on the individual. It doesn't help when the pain is so bad and down your legs and immobilizes you, you can't get up then, and then there is the vomiting.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    Lol! This is best reply in the whole thread.

    Oh, except for the one about golf ball sized blood blobs falling out of you.

    Don't say blood blobs! That's FAR too candid!

    Lol. Yes, out of all the posts in this topic, I've made it so unbearably gross we have to end the thread.
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    You ever had very bad menstrual cramps where the pain goes down to your legs and makes you where you can hardly move and the pain is so bad you're going to vomit? I assume not since you're male, try to talk of something you know of before saying its a sign of being lazy.

    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses.

    In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.

    You don't have a uterus, therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Hit the bricks.

    Ehhh, guys can be in pain too? Just because it doesn't come from a uterus doesn't mean it's not relevant. This is essentially a thread about making excuses, and believe me - men do that just as much as women.
  • Didn't the person who posted this "rant" specify she dislikes when TOM is made an EXCUSE? If you have severe cramps or have a heavy flow and are keeled over throwing up, then I don't believe you fall into the category of it being an excuse... it's more like an actual reason, que no? Some people take things so literal. Seriously.. she is probably talking about someone who just didn't want to go to the gym or bike riding and said they were on their TOM to get out of it...... Deep breaths, people!
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    You ever had very bad menstrual cramps where the pain goes down to your legs and makes you where you can hardly move and the pain is so bad you're going to vomit? I assume not since you're male, try to talk of something you know of before saying its a sign of being lazy.

    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses.

    In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.

    You don't have a uterus, therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Hit the bricks.
    I really feel like only a certain group of women who have really dealt with the extreme pain and psychotic mood swings that a period can bring can talk about it. menstrual pain is different than other injuries/pains (as a sort of athlete I can attest to this) even my worst sprain, or twist, or hairline fracture paled in comparison to a uterus cramp. but women in general have all experienced different things related to the period so i dont see why men would be talking on this thread.
  • This annoys me on so many levels. But I think it was supposed to?

    Either way, who bikes on their period? That is the last thing I would want to do... tampon or not!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    Unless you have a vagina, your input is absolutely irrelevant to the topic of this discussion.

    Unless it's something funny.
    but some people's ability to go past a certain amount of pain is also different from everyone else. there are a lot of factors that go on with a period, not just cramps and blood flow and some mood changes. There's pain and tenderness in the breasts, changing of body temperature, nausea that can really make you feel like you're about to vomit at any moment, pain that literally stops you in your tracks, a lot of things. If its a life and death situation like a burning building those things might hinder you but you'd do your best to get out, but in terms of exercising there's no problem with saying, my cycle started so I don't feel like it.

    Dont forget the pooping yourself.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.

    Rant over.

    My best friend used to get cramps so intense she was physically incapable of moving, her entire body would lock up. She use to pass out when she did manage to get up and move around.

    I think you're being a touch judgmental. What other women do or don't do while on the rag doesn't actually effect you.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm sorry, when I said the words "it's called being a lady" I didn't realize you weren't one and apparently don't care to be, but your disgusting language and impolite behavior have have let me know quite clearly. Please excuse me. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that I was speaking with the High Authority on Being A Lady. Nor did I realise that Being A Lady was a prerequisite for frequenting fora. Nor did I realise that using words like vagina precluded Being A Lady. All of these things that I'm learning! So I suppose I'll just go put on my apron and bake my man some cookies for when he gets back from the office? Or maybe you know of some children who need looking after? I don't have any of my own, because I don't conform to your 1950s ideal of Being A Lady, but you betcha once Mr. Husband is finished doing manly things, we'll get right on that.

    Anything else you think I should be doing with my life? Maybe cleaning something? I have a fair bit of education, so I might have to bang my head off some walls to get myself to the correct standard, but I wouldn't worry - after reading your comments, banging my head off things is ALL I want to do.

    You are to feminism what bible thumping idiots are to the republican party.

  • nellyfb
    nellyfb Posts: 8 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.

    Rant over.

    Your TOM, I guess. See? Hormones can also make people more *****y than usual so how about letting everyone do what they want and mind your own TOM?

    ^ that's right mind your own TOM Haha!!
  • bumbledust
    bumbledust Posts: 22
    Don't you think there is always a caveat? Sometimes it's just implied. An example is, if someone says it's beneficial to lift weights, i am pretty sure people have enough common sense to not lift if they're injured.

    No, I don't think there was in this instance. Given her responses, it really does seem as though she believes her way is the best (or only) way. And that's kinda goofy.
    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses. In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.

    I entirely disagree with this. There -are- excuses, but there are also very valid reasons for making alternative choices (especially when talking about medical issues).

    Everyone feels like their problems are the worst in the world, because they are the ones experiencing it (and because people tend towards drama more often than not). But to say that no problems are worse than others is inaccurate... unless you're speaking from a philosophical system that believes that life is an illusion, and that you manifest your experiences (but that's another topic entirely).

    Even still... empathy, bro. Get some. :V
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    You ever had very bad menstrual cramps where the pain goes down to your legs and makes you where you can hardly move and the pain is so bad you're going to vomit? I assume not since you're male, try to talk of something you know of before saying its a sign of being lazy.

    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses. In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.

    Sorry but the worst cramps aren't even compare to a busted leg. I could work out on a busted leg but you can't workout when your whole lower half is tremendous pain to where you can't move and you're going to vomit. I'm sure even mine haven't been the worse, the worse I know some people have gotten are like labor pains. Guess a woman who is experience close to labor pains is just a whimp for not working out and looking for excuses.
  • pamfm
    pamfm Posts: 93 Member
    Didn't the person who posted this "rant" specify she dislikes when TOM is made an EXCUSE? If you have severe cramps or have a heavy flow and are keeled over throwing up, then I don't believe you fall into the category of it being an excuse...

    Well, not really, because she also claimed she gets the worst cramps ever, but never let it stop her from working out. So it's kind of implied that "the worst cramps ever" are no excuse for anything, ever.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    The OP is just saying, if you want to make excuses go ahead, just realize they're a sign of being lazy. If you want something you'll do it.

    You ever had very bad menstrual cramps where the pain goes down to your legs and makes you where you can hardly move and the pain is so bad you're going to vomit? I assume not since you're male, try to talk of something you know of before saying its a sign of being lazy.

    Kind of reminds me of when i was working out with a busted leg. Everyone has excuses.

    In reply to your other post "the worst cramps" reminds me of, "my problems are greater than yours" ordeal. We have all had problems and what not, no one's problems is greater than someone elses.

    You don't have a uterus, therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Hit the bricks.

    Ehhh, guys can be in pain too? Just because it doesn't come from a uterus doesn't mean it's not relevant. This is essentially a thread about making excuses, and believe me - men do that just as much as women.

    This isn't about general pain. This is about menstrual pain and everything else that accompanies menstruation, which by definition, men cannot experience or understand. Therefore, a man has no place in this discussion.
This discussion has been closed.