Calling All REAL animal lovers!!!



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    This is a quote, I can't see how OP will reason with it as an answer.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    From a fellow need to learn very quickly how to separate your personal feelings and beliefs from your subject matter. Especially if you plan to publish. There will always be plenty of people that disagree with you. If you are going to lose sleep over it you should consider a different career path.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Not a fact, an opinion -- many people get sick to their stomach at the mere thought of eating another animal's flesh. You're obviously too ignorant to put up a good argument, so you go to the typical meat-eater response -- "it tastes good so YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID." there are plenty reasons for teens not to have sex -- would it be a valid argument if they said "BUT IT FEELS GOOD SO YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID! HAH!"
    He's just derailing the thread because of the absurdity; the point is that people are going to eat meat so there's no point in trying to convince others not to, whether that's your intent or not. And also I don't really think anyone has any right to tell others how to live their life so long as they're being safe and such, but it can be OK to make light suggestions of caution.

    Anyway, as a meat eater I dislike how animals are treated, especially the ones that are going to be my food. I mean, it always really disheartens me when something bad happens to a cat, but I'm pretty sickened by the way in which chicken are kept. It's disgusting and makes me worry a lot about catching something from eating the meat. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to keep eating it (though if someday I make a lot of money and am able to upgrade to all local organic I will), but I would really like for it to become an industry standard wherein farmers are instead forced to keep animals in reasonable conditions and in such that they don't have to maim them to keep them from killing each other. Chickens get their beaks cut off and are fed through a funnel that's shoved down their throat. Groooossssss ...

    I think the above is really a matter of our own health.
  • To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    This is not valid.
  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    1.) quote is irrelevant
    2.) quote has to do with massive reproduction, not superiority. If higher population = superior, bacteria are way more superior than humans.
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    This is a quote, I can't see how OP will reason with it as an answer.

    Just trying to clear some of the OP misconceptions :)
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    Did you not see the recent news? You know, of the man that was shot 6 times whilst eating another man's face?
    Alright, then, tell me this -- all true carnivores, along with much larger canines than ours, also have an instinct to kill. Every time you see a squirrel hop past you, is your first instinct to chase after it, tear it apart with your bear hands and canines and pick it clean off its bones?
  • To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    This is a quote, I can't see how OP will reason with it as an answer.

    You're right. OP doesn't reason with unscientific arguments.
  • acal09
    acal09 Posts: 3
    BTW, if the killing of animals for eats is keeping you awake, then maybe you should take a walk outside and see other atrocities happening. Poverty, child hunger, drug abuse, uncureable diseases. There are alot of problems really one can lose sleep over. Not saying animal love isn't a noble cause but considering this is something that has been going on since the cave men time and something that a lot of other animals participate over too, maybe you should focus on real issues rather than telling others what to eat

    Hmm, I don't really care that much. As for uncurable diseases, I watched and held my father's hand a few months ago as he died of cancer. I have a lot of other problems that I lose sleep over, but they mostly don't have to do with random people I don't care about. And if you could read, you'd see I said that this had nothing to do with vegetarianism.


    Started the thread with "I'm going out of my mind" and later said you needed, for your sanity, to hear other people say they love animals?

    I love my pets, have compassion for most animals, and generally am against senseless killing of them. I'm not going to pretend I love all animals equally, as I had to kill a roach just a couple hours ago when I get in today, and let's face it - while some pests/rodents potentially serve a purpose, they have also have plagued man for a long time. I also live in an area where management of wild-life is critical, and I have participated in shooting deer, birds, and other animals. I spent my childhood fishing, and have even used live worms as bait.

    I won't lose sleep over how chickens are raised, and all the atrocities that McDonald's has caused to them. I personally choose to eat fresh/local when possible, and free range/organic when I can. I don't judge people who enjoy mcnuggets, I use to devour them as a child, and definitely would never "lose my mind" over people not loving animals. You can't honestly tell me you love roaches, and are losing your sanity because some people don't love roaches?

    The OP had to be trolling, as this thread really serves no purpose, yet I still managed to spend a few minutes responding with my two cents...
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    1.) quote is irrelevant
    2.) quote has to do with massive reproduction, not superiority. If higher population = superior, bacteria are way more superior than humans.

  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    Not a fact, an opinion -- many people get sick to their stomach at the mere thought of eating another animal's flesh. You're obviously too ignorant to put up a good argument, so you go to the typical meat-eater response -- "it tastes good so YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID." there are plenty reasons for teens not to have sex -- would it be a valid argument if they said "BUT IT FEELS GOOD SO YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID! HAH!"
    He's just derailing the thread because of the absurdity; the point is that people are going to eat meat so there's no point in trying to convince others not to, whether that's your intent or not. And also I don't really think anyone has any right to tell others how to live their life so long as they're being safe and such, but it can be OK to make light suggestions of caution.
    I don't know... I was just about the biggest meat eater in the world. Loved it. Loved the taste. Ate steak all the time. That's just how I grew up. And after discovering the truth, I went vegetarian (and now vegan). A friend of mine has converted 30 meat-eaters to vegan himself. The veg population IS growing.
  • jhyan
    jhyan Posts: 59 Member
    once you realize that you can't pretend there is any difference between the animals we call our companions and the animals we call food.

    I agree with this 100%.. which is why I have such a problem with people who condemn other cultures for eating horse, or dog, or cat. What right do we have to tell them that it is wrong to eat some animals and not others?!

    Of course humans are the dominant species on Earth, and as such, have the right to use the subservient animals for whatever purpose needed to further the human condition. Food, Organ Transplants, Testing... Yes. I would kill a million animals if it meant saving one humans life... because a humans life IS that precious compared to any animals life.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm going out of my mind here. I feel like everywhere I go someone wants to argue with me about my beliefs that animals have the right to exist on planet earth just as humans do. Animals were NOT created for the purpose of serving mankind, and humans are NOT the superior species. I can't even sleep tonight knowing that there are so many people that disagree with me. It's so insane to me! So, for my sanity, please let me know if you feel like I do. I need some support here!!!

    BTW... This is not about me being vegetarian. This has nothing to do with not eating animals. I am a science major and I happen to appreciate the circle of life. I just choose not to eat animals because I don't want to personally cause them harm. I have no problem with the food chain. This is about thinking humans are superior to animals and that animals are here to serve mankind... NOT TRUE.

    I agree, but I'm not a religious person so I don't believe in animals being created for us. We happen to just be very lucky that we have developed a very cognitive brain along hands to manipulate our environment. I don't think we are anything more then that and I've never ran into anyone who thinks animals don't have the right to exist on this planet.
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    Humans dont need those real canines and claws, humans evolved to use tools.

    As for real animal cruelty, I dont think anyone really condones that and due to having friends who work in the meat industry in Australia I do know what happens to the animals and how the law makes it humane for the animals here. A lot of the stuff being told abut animal cruelty is out of date scaremongering too and not applicable to all countries.
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    We're omnivorous creatures. We eat everything. Get over it.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Did OWS end and they all joined MFP or something?

    First world problems for sure.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I am an animal lover, and have several times raised my own market animals. Beef, pork, lamb. If I'm going to eat it I'd rather raise it myself, know it was cared for and fed good quality food, and take responsibility for it when it comes time to go to the butcher. But the fact that I raised a pig from the time that it was 20 lbs until it was 250 lbs doesn't change the fact that I raised it for the express purpose of being my food...

    In fact, I'm fairly certain I have a better idea of what goes into becoming a market animal than YOU do. I'm also aware that most market animals are not the same thing as your dog or cat. Try not to place the same "pet" value on a pig or a cow that you do on a dog or a cat...Not the same thing.

    On the other hand, I believe that all animals have value in their own way. I don't believe that my life is any more sacred than that of a cow's or vice versa. I do not "belong" on this earth any more than any other animal, I was just lucky to be born human. I still have the same vulnerabilities - ie if a bear came along I'd be bear food - and therefore don't feel guilty about consuming animals. I feel so long as we respect the food we eat, and don't take more than we need, we're not doing any worse than the animal kingdom itself.

    This is very sensible to me, except I do think a person can come to feel the same for a market animal as for a dog or a cat, which would certainly make turning it into food difficult. The only difference is, market animals weren't domesticated to be companions so less people are likely to feel that sense of 'friendship' with them.

    Also, I see humans as nasty and predatory, intrinsically no more deserving to be here than any animal. Our species still preys constantly on its own kind, once we stop doing that, maybe we can start looking more at animal/human interactions.
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    1.) quote is irrelevant
    2.) quote has to do with massive reproduction, not superiority. If higher population = superior, bacteria are way more superior than humans.


    "RULE OVER..." when someone rules they are usually superior
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I can't actually tell if you're agreeing with my comment or not, but that's pretty much exactly what I meant. It's not about eating meat or not, but about respecting what an animal can provide for you. It's more so the meat industry that treats animals as slaves, disfiguring them and basically putting them through torture before killing them for the assembly line.

    If you're using an animal, but not giving it a healthy, happy lifestyle in return, then yeah, it's kind of slavery. Working a horse to its bones is not right, but using a horse for labor while still feeding and caring for it properly is totally a-okay in my book.

    I guess it was more of a statement. This whole "cruelty" part of farmed animals where chickens and other animals don't get to move and are pumped with steroids or what not is obviously something that is disturbing and not just ethically but rather also in dietary sense it is bad for us but while I would certainly prefer to eat those free range chickens and cows that have seen more than 10 feet of space, its just not practical with the economy. A lot of these farmers themselves are trying to find new professions because in order to stay in business they've to commit such cruel acts.

    I think the devil isn't animal cruelty itself but rather the way the economy is working. We need cheap meat. I know I won't get away from eating meat no matter if its farmed or free range. I can also tell you that these "farmed" animal extreme conditions are mostly employed in US only. Maybe a few other countries but then again, most of our food is altered so much that its hard to even call it food anymore. Heck hersheys have the nerve to call its products chocolate ffs....

    But yeah, back to the point. While I don't have a solution myself, I personally think that its just the nature of the beast to have such farmed animals in the US. You cannot have cost affective meat without such practices which is really a damn shame because the free ranged meats are alot healthier, nutritious and tastier
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