Calling All REAL animal lovers!!!



  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    Which didnt happen without an open mind, and free thinking, and not "believing" that something may not be possible. Keep diggin. A scientist didnt sit there and go "Yep, boats are not possible. I know for a fact something so big cannot float. I have seen rocks sink"

    This is rather comical.

    I have beliefs about many different things, doesnt mean I am close minded about boats and the way the world works. I don't believe science is the answer to everything in the world, just religion as science has facts about the big bang ect and until proven otherwise I am atheist. It doesnt matter to me how anyone else feels about my opinions as they are solely mine.

    Big bang is just as much a myth as religion. Your arguments are still crap. If it doesnt matter, then stop posting. Clueless science person is still clueless
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    Which didnt happen without an open mind, and free thinking, and not "believing" that something may not be possible. Keep diggin. A scientist didnt sit there and go "Yep, boats are not possible. I know for a fact something so big cannot float. I have seen rocks sink"

    This is rather comical.

    I have beliefs about many different things, doesnt mean I am close minded about boats and the way the world works. I don't believe science is the answer to everything in the world, just religion as science has facts about the big bang ect and until proven otherwise I am atheist. It doesnt matter to me how anyone else feels about my opinions as they are solely mine.

    Big bang is just as much a myth as religion. Your arguments are still crap. If it doesnt matter, then stop posting. Clueless science person is still clueless

    Seeing as this topic was about animals, I have no idea how it turned into religion in the first place.
  • nat7031
    nat7031 Posts: 5
    It is really sad to see how many animals are being abused and neglected in this world at the hands of humans. The penalty for animal abuse is not high enough. Working with rescue organizations has shown me that people are just plain evil. Torturing and killing a helpless animal for no reason should have the same penalty as killing a defenseless human child. And as far as eating meat, its not about eating them in general its the way people go about eating them. Killing baby cows and lambs before they have even lived a full life for food? That doesnt make sense to me and its terrible. If people must eat meat, how about waiting for the animal to have a decently good long life before sending them to a slaughter house? Or making the animals eat harmone infused grain instead of natural grass just to save a few dollars is awful. So basically before the animal is slaughtered it is forced into tiny pens with other animals before it is even a year old and fed stuff that is terrible for them and inject them with steroids and then they kill it. Or with chickens putting them in a 2 by 2 cage where they cannot move or stand up for there whole life then zapping them so they become paralyzed before cutting there heads off? If they did things more humane they would all be free range and live to be longer then a year. Im a vegetarian partly because i cannot digest meat properly and because i love every animal. There is signifigant research to support that way back when humans were vegetarians. The way that our body is built we shouldnt even be able to digest meat properly, something to do with the enzymes in our stomach. I read it somewhere if i find the link ill pass it along. Humans started eating meat for survival when nothing else was available and it has escalated from there. I think with all the alternatives in this world now we don't need to slaughter animals just because they taste good? If we can survive on things that don't require cruelty and death then why don't we? Vegetables and fruits and vegan alternatives can help us stay healthy, live longer and not become obese to the point where we need sites like this. If you need to eat meat then fine but there is a better way to go about it then people do.
  • jhyan
    jhyan Posts: 59 Member
    I believe that animals aren't here for us to dominate and control. I think that that factory farming is horrendous. I think that even the animals we eat should be treated properly. When I had a dog (til he passed away) he always ate better than I did.. when i was on a ramen noodle diet, he was eating dog food that was $60 a bag and was treated as if he was a my kid, but he still knew his place in the household..

    It bothers me how people don't really have a regard for animals.

    Hypothetical situation: There is a massive natural disaster. You and your beloved pet are trapped far away from everyone with no idea of when rescue might come. You are both starving as there is no food available. Do you eat your pet to survive, or sacrifice your life to feed the pet? Think about that long and hard. I doubt there are many people who honestly would die so that a dog/cat/gerbil/whatever would live... and those that claim so, would not actually do so when in in that situation for real.

    No disrespect to your passed pooch, but I know I would take the life of any animal before the life of any human. This doesn't mean I have no regard for the animal... in fact, I would be very grateful to the animal giving me the ability to live.

    Oooh, this was actually broached in a recent tv show on ABC, "The River". A man was lost in the jungle with no hope of survival or rescue - no water, no food, etc. He was with his dog, and went through the whole emotional state of planning to kill the dog for food. However, when he had the knife to its throat and was telling his dog everything would be ok, he just broke down and couldn't do it. Even faced with certain death, he couldn't kill the one creature that had stayed with him and kept him sane through all the crazy stuff happening around him.

    It boils down to the individual person and their bond with their animal. Some people view their pets as just that - pets. But others view them as more than that, children even.

    Yeah... that makes for great heartwarming TV... but in real life, no one is going to actually starve instead of eating an animal.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I claim that science has more FACTS than christianity about the world being created. I dont worship science religiously or think science is the next best thing. That is my argument. The end. Everyone has their own beliefs about god, science. vegetarianism and even animals. I dont shove science down peoples throats like christians do to me, I debate because they debate with me. Christians are just as close minded about atheism and science so don't point the close minded finger solely at myself.

    You know where those FACTS started compiling. Scientists of that time started asking questions. They started asking questions like "Maybe world isn't round" and then the greek guys started using sticks to prove it. People went "wait a minute, what if we revolved around the sun rather than sun revolving around us" and then it was proven. Didn't happened overnight but those facts started compiling.

    Same way scientists started asking "How the heck do these african tribals know of this moon of a tiny planet on a star thats in a whole different galaxy" and are looking into the possibility that maybe, JUUUUUST maybe god do exists. I know for you young self righteous know-it-alls its a far idea that there might be something you don't know of but believe you me, there are things yet ot be dicovered and those FACTS are being looked into. Whether god exists or not, neither of those 2 sides are PROVEN but scientists (real scientists mind you) are keeping an open mind
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    It is really sad to see how many animals are being abused and neglected in this world at the hands of humans. The penalty for animal abuse is not high enough. Working with rescue organizations has shown me that people are just plain evil. Torturing and killing a helpless animal for no reason should have the same penalty as killing a defenseless human child. And as far as eating meat, its not about eating them in general its the way people go about eating them. Killing baby cows and lambs before they have even lived a full life for food? That doesnt make sense to me and its terrible. If people must eat meat, how about waiting for the animal to have a decently good long life before sending them to a slaughter house? Or making the animals eat harmone infused grain instead of natural grass just to save a few dollars is awful. So basically before the animal is slaughtered it is forced into tiny pens with other animals before it is even a year old and fed stuff that is terrible for them and inject them with steroids and then they kill it. Or with chickens putting them in a 2 by 2 cage where they cannot move or stand up for there whole life then zapping them so they become paralyzed before cutting there heads off? If they did things more humane they would all be free range and live to be longer then a year. Im a vegetarian partly because i cannot digest meat properly and because i love every animal. There is signifigant research to support that way back when humans were vegetarians. The way that our body is built we shouldnt even be able to digest meat properly, something to do with the enzymes in our stomach. I read it somewhere if i find the link ill pass it along. Humans started eating meat for survival when nothing else was available and it has escalated from there. I think with all the alternatives in this world now we don't need to slaughter animals just because they taste good? If we can survive on things that don't require cruelty and death then why don't we? Vegetables and fruits and vegan alternatives can help us stay healthy, live longer and not become obese to the point where we need sites like this. If you need to eat meat then fine but there is a better way to go about it then people do.

    I agree Nat, have you watched the movie Forks over Knives? It has a lot of facts about a vegan diet providing better health.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    I just went to the store and bought Ham, Chicken, turkey and ground beef. I'm such an *kitten*.
  • nat7031
    nat7031 Posts: 5
    frigg the bible is just some book some guy wrote a long time ago and there was no tv or real literature so they worshipped that. imagine if twilight had been written before there was television or any electronics or anything real to do and it was the first book you had ever seen. You would read it and everyone would think vampires were real. also the bible has been so twisted and translated by every different religiion over the many many years that nobody really knows what the real bible even said. Its all the different religions interpretations of it. Have your beliefs that is fine just stop trying to shove it down everyones throat.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104

    Yeah... that makes for great heartwarming TV... but in real life, no one is going to actually starve instead of eating an animal.

    You can't say that for a fact, however. Like I said before, everyone's bond is different. You take the same situation and replace it with two humans instead. There are some people that would murder their companion if it came down to it, and others that would rather die than end someone's life. Some could do it easily and with no guilt, others would debate about it and struggle with it mentally.

    It all comes down to individual personalities.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    frigg the bible is just some book some guy wrote a long time ago and there was no tv or real literature so they worshipped that. imagine if twilight had been written before there was television or any electronics or anything real to do and it was the first book you had ever seen. You would read it and everyone would think vampires were real. also the bible has been so twisted and translated by every different religiion over the many many years that nobody really knows what the real bible even said. Its all the different religions interpretations of it. Have your beliefs that is fine just stop trying to shove it down everyones throat.

    4 post after you trying to jam your views down everyones throats......hypocrite
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    frigg the bible is just some book some guy wrote a long time ago and there was no tv or real literature so they worshipped that. imagine if twilight had been written before there was television or any electronics or anything real to do and it was the first book you had ever seen. You would read it and everyone would think vampires were real. also the bible has been so twisted and translated by every different religiion over the many many years that nobody really knows what the real bible even said. Its all the different religions interpretations of it. Have your beliefs that is fine just stop trying to shove it down everyones throat.

  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I claim that science has more FACTS than christianity about the world being created.
    I'm not sure you realize the difference between fact and theory.

    I'm an atheist/agnostic, and your opinions and ignorant statements really perturb me morally. Live and let live; and if someone throws a single quote at you smile and pass them by. If they continue tell them you're not interested. But don't just go telling them they're wrong and acting as though you're not trying to engage them.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hate to say it, but even in the Bible animals are used as sacrifice or as a working animal.
    How do you define a "real" animal lover?
    Because I love animals. SO much I almost became a vet once-upon-a-time, I don't support certain things and I don't support the inhumane treatment of animals either. But how do you define a true lover?

    the bible says lots of things, none of which hold a lot of merit lol
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    To the OP: You sound like a very compassionate young woman. That is a blessing, but you will drive yourself crazy worrying about things that you can't control. Life isn't fair, and at times, it isn't even close to being decent. Do what you can to change the world into a better place - that way you can go to bed at night knowing that you did everything you could. Sounds like wildlife science may be a wonderful place for you to use your scientific mind and compassionate heart. Good luck to you.

    To Cassie: I know that you are trying very hard to come across as informed and worldly, but you are coming across as obnoxious and ignorant. There is a time to just be quiet and try to hear what people are saying. According to your profile, you are 19 and studying to be a have so much to learn. As a nurse, you are going to care for people of all backgrounds and belief systems, and I hope that you don't feel like you need to interject your disdain for the spiritual on them. You will also run into situations in a patient's treatment that science will never be able to explain. Best wishes to you with your studies and career...I would love to be able to have a conversation with you 20 years from would be interesting to see how your thoughts on these topics evolve.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member

    Which didnt happen without an open mind, and free thinking, and not "believing" that something may not be possible. Keep diggin. A scientist didnt sit there and go "Yep, boats are not possible. I know for a fact something so big cannot float. I have seen rocks sink"

    This is rather comical.

    I have beliefs about many different things, doesnt mean I am close minded about boats and the way the world works. I don't believe science is the answer to everything in the world, just religion as science has facts about the big bang ect and until proven otherwise I am atheist. It doesnt matter to me how anyone else feels about my opinions as they are solely mine.

    Big bang is just as much a myth as religion. Your arguments are still crap. If it doesnt matter, then stop posting. Clueless science person is still clueless

    To open your mind you must close your mind to religion, I'll always be closed minded to religion because all religion does is put a mythical answer to an unknown question, its just an easy solution even if its the wrong solution. Once you close your mind to religion then you can open your mind to search for the real answers. That is true open mindness.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member

    Which didnt happen without an open mind, and free thinking, and not "believing" that something may not be possible. Keep diggin. A scientist didnt sit there and go "Yep, boats are not possible. I know for a fact something so big cannot float. I have seen rocks sink"

    This is rather comical.

    I have beliefs about many different things, doesnt mean I am close minded about boats and the way the world works. I don't believe science is the answer to everything in the world, just religion as science has facts about the big bang ect and until proven otherwise I am atheist. It doesnt matter to me how anyone else feels about my opinions as they are solely mine.

    Big bang is just as much a myth as religion. Your arguments are still crap. If it doesnt matter, then stop posting. Clueless science person is still clueless

    To open your mind you must close your mind to religion, I'll always be closed minded to religion because all religion does is put a mythical answer to an unknown question, its just an easy solution even if its the wrong solution. Once you close your mind to religion then you can open your mind to search for the real answers. That is true open mindness.

    i think the only real open-mindedness is to be agnostic. so you can't fully close off religion, because we don't know if it is a fact or not, we just know that it may or may not be.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    To the OP: You sound like a very compassionate young woman. That is a blessing, but you will drive yourself crazy worrying about things that you can't control. Life isn't fair, and at times, it isn't even close to being decent. Do what you can to change the world into a better place - that way you can go to bed at night knowing that you did everything you could. Sounds like wildlife science may be a wonderful place for you to use your scientific mind and compassionate heart. Good luck to you.

    To Cassie: I know that you are trying very hard to come across as informed and worldly, but you are coming across as obnoxious and ignorant. There is a time to just be quiet and try to hear what people are saying. According to your profile, you are 19 and studying to be a have so much to learn. As a nurse, you are going to care for people of all backgrounds and belief systems, and I hope that you don't feel like you need to interject your disdain for the spiritual on them. You will also run into situations in a patient's treatment that science will never be able to explain. Best wishes to you with your studies and career...I would love to be able to have a conversation with you 20 years from would be interesting to see how your thoughts on these topics evolve.

    *applauding* very well said.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member

    Which didnt happen without an open mind, and free thinking, and not "believing" that something may not be possible. Keep diggin. A scientist didnt sit there and go "Yep, boats are not possible. I know for a fact something so big cannot float. I have seen rocks sink"

    This is rather comical.

    I have beliefs about many different things, doesnt mean I am close minded about boats and the way the world works. I don't believe science is the answer to everything in the world, just religion as science has facts about the big bang ect and until proven otherwise I am atheist. It doesnt matter to me how anyone else feels about my opinions as they are solely mine.

    Big bang is just as much a myth as religion. Your arguments are still crap. If it doesnt matter, then stop posting. Clueless science person is still clueless

    To open your mind you must close your mind to religion, I'll always be closed minded to religion because all religion does is put a mythical answer to an unknown question, its just an easy solution even if its the wrong solution. Once you close your mind to religion then you can open your mind to search for the real answers. That is true open mindness.

    i think the only real open-mindedness is to be agnostic. so you can't fully close off religion, because we don't know if it is a fact or not, we just know that it may or may not be.

    How is that open mind when you are already stating a mythical answer to questions? You're giving an answer to something you don't even know.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Sorry dear, all animals are part of the food chain. Some less likely to be eaten than others.

    Every animal is edible. Even I'm edible. But that my dear friend is called cannibalism. And it is frowned upon in most societies...
    You really shouldn't mumble, because I can't hear a word you're saying.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I dont believe that there is a REAL TRUE animal lover anywhere, to do that, you would have to never ever do anything with any animal other than let it roam free wherever it wanted, whenever it wanted, and not use it for personal gain of any kind, whether its getting you from point A to point B, helping you tend your fields, or feed you, because to do that, you are "using" that animal, one more thing, if you shop at a grocery store that sells meat, you are supporting the fact that animals are used for food, you dont have to buy the meat, but you still contribute. We all get used, everyday, no matter your position in life, you are being used for someone else's personal gain.
    My husband and I own a business. After years of "working for the man" , we wanted to do things our way on our time, but guess what? Instead of working for "the man", we now work for "every man" (or woman) who comes into our business, they USE us for our services, for their own personal gain, now dont get me wrong, we are very appreciative of our clients, we wouldnt have a livelihood without them, plus we LOVE what we do, thats how we use them in return! Its just a circle that never ends.
    Now, I DO NOT condone animal cruelty, which I define as causing harm to an animal for self gratification, or because it makes you feel good, the cat lady is no less an abuser, taking in multiple animals that they cant care for or provide medical attention for, because in their mind they are providing love to that animal, when in reality, the cats are running around infested with fleas and ticks, and have so many medical issued that they would be better off being put down than to suffer. Anyone who owns a pet and doesnt get that pet their annual shots, annual check-ups, annual teeth cleaning (yes, they need it too), monthly heart-worm and flea an tick medicine, or doesnt get them medical attention when they are sick, or feed them properly, is no better than the cat lady or the person that keeps their pets chained up in their backyard.
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