Things you shouldn't say to someone "on a diet?"



  • mrsffej
    mrsffej Posts: 2
    I agree totally!! It's better to say nothing. I started myfitnesspal (I never say "diet" because diets fail and this has changed my life!) in December and it seemed to work quickly. I'm only 4'10" tall, so the first 10 lbs. made a big difference. As the weight came off, people at work would say, "Oh my gosh, are you ok? You've lost so much weight!! The stress here is great for that, hahaha." I just smiled and said, "yeah, a little bit." That was always my response. When it was no longer an acceptable answer (28lbs. is NOT a little bit!!) I told them how. A couple of them even tried it, but quit within weeks. I was told, "You look great!! Oh, you can have just a little piece of cake, right?" NO, not if I didn't save the calories for it. This is the first thing I've ever done strictly for myself. I am the ONLY one with the control over what goes into my body and I don't need to tell the world, "Hey look at me! I'm losing weight!!" For some folks, that is a great motivator and I don't begrudge anyone that motivation. It just doesn't work for me. I feel like the attention will jinx me or something! I stick with this way of eating because I need to be healthy. I'm only 46 years old. I want to be a grandmother someday who will ride all the rides at Disney and who still rides the Harley with the hubby, son, and (hopefully someday) grandkids! That's all the motivation I need. Best of luck to everyone and know you are not alone!!!
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i made a comment one day on my facebook cuz i started eating alot of oatmeal using splenda instead of sugar....well i made a comment about how it was nasty like that unless i could put my 1tbs of butter in cousin told me if i was on a diet i shouldn't be eating butter at all......... i was so really it was an extra 50 calories...........blah

    Exactly I normally eat a potato (white or sweet) a day it helps with muscle cramps (FOR ME) but if i put anything one them i hear things if others are at my house (Im sorry but Im the one watching not only my cals but my carbs Fat protien & sugar and Im still well within ALL my numbers.
    exactly. i can't eat a bake potato without butter either.......
  • tmg333
    tmg333 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree! I don't tell anyone...well maybe except my close friend who I know will not judge. Because I do not like to receive ANY comment in regards to what I am eating or should be eating or not eating. And if I'm having one of "those" days you might not want to say anything to me at all! lol
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I hate it when my co-workers make fun of me because of what I eat, example being "oh, Sarah, whats for lunch today? just cucumbers? mmm that must be really filling. How's that weight loss thing going? you done yet?" Because I choose to eat healthy, and exercise during lunch, I get rediculed. Most days I can just shrug it off, but some other days it really kind of hurts.

    I also hate when people think they need to tell me what I should be eating " that's not enough food, you need some more" or "there's a cupcake left, Sarah, you could eat it seeing as you work out, it won't effect you" even better is when I do eat a piece of cake or a sweet at work then I get " Well I wish I could eat cake all the time and look like you" Well, there is a reason I look the way I do- because I care about my health.

    I also hate those well meaning people who tell me all the time that I am "too skinny" because they are insecure about how they look, and don't want me to look better than them. I get things like "you really need to stop losing weight you are looking too thin, or why don't you put on a few more lbs so you look better"

    ugh! /end rant here.
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    The other day I was at my family's house. I had spent the whole day traveling and had only eaten a protein bar 6 hours earlier. I ate a Hershey kiss and my dad turns to me and was like "Are you sure you want to eat that?" I snapped back "I have lost 50 pounds without you telling me what to eat, so yeah I do."
  • Anthyitis
    Anthyitis Posts: 43 Member
    I told my (now ex) boyfriend that I was going to start working to lose weight again. His response was something along the lines of "I'm going to break up with you if you lose your *kitten*".

    Why wait? :P
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    The first thing you shouldn't say is that they're on a diet. I just want to punch my son in the mouth when he says I'm on a diet. A diet is temporary, eating healthier is forever. I can eat anything I want, I just eat smarter. That's not a diet.
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    I recently overheard a couple of ladies at CHURCH, of all places, say "I heard she wasn't eating at all". As I walked by them :huh:


    I wanted to go up to them and say "It is only 10 a.m. and I have had 6 egg whites, a mini bagel with cinnamon cream cheese, a string cheese, a banana, and a glass of chocolate milk. What have YOU had?"

    But I didn't. :grumble:

    I hate that people assume you are starving yourself.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    "You don't need to go to the gym". Uh, ***** I don't look like this by sitting on my *kitten*.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I hate when people tell me my goal weight is 'too skinny' or that I will be 'too small'. Really? 130 pounds at 5'6 is too small? I always ask them why they didn't feel the need to tell me when I was at my highest weight that I was 'too fat' or 'too big'. You weren't concerned for me when I was eating myself into an early grave, don't even pretend to be concerned now that I'm digging my way out of it.
  • 2moonNback
    2moonNback Posts: 61 Member
    People who say "Why are you trying to lose weight? You look fine". Well, I still have about 10 pounds of baby weight I want to get rid of from 6 years ago! And what I really want to say is "Have you seen me naked? Not pretty right now but I'll show you if you think it's your business" :laugh:

    Luckily my husband and I are doing this together with MFP and training with C25K......however, his huge calorie allowance per day really annoys me~ lol!

    Glad we can all encourage each other- keep up the good work, everyone!

    My husband and I are doing this together too and he has a huge number of calories a day also! And he keeps dropping big numbers each week and while I am happy for him I keep teasing him that I am going to inject bacon fat into his celery. LOL and he says "Note to self, Don't eat the celery. GOt it !"
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    After being on a diet for only 2 weeks my co worker says "so is it working?" and then looked me up and down. Really?

    Oh my!!! How did you not slap that person!??!
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    One of my pet peeves is people thinking that when you are creating a healthier lifestyle they think automatically it's because you want to lose weight. Sure thats one of the reasons but the biggest reason is so I can keep up with my kids, not be out sick, less risk for diseases, basically a more fullfiliing and longer life.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Most people mock what they don't understand. I wouldn't get too worked up over it.

    A lot of people find eating at certain calorie levels enjoyable once they begin to understand how. Planning ahead, eating back exercise calories, etc. becomes fun when you don't always have to limit yourself to lettuce.
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    My bf always brings home my favorite donuts,everytime I start to lose weight.This time I was able to ignore them thanks to using the food dairy.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Last week was my 21st birthday and I was celebrating it with my fiance and his family. His mother is the nicest person I know and she knows I've been eating less and been on a "diet", so she asked me what kinda of cake i wanted for my birthday. I told her a mini one lol. So she did! It was only 6 inches in diameter and it was a pretty healthy cake, as far at they could go. There wasn't any frosting, just some light whipped cream and fresh cut up strawberries. I planned on sharing it at my birthday part with my fiance, who would eat half of it anyway. After I got my cake though my future sister-in-law said "Wow, a whole cake to yourself!?" Then make some pig noises afterward. That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    Needless to say, if it's someone's birthday or special occasion and they seem like they deserve a treat, don't make fun of them even if you're joking.It can really hurt someones feelings.

    Your sister-in-law sounds like a bi*** don't listen to her and don't let her make you feel bad. You are doing awesome! There are always people who will try to get us down.
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    "why are you on a diet, you are so skinny, just enjoy yourself" (when i order healthy food on a menu like a salad or grilled chicken)

    ^^this! OMG how annoying...seriously, HOW DO YOU THINK I GOT SO SKINNY/FIT/IN SHAPE? Definitely NOT by eating crap and having no self control everyday of my life! I actually WORK for it! UGH
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I have a small department (11 people). Over half of us are dieting or eating healthier. My boss buys cakes for people's birthdays. Even if someone says they don't want any because they are dieting/eating healthy, we hear, "God hates a coward! Have a piece!" She's even said this after people have had their first piece. I think I will tell her to buy a fruit basket for my birthday.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I hate it when people are trying to lose weight and act like it's an end all be all.

    You want a cupcake? Fine eat it. You want pizza? Fine eat that too.

    As long as your calories in are less then your calories out, you will lose weight. As long as you stick to a serving size and don't have a free for all, then you will be fine.

    Losing weight shouldn't mean that you stop living like a normal person.

    I can definitely understand this, because it can seem (and often is the case) that a person is doing something they cannot maintain. I can't speak for everyone but I do have goals for each stage of my weight loss. I am going to handle the obesity aspect first, then when just over weight, and when I am a normal weight I am not going to be as agressive with it but still work on it. At that point I will try to eat exactly how I will for life pretty much.

    I usually don't get upset with someone for offering something once, or if they don't know I'm trying to be healthy. But people, such as my mom, will offer something three times, argue with me about why its okay for me, and then do it 2 other times that day.

    Its like she HAS to modify what I'm doing or won't talk to me about it. I'm doing atkins/south beach and she is the one who got me interested anyway. Its just really annoying that I have to be so persistent in saying no to something I might like because she is making the temptation harder by repeatedly asking.

    I am gettting way better at it now though, and the more times I say no, the less she asks. However if I dare have something off my plan in front of her, I'm suddenly a hypocrite. :(
  • LilMsRobbinHood
    LilMsRobbinHood Posts: 6 Member
    Honestly, people shouldn't be commenting on other people's diets at all unless they are asked for advice.

    Some of my pet peeves:

    1) Friends who also are on a diet who is not as motivated. They'll get upset if you eat healthier than them, are not happy for you when you lose weight, and will try to sabotage your diet to make themselves feel better about failing theirs.

    2) Friends who will berate you and try to advise you about your diet. Yes, I am happy with my eggs every morning - they contain the good cholesterol, are filling and no, I will not change it. No, I don't care about your readings that you should have protein after a workout or that you should only drink cold water. Some people have been following their own advice for years, and I'm sorry, this is mean, but they haven't lost any weight.

    3) Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful boyfriends who are on vacation and are not on a diet and want to go do fun things and eat bad food. I'm still learning how to eat out properly, so I've been avoiding it for now to places I can control. The past two weeks have been horrible and I had to do a restart of my diet and exercise this week, which was my issue, obviously, but it just makes it harder when people who need to diet aren't and are having a grand old time with pizza and chinese food, and steak...

    I refuse to follow fad diets, really not into macros - this is a lifestyle change for me paired with calorie cutting. I'm learning to eat healthier on less. My grocery bill has gone way down because I eat more simply, with way less processed food. I cook more. I know myself, and I know what works for me. Everyone is different, and I know I can maintain better (eventually, when I get there) when I'm not on an ultra restrictive low carb/paleo/raw diet.