How long were you with your SO before you got engaged?



  • roseombre
    roseombre Posts: 7 Member
    Love your pugs!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Friends since we were 15 but we started dating when I was 19. I was with him 4.5 years before we got engaged. We had already been living together for three years at that point. We got married two years later (6.5 years) and then bought a house after that. I know it seems like everyone is getting engaged but doesn't mean you should. :) Take your time. The wedding is just a day. The marriage is the fun part and that is for the rest of your life. Sounds like you two are on the forever track, so enjoy the ride!

    Enjoy your relationship and see where it takes you! :)
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    We started dating at 16 almost 17 moved in together at 18 had a child at 21, got married at married at 26, 6 month before our 10 year anniversary
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    9 months. Please don't use other people's lives as a way to direct yours. That will not end well.

    8 months for us. And this ^^^
  • LaniCanDoIt
    We dated for 5 years before we tied the knot. :)
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    six years...married 9....hopefully the divorce will be final by the end of July :flowerforyou:
  • krawl78
    krawl78 Posts: 113 Member
    We dated for about 5 months, got engaged after 4.5 months and married 2 weeks later. No, I wasn't pregnant :) I've been married for 5 very happy years. Sometimes you just know.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    11 months and we were 21 and 22. We got married a year after that and are celebrating our 5 year anniversary next month!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Met November 5, 2005, got engaged May 28, 2006, freaked out and broke up, gave the ring back, he gave it back to jeweler. A week later we got back together, I picked out a new ring, and got married November 3, 2006. Still married.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I've been with my boyfriend 6 1/2 years now, even though we are younger (about to be 22 and 23) I really feel like it's time to take next steps in our relationship. We're planning to buy a house within the next year and I'd really like to either be engaged or married by then. I find that everyday more of my friends are engaged or moving in with their boyfriend/girlfriends I just hate that we aren't at the next step yet. So, how long were you with your SO before getting engaged?

    I understand how you feel, I am seeing all my friends and familly getting married or engaged or buying houses or having babies and sometimes it makes me very depressed.

    But I tell myself that my boyfriend wants to make the demand perfect so he is waiting for the perfect time. But I will admit that everytime there is something special on our agenda, trip, visit, romantic dinner, I always have a little voice in my heart saying, tonight might be the night. Sometimes after a wonderful night of hoping we go home and nothing... I feel depressed and unwanted but I know it's me.

    Tell yourself that when the time comes you will be extremely happy because you know he is the one (I'm a little girl that still believe in the one true love) and you were strong enough to wait for what you wanted!!!

    When you see a friend getting engaged, think about what you have that she/he doesn't.

    Hang on and it will happend!

    Thanks and I know exactly how you feel, I get all giddy when we go out or go on a trip thinking it might be the night. I try not to let it get me down when it doesn't happen because I feel like it'll happen when it is right for us. He told me like two years ago it would be within a year, that obviously didn't happen ;) so I try not to get my hopes up!

    My bf went on a trip and brought me back one of those ring cases. I swear I was about to be proposed to, my heart went to my throat. Turns out it was a pair of earrings, really nice ones too, but let me tell you, I've never been more disappointed in my life.

    PS. We've been together almost 6 1/2 years now and I'm still waiting...
  • Eifersucht
    Eifersucht Posts: 34
    Our 5 year anniversary is on July 1st. No plans to get married. I was married at 21 and divorced at 24 so I'm in no hurry to get married again. I met my man a few months after my divorce was final. He knew that I had some emotional baggage to deal with surrounding my divorce and has been wonderful help teaching me to trust people again. We have both seen people get married and divorced all too often, to the point that it takes a little away from the meaning of marriage. The way I see it, I'm not going to ruin a wonderful relationship by taking it to the next level when that next level isn't really a necessity for us. We have lived happily and in love for the past 5 years without a marriage certificate. Hang in there! Have you told him how you feel about it? (I'm sorry I haven't read through all 8 pages of responses. LOL)
  • je551caDan13ls
    Okay this is going to sound weird, My husband asked me to marry him only after 2 weeks. O_o....We were married a month later. We have been married for just over 2 years but still feel like newly weds. This is my second marriage and I have finally found the one.

    Time doesn't matter nor does our stories...If you believe you should be married with this man it will happen, if you want it to happen quickly maybe ask him....Good luck and I hope you find the answer you want.
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    RedSunshine36, my brother met his wife inder the exact same circmstances! I'd accuse you of being my sister in law but they just celebrated 13 years of marriage yestetday!

    Been with my fiancee over 2 yrs. We are getting married this July. When it's the right person, you know.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    We were together for a year and a half. And now a year and a half later, we're still engaged..
  • IllianaIman
    IllianaIman Posts: 131
    6 months! and we have been married for almost 5 years :wink:
  • MrsSherrill
    i know what it feels like to be in your shoes. I was with my ex for 6 years and it seemed like everyone around us was getting married besides us =( ...
    eventually we broke up for many reasons....
    6 months later i found myself head over heels with whom is now my husband. at the time, the last thing i wanted was another relationship but he was just to good to be true and i couldn't let him pass me by...
    we did long distance for the majority of the time which i also never thought would work but when you find the right person anything is possible...
    10 months later we were engaged, 2 moths after that we were legally married and then had our actual wedding 5 months after that because of the long distance thing and me having to stay in my town to finish my BA.
    we have been married for a year and a half now and together for 2.5 ... =)

    things are different for everyone and timing is everything! ...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    We were together 3.5 years before getting engaged, but by the time we get married, we will have been together 5 years.

    As for the buying a house, I'd recommend really thinking about that one if you aren't married by then. Only because if something does happen and you split ways, it's much, much messier if you're both on the mortgage and not married; I've had friends in that situation and it was horrible for them. Just something to think about (and yes, I realize that wasn't your question, so I apologize if I overstepped on my answer!)

    Best of luck to you!
  • ZenZen55
    ZenZen55 Posts: 5
    Time makes no difference in my opinion. We knew each other moments - one smile - and I thought "Learn his name, because you will marry him" and he says that I reacted that way because his smile meant "Let's marry first and then find out about each other". The important thing is that we both knew immediately, and we had both had two previous "engagements" with other people, and we both broke off the other relationships because we knew something was not right. We told our respective families after 3 weeks, got married 8 months later, and have celebrated 32 years. We still celebrate the day he smiled as our anniversary. We raised two wonderful boys together, worked together for 20 of those years - try 24/7!!!!! - and we have handled life-threatening illness, a car accident that took two years of surgery and a lifetime to recover from, and two financial devastations. The amount of time together has far less impact on your future than the level of commitment each of you brings. If you are equally committed and both are willing to be part of the solution for each trouble-spot, you can make it long term. If you believe that he shares your values for the long haul, ask him to marry you. Forget what "time it is" and think "this is what we can do" if we do it together.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Together about one month before starting to talk marriage. Moved in after almost 1.5 years.
    He popped the question shortly after our 1.5 year mark. Long engagement, unfortunately. Proposal was on 09/09/09 and we still haven't set a date. We're both going to school (we are each 25) and want to be at least almost done with our degrees. I can't wait- i've already tried on dresses and have pretty much planned the whole thing :tongue:
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    My wife and I dated for a year and 3 months prior to my proposing. Today is our 15th wedding aniversary.