Losing Baby Weight

I am hoping to start a thread for anyone who has recently (or maybe not so recently) had a baby and wants to lose the extra weight! I need some motivation...

Here's a little about myself:
I joined MFP in November 2007 after I was married and had gotten "comfortable." As someone who had yo-yoed her entire life, I easily put on some pounds. I reached 185 pounds and was not happy. But joining this site helped me learn more about myself and how to be healthy. I was exercising regularly and eating right and found myself down at 155 pounds! I was also gaining muscle and for the first time in my life seeing definition to my body! Then I found out I was pregnant and very excited to be, but for the first few months I was sick and exercising was impossible. I wasn't eating much either and actually lost weight. Then I wasn't feeling too sick anymore but was not able to get myself back into a regualr exercise routine. And after pretty much fasting the whole first few months, I found myself giving into any and all cravings that I had. I quickly gained much more weight than I needed to. After having my daughter on September 5th I found myself at a new high...198 pounds. I have now lost 6 more pounds, but obviously leaves me with a lot left to lose still!

SO...here I am today, ready to get started. I am now back at work and am hoping to get back into an exercise routine. For now it will only be a few times a week as I am still getting used to being away from my beautiful baby girl! Is there anyone else who would like to join me?


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I'm in! I have 3 little boys, and gained anywhere from 70-95 pounds with each pregnancy. "Giving in to cravings" underestimates my eating habits while pregnant. :grumble:

    And now I'm paying for it. Good for you for not letting it go completely. My youngest is 2 and I finally said "enough is enough" this past spring. I lost 36 pounds, quit coming on this site and going to the gym and gained back 14! :explode:

    I'm back again and am just taking it one day at a time so I don't get overwhelmed. Its hard to be a mom, wife, employee, fitness junkie and whatever else we try to be. Trust me, I feel your pain!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well Katie! It would be great to have you on board! We can help to motivate each other and stay on track! I'm getting ready to leave work here soon and have a few errands to run before I head to the gym. I'm hoping to get an hour on the treadmill with some inclined walking and jogging. Before becoming pregnant I had found a new love for running and am trying to get myself back into shape so I can run again without being exhausted right away. I've also been trying to do some ab work every night to re-tighten that lovely belly that I now have! So, that's the plan for tonight. I do get on the internet much from home as I have dial-up, so if I'm not back on here tonight I'll check in tomorrow morning! I hope you have a great rest of the day!

    And my name is Kristin, did I mention that?
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    I'm in my youngest is about 11 months and i'm still carrying extra weight, plus I never lost all the weight with my first. I really want to lose the weight this time my goal was to have it off before her first birthday seeing that thats not going to happen I just want to get it off. I could really use some motivation.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    my baby is 10 months old, and I can't say that I gave in to cravings. I was WAY overweight (obese) and got pregnant, stayed the same weight through the pregnancy, until my last month, and gained. So, at my highest weight ever I went in for my C-section, and have lost 25 pounds since that day. I'm in. I've got a LONG way to go. I also need lots of help with motivation and exercise.
  • kbudde
    I'm in too. I just had a baby by c-section on October 9th. So my abs are shot, and i dont enjoy wearing maternity clothes when i'm not pregnant anymore. Before getting pregnant i weighed around 125 and now i'm at 149. I went to my first pilates class today which i found nearly impossible to do because i have such a weak core now. I'd like to get back to fitting in my old clothes again, and I have a feeling that with holidays around the corner it's going to be an extra challenge!
  • LAgal
    LAgal Posts: 671 Member
    My baby is 19 months and I am still carrying the extra baby weight :laugh:
    I have never been "overweight" my life, until I got pregnant and gained 70+ pounds :angry: I have lost some of the weight, but I still have 30 pounds left until I reach my pre-pregnancy weight.
    I would love to join this group, if you guys don't mind.
    Btw, my name is Erin :smile:
  • Crys1976
    I am in too. Just joined and have a lot of weight to lose before I can have another baby. My baby is 10 months old and I had a c-section too. I was over-weight when I got pregnant, but didn't gain any weight until the last trimester.
  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    I just joined MFP today. I came across your message board and would love to chat with you gals. I had a baby (c-section) 3 months ago and would love to lose the baby weight, plus the weight I had even before I was pregnant. I thought I had all this time to excerise, eat right, and be that perfect size and what do you know...I'm already 31 nearly 10 years have passed since that "this is the year" speech. Ladies, I need help. I love hearing success stories because you know it can be done. You know you're not alone (even though it feels like that sometimes) and it's even harder when you have a husband who's thin and eats like a teenager and still doesn't gain any weight (so not fair). We can do this, I know we can. Yay for moms and yay for weight loss!!! Good luck ladies!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • steph1499
    Well Im stephanie and I had my oldest when I was 17. I lost all my baby weight by the time i was 19 and mostly because I was a correctional officer, who walked 6 hours a day and when I went to school for it was running 3 days 2 miles a day. Now fast forward I met my hubby and got pregnant 3 months later and 70 pounds later Jake was born all 10 pounds 2 ozs. of him. lol Well I never lost the weight i gained and slowly gained a little more. I got back on a diet and lost 30 pounds then guess what I got pregnant with my youngest hannah. Shes now 16 months old and though I gained very little weight I was 303 when I started my weightloss journey at the end of october. I ready to kick it into gear. Ive lost 17 pounds. My end goal is by feb of 2011 to be down to around 180. I think thats a goal I can do. Short term another 30 by march and another 30 by aug. I got a bike so my son and I can bike around the neighbor hood. I also had a c section with my last two so Im hoping this pouch will go away too. :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    WOW...all these C-sections! I had a C-section as well (I didn't mention that earlier) which made recovery a lot more difficult as well as getting back into exercising...but I'm fully recovered now and ready to get back into the swing of things. I am VERY excited to see all you ladies on here! I didn't think I'd get such a response!:happy:

    Well, how should we do this? I'm thinking that we can weigh in every week and that same day set a goal for the upcoming week. We can share our successes and failures to help each other learn how to best achieve our personal goals. We can be support to each other! We can post what types of meals we are eating, any great low calorie recipes we may come across, and the exercise we are doing. Plus we can talk about how we can achieve our exercise and food goals while taking care of our little ones! I think that we can totally get to where we want to be! So...I'll start.

    I'm going to make next week Monday the start of week 1 for me and add:
    The date (Monday will be November 23rd, 2009)
    Current weight-# pounds (Today is 191 pounds, we'll see if that changes by Monday)
    Week 1 Goal-lose # pounds (I will probably start with 2 pounds)
    Final Goal Weight-140 pounds ( I am SO ready to see this number again!)

    I'll also add a Personal Challenge for the week...(for my first week it will be to hit the gym 3 times for an hour each!)

    I think I will log like this each week as well as adding some comments on how the previous week went, any challenges I had faced or successes I had. And then I will check on here daily to chat with you ladies and help to motivate! SO...are you all up for this challenge? I hope so!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope you all had a good evening!

    I had a nice workout last night...a 5K on the treadmill with walking/jogging intervals. It felt good! My abs are still sore from the crunches I did the night before. Good to know there are still ab muscles in there somewhere!:laugh: No workout planned for tonight but I'm hoping to make it to the gym again tomorrow morning.

    I'm going out to lunch with a friend at work today so will have to try and make a healthy choice while I'm there, but I think I should be fine. And I have NO idea what to do for dinner tonight. I'm thinking of making some Tilapia with rice and veggies. We shall see...

    So, are any of you ladies breastfeeding? Just curious. I know this burns calories as well and they say you should not be "dieting." I'm just trying to stay within my allotted calories plus some extra "healthy" calories for the ones I burn breastfeeding.

    Well...time for me to get started on some work for the day. Have a great morning gals and I'll check back later!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oooo, hope I'm not too late! I've been looking for a post pregnancy mommy group. :bigsmile:

    My baby isn't quite a baby anymore at 2, but I'm still carrying around all the weight I put on with him. My goal is to lose everything I need to by his 3rd birthday in Sept because we are going to a water park and I want to be a 'hot mommy'! :wink:

    Current weight - 211 pounds (According to last week's weigh in)
    Week 1 Goal - Lose 2 pounds
    Final Goal Weight - 135 pounds-ish (Never been even close to that, so I have no idea what I'll look like. :noway: )

    I have PCOS, so my diet will perhaps differ some. I follow many of the same rules as diabetics and really watch my carb/sugar intake. But I still count calories as well - can't wait to get to know you ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    can guys have baby weight to lose? lol
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Fieldsy...SURE! Especially if it's that sympathy gain!:laugh:

    Hannah...we'd LOVE to have you join!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    yeah I got like 20lbs of baby fat I wanna lose lol
  • supermom1114
    I was 140 before I had my son and I got all the way up to 190 while prego, part of that was severe fluid retention, I lost 25-30lbs within the first month or so after he was born just from losing the built up fluid. This site helped me to get down to 142 around 11 months after he was born. I had a busy time with midterms in college so I got a little off track, didn't gain but didn't lose so I stayed 142 on my son's first bday, Nov 14. I'm back on track to lose the 10-15lbs I gained freshman and sophmore year of college, used to be 125 in highschool doing sports and ROTC so thats my goal. So I said all that to say it is possible if ya'll stick to it!! You can do it! And you're children are counting on you!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Supermom! It's always good to hear from someone who's done it! I know we can all acheive our goals if we set our minds to it!
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    My name is Stephanie, I forgot to put it in my first post. I'm a stay at home mom that really struggling with the weight I put on.
    My current weight- 137
    Week 1- I say down 1 pound
    Final Goal weigh- I'm not sure yet I would just like to be at a healthy weight and look good at the same time. This is hard for me because I have had many eating disorder when I lose weight its just never enough until I get to an unhealthy weight and even then I can't stop
  • susanecho
    susanecho Posts: 9 Member
    Well, I had breakfast this morning, yay! Not much of a breakfast person, but at least that's a start. I did some Tae Bo last night while the kiddo was sleeping, my buns are burning. Kristin...good job on the 5k, that's so awesome. I need to be creative and do a lot of home work-outs due to the baby and after working a 12 hours shift I don't want to go to the gym.
    For all you breastfeeding moms you can add approximately 500 extra calories to your overall daily intake. If you are exercising, do it after a feed or pump session because the milk after a workout is kind of sour and your baby may or may not like the taste.
    Stephanie, don't forget you are a beautiful woman with a loving family around you. You are who is important to them regardless of your weight. My best friend has similar struggles. She was a gymnast so an eating disorder seemed to come with the territory. She always hung around the 98-105lbs range and for a 5'4" frame that is tiny. After her first baby she got up to 140 but quickly went down to 115, I told her she looked good and healthy and not to lose anymore. She went down to 95. I told her she looked ill and her baby needs her to be healthy. She has now had baby #2 and sits around 120 and looks awesome. I know she still struggles and no weight will be 'perfect' but at least she's healthy right now. I hope we can be a support for you.
    We are all going through the same thing, right ladies? Whether it's 10lbs or 100lbs...it's weight loss!
    Happy journey!
  • Tianisha1908
    Hello Everyone
    Hoping there's room for one more in the group. I had my son last year on Christmas Eve and haven't lost any of the baby weight. I got up to almost 200 pounds during my pregnancy and right now I'm around 185. I was 160 before the pregnancy but I would love to get back to my college days size of 140. I work full time as a Financial Aid Director and it's extremely hard to fit exercise time into my routine. I must say I haven't been motivated to exercise or eat healthy lately. Any free time that I do get, i try to sleep and get rest but lately I'll try to walk 2-3 miles at least three times a week. But I have absolutely no time at all for the gym. My boyfriend recommended going on my lunch break but I just haven't been that motivated to do that yet. I think there's a mental block that I have about leaving work to go the gym and then come back to work. Please let me know if it has worked for any of you before. I have never been the size that I am now and it's so depressing when I look in the mirror. So I decided that I'm the only one who can do anything about it and knowing that there are women here who have been through and are currently going through what I'm going through makes it a little easier. So here's me...
    Current Weight - 185
    Week 1 Goal - Lose 2 Pounds
    Final Goal Weight 150 (Realistic:laugh: )
    Oh and my name is Tianisha and yes I had a c-section also:wink: