What delicious food are you allergic to?



  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Mangoes :( I can sneak a tiny sliver every now and then.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Pork! I can't eat pork, I get a severe reaction. I can't even eat Gummi Bears or marshmallow because it is made from pork fat. :P
  • mguzman2011
    Girl being allergic to chocolate is a good thing. Kudos to you!
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    egg whites :cry: shrimp :cry: milk and milk by products :sad: and gluten :cry: which means NO PIZZA!! I miss Papa John's :sad:

    strangest allergy is Alfalfa :huh:
  • LuvDMB
    LuvDMB Posts: 26
    Cantaloupe, honeydew, and apples :-( ....All 3 will put me in the ER
  • Laner07
    Laner07 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm not allergic to any food but my best friend is allergic to strawberries
  • AMaro215
    AMaro215 Posts: 78 Member
    Bananas...If they touch my lips, they turn purple and white start to burn and peel. I can eat them if they don't touch me lips, weird, I know :)
  • jennxlouu
    jennxlouu Posts: 4
    I'm allergic to milk of any sort, all melons, peanuts/ tree nuts, and a couple of other fruit like peaches and kiwi...
    I have so many allergies :c
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    gluten, sourghum, quinoa, dairy of any sort, soy, coconut. Soy is a new one darn it. And a family sensitivity to corn and nightshade vegies.
  • Puddles0308
    Milk chocolate, my throat will close and i'll break out. Dark chocolate on the other hand is A-ok!
  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    Kiwi. :frown: I grew up eating them all the time but I had a severe reaction after eating two of them when I was 28. Sucks!
  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    Wheat.... so no bread/pasta/etc... I actually have celiac disease. But I am also sensitive to corn, rice flour (but not rice??), and bananas make me sick to my stomach

    One of my good friends found out last year she has Celiac disease. Now that we know, it makes so much sense now why she was so ill for so long. One episode that really stands out in my mind was after we had pasta for dinner. The girls in my group of friends take turns cooking for each other so shopping for meals and reading labels has *really* opened my eyes to see how much gluten is out there in every day food products.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I'm allergic to chocolate cake....everytime I eat it, my butt swells. Bahahahaha!~

    On the serious side, my SO's entire family are the most allergic/sick people ever and I pray our daughter doesn't get it. I'm talking: shellfish, apples, gluten, wheat, barley, rye, oats, dairy, eczema, asthma..... and the list goes on and on.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    When I was a kid, anything acidic, like tomatoes or lemons especially, gave me this weird rash around my mouth that looked like a second set of lips. now I just eat them carefully and try not to get them on my face.
  • ichellebereel
    ichellebereel Posts: 55 Member
    Grapes..I scratch uncontrollably even if they are around me. My children tries to sneak them in he house to this day, however I know they are in there because I start scratching and welping up, sometime to the point that I'm in the ER. geez
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 186 Member
    Ok mine is freaky. Peaches, apricots, cherries, basically anything with a pit (cot). I love the smell and the taste. But, I sure as heck like breathing better. If I eat them I have an anaphalayic shock. If the juice touches my skin, hives. I had to quit my job at the school cafeteria because my allergies were getting worse just smelling them. My chest would just tighten up and I would have to use my inhaler and benedryl just to get through the day. Oh well, I have a better job now and I breathe better now.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    whenever i eat it i get fat
  • melissaloveshair
    Wheat, corn, and citrus. Sadness. Happy I can still have dairy and chocolate!
  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    It's not an allergy but I have an intolerance to dairy which developed in my teenage years. I won't tell you what happens if I eat it... I miss cheese!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member