100 push up, 200 squat or 200 sit up challenge



  • Ziggyzambo
    Ziggyzambo Posts: 46 Member

    Squats: 13-16-13-13-22

    Sit-ups: 9-12-9-9-20

    Knee Push-ups: 6-8-6-6-7
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Good job everyone that has stuck with it! I got side tracked by life and having visitors. Looks like I should re-test and start again
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    That looks interesting. I guess I can squeeze it in on tuesday, thursday and saturday, along with yoga/pilates. It's surely gonna suck on my yoga days though, 'cause I have about 3 bazillion planks - down slooow - up dog - push-up - down dog to do.

    I'm going to guess where my starting point is, and will post where it actually is.

    Push-ups - guessing 2, although I can likely push myself into 3. I know for sure I can do 10 in a row without breaking a sweat.
    Squats - guessing very good to excellent. I do a lot of squats in my other routines, with weights, so this shouldn't be a big deal.
    Sit ups - guessing Average.
  • Bump, I'm in.
  • cateyjo
    cateyjo Posts: 108
    I'm in!!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm in too! Will do initial test tonight! :-D
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    Sounds fun!
  • Did initial test and did 15 push ups, 62 squats. Tried to do the sit-ups too but score very bad. I will try sit-ups when I have recovered a bit.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Push ups - 15. At that point, the toddler jumped on my back, and I sure can't do even one with a 30 pound gorilla on my back.
    Squats - 70. Got bored and stopped. Did not help that the kid was poking me in the rear.
    Sit ups - 42. Could've done a few more, but not with a kid pushing down on me.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    W4D1: push up - 18,22,16,16,26=98
    W4D1: squat - 29,35,29,29,95=217
    W4D1 sit up - 33,42,32,34,80 = 231 :smile:
  • Initial test on sit ups was 60 which is better than I thought I could do :)
  • lmichelleg
    lmichelleg Posts: 136 Member
    Initial test: Pushups: 4 - Rank: 1

    Week 1
    Day 1: 5 pushups
    Day 2: 4 pushups
    Day 3: 6 pushups

    Week 2
    Day 1: 7 pushups
    Day 2: 7 pushups
    Day 3: 8 pushups
  • tinaslosingit
    tinaslosingit Posts: 45 Member
    Exhaustion test today for pushups - did 25 consecutive push ups (initial test was 19)
  • Ziggyzambo
    Ziggyzambo Posts: 46 Member

    Squats: 15-20-13-13-23

    Sit-ups: 12-15-11-11-25

    Knee Push-ups: 8-10-7-7-9

    End of week one. Totals so far: 225 squats, 176 sit-ups, 99 knee push-ups.
  • pooki24
    pooki24 Posts: 31
    W3D1: 14-18-14-14-20 = 80

    W3D1: 16-22-17-17-30 = 102

    W1D1: 15-18-10-10-25 = 78

    Feeling better than I thought I would
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    I really struggled with push ups today - had to drop from column 2 to column 1 half way through ... I just started level 3 of JM 30 Day shred today and I think that sapped all the strength out of me :yawn:

    W4D2: push up - 20,25,15,16,22=98
    W4D2: squat - 34,40,34,34, 104=208
    W4D2 sit up - 38,45, 38,38,92 = 251
  • AngelofMusic13
    AngelofMusic13 Posts: 105 Member
    Push Ups (Knees)-
    W3D1: 12 12 7 7 15= 53
    W3D2: 12 12 8 10 20= 62
    W3D3: 11 15 9 9 20= 64

    Sit Ups-
    W1D1: 15 18 10 10 25= 78
    W1D2: 15 18 15 15 35= 98
    W1D3: 17 22 14 14 35= 102

    W3D1: 19 24 19 19 50= 131
    W3D2: 27 34 32 32 60= 163
    W3D3= 33 38 27 27 70= 195
  • Ziggyzambo
    Ziggyzambo Posts: 46 Member

    Squats: 19-19-13-13-25

    Sit-ups: 14-17-12-12-30

    Knee Push-ups: 9-11-8-8-10
  • Under_Construction13
    Under_Construction13 Posts: 60 Member
    Bump for me and the hubby :)
  • lmichelleg
    lmichelleg Posts: 136 Member
    Initial test: Pushups: 4 - Rank: 1

    Week 1
    Day 1: 5 pushups
    Day 2: 4 pushups
    Day 3: 6 pushups

    Week 2
    Day 1: 7 pushups
    Day 2: 7 pushups
    Day 3: 8 pushups

    Week 2 (I am doing it again)
    Day 1: 6 pushups