Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    BiloxiBelle: Hi there! Thanks for the update on Insanity ..... I will definitely do that on the Deluxe Pckg. I heard that from someone else as well so it must be the way to go! :happy:
    Thank you for the update on Shock Cardio shipping Dec 15th ... I hadn't heard that yet!

    That is so fantastic that you have seen results in your clothes ~ I bet you are thrilled! Congrats :drinker:

    Good to hear from you ~ have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member

    I am at the computer putting my food into my journal, so thought I would give a morning update. I have done 10 min. Solutions Knockout Body, and then need to get youngest DD to ballet class. Some housework and then I need to get to the pet store for puppy treats! And of course as long as I'm there will need to pick up something for a Christmas present. She has destroyed most of her squeeky toys, so I think I will try to find her a new squirrel. :laugh: She really likes to chew on that one. :laugh:

    This morning I purchase 10 min. trainers for the DH, and he was watching over my shoulder so I am happy that he is looking at something to help with his weight. They will be good add-on workouts if he get bored with them. :wink:

    Biloxibelle, Thanks for the update, I had seen that on her forum. The covers on the new workouts look really colorful. Made me excited to see them. Can't wait to here more about the MMA's though. I will be getting the deluxe package, I had hear that the sports training workout was really good. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning, :happy:

    Disc 25 Chest & Back is done, and the amount of weight still amazes me. But then again you are only doing 8 reps. :smile: Would still like to get in short cardio after work, and some stretching. Now that this really heavy weight is being done, I'm thinking that stretching will be a necessity. :laugh:

    Sunday I did manage to get in my run, but my HR was getting way to high. I think it was because I hadn't gotten an adequate amount of water that morning. I headed to church in the morning without hydrating at all. :grumble: I should remember to do that, but then I usually have to go to the bathroom right in the middle of service. :laugh:

    Apparently Cathe filmed the MMA's this weekend, so I'm excited to see some pic's of those. :wink:

    Short week for me, and of course for you. You will probably be sore after doing those three workouts back to back. But legs should be right in the middle of the upper body workouts, so of course doable. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    Yes – Yahoo for short weeks! :drinker: :drinker:

    The “glutton” struck again yesterday. :noway: Instead of doing a nice relaxing stretch I went ahead and did KickMax and then went to volleyball! It felt good though and my legs were good.
    I wanted to take the “kids” for a walk Saturday but woke up to a bunch of snow so we didn’t go. I’m sure they wouldn’t have minded one bit.

    This a.m. was Disc 22 – I was glad I made notes from last week on the weights … etc. It was good and my shoulders were definitely fatigued at the end.
    Yes, I agree on my schedule for this week. I’m sure I will feel a bit sore by Thanksgiving a.m. by doing these back-to-back but that’s ok and with legs being in the middle that will be good.

    I wanted to ask you – for Meso 3 on legs will you be doing the Plyo? I don’t have a squat rack so I am not sure how I will be doing the workouts or if I will have an option; I do have plenty heavy weights but without a squat rack not sure how much my forearms will support.

    Hope you are having a great day ~ enjoy your short week! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Tami,

    This morning I was the one punishing myself. :laugh: 2.75 mile run on my TM that I finished in 26:45, so slightly faster than a 10 min. mile. I also got in Cardio Blast Premix from Drill Max. Both combined where a great calorie burn. :wink:

    Meso 3 I plan on doing the Plyo Leg workouts. I don't have a squat rack, but was wondering if a weighted vest would help with that. I figured that since I only have to do one for the next four weeks, I could do the plyo. But I wonder since you are doing the 6-1/2 month rotation, that would mean that you would be doing 8 plyo workouts. I was wanting to get that 10lb weighted vest that Cathe is selling, and I know that they have it available at I was planning on ordering it, and having it delivered to my local store to save shipping charges. :wink: I know what you mean on the forearms though. I would really love a squat rack of some sort though, just don't have enough space. :grumble:

    We don't have snow yet, but they said that we would have a chance of getting some on Thanksgiving. :frown: I know my Cami just loves the white stuff!

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning! :smile:

    WOW! Good job on the workouts …. That is great! Getting some good cardio in before Thanksgiving forsure.

    I did Disc 23 – Legs this a.m. It was good ~ I always enjoy working legs for some reason.

    That’s just how I am with the Meso 3 and no squat rack. I have also thought of the weighted vest … didn’t know WalMart had it as well. So I think that is what I will plan on doing … even though it will be 8 Plyo workouts! :huh: Good thing I enjoy working legs! :laugh:

    So tomorrow will be Disc 24 and the end of Meso 2 for me. I was looking ahead and I may have 2 weeks ahead before beginning Meso 3. :noway: Regular Recovery Wk next week and then my hubby and I are going to Las Vegas Dec 8 – 12 so I was thinking I probably shouldn’t start Meso 3 until I get back. You’ll have to give me tips because you’ll almost be done. I’m kind of bummed to be thrown off a week but that’s ok. I’ll get some good cardio & misc. in and see what I can do in Vegas at the hotel.

    Are you already thinking ahead of when this rotation of STS is done!? We should have Shock Cardio by then! :happy:

    We leave early Thanksgiving a.m. for my moms and then a few non-workout days begin …. I hope, as I have mentioned before to at least get in some good walks/run as well.
    Are you getting excited for your trip to the water park?!! I bet your girls are!!?

    I’ll chat with you tomorrow … Hope you are having a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Today was Disc 26 Plyo Legs, and I'm loving this workout. She alternates a weight exercise with plyo work. Each plyo exercise is about 30 seconds. Sometimes with things like the Imax's I would dread doing them because of the length of the plyo lunge. :laugh: So this workout was a two thumbs up for me. :wink:

    Probably a great idea to not start Meso 3 until you get back from your vacation. Sounds like a good time. I want to go back to Vegas again.

    Yep I'm planning on trying out a Jillian rotation after STS, and then Insanity! :wink: After that another STS rotation, which WILL incorporate the Shock Cardio workouts. In fact it will work really well with the rotation that I'm planning. As you can see I plan way ahead of time. :laugh: :laugh: I think one would call it rotation ADD! :laugh:

    My DD's are very excited to see there cousins, it gets a bit noisy though! We have kids that range in ages 19-3. They all get along so well though. My Mom loves having all her grandchildren around her. :love:

    Get in lots of walking/runs while you are at your Mom's, and have a great time.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    Finished up Meso 2 this a.m. .... seems like a long time to wait to start Meso 3 :cry: but that's ok. Looking forward to recovery week next week and making up for days lost from the Thanksgiving trip.

    The Plyo workout sounds awesome ... I did read ahead briefly and it looks really great with the bursts of exercise in between. :smile:

    I love it that you already have it planned out ..... I have a little ways to go but will definitely have something planned to go right into. I hope we are still keeping in touch even if they are different! :blushing: It's really nice sharing in the workout enthusiasm and DVD addiction with someone. :laugh:

    It sounds like you will have an awesome Thanksgiving with family! I will check in with you when I get back.

    Take care and talk to you soon! :flowerforyou: Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member

    Done with Disc 28! Want to get some type of cardio in tonight with all the eating that I did this weekend, I'm thinking that my body probably is craving the cardio. Or maybe that is what my brain is thinking that my body needs. I did probably eat to much, but I had a great time with my family. Back to the grindstone today! :grumble:

    How was your Thanksgiving?

    Recovery week for you, so will be interested in all the good workouts you choose. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that Walmart is selling another weighted vest that is a Cathe product. This vest weighs 12-20 lbs. So this might be a great addition to the equipment. :laugh:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning! :smile:

    This morning was the kickboxing from the 4 Day Split series, and a 3 mile run on my treadmill. I still would like to get in an ab workout, but that might have to wait until after the DD's hair appointment.

    Hope your day is going well,:bigsmile:
  • ZeldaCat
    Hello - I wanted to ask your opinions (if you have tried) any of Cathe's stretching videos. I was looking for some good ones online that were not Yoga based and came across hers. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    ZeldaCat: I have Stretchmax and Total Body Stretching. The Stretchmax has three 20 min. stretch routines plus I think an option to play all three together. I like all three of these, but really like the first one that uses no equipment. My favorite part of the one using the stability ball is when you get to drape your body over the ball. :smile: Total Body Stretching is again three routines, but the length is around 15 min. I really really like the no equipment in this one to. I use this one after my running, and my legs always feel great afterwards. She gives a little yoga type things in these, but most of the stretches are more athletic in nature. Hope this helps.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    I'm back from Thanksgiving! I've missed my daily check-ins with ya! :wink: Thanksgiving was great. I hope you had a nice time as well.

    I wasn't able to work out (just as I had dreaded) :cry: but did go on a couple of nice walks. So I absolutely understand the Cardio craving - beyond! So this a.m. I did Jillian's BFBM workout. One of "our" favorites! Felt good but I was definitely tired getting up this a.m.

    Tomorrow I think I will do one of KCM workouts. :happy:

    Hope you are having a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • ZeldaCat
    Thank you! I will definitely check them out.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Thank you! I will definitely check them out.
    Hi Zeldacat: I apologize, I didn't answer you earlier today. :blushing: But I have the exact stretch workout of Cathe's that Laurie does and I love it. I would highly recommend it. :smile: Having it split up into various 20 min sessions is great or all in one.
  • ZeldaCat
    Great, thanks for the info!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning :flowerforyou:

    Today was Disc 29 Plyo Legs, and another great workout by Cathe. I can see adding these workouts to a rotation, and using it as a second leg day. If I was doing a P90X rotation I would probably use these plyo workouts in place of PlyoX. Your HR is up and down through this whole workout. :love: these workouts so far.

    LOL on the BFBM, I'm hoping to get that one in soon too. But again I have them in my January rotation, so maybe I will save the torture for that time. :laugh: Our Thanksgiving was short, and I was tired from being gone also. Can't believe that Christmas is right around the corner, need to get some shopping finished.

    ZeldaCat, Glad we could help you out.

    Have a great day!
  • ZeldaCat
    Hi Ladies - Excuse me for being ignorant, but which Cathe program are you currently using? I am considering either her STS program or Beachbody's ChaLEAN Extreme. I like the fact that STS is different every day as I tend to get bored easily. What do you guys think? Have you had good results with Cathe's programs?

    I do not really have weight to lose, I need to work more on toning certain areas and getting rid of fat in certain areas (love handles, legs, etc!)

    I appreciate your help!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good afternoon! I meant to post earlier and got side tracked here at work .... :tongue:

    I can't wait to get into Meso 3 for the Plyo. It sounds awesome. I wonder if incorporating 2 "leg" days during Meso 3 would be good? :noway: I'm anxious, knowing in advance I have next week as another "Recovery" week since I will be gone. I did find out the hotel has a great workout facility! :smile:

    KCM - Ultra Cardio was my workout this a.m. Just did the 1st step workout; will do the Plyo portion maybe Friday. I am thinking of Pilates tomorrow. I can't remember the instructors name but it is a good one ~ Pilates for Weight Loss I think is the name. Haven't done that one in a while.

    Hope you have had a great day! :flowerforyou:

    ZeldaCat: Hi there! Not ignorant at all. We are doing the STS program! I can't say enough about the program. :smile: Absolutely love it and if variety is what you like in workouts STS definitely has it. I did ChaLEAN X before this (2 rotations) and I like STS way more. Nothing against ChaLEAN X it is just so good and such a thorough workout as far as weight workouts go. Cathe's teaching style and variety plus the different phases you go through continue to challenge you even as you get stronger. ChaLEAN X became kind of easy to me even though I enjoyed it.
    You may have already done this but if you go to and read about STS you can see all that it entails. I would say I am in the same boat of what you describe - not a lot of weight to lose but having the goal toward toning, although having a few LBS come off during the process I won't complain, that's forsure! I haven't weighed myself since starting the program :blushing: back in Aug. but I know I definitely feel more toned. So that feels good.
    Please let us know if you have any questions, etc... I definitely asked a bunch before I dove into the program. :wink:

    Talk to you later ~ :flowerforyou:
