Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • balddonnie
    balddonnie Posts: 32
    For me I can sum it up easily... "Real women have real curves and reale men love real women".
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    My husband likes a curvy girl (around 140-160). I told him my goal weight, and his jaw dropped, but it was better when I told him the boobs were genetic and not going anywhere.

    Seriously, my sister lost 100 pounds, was a size 4 pants, and had FF boobs. Mine are down from an LL to an HH. I think more than DD is too much though. I just love fighting nature!

    Yeah my girlfriend's mom and grandma were against the idea of her weightlifting and losing too much fat for fear of her losing her boobs and suddenly defying the laws of physics and biology and looking like a man.
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    This is *very* subjective as it's just been my limited set of experiences. I've had men attracted to me at all stages of my weight, but I found when I'm heavier that I attract a type of man I do not care for. They tend to objectify me, want sex but no relationship and in general I feel used around them. Wheras I feel when I'm thinner I've encountered more relationship quality men who have been attracted to me. It might be correlation rather than causation, but that's my experience.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    i assumed guys always wanted the skinnier girl. but there are many guys out there who want the curves and the rolls.

    in roman times the chubby look was actually what all the girls wanted to achieve and that was a thing of beauty. so i guess it's not so surprising that many still feel the same way.

    That's awesome, chubby girls can be very attractive too. :)
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Yeah, I don't get it. I've never dated a guy who preferred a fat or curvy girl. In fact, every guy I've ever dated has agreed that I had a few pounds to lose. This when I was a size nine, 130 lbs. Even in 9th grade, because I didn't have a flat bikini belly. Several men that I met, but didn't date, when I was a size 12, mentioned later after I lost the weight how I used to be fat. There is a man at work who was in my weight training class in college about six years ago. I weighed 150 lbs., 5'6", and I knew I had weight to lose, but even I didn't think of myself as fat. Now that I'm 10 lbs. lighter and my body transformed from lifting, he loves to remind me of how fat I was when we took that class. I recently had another man at work tell me I look like Barbie, and he assured me he meant it as a compliment. All the men I know want Barbie or the Victoria's Secret model body. I remember when my bf and I were looking at a VS catalog and he told me I was about 12 lbs. from having a VS body. It was as if he was guiding me toward that goal. I'm glad that there are plenty of men hot for all the bigger girls out there, but that was never my experience.
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member
    Me personally I like women with curves. You don't have to be big to have curves, but I don't want a woman that is really skinny
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    I feel so shallow . . . I find curves very, very, sexy. But I think it's just how a lot of us (guys) are and a lot of it has to do with biology and brain sex. Curves mean fertility, etc, which at the end of the day is what drives us all to find a mate if we want kids or not. It's always lurking in the background.

    I would say he's with you because of a mix of how you look and who you are. Afterall, I bet he saw you before he talked to you. It doesn't make you any less valuable inside. You're, well, you're just attractive weight loss or no weight loss.

    Loose what weight you feel you have to if you like for you, feel good. Please feel good about yourself.
    I'm on here becaue I don't think curves are sexy on a guy, namely me. I want more confidence and energy.

    This is the most perfect response!
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Literally made me laugh out loud!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    In the end its the shape I prefer on myself - not dictated by anyone else.
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    Nice thread! I am still coming to terms with my curves, and trying to decide what my end goal should even be. I have to say though, it is nice to see some support for my fellow curvy ladies. That being said, ladies, no matter what your shape, and size, there are plenty of guys or gals out there that find you attractive. There is no one generalized answer to what guys find "more attractive". Everybody is different. :flowerforyou:
  • Creativeballance
    It's all about T&A, at least that's what makes me walk into stationary objects.

    Not so much that the T blends into the A.

    Nuff said.
  • Ldavies85
    Ldavies85 Posts: 39 Member
    My husband and I were friends when I was skinny and dated when I was heavier. He married me at my heaviest then, and still loved me when I gained weight after having our baby. The only reason he would want me to lose weight is so that I am healthy and happy with myself. He supports me no matter what.

    I've also dated guys who have said they prefer chubby women. And I've had friends who were tiny and their guys tell them they are too big or that they don't want them to ever gain weight.

    It all depends on the person.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I love a curvy girl!
    Skin and bones?
    No thanx!
    I feel that 15-20% body fat on a woman is perfection!

    Personality is 100% though.

    Do you know what 15-20% BF on a woman looks like? I'm not saying it doesn't look good, but it's very lean and athletic.

    Yeah...15% --
    Not soft at all if these pics are any indication.
  • Michellemtjpjt
    I am getting my healthy sexy shape back want to keep my butt and thighs :) but curvy is in but healthy
  • Michellemtjpjt
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.

    That is true! :laugh:

    I agreee with this for sure :)
  • ReadyToShine
    Awesome response!!
    I feel so shallow . . . I find curves very, very, sexy. But I think it's just how a lot of us (guys) are and a lot of it has to do with biology and brain sex. Curves mean fertility, etc, which at the end of the day is what drives us all to find a mate if we want kids or not. It's always lurking in the background.

    I would say he's with you because of a mix of how you look and who you are. Afterall, I bet he saw you before he talked to you. It doesn't make you any less valuable inside. You're, well, you're just attractive weight loss or no weight loss.

    Loose what weight you feel you have to if you like for you, feel good. Please feel good about yourself.
    I'm on here becaue I don't think curves are sexy on a guy, namely me. I want more confidence and energy.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member

    Here is a PG-13 -ish link with an example of my ah-ha moment regarding my weight, my college obsession with supermodels, my lifelong desire to be skinny... in one of the photos, the two (nude) females stand in close proximity (the photo is over the top un-necessary in the way they are posed, by my standards, but I'm not choosing to think of it the way I think it's meant, if you look you will know what I mean. Believe me it's nude women in a suggestive pose and if you get offended by stuff like that don't click!

    My point is, I never before saw the contrast between a size 0 person and a size regular-female shape. The "plus size model" is what I consider to be a regular, normal, attractive body shape, and then there's the opposite extreme, the chicken bones stick twig figure commonly looked upon as the desirable haute couture model, mainly I guess because she is shaped like a clothes hanger, her body doesn't bulge out enough to influence the lines of the clothing or change the way the cut drapes?

    It really hit home for me that wow, what "they" consider plus sized (in contrast to the size 0 girl which may be some people's goal unless they realize what that looks like!) is a way more attractive body type. Maybe that's just me. The magazine has lots of comments regarding encouraging plus sized people to stay an unhealthy weight etc. but geez, a person has to wear clothes and I don't see anything extrinsically motivating me to be anything, really. I'm intrinsically motivated to get healthy, for myself.

    The second one in the slide show, the dark haired woman, Laura Wells, is absolutely gorgeous. If I could pick a shape and wake up looking like that, that is about my ideal.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I think guys like a lot of different types, same as women do, though I think the highest number (as posts on here support) like a curvy but the normal or just a little overweight... range. However quite a few out there actively do like larger women. I've always tended to think that only larger guys are more likely to like larger women than average weight or slender guys..yet Ive realized that is not always the case either. I can think of at least 3 friends that are in the plus sized range (probably low to mid 200s) with normal/thin husbands who adore them (and met them when they were heavy).

    I think if I had a "type" in men it would be somewhat big/overweight, but muscular. and somewhat active. It varies a lot but I am rarely attracted to very small slim guys, probably mostly because I feel so awkward. However personality and brains and common interests (a hard thing for me to find due to having some offbeat ones) are much more important.

    My last boyfriend was super tall, but quite slim and ectomorph-ish. At most he could have spared 10 or 15lbs. When he lost 25 (due to illness) he looked emaciated and ill. He was very attracted to me, and judging from pics of his exes, his general preference seemed to be short geeky plus-size girls with curves, it wasn't just me. He never made any big deal of that preference but it seemed pretty apparent from his choices. He often referred to himself as a "big guy" and I doubt he had any idea that I actually outweighed him.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    My boyfriend looks at every shape (except super-duper skinny), that is why i go for what i want.
    He says he doesn't want me to lose weight (I'm 5'6 and 125lbs).
    The scale doesn't really mean anything to me i just want to lose inches even if i have to gain muscle weight for it.
    I have never seen many of his ex's but i know one that is now really big and he said that she was bulimic and would one month be huge and the next month thin as a rail and he did not like that AT ALL!
    But in the end he supports what I want to do as long as I'm healthy and eating lots. :D
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.

    wow... really? tell me how..

    When you lose your boobs you grow a penis......
    Oh no! My boobs are slipping away by the minute! LOL!