

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Laurel-I hope your mom’s test results turn out OK..

    Barb – I can see all the tickers. I loved your story. It brought back fond memories of when I lived right on the side of I 40 and met many a stranded motorist needing a phone or a tow out of a ditch.

    Somehow I managed to loose ½ a pound last week. It certainly wasn’t because I did well watching my calories. Lol

    This week I really need to get back on track with food and stay on track with exercise.

    Happy Sunday all!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :yawn: Good morning all. up til late last night pumping water, hubby and I took turns getting up during the wee morning hours to check hole he cut in floor to see if water has seeped back in under the house, and of course it had.:grumble: So I turned the pump back on. :happy: Not raining today, Thank God.:smile: Weather forcast for more on Wednesday. Say a prayer that the ground dries up some before then. It is bitterly cold here in lower, slower Delaware. I am going to bundle up and go for a nice long walk. I need to destress and stay away from food for a couple of hours. I had my slim fast for breakfast an apple and peanut butter for a snack, I am planning lean cuisine for lunch and baked chicken with baked potato, cauliflower and spinach for dinner, that is the plan anyway. Hope everyone has a glorious Sunday.:heart: Love (((Hugs))) and prayers for all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Kathy- Welcome you are really someone to look up to. How did you lose all that weight? Did you do Weight Watchers? What exercise program did you follow?

    You know, it came as a surprise when it started. I got a (seasonal) job that was much more active than the one I had had for years. Also, I moved to a neighborhood where the grocery store wasn't right arouind the corner.
    But I think the biggest change was the HUGE decrease in stress that came after I moved. Its too long to go into--and some of it is extremely personal--but I moved away from some very difficult (troublemaking) neighbors and my stress levels went WAY down almost immediately!
    Portion control is my main way of losing. We are on a budget so I don't make different foods than what the family eats. However, since I do most of the cooking and grocery shopping, we are ALL eating healthier (even if some of my family doesn't realize it!)
    I put together my own exercise program from videos I found on the web. There are some good ones out there. You just have to look for them.
    I have a 2 lb. and a 3lb. set of dumbells, resistant bands of different intensity, and a recumbent exercise bike that my daughter brought with her when she moved in. I use them all.I'm hoping to get a new, cushier mat for Christmas. My bones are starting to hurt when I do floor exercises--not as much padding as before :laugh: ! Its kind of a good feeling, though, to actually FEEL my bones now when I do floor exercises!
    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I know you have been very busy, so I am wondering if you had heard about the Slimfast recall?:noway: A few days ago they announced that all of the Slimfast in a can, ready to drink, was being recalled due to a possible bacteria problem.:grumble: Maybe, like me, you have some hanging around from a few months ago that is ok, but if you recently purchased yours and it is in the can, I am sorry to give you one more thing to deal with, but better to know than get sick!!:flowerforyou: There is a post from a couple of days ago about it, that you can find by using the search function. The last entry in it is the one I posted with info from the Slimfast website.

    Regarding the missing tickers. That turned out to be a javascript issue w/my pc. I had quite a time yesterday evening and early this morning. I goofed up and misdirected my Comcast payment on billpay, and they didn't give the customary courtesy call to let me know I was overdue, so my service was interrupted yesterday morning, until I called and straightened it out. The internet worked fine until I downloaded some updates and restarted. Then instead of MFP, I kept getting a Comcast page asking me to re install, as though I was a new customer. I called tech support and talked to a very nice guy in Utah who appeared to fix the problem, but 20 minutes later I had no connection, so I called back and this time got a nice guy in Manitoba who fixed what the first guy had missed and now everything is working fine. In the process, my tickers are now visible. I was getting frustrated---wanted to see that "49" on my ticker!!!!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A Blessed Sunday to all!:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I went on an Advent Day Retreat and in was wonderful! :heart: So many beautiful and faithfilled people.:love:

    When I returned home I got news that Frank, my brother in law (BIL) has cancer and has 5 weeks to live.:cry: He is the brother of my first husband (Domenic) whom I have stayed very close to ever since Domenic died. It's an unusual and blessed situation as my present husband, Russell, adopted that whole family as HIS in - laws, and they just love him.:love: Our house is the homestead of Domenic's family and we have continued all the traditional get togethers that they had before he died. (after all, Domenic is the father of my 3 daughters so it was real important to stay connected) We always have Christmas Eve with MY family, Christmas Day with Domenic's family at our house, and Christmas evening with Russell's family.:flowerforyou: We plan to have Christmas Day as usual, even though it will be somber, because it has been my experience, with losing someone through death, that you try to keep everything else as normal as you can. I'm sure it will be more of a supportive day for all of us, but I love that family so much that I think we need to continue it! Frank worked for Sears and was always taking care of my appliances...as well as given me h--- when I abused them:blushing: He is my second daughter's godfather. So, just add my family to the list of all those going through something difficult. They will be much appreciated.:smooched:

  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I am interested in joining this group. I am 56 years old and have primarily relied upon walking for weight loss. Weight Watchers tells me I have 5 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. Nonetheless, my ego tells me I have 40 pounds of weight loss ahead of me. (All my suits are size 2s.) I am frustrated as I have just rejoined the work force and am not getting in the amount of exercise I had been previously. I am also reading a book entitled "Carbohydrate Addicts Diet," it seems to fit and will be trying that. Barb tells me this thread is very supportive and I could sure use some added support at this time in my life. My goal is to eat more of the right foods, and slowly begin to incorporate strength training into my fitness routine. I look forward to checking in with the rest of you and learning more about your situations too. Thanks for listening.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Rosemary I can appreciate your frustration over the flooding, we were there last year. The mess is never ending.

    Birdie I am so sorry to hear your bad news and will surely pray for your family.

    Barb what a hassle to get your internet accounts back in order. I am on day two of trying to get my email back.

    Peshuntz welcome to the group you will love it here, this is a great group of women. I hope you are not in a size "2" and looking to lose 40 lbs. I am trying to picture where a size 2 could be keeping 40 extra pounds!:smile:

    Had wonderful fellowship at Church this morning and I feel so renewed. What a blessing! Have a blessed Sunday all; Alice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :sad: Birdie, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your BIL.......this will be a huge challenge for your family...I will keep you in my thoughts

    :flowerforyou: Angl, I love the posts from you and your adorable dog. You asked if we are ever happy with where we are, well I have changed my weight goal several times since I was I thrilled with fitting in size 12 and I just recently changed it again even though I can't find a pair of jeans I like that are small enough in either my town or the next one over
    I'll be ordering off the internet later today.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I had a job with long holiday vacations and I loved it, but right now I don't miss being at work with an endless flow of holiday food.......sorry that you didn't reach your goal to fit into the ski outfit---the new dress for the wedding sounds like a great plan. I read your post about the military survey---very interesting and not surprising. I taught primary grades in public school for over thirty years and as the academic requirements got stiffer, the opportunities for active play diminished and as times changed, children stopped walking and playing outside and got driven to school and spent their free time in front of the TV or computer.

    :flowerforyou: kc, how great that Alex is in a play.....sorry about your back:sad: ......whatever happened about your car? congrats on getting into smaller jeans.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for the weather story........it jogged my memory about two different snow related events that happened to "snowbird" friends of mine who escaped to Arizona for the winter and had some near mishaps because of snow:laugh: The "49" on your ticker looks great.......it was worth spending time on the phone in the middle of the night with people all over the continent to get things back as they should be.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, you have more than your share of challenges right now......keep going with your positive attitude...there is a light at the end of the tunnel (and some dry weather)

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, thank you for sharing your weight loss journey......you are proof that you don't have to be wealthy with a gym membership and fancy food and a personal trainer to lose weight.........you are an inspiration to me and to others

    :flowerforyou: Peschuntz, welcome to the 50+ women......this is a great group......the world will tell you that you look great many pounds before you reach the goal you have in your heart.....20 pounds ago I had other women starting to tell me that I'd lost enough weight and was wasting away.......I smiled and ignored them and yesterday tried on some size 4 jeans that fit and I'm still a few pounds away from my goal.....keep on keeping on.....you'll get lots of good eating ideas from this thread......just take baby steps.

    :smile: :smile: :smile: we had about half an inch of snow overnight and howling wind......it was enough to make the path and road in front of my house slippery and too dangerous to take the dogs on the hill in the dark so I walked them in the back yard The wind has died down and the snow is melting so I guess I'll be able to take the dogs to the dog park......they are so much happier when they get a chance to run.
    Best wishes for a day of low stress, healthy eating, and good exercise, :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: Peschuntz,

    Welcome. I hope we can help support you in reaching your goals.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat,

    Thank you for keeping all that snow up north!!:laugh: We didn't get any snow. It is kinda hard to have snow when it is clear and the sun is out, but the wind is another matter. They had all kinds of info this morning on the news about windchill, so despite the sun, I haven't ventured out since last night when I went to church.

    I had some yummy seafood soup for dinner from a Chinese restaurant near me. They made it w/o msg and no added salt, so I am down another 1/2 lb today, but my ticker won't change, since this takes me to an even number/49. The best part about the soup, in addition to being delicious is there was so much of it I have enough for another meal!!:drinker:

    Doggies are being quiet so far, which means they will make up for it later, if I know my babies.:laugh:

    I am trying to get motivated enough to go out today to Costco. I love their rotisserie chickens. I can get several meals off of one, and I am not much into cooking right now.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday. I am signing off of here because this New Orleans/Washington (DC) (football) game is getting toooo close to take for granted!!!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all,
    :flowerforyou: Jeanie- thank you and congrats on the ½ pound
    :flowerforyou: Barb- thank you I did indeed hear about the recall. I actually don’t buy Slim Fast I buy the Equate brand at Wal-Mart. A lot cheaper than Slim Fast and turns out a lot safer too.
    :flowerforyou: Birdie- I am so sorry to hear about your BIL, I know what you are going through. My prayers are with you and your family.
    :flowerforyou: Peshuntz - welcome to the best thread on the internet. I look forward to learning more about you.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie- thank you for always having words of encouragement for everyone. Don’t take this the wrong way. BUT I am glad it’s you getting the snow and not us. I have this horrible vision of a great big sink hole swallowing up my house due to the tremendous amount of water we have in the ground right now.
    :flowerforyou: Alice- sounds like church was wonderful this morning. I can’t wait until I find one I can enjoy. I just haven’t found a church here that I feel truly comfortable with.
    I was christened Catholic, went to a Baptist church as a child. A Lutheran church when my younger kids were growing up and have attended a Wesleyan church recently.
    :love: My goodness there are sooo many cute little dogs on this thread. I have a German Shepherd who thinks she is a little dog.
    :smooched: I have pretty much stuck to my meal plan for today except instead of cauliflower and spinach I had broccoli and cauliflower with a little cheese sauce. I also had a very invigorating 3 mile walk with a friend. I wore layers of clothes coat, hat and gloves. It was cold to start but after about a half mile of very brisk walking the old body warmed up.:happy: I could have walked further but the 2 glasses of water I drank before I left had other ideas. I think I will watch a movie and turn in early. :frown: Tomorrow is going to be a very long day. My BIL is driving 3 hours to be with us to get the results of MIL tests and her 3 sisters are also going to go to the doctor’s office with us.
    :noway: All I can do is pray it's not as bad as the doctors think.
    Thank you for all the prayers, encouragement and kind words. :heart: Love, (((hugs))) and prayers for all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Just letting you know that my sister-in-law passed away Friday afternoon about four hours after we got here. It's been a really stressful time but our faith is seeing us through. I'm glad I got here in time to tell her good bye. The funeral isn't scheduled until Tuesday morning at 10 am. My flight is scheduled out of here at 10:15 am so I'm not going to be able to stay for the funeral but I'll be here for the visitation Monday night. It just can't be helped but my brother will still have the rest of the family here. (My daughter has to get back home for work).

    The diet & food choices still aren't real good but I'm drinking lots of water!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Thank you for bringing us up to date. I am so sorry for your sad news, but in its own way it is probably a bit of a relief for your family, knowing that her suffering is over and she is in a better place. I know your SIL will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by all of you. It is unfortunate that you couldn't be there when the funeral takes place, but I know you will be there in spirit. My condolences to you and your family.:flowerforyou:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Just letting you know that my sister-in-law passed away Friday afternoon about four hours after we got here. It's been a really stressful time but our faith is seeing us through. I'm glad I got here in time to tell her good bye. The funeral isn't scheduled until Tuesday morning at 10 am. My flight is scheduled out of here at 10:15 am so I'm not going to be able to stay for the funeral but I'll be here for the visitation Monday night. It just can't be helped but my brother will still have the rest of the family here. (My daughter has to get back home for work).

    The diet & food choices still aren't real good but I'm drinking lots of water!


    I'm so sorry, Cindy! Sometimes life just stinks! Anyway, hang in there. We are praying for you and yours. So glad you made it to talk to her. Hugs from Kansas!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    There was a post in the last few days that had some "funnies" in it that I meant to share. Thank you SimonsSchatz, the orginal poster. Here are a few below. If you want to see the whole thing, search for "Church Bulletins, and it should come up:

    "Thank God for church ladies with typewriters.
    These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church
    bulletins or were announced in church services :

    The Fasting & Prayer
    Conference includes

    Ladies, don't forget the rummage
    sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around
    the house. Bring your husbands.

    For those of you who have children
    and don't know it, we have a nursery

    Next Thursday there will be tryouts
    for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

    At the evening service tonight,
    the sermon topic will be 'What Is
    Come early and listen to our choir

    Eight new choir robes are
    currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the
    deterioration of some older ones.

    The church will host an evening of
    fine dining, super entertainment and gracious

    Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM -
    prayer and medication to

    The ladies of the Church have cast
    off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday

    This evening at 7 PM there will
    be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and
    come prepared to sin.

    Ladies Bible Study will be held
    Thursday morning at 10 AM.
    All ladies are invited to lunch in
    Fellowship Hall after
    the B.S. is done.

    The pastor would appreciate it if
    the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for
    the pancake breakfast next

    Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM
    at the
    First Presbyterian
    Please use large double door at the side

    You'll have to excuse me, I have to go find my "electric girdle" and see if I can get into a smaller size of slacks!!!:laugh:

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Funny Funny weaklink109
    It reminds me of the blunders on Jay Leno.
    Ive had a good day today. Even got a work out in. Bike 1 hour and did 3 sets of squats. Boy will I feel those tomorrow. Its suppose to snow here in the Michigan thumb tomorrow. YIKES.. surely not ready for it. The shovels and snow blower arnt even out yet.
    Almost time for me to turn into the hibernating bear.
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    My Father in law passed away the week before Thanksgiving and I haven't read or posted since then. I spent two weeks doing nothing in the way of exercise or diet but am back to working out the week after Thanksgiving and am back to posting tonight, Our family is ok Dad was 92 and had a wonderful life and family. We are thankful that he has gone to meet his saviour and is not longer in any pain. My husband seems to be handeling the loss well. My parents health is better my dad is doing ok with the one kidney. So My goal is to maintain the weight I have lost keep up with workouts and Jan work like crazy to start a new healthy year. I will try and catch up on the Dec. posts don't think I will get to read the rest of Novembers to much to do. My neice is graduating fro Georgia Tech this weekend and then ther is Christmas so much to do so little time. But life is good!

    Best wishes to all,
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad your family is coping, and that you can take comfort in the good life your dad /FIL had and find comfort in your faith. We are here for you.:flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad your family is coping, and that you can take comfort in the good life your dad /FIL had and find comfort in your faith. We are here for you.:flowerforyou:

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Sorry to hear about your loss, Cindy. My sister-in-law passed almost four years ago right after Christmas. I put a small two foot tree in our living room for her every year. She loved Christmas! She was a trooper. You were blessed you got to say good bye. My :heart: goes out to you and your family.
    It seems like the holidays are just so busy for everyone. I didn't have a chance to log in all week. I will try to keep up with the thread. You ladies are so helpful. I did maintain my weight and met my exercise goals at CURVES! This week no desserts!:noway:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Just a reminder....The Biggest Loser finale is on this Tuesday night!