What sacrifices have you given up to lose weight?

So, what is everyones guilty pleasure, which they used to do or eat all the time, but now they dont? Perhaps lifestyle things you did, but now you dont. What sacrifices are you doing to lose weight.

Whats that thing which made your day feel much better, but you knew it was bad for you, and you are fighting not to go there again.

Il start.

I used to drink about 4/5 coffees a day, some semi skimmed lattes i made, and realised the amout of caffeine i was having, was giving me headaches and migraines, and i was drinking nearly 2 pints a day of milk!

Now i drink a couple of cups a week.


  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Bars of chocolate. I used to have 1 pretty much every day. For the first time in over 4 months while on hols I caved in and bought a packet of munchies when i went to the cinema - the association of sweets and cinema was too strong - that's the one and only time I've had it since i packed in buying sweets.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Grains, can't say I miss 'em though.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have given up mostly food I used to eat... hot chips especially. Going out for dinner ect. I am fine with it :)
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I don't eat much cheese any more. I love cheese.

    Definitely cut back on my cider and wine too - don't want to drink my calories.
  • bubsyh
    bubsyh Posts: 57 Member
    I have *tried* to give up alcohol in the week. It is amazing how much better I feel at work now.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Bigger portion sizes! I could eat 2-3 huge plates of pasta no problem . . . well, now I probably can't XD.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I haven't sacrificed anything. There are a lot of things I eat less frequently, like junk food. I don't believe in deprivation, I believe in planned treats. There are other foods that I don't eat any more and don't miss either.

    That's it really. If it's too much of a sacrifice, it's unsustainable. If a particular food is making you ill, yes cut it out completely. However with junk food, one portion here and there is not going to do any harm, just make it an occasional treat thing rather than an every day thing, and keep it within your calorie allowance/part of your plan.
  • MauC25K
    MauC25K Posts: 40 Member
    3 things come to mind: Alcohol, fast food, soda. And two years later, soda is the one I still have a hard time with. The first two I could care less about at this point.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I have given up planting my *kitten* on the couch to watch tv. I workout in front of the tv instead and go outside with the kids. Or take them to the Y swimming.

    I have given up lots of processed foods. And Starbucks frappuccinos. And I drink less alcohol. Otherwise, if I want something, I just fit it in my calories for the day. I will never give up my dark chocolate.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Sweets - really sour, fizzy ones. I used to eat them all the time and never thought anything of it. Now I never even think to buy them, I don't miss them at all.

    I also eat a lot less cheese, and when I do I ensure I measure the amount.

    Also garlic bread, I used to eat it as a side with dinner a couple of times a week, but I don't really miss that either.
  • lyricalLies13
    I've given up going to my favorite mexican place every weekend with my friends, good food and GIANT drinks that are half off during happy hour. I only go once every two months now, gave up pop/soda and fast foods.
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Mine was chocolate. I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth and would have chocolate near every day and I couldnt have a little piece of it I would have the whole bar or bag of it. Have indulge in 2 brownie desserts since the end of March which I think isnt that bad. But no chocolate bars.

    The other one is root beer. I had cut back hugely on it only having it occasionally but with the hot weather I am really enjoying a nice cold pop since I dont drink anything else other than water.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    2 minute noodles. (I think Americans call them ramen?) I love them but so bad for you. Even now I can't have them in the house. I occasionally have a bowl of them (and sooooooo good) but I've had maybe three in the past year. (I used to eat at least two packets a day)
  • squiggle888
    Natchos - used to have them every evening with dips. Now I have carrots or cucumber instead. Either with philly or yogurt.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Grains, can't say I miss 'em though.

    Same here…
  • Raina27
    Raina27 Posts: 133
    Nothing!! I eat pretty much whatever I want and exercise...works for me!! :bigsmile:
    SAIRFACE Posts: 2
    lasagna and sultanas
  • HannahsReturnToFitness
    The list is endless...but....I don't miss any of them!

    Bread, cheese, alcoholic drink, excess sugar, biscuits, cake........
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Nothing!! I eat pretty much whatever I want and exercise...works for me!! :bigsmile:

    ^^^^^ This

    A diet is a life choice not life sentence so don't punish yourself.
  • PatByrne82
    PatByrne82 Posts: 72 Member
    I used to eat a lot of cake and biscuits.
    I've cut down on them a hell of a lot.
    When i see that one biscuit can be 100cals i think of what i could have instead of that.
    I still have the odd bit of cake and i enjoy it when i do

    what i have stopped completely is Pizza. It's been so long haha
    Maybe next weekend after my race as a reward