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What sacrifices have you given up to lose weight?



  • tyroners
    tyroners Posts: 113 Member
    These are out altogether :
    Chocolate bars, mars snickers etc
    Biscuits for dunking
    Pastry items pies and pasty
    Fast food, Mac D, pizza, Indian, Chinese,
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I gotta say, (not to sound like a Pollyanna) honestly I have not really deprived myself of anything since I started my quest for fitness in January, 2012. Echoing a couple other posts, I truly believe it is important to make lifestyle changes that are positive and long term - not deprivation and punishment that causes the need for "cheat" days and binges.

    My favorite food is pizza - I still eat pizza on occasion because it can be part of my healthy regimen if eaten smartly.

    I have chosen to change some of the "poison" foods I was eating to healthy alternatives and I do not miss the original stuff at all - in fact it actually tastes "yucky" to me now. An example is regular milk (not that milk is that bad) - I just decided to change over to unsweetened almond milk and I truly love the taste much better - I don't miss regular milk in the least bit.

    my 2 cents
  • kabbit42
    kabbit42 Posts: 77 Member
    Grabbing breakfast on the go. I live in China and they have some AMAZING street food that I love but it is pretty much all off limits. Too much salt, oil, and msg. I have to walk by it (very quickly!) every morning on the way to school and it kills me a little bit inside. I just repeat my mantra of flat stomach flat stomach flat stomach to myself and it is a little bit better.
  • I still have a crunchie chocolate bar almost everyday but count it within my calories...it makes me look forward to coming home and relaxing with something tasty... x
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I just stopped having everything at once lol. There isn't anything I don't eat, I just make sure it fits in my calories for that day.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    I dont make sacrifices, if i really want to eat something i do . Theres no point in stop eating something that i will now that i will eat after i loose weight. But i dont eat like a blindless cow which ive down most of my life.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    I just stopped having everything at once lol. There isn't anything I don't eat, I just make sure it fits in my calories for that day.

    LOL ...exacly
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Fast food, alcohol
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    I don't think I've had cheesecake since I started losing weight in April... and I looooove cheesecake.
    but I have given in to candy, donuts, the occasional fast food burger, and the awesome chori pollo from the mexican restaurant - just cut back my portions and/or cut calories around them to "make up" for it.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    I'm not giving up anything - I splurge in moderation if it fits in my daily calorie goals and work out. I'm making a lifestyle change and I certainly wouldn't want to cut treats out forever. :tongue:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Soda, but I don't miss it. I drank it all day because I felt so awful mentally and physically and it was all I could think to do at the time to make myself feel better and give me a little energy. I was coming out of a really bad time and off of a prescribed amphetamine, too, so I'm pretty sure my brain chemistry was a freaking disaster.

    Bread and bread products. I miss hamburgers with buns a little bit (okay, a lot), and I miss those cheap Bon Appetit pastries. I would let myself have one every once in a while, except I noticed that once in a while always turns into two or three times a week, and just one of those things is over 500 calories.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I've started working out regularly. That's my own personal definition of torture. I can give up any food, any drink, you name it, but if there's one thing I hate with every cell of my being, it's exercise. I'd be perfectly happy if I could just sit on my butt and read or write all day long.
  • redman1740
    redman1740 Posts: 13 Member
    Meat! I love meat its the one thing that I eat too much of. I am trying to only eat meat once a week to keep it under control. I even bought a food scale and use myfitnesspal to aid me in not eating too much meat.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I didn't really "give anything up" but I did have to adjust my diet to gluten free... so technically I gave up wheat... :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I haven't sacrificed anything. There are a lot of things I eat less frequently, like junk food. I don't believe in deprivation, I believe in planned treats. There are other foods that I don't eat any more and don't miss either.

    That's it really. If it's too much of a sacrifice, it's unsustainable. If a particular food is making you ill, yes cut it out completely. However with junk food, one portion here and there is not going to do any harm, just make it an occasional treat thing rather than an every day thing, and keep it within your calorie allowance/part of your plan.

    This. :smile:

    The one thing I've done differently this time, and why this time I've been successful at getting and keeping weight off, is that I didn't make any major sacrifices. I still have pizza, regularly. I still have chocolate, ice cream, cake, cookies, wine and mixed drinks. I enjoy everything I eat. I just watch the balance of what I eat, and I'm more active.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Ive given up most processed fatty take away foods ...chocolate/crisps/biscuits also and alcohol (-for a while) i always get cranky eating crap food so im not missing any of it...also ive stopped drinking as much coffee with milk, just black..
  • amylou1977
    amylou1977 Posts: 41 Member
    coca cola classic have nt had it in 19 days
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    I gave up:

    Mountain Dew
    Ranch Dressing
    Potato Chips
    And the biggie, CHOCOLATE. I used to eat chocolate everyday and now I haven't had it in 90 days. When I go from losing weight to maintaining weight I will bring them back but in very strict moderation.
  • I myself really haven't "given" up anything, I just made some healthier changes for example:

    I used to drink a large caramel frappuccino everyday, which is like 550 calories and all sugar, now I drink a skinny vanilla latte.
    I workout....instead of planting my behind on the couch, which in turn is much easier to do because working out is hard (ever notice when people are working out they aren't smiling, cause it isn't fun but it makes you feel so good)
    I drink more water, I used to just not drink water and substitute it with something like a soda.
    I count calories, which as we all know makes a huge difference, never did that before, didn't care.
    I have one day where I don't count calories, my aunt's personal trainer said this is one of the ways you boost your metabolism, plus you have to have one day where it doesn't matter, and it's not going to undo your whole diet.
    I still eat what I want, just in moderation :)
  • lets see ... I've cut way down on the amount of pasta i eat, i used to eat it 3 times a week now i eat it maybe once a week. the same with cheese, cheese is one of my go to foods along with pickels. i could eat a full jar of pickels in a day so i cut back on them too. im trying to eliminate the soda but thats a tough one. lol.