Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Kelynn - WELCOME!:flowerforyou: You're going to love this group. I'm glad you've decided to great treatment for your thyroid (we spoke about this a few months ago on another thread). My doc wants my TSH at 1.0. Best of luck to you. You're going to love feeling good. I always felt like such a failure before, now I feel empowered. It's corrected my metabolism AND my attitude.

    rose - I'm hypo and got treatment within the last 6 months. It's wonderful to feel like normal people again! If anyone else is doing everything right - and still not losing, get your thyroid checked (it's not just for old women). Especially if other people in your family have thyroid issues.

    ebh - I will post the chart tonight. Most of us have posted now.

    cherlou - excellent work! you are an inspiration to me.

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi F'rs (Fab Fours),
    Just entering my info. Are we challenging each day or each week? I challenge us all to NO , Notta, None sugar tomorrow!!!!!!
    SW- 148
    GW- 145
    Great idea, Verda. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Today's challenge, suggested by Cherlou, was just to post our real weight and 'fess up to reality! It's hard seeing that number in print.

    Tomorrow's challenge: No Sugar. Is everybody up for that challenge?
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    I am one day late but can I still join?

    I started MFP a few months ago, lost about 10 lbs but its all back on. Depression/stress makes me eat and most of the times it's in the car or at night when hubby is not in and kids are up stairs.
    Current weight 176
    Goal weight 145
    31 pounds!!!!

    I turned 40 this year. I have 3 boys (10,8,5) We run our own company and work in the office from 8 am until 1pm. Then I pick up the kids and be a housewife the rest of the day.
    I am living in Malaysia so my timing is slightly different, ahead of you all.
    Right now we are having the big schoolholiday break.
    Since we are short of staff I have to work even more what the kids don't really like.
    I need the support to carry on and not give up.
    I am not e real sports freak, but will start again
    This morning I walked 5 times up and down the staircase as a start haha
  • ashaver_21
    I am so ready for the NO sugar challenge! I don't crave sugar so it should be pretty easy! I crave meat instead. I know that sounds funny, but I love to snack on lunch meat and summer sausage. As of yesterday I found out that my summer sausage for 3 thin slices has like 9g of fat. I was so disappointed, but I am getting over it!

    Does anyone else have a hard time sleeping at night. My boot camp instructor said I was pushing myself to hard... I told him it feels so good and I have so much energy it is hard to stop!

    One day down and feeling amazing!
  • pammer22
    Hi Group! Very exciting day - I weighed in and am 2 lbs. down since Thursday, got measured, had a good cry with my trainer, a really hard work out and am ready to start the first 4 weeks towards my first mini-goal!

    Starting Weight: 199.5lbs
    4-Week Mini Goal: 191.5 lbs.

    8 lbs, 4 weeks, 2 lbs per week

    One question, I am trying to post my ticker and I followed all of the rules, but my settings doesn't have a signature option, anyone know why????
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi Group! Very exciting day - I weighed in and am 2 lbs. down since Thursday, got measured, had a good cry with my trainer, a really hard work out and am ready to start the first 4 weeks towards my first mini-goal!

    Starting Weight: 199.5lbs
    4-Week Mini Goal: 191.5 lbs.

    8 lbs, 4 weeks, 2 lbs per week

    One question, I am trying to post my ticker and I followed all of the rules, but my settings doesn't have a signature option, anyone know why????
    Hi Pammer, great job reaching onederland!!
    Try this for your ticker:

    Go to the TOOLS tab at the top of the page. Go to Weight Loss Ticker and create one for yourself, following the cues.
    Go to GET THE CODE FOR YOUR TICKER (the BBcode). Copy that code.
    Go to the COMMUNITY tab, and then to SIGNATURE (below the Message Board heading).
    Paste your ticker code into your signature. You can erase everything after the URL notation: ie the "created by My Fitness Pal....." etc.
    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 178 Member
    :bigsmile: Excited about the "no sugar" challenge! Who thought of the daily challenges anyway? Thats a great idea! I will give it my best try. I did so good today, i caught myself wanting to pick at my husbands dinner while i was cooking it and had to remind myself not to do it. Still need to exercise though... I scrubbed my kitchen tiles for about 2hr today with a tooth brush, maybe i will count that as exercise. Think that counts? Shelly
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Patty09, Welcome to our group! :flowerforyou: What would you like to weigh in 4 weeks? A 1-2 pounds per week loss is recommended. You'll have to tell us more about life is Malaysia.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    ashaver, it's so great to hear of your energy. Sorry about the sleep - is caffeine an issue? It's such a powerful drug for me, that I must avoid it. Also, a warm bath before bed helps. Oh, and a really boring book. Is it falling asleep that's hard - or staying asleep?

    shelly, I think that scrubbing the floor really counts! Also, I used to pick and taste so much before a meal, that I probably had a full meal of calories before I even sat down to dinner (and by that time, I wasn't hungry anymore, but it was time to eat - so I ate again). I'm much better at that, now. Either I don't pick, or I eat less at mealtime when I do pick.
  • pmckenna
    He everyone.....just testing the "ticker".

    While I'm on here, I suppose I should admit to a pretty bad day of eating. AND tomorrow won't be that great either. All our managers at work are making us lowly support staff our xmas lunch and I'm just going to have to partake in a little of that :0).

    Anyways.....hope everyone is doing much better than me this week :-)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    He everyone.....just testing the "ticker".

    While I'm on here, I suppose I should admit to a pretty bad day of eating. AND tomorrow won't be that great either. All our managers at work are making us lowly support staff our xmas lunch and I'm just going to have to partake in a little of that :0).

    Anyways.....hope everyone is doing much better than me this week :-)
    It worked!!!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    There are 36 of us! Woot!
    Let me know if there are any mistakes. Thanks!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Im in for the no sugar challenge tomorrow (Wednesday). Great challenge!!! Sugar is one of my a big weakness for me. So this is great!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    I never posted my goal weight for the end of the 4 weeks, so now I am posting my goal weight of 169.4. I know it's a small goal only 5 pounds, but I have learned if I set too high of a goal I get disappointed. So I will start with small baby steps. Every pound counts!!!!

    For those that watched the Biggest Loser Finale if that doesn't get you motivated, I don't know what will! That was an awesome finale and to see the change in the contestants. Not just the physical aspect but also the emotional part. Having weight issues is such an emotional barrier it is so hard to deal with. But knowing that we can change physically and emotionaly is just amazing. I want this emotional barrier lifted for good...ready to be happy again:happy:

    We all can be Biggest Losers too! Just think, day one is almost over, well pretty much over! Lets get on the ball again tomorrow!!!
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in! I need to lose weight before my wedding in Oct. 2011. I'm currently at my heaviest and I HATE it! I need motivation and support. I slipped over Thanksgiving (I didn't even think about logging on to this site) and I'm ready to get back at it! I just started with this site a couple of weeks ago, but I love it!

    SW: 160
    CW: 159
    GW: 130
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    We are about the same...stress eaters. But no more. Lets get over this eating battle. I too am a stay at home mom and we have our own business too. So I totally understand what you are going through. Struggling with the business, home and school. It is hard. I am trying to use the 30 second it really worth the 30 seconds that it is in our mouth? I say NO. So that has been helping me here lately! Good luck, glad you joined.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Unfortunately I am going to have to skip tomorrows challenge.. There is absolutely no way I can have no sugar tomorrow. I went through my entire pantry and refrigerator/freezer and I have nothing with no sugar except chicken breast, butter, and spices. I can maybe go for less then 100g... but I cannot see how nilch is a possibility for me. I think something like that may need to be something that is prepared for so I can go buy a days worth of sugar free food. I am sorry..

    I hope I am not dissapointing people. I will go for less the 100g though!
  • rose_parker9784

    A 100g goal is more reasonable than no sugar at all. I looked also through my cabinets/fridge and there was no hope. So I am all aboard the 100g challenge!

    See you all on tomorrow!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Welcome wmb0124! :flowerforyou: I got you in the chart (see previous page). Your goal is very achievable, in time for your wedding. Congratulations!

    On the sugar challenge: Perhaps no sugar is too difficult. Maybe we could avoid all excess sugars (candy, desserts, sugary drinks, etc.) for one day? What do you think?

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn - WELCOME!:flowerforyou: You're going to love this group. I'm glad you've decided to great treatment for your thyroid (we spoke about this a few months ago on another thread). My doc wants my TSH at 1.0. Best of luck to you. You're going to love feeling good. I always felt like such a failure before, now I feel empowered. It's corrected my metabolism AND my attitude.

    rose - I'm hypo and got treatment within the last 6 months. It's wonderful to feel like normal people again! If anyone else is doing everything right - and still not losing, get your thyroid checked (it's not just for old women). Especially if other people in your family have thyroid issues.

    ebh - I will post the chart tonight. Most of us have posted now.

    cherlou - excellent work! you are an inspiration to me.


    Susan- Yes! Now I remember talking to you. I'm a visual person so when you changed your little picture there under your name (yep, I'm pretty sure that's the technical name for it! :laugh: ) I didn't "recognize" you! I'm hoping that at my appointment in February the doctor will start me on the medicine- not because I actually want to take it, but because something's gotta give! I can't live like this anymore (even though it's only been 3 or 4 months, really). As you said, I need a major attitude and metabolism correction!