ladies hows your libido??



  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    im curious.. so here is the question.
    what is your age?
    do you have kids?
    your activity level on an average day?
    your sex drive? none, moderate, normal, big, insatiable

    32 4 kids, moderate to heavy activity level
    And my sex drive is outta this world insatiable in a huge way!
  • bethb4
    bethb4 Posts: 48
    So many horny women on MFP. Must be something about the site. I should get my wife to become a member so she can be horny all the time too! :-)

    haha that is what my hubby will say.. ..... what is wrong with me???? that is all i'd like to know why i am the opposite!

    Im like you most the time lin... i feel bad for my fiance
  • Flydude01
    Flydude01 Posts: 9
    says phyllisturner is a very wise woman :)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Age 55
    Kids 18 year old son
    Activity Sedentary apart from lifting/cardio
    Libido great, I think about sex... a lot. It has improved in line with my weight loss. I think it is directly linked to excercise and diet.

    My husband doesn't need to be asked twice thank goodness but after 20 years it is somewhat... how shall I put it...umm comfortable :laugh:

    But still enjoyable :wink:
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    No kids.
    Lightly to moderately active.
    Sex drive? Insatiable.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Oh why not.

    3 kids 11, 6 and 4
    Fairly active plus 1.5 hrs at the gym daily.

    High. On lifting days (3xweek) it's worse. Grrrr
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    im curious.. so here is the question.
    what is your age?
    do you have kids?
    your activity level on an average day?
    your sex drive? none, moderate, normal, big, insatiable

    Age: 37 3/4
    Kids: 5 kids (16, 9, 7 3/4, 3 and 7 weeks)
    I am very active chasing around the younger one and the infant, plus I do 45-60 minutes of Zumba a day.
    Sex Drive: I have 5 kids... I have a BIG/Insatiable drive! ;)
  • I'm 24
    I have a 6 month old little boy
    My activity level is about 45 to 60 minutes of cardio a day
    and NO libido to speak of.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    "im curious.. so here is the question.
    what is your age?
    do you have kids?
    your activity level on an average day?
    your sex drive? none, moderate, normal, big, insatiable "

    Age: 36 in sept
    1 child: almost 6
    activity on a average day... well right now it's low as i'm off work but in Sept i am a active preschool teacher and on my feet all day!
    Sex drive: zilch! It really bothers my hubby as he thinks i'm not attractive to him but it's just not that way at all. I just have NO desire at all to have sex ever... i really feel if i never had sex again i would even care!

    Thank you for posting! I was starting to feel like such an oddball with all the insatiables out there :p I really feel the "if it never happened again, I wouldn't care" too!
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm 20, don't have any kids.
    My activity level is moderate. Even on the days that I don't work out, I'm trekking across campus to get to class on time.
    Sex drive: Insatiable

    My boyfriend and I are long-distance, so I want it ALL THE TIME.
    He does too, but we both have to wait until he comes to visit. Then we don't leave the bedroom for disturbing amounts of time.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    what is your age? 29.5
    do you have kids? no.
    your activity level on an average day? regular activity? high - my job is pretty active...
    your sex drive? insatiable - swear on my mothers life... twice a day is not enough for me...
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I'm 40.
    2 kids - ages 10 and 6
    Active all day.
    Insatiable sexual appetite. :laugh:
  • 42
    2 kids 2 & 6
    My sex drive is through the roof right now..LOL Hubbies is not :sad: Thank heavens for toys!!! :bigsmile:

    You got that right!! Thank Heavens for Toys..:blushing: :laugh:
  • Age: 35 years old
    No Kids and don't plan to ever have them
    Activity Level: exhausting job during the day
    Sex Drive: Zero...zilch ......nadda... mind might be in the gutter a lot but that's as far as it gets :(
  • sharbaby
    sharbaby Posts: 41 Member
    3 kids 13*6*3
    works partime and running after my kids all day hehe
    moderate He wants it all the time and I have my moments .
    but since loosin weight I tend to be the dominant one in the bedroom
    Love being naked around him Ive neva had any worries there
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    2 kids
    desk job, mild cardio daily
    BIIIIIG!! And the week after TOM....omg look out, the neighbors are calling the cops!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    what is your age? 32
    do you have kids? newp
    your activity level on an average day? very very active
    your sex drive? Im going to get arrested. I have dirty dirty dirty dreams, I wake up horny as hell, go to bed physically needing it, if I go more than a week without it - i start to get over-sensitive emotionally and my coping skills start slightly suffering, by three weeks I cant focus at work, im restless and cant sleep and after a month, im pretty sure I'll rape someone. Some days Its ALL I think about. Im like a 16 year old boy. I have to take care of myself far more often than I can admit on the internet.

    i'm 38 now, but went through the exact same thing at around 32! my husband actually suggested i see someone to figure out what was "wrong" with me!!
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    3 kids
    desk job, but once I get home I rarely sit down till bedtime
    My libido is out of control right now, but I am going it solo lately :( So my paycheck is mostly spent on batteries...I know it's sad.

    Girl the best thing I found in my entire life is a rechargeable toy.. WORTH IT! Power getting low? plug in for 30 minutes to get you through a pinch. lol
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    What a fun thread...
  • 21
    An 8 Month Old
    Low! Sad to say...i only do it once or twice a week. I HATE getting naked, hoping my sex drive will go back after lossing some weight.

    once to twice a WEEK? try once or twice a year :(