~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!


I was hoping to create a group that was all encompassing. I started a group a few months ago that has then since faded. I would like to talk with other members that are committed to themselves, the group, and being accountable. I am not saying that this should be your only group but I want "buddies" that are committed to being there good or bad. We should all be on the same page and lean on each other as an outlet to share "Highs & Lows". What I was planning on was that we could share our good moments and bad moments of each day. I need a place where I know someone is always going to be there...I do have friends and family but they are not on the same journey, so talking to them is unfortunately not helping at all.

Let me tell you a little bit about me! I am a 31 yr old single mother of one. We keep hearing about the economy and people losing their jobs, well I was one of those people. I probably spent about 8 hours being upset and then I changed my mind and decided it was a blessing in disguise. I was juggling full-time work with being a full-time student and being a full-time parent. With the lay off, I am fortunate to continue school full-time and really focus on that and since I was left with some space in my day I thought it would be best to work on me! I began getting healthly last Feb, after taking a nutrition class that was jaw-dropping to say the least, that is where my journey began. The fist few months I could not get it right and the bottom line is I didn't lose very much weight. In July I found my rhythm and lost about 13 lbs...then took about 2 months off. In late October I found MFP and that is when I really got serious about this. I have lost 15 lbs here so far which brings me to 211, total lose of 28 (oops I have been saying 30) but have been at a stand still for the past few weeks. I know why I am not losing no guess work there, but I want to continue and not fall off the wagon so to speak.

If you are interested in a place of commitment and support please tell me about you, lets get aquainted and do this together...Lets share every emotion and keep going even when it hurts. I am hurting now...but I am hoping I can find a group that can be supportive and work through it all together. The group I created before I think might have made people feel that if it was not a positive day it could not be shared (even though I encouraged it)...we were in a 10lbs a months challenge and people mainly posted postive things. I think that is what happened at least but I want people to feel comforted in sharing ANY and EVERYTHING here...

Hope to be meeting some new buddies...:happy:


  • cc_campbell81

    I am in! I could use something like this right now. Thanks for starting this group. I love your pic, what website did you use?

    About me:

    I am a married mother of a beautiful 18 month old. I work 45 hours a week and go to school part time. I've been thin most of my life until I got pregnant. I gained about 40lbs during pregnancy but of course it was all worth it. Over the summer I was in a car accident and broke my hand and hurt my back. Before that accident I'd be trying off and on to lose the weight. After the accident I decided enough was enough. I wasn't happy with myself and it was hurting my marriage. Fortunately I have a wonderful supportive husband. So now I've been eating better and exercising. I still struggle but I've lost 15 lbs since around July. I try to run a couple of days a week. I've built up to 5.5 miles at once and hope to do 10 in the spring.

    weigh 140 by Jan 1st
    weigh 130 by Mar 1st

    Today's Highs:
    Being alive, having a great family, getting to work on time, eating a healthy balanced breakfast.

    Todays Lows:
    Being up from 1:30 am to 3:30 am with my sick baby :<
    Realizing I ate about 2200 calories yesterday!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    I'm glad your here! Good to meet you! I am so happy that someone liked this idea, I noticed alot of views and no responses until you! YAY! Isn't it crazy how much weight affects all areas of our lives? I find it so interesting that it becomes a way in which we begin to define ourselves and our relationships.

    I actually googled my pic, I think I seached weightloss images and when I found it I was excited because it shows exactly what I want!
  • cc_campbell81

    Isn't it crazy how much weight affects all areas of our lives? I find it so interesting that it becomes a way in which we begin to define ourselves and our relationships.

    It does really affect you. I have always been a generally happy outgoing person but this whole weight thing affected that. But the good news is since I've started eating better and losing weight I've noticed a huge change in my overall happiness. I am glad to have this site and people like you to connect with on this journey.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    This site is absolutely wonderful for accountability! I do love it.

    My happiness has also increased since the weight has been coming off and tmy confidence is up too. I have just run into some obstacles regarding a very close family member that is struggling with his health. I thought I could just change my mind and be positive but unfortunately that is not working...so now I am seek alternatives to emotionally eating/ not eating at all, to cope with the pain that I am feeling. It is always tough to see someone else in pain...especially when you love them. I have to be strong but at the same time I have to find a way to effectively relieve this stress with out hurting myself in the process...so I am kind of blah today. I am usually not such a downer just feelin blue the past few weeks...and I am fighting to overcome it!

    Highs: Having Life, Being thankful for my blessings
    Lows: Facing things that are hard.
  • cc_campbell81
    Some thing I found that helps is doing something good for others, doesn't have to be big just something nice. I like to write my husband love notes or do a volunteer activity like gift wrapping presents for underprivleged children. I also found that cleaning my house helps improve my mood. I think it makes me feel more in control and relaxed having a just cleaned house. Taking my daughter to the park or for a walk usually improves my mood too.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I agree volunterring and doing nice things for people is smething I love to do! It is so rewarding!

    It is snowing here today...winter has arrived!! lol! I do love a white christmas!

    How are you today?
  • cc_campbell81
    Sorry to post so late it's been a busy day. My daughter is sick and not sleeping well. So I am sleep deprived, guess that's one of my lows. I stayed home from work with her and didn't get a chance to go to the gym today. Highs: My wonderful family, setting up our Christmas tree today, getting some push ups and situps in at the house, knowing that while this may be a rough week I am still headed in the right direction. I am a little jealouis that you are seeing snow today. I am living in Texas but originally from Illinois so I miss it sometimes. Hope you had a good day.
  • cc_campbell81
    Good morning,

    Doing good today.

    - getting some of my to do list done

    -still sleep deprived
    -not getting in much exercise
    -a really long to do list at home and work
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
    Do you have room for one more!? I could use the help and support - big time!

    I'm 39. The mother of 2 teenage boys (19 & 17). I recently married the man of my dreams. Which makes me the happiest woman in the world...except, back in September I also lost my dream job and have been unemployed since. So that makes me depressed most of the time. I have ups and downs. Seems like more downs than ups lately. Which makes losing weight that much harder, but I've been doing very well for the past week and a half since I started back up. I could just really use the support of others right now.
  • cc_campbell81
    Welcome lcmartin!

    Sorry to hear about your job. You are definately welcome to join. Mindovermatter started it and it's only been the two of us so it will be nice to hear from others too.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412

    I was hoping to create a group that was all encompassing. I started a group a few months ago that has then since faded. I would like to talk with other members that are committed to themselves, the group, and being accountable. I am not saying that this should be your only group but I want "buddies" that are committed to being there good or bad. We should all be on the same page and lean on each other as an outlet to share "Highs & Lows". What I was planning on was that we could share our good moments and bad moments of each day. I need a place where I know someone is always going to be there...I do have friends and family but they are not on the same journey, so talking to them is unfortunately not helping at all.

    Let me tell you a little bit about me! I am a 31 yr old single mother of one. We keep hearing about the economy and people losing their jobs, well I was one of those people. I probably spent about 8 hours being upset and then I changed my mind and decided it was a blessing in disguise. I was juggling full-time work with being a full-time student and being a full-time parent. With the lay off, I am fortunate to continue school full-time and really focus on that and since I was left with some space in my day I thought it would be best to work on me! I began getting healthly last Feb, after taking a nutrition class that was jaw-dropping to say the least, that is where my journey began. The fist few months I could not get it right and the bottom line is I didn't lose very much weight. In July I found my rhythm and lost about 13 lbs...then took about 2 months off. In late October I found MFP and that is when I really got serious about this. I have lost 15 lbs here so far which brings me to 211, total lose of 28 (oops I have been saying 30) but have been at a stand still for the past few weeks. I know why I am not losing no guess work there, but I want to continue and not fall off the wagon so to speak.

    If you are interested in a place of commitment and support please tell me about you, lets get aquainted and do this together...Lets share every emotion and keep going even when it hurts. I am hurting now...but I am hoping I can find a group that can be supportive and work through it all together. The group I created before I think might have made people feel that if it was not a positive day it could not be shared (even though I encouraged it)...we were in a 10lbs a months challenge and people mainly posted postive things. I think that is what happened at least but I want people to feel comforted in sharing ANY and EVERYTHING here...

    Hope to be meeting some new buddies...:happy:

    I sent you a message :smile:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Today I had an ok day very busy though...I feel like I have been going all day...lol

    Highs: Speaking with an old friend
    Lows: Feeling like I didn't really get anything accomplished.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Sorry to post so late it's been a busy day. My daughter is sick and not sleeping well. So I am sleep deprived, guess that's one of my lows. I stayed home from work with her and didn't get a chance to go to the gym today. Highs: My wonderful family, setting up our Christmas tree today, getting some push ups and situps in at the house, knowing that while this may be a rough week I am still headed in the right direction. I am a little jealouis that you are seeing snow today. I am living in Texas but originally from Illinois so I miss it sometimes. Hope you had a good day.

    Sorry to hear the girl is sick is everything ok?? Is it a cold or flu?
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Do you have room for one more!? I could use the help and support - big time!

    I'm 39. The mother of 2 teenage boys (19 & 17). I recently married the man of my dreams. Which makes me the happiest woman in the world...except, back in September I also lost my dream job and have been unemployed since. So that makes me depressed most of the time. I have ups and downs. Seems like more downs than ups lately. Which makes losing weight that much harder, but I've been doing very well for the past week and a half since I started back up. I could just really use the support of others right now.

    Welcome! Welcome!

    We all need support so lets just lean on each other.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Are you still looking for others to join your group? I hope so. I am 41, have no children and live in the middle of no-where. Most of the time, I am very up beat with a glass is 1/2 full attitude. I have my lows just like everyone else. I loved your thread name.

    My father died from heart trouble 3.5 years ago and I found myself on a downward spiral of depression and gaining tons of weight. 11 weeks ago, I had my all time low when the scale tipped 237. After a good cry, I decided to do something about it. Thank goodness The Biggest Loser was on that night and in the trainer tip Jillian said people that log their food are 10 times more likely to lose weight. I found MFP on google search and haven't looked back. I got off my derriere and started exercising. My energy and outlook have really improved.

    Highs today - finished week 3 of C25K training and actually did two 14 min miles (run/walk combo) and I joined a new group :bigsmile:

    Lows today - 2 patients canceled so I should have been able to get more done around the house. Somehow time slipped away (too much time on MFP :blushing: ) The boxes from Christmas decorating are still all over the living room and the gifts didn't get wrapped.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay today is starting out with lots of lows - winter storm advisory ALL day and I have to drive all over for work, that TOM started with bad cramps and I woke up with the worst kink in my back :grumble: I gave up trying to clean the kitchen when my back went into spasms from lifting the crock pot. Work is really going to suck today. At least I will come home to a clean house - today is the cleaning lady's day and she is really going to know what slobs we are :blushing: I normally pre-clean (pick up my junk and get the dishes put away before she comes) so that she can do the deep cleaning. The day can only really get better.
  • cc_campbell81
    Sorry to post so late it's been a busy day. My daughter is sick and not sleeping well. So I am sleep deprived, guess that's one of my lows. I stayed home from work with her and didn't get a chance to go to the gym today. Highs: My wonderful family, setting up our Christmas tree today, getting some push ups and situps in at the house, knowing that while this may be a rough week I am still headed in the right direction. I am a little jealouis that you are seeing snow today. I am living in Texas but originally from Illinois so I miss it sometimes. Hope you had a good day.

    Sorry to hear the girl is sick is everything ok?? Is it a cold or flu?

    I am not sure which it is. I haven't taken her to the doctor because they can't do much besides give her tylenol or motrin since she is so young. She is doing okay. She's just a little miserable because she can't breathe too well. She has chest and nasal congestion and she's too little to blow her nose. Last night I bought a humidifier and made the bathroom all steamy to help loosen the congestion. It seemed to help a little.
  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Got room for another?!?!
    I really like your idea of sharing good AND bad moments. Emotions really play a factor in my eating habits. When I'm happy, I eat, when I'm sad, I eat more.

    A little bit about me~
    I'm 22 years old, single, live alone.... a crazy cat lady in training basically. I work full time and will be going back to school part time next semester (that's a high!) I've struggled with my weight for the majority of my life since I wasn't taught the best eating habits when I was younger. I was diagnosed with clincal depression when I was 7 and just more recently bipolar (not sure if I believe the dr. though.) So with having depression comes with a cabinet full of anti-depressants that wreak havoc on my waistline paired with not great eating habits. My family has always been a great help with getting me over my bumps with depression, but we all have a weight problem. Recently my sister (who is my best friend) joined Weight Watchers and it has really helped her. She's very motivated but sometimes I feel like she's really pushy to me. :grumble: I know it's done out of love, so I try to shake it off. My mom was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes earlier this year and she was doing really great with eating right and excercising, but now not so much. My dad is a really great supporter. He's always there to cheer me on. He lost a lot of weight after he quit drinking and starting riding his bike everywhere, but gained some back due to back problems. We found out it's his hip that is the problem and will be having hip replacement surgery in January. :frown:
    I've had a huge problem with being motivated to work out. I work night shift so my day time is spent sleeping.

    Just typing that made me feel a little bit better. I didn't do too bad as far as eating goes today. I do have to knock of the candy bars from the vending machine at work though! :embarassed:

    Have a great day!!:happy:
  • cc_campbell81
    Are you still looking for others to join your group? I hope so. I am 41, have no children and live in the middle of no-where. Most of the time, I am very up beat with a glass is 1/2 full attitude. I have my lows just like everyone else. I loved your thread name.
    My father died from heart trouble 3.5 years ago and I found myself on a downward spiral of depression and gaining tons of weight. 11 weeks ago, I had my all time low when the scale tipped 237. After a good cry, I decided to do something about it. Thank goodness The Biggest Loser was on that night and in the trainer tip Jillian said people that log their food are 10 times more likely to lose weight. I found MFP on google search and haven't looked back. I got off my derriere and started exercising. My energy and outlook have really improved.

    Welcome pinbotchick! Now we are in two threads together (THE Team and this one). I enjoy The Biggest Loser also, Jillian is very motivating. I’ve noticed my energy and outlook improving also.
  • cc_campbell81
    Welcome mpogo!
    I was diagnosed with clincal depression when I was 7 and just more recently bipolar (not sure if I believe the dr. though.)
    Don’t be afraid to get a 2nd opinion. Doctors aren’t always right and sometimes you know yourself better. It’s good you have such a supportive family.
    Just typing that made me feel a little bit better. I didn't do too bad as far as eating goes today. I do have to knock of the candy bars from the vending machine at work though! :embarassed:
    Sometimes I find it easier to share on here than with my family. I guess I don’t want to stress them. Sometimes I just need to vent and I know they will feel like they have to fix things when really I just wanted to let it all out. Don’t feel embarrassed about the candy bars. We have a snack area that I have to walk past to get to the printer and it definitely tempts me!