More office pet peeves....



  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    The guy who thinks he needs to bellow when talking to overseas colleagues

  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    We have two guys that use speaker for every conference call that are on together. They are literally one cubicle away from each other. I don't understand why they don't meet in each other's cube. The two speaker phones are like stereo annoyance for those of us who sit close.

    I have to rat myself out. I get sleepy at around 2:00, so I get a cup of ice water. And I crunch the ice. That's right. I crunch the ice. It's not really that annoying because I have only one cube-mate and she does it, too.

    One person mentioned the 10 minute scraping-of-the-yogurt-cup. We have the scraping-of-the-styrofoam-oatmeal-cup guy.

    I also laugh at the 'TV Topics' groups. It used to be a 'Grey's Anatomy' group. Now it's the 'Walking Dead' and 'Game of Thrones' groups.

    None of these things really annoys me. It work in IT and these are just the quirks of my work family. It's actually kind of endearing.

    I work in IT as well. To me, it is just the users. Also note that only IT people and Drug dealers call their clients users.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    the "out of office" message.

    Yes, I get it everybody else is on vacation! grrrrrrr

    I love the people who forget to turn their "out of office" off.

    "so and so will be out of the office until Tuesday July 17" ... but I'm still getting that message on Thursday, Friday, etc. lol
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    the guy who tells me all his weekend every monday. where he fished, how many fish he caught, how his boat ran, what tackle he used, where he is going fishihg next weekend.. yada yada.... I dont give a F**ck!! I dont fish, i dont care about your weekend exploits and I dont like you.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    People who read your emails and never answer your request even if you've seen them around. I can see that you deleted it in the system :grumble:

    I got the guy who eats fast food constantly, snores in the afternoon, swears loudly, talks loudly, i'm afraid to find him dead in his office one day :noway:

    I also got the hoarder, that's a long story, but it smells bad and looks dangerous (they are working on it but still, it's there).

    I also hate when people don't take their copies at the printer after a few hours, it clogs the machine and it's never picked up, why waste ink for something you don't really care about anyway? or that you'll reprint because you forgot you printed it :grumble:
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    The fridge thief...

    i work hard to make nice healthy lunches for myself each day...shame i only get to eat them every other day.

    I did notice the gal in accounting is looking healthier, bet it's her....
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Public nail clipper guy....none of us wants to hear you clipping your nails, go to the bathroom or better it at home!

    Do we work in the same office .... do you have a lady using what looks like a micro-plain on her crusty heels?
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 411 Member
    The person who microwaves their leftover fish for lunch....COME ON!!! Or the lady who eats at the front desk and gets crumbs all over the desk ad floor beneath her chair.....

    I know someone that this particularly annoyed. I kept a spare frozen fish meal in the office freezer just for days that they pissed me off! :bigsmile:
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    The guy who thinks he needs to bellow when talking to overseas colleagues


    Hehe I used to shout down the phone whenever I spoke to my colleagues in Hong Kong...the line was so bad!

    And I can't stand the people who reply to all in a group email, when the response could be for one person - it's even more annoying when someone replies, "ok" to everyone -__-
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    the "crop duster" know the one ?? that guy who farts walking by your cube

  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    The girl who is contantly negative (hates everyone who calls her) and judgemental towards everyone who doesn't do things exactly how she does. can you be THAT pissed off every single day???
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Cold call transfers.

    mmhm. I just ignore them most of the time.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    for me, it's a BIGGER pet peeve if the person is out of the office and don't set the message, so you're continually trying to get an answer from them and you have no idea that they're gone and won't respond for a while....

    I don't do that for safety reasons. It be annoying to my co-workers, but I don't want the whole world to know that I'm not home right now. Seems stupid, right?

    The company I work for demands that you let everyone know when you are away. But, I disagree, I think personally, it's dangerous, not just for getting robbed, but it's also a little dangerous from a social engineering perspective. It's a bad policy and something that people shouldn't do. Instead, you just let a few people you work closely with know that you'll be out and that should suffice.

    That's my $.02 on the topic.

    just cause you're out of the office doesn't mean you're away from home. I don't give out my work e-mail to personal contacts, and I don't set a vacation notice on my personal e-mail.
    My out-of-office message never says anything other than "I am currently out of the office. I will return on xx/xx". Why would anyone need to know anything else?
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Public nail clipper guy....none of us wants to hear you clipping your nails, go to the bathroom or better it at home!

    Ahhh! one of my friends at work does thi and it bugs the hell out of me! So gross :explode:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    the finger-snapper 2 doors down...
  • ewhirly02
    ewhirly02 Posts: 31 Member
    People who talk on the phone or sing while they're in the bathroom at work. The nail clipper guys as well. Those are just the kind of things you should do at home!
  • pagingdoctork
    pagingdoctork Posts: 40 Member
    The guy who always brings his kid to work, and instead of working, gives the kid golf lessons all day! (Especially since he's constantly berating the kid and/or his wife at the highest possible volume, ugh.)
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 411 Member
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    The recently married middle-aged woman who tells the entire office EVERYTHING about her new husband--Rob--from the fact that he prefers spray-sun screen to lotions (and why), to describing in detail his successful trip to the eye doctor to get drops for his current eye infection.

    I know more about Rob than I do about the man I've lived with for the passed year.