More office pet peeves....



  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    In my last job, it was the guy who was the "one-upper". You know that person. You tell a story or some kind of anctedote and one-upper guy has to tell one ten times bigger than YOU!

    I have worked with this guy too...we used to just screw with him and tell these far out stories so that he would top it...hilarious!
  • Runs4CupCakes
    i work in a office full of ppl i'm the telephone operator there are about 10 others in the room with me, One person yells at the top of her lungs on the phone with customers i mean its like she is standing on the 50 yard line and yelling to the top bleacher, we all cring when she gets a call then, i can never find her some days so i have 5 ppl yeling at me bc there on hold for her, she will be wondering amilessly around the parking lot running the ice cream truck down i yes it really happend or the next building like its just a say at the park.....

    and when our sales men bring us stuff bc they love us, like cookies, lunch , donuts , i stay away (but she will jump up and down yelling cookies OMG cookies, its just insane I like her dont get me wrong but come on she has to know she is drivin ppl crazy)
  • ash518
    ash518 Posts: 5
    The fridge thief...

    i work hard to make nice healthy lunches for myself each day...shame i only get to eat them every other day.

    I did notice the gal in accounting is looking healthier, bet it's her....

    Put a note in the fridge "To who ever is stealing my lunch. One in three lunches now include ex-lax. Do you feel lucky today?"

    Do it! LOL
  • Runs4CupCakes
    That annoying, roly poly girl who screams your name everytime you walk by but turns it into some rhyming retardation chant and everyone knows you can't stand it so they start doing it too to make fun of her and annoy you further. This is the same one that sticks her nose right in your plate and asks what you're having for lunch, where did you get it, is it good? RAWR!!!! GTF away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :grumble:

    omg we qwrote about the same person lol i love you,
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    Working in cubicle land, for me it would be the person over the wall that takes their conference calls on speaker phone. Really dude??? :angry:
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    There is one woman in my office who insists on talking to you from the next stall if you are in the bathroom at the same time! Drives me crazy!!!!! I mean really, when I am at home, it is next to impossible for me to go to the bathroom without my 14 month old being right there with me. But, I don't care if there are two stalls, do not come in, sit down next to me and attempt to start a conversation!

    The other thing that drives me crazy is another woman who is overly descriptive about EVERYTHING!!!!! For example, she was out one day about 3 weeks ago. She comes back the next day, and literally at some point told everyone in the office, "I was sick yesterday. I had diarrhea. It was neon green. Do you think that is normal?" I mean really, come on! I don't care in any capacity when, where or how you crap! Much less what color it is! Nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nelliebird1430
    The VERY LOUD TALKERS.... Seriously how do they do it?? I have a couple people in my office that have incredibly LOUD voices all of the time and they are all I can hear all day! Personally conversations, work conversations, everything!! I have to try to be that loud, it's an office, not a playground, SIMMER!! LOL :noway:
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    The VERY LOUD TALKERS.... Seriously how do they do it?? I have a couple people in my office that have incredibly LOUD voices all of the time and they are all I can hear all day! Personally conversations, work conversations, everything!! I have to try to be that loud, it's an office, not a playground, SIMMER!! LOL :noway:

    oh man....I sat next to two of these until recently. Only my ipod saved my sanity and their necks!
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    Lets see where do I begin.

    #1 the girl who is constantly complaining about her weight and how tired she is, yet eats nothing but crap. Asks me how Im doing it, when I tell her she says, thats too hard why would you want to work that hard? then complains litterally all day about not feeling well, but it couldn't possible have anything to do with her eating habits and weight, its some mysterious plague that only effects her.

    #2 Anyone saying to someone else or to me, as I'm getting ready to chow down on lunch. "That looks disgusting, your going to eat that"? I get it alot because I eat pretty healthy even if I'm eating a salad, that's grose wouldn't your rather have MC'Ds, how can you eat like that? I think it's rude especially if its something homemade. Everyone has different tastes. Also I dont mind people cooking there fish or whatever left overs in the kitchen. I much rather see them eating something homemade then crap fast food.

    #3 The complainers/whiners/victims. alot of unhealthy people in here that eat terrible and you try and give them advice or techniques and they look at you like your speaking another language and keep doing the same old stuff that isnt working.

    #4 The guy who always yells "watcha doin" as he sneaks up on me and everyone else its creepy and annoying.

    #5 The guys that shut the door in there offices and take off there shoes and fart. It's disgusting. These are the same men who think its funny to use the womens bathroom for #2


    #7 The ones who refuse to make more coffee even though they used the last of it, same people who probably leave little puddles of coffee and creamer all over the counter. I'd hate to see what there houses look like.

    #8 The ones that can obviously see your busy/swamped/stressed and DONT STOP TALKING...Really do I have to tell you to go away, I havent looked at yoou the entire 20 minutes you've been yappin?

    I could go on and on but this is probably the worst of it. Im sure I do annoying stuff too. I hate setting my out of office assistant. my main bosses know im out thats all that matters. NOTHING IS AN EMERGENCY. I also eat at my desk....oh the horror! but I know its one of my coworkers pet peeves.. good thing its my desk and my office GTFO.
  • EnergyYesPlease
    My office pet peeve is when people are talking extremely loud about personal things, yet get mad when people jump in their conversation... either take it else where or talk quieter.... a lot of use don't want to hear what did when you were completely wasted and stupid.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    People standing in MY office having a full blown conversation about nothing having to do with work while im trying to work!!!! One of these times im going to SNAP! There is a hallway 5 feet away and a conference room down that hall, go have your freaking pow wow down there! Drives me bat crazy banananananas!

    I'm one of these people that will come in your office and talk your ear off while you're trying to work. roflmao I sit out front by myself all day and get bored so I go and bug my coworkers throughout the day to break up the monotony. They do it to me too when the bosses aren't around to catch them to so it's all good. lol
  • Stephie_lee
    The guy who comes in to my office to ask me to help him find something in the database, that I have shown him 10 times already, and instead of watching what I'm doing so he'll know for next time, he starts rifling through documents on my desk and reading them!!! Is it okay to slap his hands, or poke him in the side Ceasar Milan style and just say "NO, BAD!"
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Public nail clipper guy....none of us wants to hear you clipping your nails, go to the bathroom or better it at home!

    We had one of these... and when he was let go and we had to go through his desk to clean up we found that he wasn't clipping them into his trash can but a drawer... IT WAS GROSS!!!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    how bout when they wear clothes?jeez
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 222 Member
    My biggest office pet peeve is having to tell someone that their job is possibly going to be made redundant - which I had to do today. Not nice. :(
  • Fenomka
    Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
    When they have that super loud they want everyone in the building to know there laughing.... i dispise that!

    As well as nail clipper people - SUPER GROSS!

    omg, SOOOOO this. This is DISGUSTING!!! You have a bathroom at home for that. NOT at work, and certainly not so loud and obvious that I can hear it OVER MY HEADPHONES.... ugh...
  • Fenomka
    Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
    how bout when they wear clothes?jeez

    Also, LOL!!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hearing my eployees say, "I'm so bored!" You know what! You're getting paid to sit and do nothing... shut up and enjoy the easy money or I'll fire your @$$!
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 411 Member
    Hearing my eployees say, "I'm so bored!" You know what! You're getting paid to sit and do nothing... shut up and enjoy the easy money or I'll fire your @$$!

    I used to respond "The bathroooms need cleaning, you can take care of that if you have a few minutes"..... oddly they found something that needed doing.
  • galededras
    galededras Posts: 45 Member
    Oh, how I needed this thread today!

    1) When ladies talk on the phone in the bathroom stall when I'm trying to pee. I don't really care if you're on the phone, I'm flushing. I hope it does embarrass you.

    2) Listening to the guy who clips his nails at his desk.

    3) Listening to the guy who uses an electric razor at his desk.

    4) Bimbo who wears 6 inch heels to work that must hurt her feet because because she's barefoot by 2 p.m. every day.

    5) When bimbo mentioned above wears her 17 year old daughter's clothes. You are in your mid-fifties. Wearing a shirt that say's "sexy" across your chest is not appropriate office wear.

    6) When same bimbo mentioned #4 and #5 wears dresses to work that are appropriate for Senior Prom. We are a casual office. Yay! We can wear jeans, take advantage.

    7) When same bimbo mentioned #4, #5, and #6 wears so much perfume I can smell when she's entered the building.

    8) When you email me, and then call me two seconds later to tell me you sent an email.

    9) Popcorn. Everyday? Really? Are we 11?

    10) I purposefully arranged all 3 of my 6 foot long desks into a labyrinth just so he DOESN'T come hover behind me when he needs to speak to me. It costs him 18 extra steps to walk behind my desk to talk. For the love of God (or whomever) why does he do this?

    11) Yes, I have boobs. Yes, they are big. I promise you they won't talk back when you are speaking to me and staring at my chest, so, eyes up here buddy.