OMG this model has the most perfect bod!



  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm surprised this has so many replies. i don't find her attractive.
  • bergsangel
    bergsangel Posts: 131
    Alrighty, well i'm barely over 5'1 and 120 and my body is VERY similar to this. I'm guessing 27% bodyfat. I think she is beautiful and a "better" representation of an average woman than most models. But I also believe beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I obviously want to lose a little or I wouldn't be here....
    FAT? nah, no way. You all should read some of the things these models do to prepare for shoots...liquid diets for 10 days, then not even liquid for 24's crazy!
  • jennylea16
    jennylea16 Posts: 97 Member
    I have a curvy shape like her and when I get to my goal weight I think I will have a similar type body and I think that would be fantastic!

    I personally think she is much more of an ideal model that young girls should look up to then an underwieght model because for most being 110 lbs and 5"7 is an unattainable goal.

    Being very underwieght and very overwieght both come with a cost to your health and are both unattractive in their own ways.

    The problem is we expect everyone else to be what we are not, and if they aren't they are judged.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I only scrolled through page one of this post, but pretty much every female avi pic i could make out had a prettier face than this model. Just sayin'
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    She looks great. I like her because she isn't ROCK HARD. Women aren't supposed to be rock hard. Gross.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've read back a couple pages and noticed ppl mentioning SI and GQ. Puhleeeez give the girl some B cups or even Cs and they won't let her within 100 feet of a shoot. Other than her boobs she's average.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    she is curvy and her face is quite plump but over all she looks like a nice average size person but she's not gorgeous or anything. I wouldn't be motivated to look like her.
  • Sam_Hain
    Sam_Hain Posts: 68 Member
    I have to giggle at the fact that people are so brainwashed by what the perfect body is that people are actually judging her negatively.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I have to giggle at the fact that people are so brainwashed by what the perfect body is that people are actually judging her negatively.

    not brainwashed, we all have different preferences. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I giggle and weep that many people are so used to seeing altered photos that anything that hasn't been photoshopped beyond the laws of physics is considered "wrong."

    I was foolishly clicking through a "guess that celebrity bikini body" article last night, and the comments were ... disgusting. A crease in the flesh that occurs on pretty much anyone while moving, twisting or sitting, is all of a sudden "giant rolls of fat." Someone without big boobs is "completely titless," but would get blasted even more if she had implants. If they didn't have a thigh gap, they had "giant thunder thighs."

    You always hear about how harmful "the media" is, but these weren't the direct comments of the media. These were comments from the users. The "regular folks." Women and men (at least judging by usernames) who are going to be in for a life of disappointment, either with their own physiques or those of their prospective partners, because reality never quite measures up to a photo spread in Playboy, Maxim, Cosmo or Vogue.
  • sarabluebell
    sarabluebell Posts: 68 Member
    the only fat she might have are her perfect (I'm so jealous)
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    SAH-MOKIN! :love: :love:
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    In the modeling world, Kate Upton is "fat".

    In the real world, however, she is just lovely :)


    That woman has curves. That's hot.
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Posted on my FB and G+ as well as in another thread after I read the article:

    OK, I normally do not care for media politics and try to stay as far away from it as I can but this right here infuriates me to no end. I was sent to this site by a friend of mine and it just made my jaw drop. This right here is exactly what's wrong the fashion world and the world view on women in general.

    I must ask the question: How can anyone in their right mind claim this nice looking girl is fat or "a cow"? This girl has been blessed with a nice body and yet isn't afraid to live in a little excess every now and then. I see nothing wrong with her at all. Just because she has curves or whatever does not distract the fact that she's still very beautiful. She shouldn't have to be asking forgiveness because she doesn't confirm to your anorexic, bulimic standards. Yes, there are women out there that should take better care of themselves and get on a stair master or elliptical every once in awhile. However, attacking a girl who is just an average, beautiful woman because she has curves? Really?

    How about all you twigs out there that can barely stand up because you do not have the body fat or muscles to do just keep your opinions to yourself, have a cheeseburger and STFU!
  • In my opinion she is far from perfect, the curve of her breasts are screaming implants! her waist needs definition, exercise could remedy that, but she is certainly Not fat!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    She is beautiful but in all honesty she is a little bit chubby (not fat but definitely a little overweight). That doesn't detract from her beauty though. :)
    She's making the cover of magazines based on more than her body. She's cute, and if you're that young and cute, you can get away with a few rolls of fat.
  • tiffygrl12
    tiffygrl12 Posts: 40
    I just came here to tell everyone I laughed out loud when I read people estimating her body fat to 25+%.

    In fact I am still laughing.

    Do you know what 25% looks like on a woman? It's a lot different than 25% on a man.

    I kind of agree that she probably isn't 25% fat. I'm currently 25% fat and have the same body type as her, broad shoulders, large breasts, and smaller hips. The only difference is my bust size is bigger and her hips are bigger by two inches. With that being said I have about 10 lbs to loose before my back/stomach look anything like her's. I know everyone's different and maybe the extra weight is on her butt where I can't see but I'm at 25% and I don't think she has enough fat to be there too.

    Just my opinion.
  • MiaMcBetty
    MiaMcBetty Posts: 45
    She has a perfectly healthy, toned, curvy body. She only looks 'fat' because usually shots like this on runways, the models are extremely skinny, so any photo in comparison where the girl is slightly bigger makes them look 'fat'
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    She is beautiful but in all honesty she is a little bit chubby (not fat but definitely a little overweight). That doesn't detract from her beauty though. :)

    definitely a little overweight?!? On what planet 0_0

    On the planet that teaches our children they fat and that unless they are thinner than thin they will never succeed.. which is why so many children are becoming victim to eating disorders and drugs to maintain the skeleton thin body.

    THIS model is BEAUTIFUL. Not over weight at ALL.

    Not that eating disorders aren't scary and serious (they are) but childhood obesity is a much bigger problem in this country.

    Hmm...? Could there be a connection? I've been overweight my whole life. I've also had an eating disorder and body dysmorphia when I did lose some weight. Here's a secret - fat people can have eating disorders, too.