Honest answers only



  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    I used to believe in the bible and then I found it far too inconsistent. If you follow the bible then follow it all (i.e don't wear wool and linen together for example). It seems like it is always used to tell people where they are wrong.

    I have no problem with gay people, I cannot fault someone for how they feel. If I like the colour red and someone tries to tell me it is wrong then how am I supposed to change that?

    People have to live a life that makes them happy and if they are consenting individuals and are not hurting anyone and enjoying life then who are we to interfere? I guess a lot of people like throwing the first stone.
  • fatima147
    fatima147 Posts: 85
    in my opinion, and its not based on religion or faith or the fact that im a pakistani. but i feel that being gay is like insulting nature in some indirect way. i mean yes i wouldnt interfere in any gay person's life but if someone would come to me and ask that do u hate gay people? i wouldnt say hate but i would just be a little uncomfortable hanging around with a gay friend.... just my opinion and not meant to hurt anybody's feelings....
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    Without meaning to offend anyone, the zoologist in me is dying to ask- people who disagree with homosexuality because it "isn't natural"- are you meaning to say that you think our modern technology is natural? Is it natural that you're sat at a computer slating people who's actions do not affect you? Is it natural that you shave? Is it natural to be wearing clothes instead of going completely bare like we were born? Are you against IVF or fertility treatment between straight couples? Or do you still believe in survival of the fittest and that if they can't reproduce on their own that they just shouldn't have kids?
    To say it's not natural is to say that you think everything else you chose to do is completely natural. As humans we've developed to do a whole bunch of things that take us away from what we'd "naturally" be doing. If you're to be against all that is not natural we would still be in the dark ages like cave men. And in case you hadn't noticed, we're not all beating each other up like chimps to get laid anymore.
    Just curious.

    That said, I think slating religious people for their beliefs and lifestyle is equally is wrong as bashing gay people for who they're having sex with.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member

    Regarding children being raised by gay men and woman- check out this link of Zach Wahl's.

    Extremely well spoken gentleman.

    Nice testimony! I really liked how he explained it, however, I didn't really see the connection between his success and gay parents. I think his success is due to his intelligence and will, but that's how I see it. I still think that was a great speech. He ended it well.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    in my opinion, and its not based on religion or faith or the fact that im a pakistani. but i feel that being gay is like insulting nature in some indirect way. i mean yes i wouldnt interfere in any gay person's life but if someone would come to me and ask that do u hate gay people? i wouldnt say hate but i would just be a little uncomfortable hanging around with a gay friend.... just my opinion and not meant to hurt anybody's feelings....

    Interesting perspective. Just to throw it out there, do we not insult nature everyday in ways that you and I are personally responsible for?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I think people are scared of what they don't understand.
    Totally...I can't say I "understand" it completely myself, but honestly, I could not care less what other people do. If they're happier with someone from the same sex, it doesn't matter to me!

    Plus, homophobia is rampant (I suspect people who are overly-homophobic are not completely sure of their own heterosexuality and are worried they might be attracted to a gay person). Very sad!
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Without meaning to offend anyone, the zoologist in me is dying to ask- people who disagree with homosexuality because it "isn't natural"- are you meaning to say that you think our modern technology is natural? Is it natural that you're sat at a computer slating people who's actions do not affect you? Is it natural that you shave? Is it natural to be wearing clothes instead of going completely bare like we were born? Are you against IVF or fertility treatment between straight couples? Or do you still believe in survival of the fittest and that if they can't reproduce on their own that they just shouldn't have kids?
    To say it's not natural is to say that you think everything else you chose to do is completely natural. As humans we've developed to do a whole bunch of things that take us away from what we'd "naturally" be doing. If you're to be against all that is not natural we would still be in the dark ages like cave men. And in case you hadn't noticed, we're not all beating each other up like chimps to get laid anymore.
    Just curious.

    That said, I think slating religious people for their beliefs and lifestyle is equally is wrong as bashing gay people for who they're having sex with.

    Exactly what I was getting at...wow you type fast :)
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    There are many things in this world that compel my attention, as they are both pertinent and relevant to my very way of life...

    Who strangers choose to have relations of any kind with wouldn't even make contention towards being on that list.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    in my opinion, and its not based on religion or faith or the fact that im a pakistani. but i feel that being gay is like insulting nature in some indirect way. i mean yes i wouldnt interfere in any gay person's life but if someone would come to me and ask that do u hate gay people? i wouldnt say hate but i would just be a little uncomfortable hanging around with a gay friend.... just my opinion and not meant to hurt anybody's feelings....

  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    Tolerance for all, in all situations is the key, wether it be gay, straight, bi, black, white, brown, whatever! - surely as humans we should torerate the beliefs and rights of other human beings. However, tolerance is a two way street. The freedeom of speech to disagree is also and absolute must but we should disagree with respect to the other person's view point.

    "I may not agree with what you say - but I will fight to the death for you to have the right to say it".
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I wasn't going to respond to this but something on here just touched my nerve. I don't think you are born lgbt, and I don't think you are born straight either. I don't think We were born rapists, child molesters, killers, etc. It is about choices that we make. We choose to fall in love with who we fall in love with. Just like before we joined this website WE chose to eat the way we did. I am a Christian, I believe in God, but I am not gonna shove my religion down anyone's throat or sit up on a high horse and think I am better than everyone else just because I don't agree with something that someone believe's in.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    It seems like once religion is removed there is a very refreshing level of acceptance. Ironic and sad really.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I wasn't going to respond to this but something on here just touched my nerve. I don't think you are born lgbt, and I don't think you are born straight either. I don't think We were born rapists, child molesters, killers, etc. It is about choices that we make. We choose to fall in love with who we fall in love with. Just like before we joined this website WE chose to eat the way we did. I am a Christian, I believe in God, but I am not gonna shove my religion down anyone's throat or sit up on a high horse and think I am better than everyone else just because I don't agree with something that someone believe's in.
    When did you choose to be straight? Could you choose to fall in love with a woman?
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    I wasn't going to respond to this but something on here just touched my nerve. I don't think you are born lgbt, and I don't think you are born straight either. I don't think We were born rapists, child molesters, killers, etc. It is about choices that we make. We choose to fall in love with who we fall in love with. Just like before we joined this website WE chose to eat the way we did. I am a Christian, I believe in God, but I am not gonna shove my religion down anyone's throat or sit up on a high horse and think I am better than everyone else just because I don't agree with something that someone believe's in.

    Nice to hear. Did you know that Jeffery Dahmer's dad admitted having some of the tendencies that his son did but he never acted on them. Perhaps it is something deeper than just situational.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    if you are anti-gay you are wrong, and i hate you.


    I sure hope you're being sarcastic, because if you're not, you're no better than the anti-gay people. Intollerant of others who believe differently that you.
  • Sewvixen
    Sewvixen Posts: 15 Member
    I'd actually say that people use their religion to justify their homophobia. There are plenty of non-religious homophobes out there too.

    totally agree! I've noticed Christians get very nasty when you ask them, 'Do you believe God created all of us?' (YES) 'Then why did he create homosexuals if he hates them?'
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    Someone mentioned it confuses kids to be raised by a gay couple. Do you not realize that most gay kids are raised by straight couples? And if your eyes "gay is wrong and will confuse their kids" how exactly did they end up that way being raised by straight parents? It sounds to me like being raised by straight parents is what is "confusing" all these gay people???

    I am not anti-gay in the least. I am open minded. I am not religious but I am spiritual. I believe in that God is not one religion. I believe that God is about love. And that when he/she/it sees people misreading the bible and picking and choosing passages to suit their needs, he is sadly shaking his head, thinking "You missed the whole point."

    I do not understand how people can live with so much hate in their hearts really.
  • getfine2015
    getfine2015 Posts: 155 Member
    You didn't quite understand the previous comment before you got on your...Gigantic SOAP BOX......The comment was referring to the child of same sex parents becoming subject to teasing and abuse from other children....and let's be real...Bulling is a age old problem that ALL children will encounter at some point in their childhood....wether its being too fat,skinny,light dark,short,tall, freckles,glasses you name it some kid will encounter that type of peer abuse...why would anyone want to add GAY Parents to the list...beats me....If you want a child...get It the way it was intended....by copulation beteween a MAN & WOMAN.

    Right, so gay people shouldn't have children because THAT kid was raised that it was ok to bully gay people. That's stupid logic. 60 years ago, a black kid would have been picked on in school, too. How did we remedy that? Did we just stop sending black children to school? NO, the norms of society changed. If we change the norms of society and teach our kids to tolerate different lifestyles (instead of raising them in hate like we do now) then it won't even be an issue.

    Also, you can only have kids 'the natural way'? what about a straight couple pursuing adoption? In vitro? Surrogacy?

    No....Black children didn't stop going to school because of racism...segregation took care of that...but since desegregation the norms havent changed that much...in my City...going on right now...is a fight between city and county schools. as it stands now city kids cant attend county schools sure the county schools are in the Suburbs and better education...and the City schools are ing the Inner city...but a bill has been passed to merge county and city schools so that any child can attend where they want....and suburbia are OUTRAGED!!! Some are saying that they will move to another county not to have city children with their Lily delicate children...and It comes down to a Black and White issue too..so don't give me the Society Norm speech..ppl are not teaching their children to tolerate any thing different...instead if anything there teaching them not to Hate the different...but don't fraternize with them.....

    Straight couple pursuing adoption In vitro or Surrogancy Is fine...If its medically proven that you are sterile....that may very well be the case with me and my Husband and I proven so then we will do what we need to do to have a family...there's nothing wrong with those methods...If you cant procreate the natural way....
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Personally I'm anti-gay not because I came from a machista culture (I'm Hispanic) nor from a strict Roman Catholic family but honestly I find that some of the gay men are very hot. Plus I'm not interested in women's private parts. I assume that you used the word "gay" to mean homosexual people that also include lesbians as well.

    One thing that I find a bit disturbing is when a gay competes in a beauty pageant with real women. For me, sexual preference & biology aren't the same.

    However I don't meddle with other people's sexual preference. We all have a free will to choose what we want to be.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Yes I could, if my heart was led to it yes. But like I said I am not gonna judge anyone for how they live their lives or how or what they believe, that's not my job. My point is you fall in love with who you fall in love with. And I don't think people should be judgmental either.
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