Why aren't more guys ballsy?



  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    That's why even never being an Adonis or Greek God body; I never had problems getting a date. And, why I married "up" over my normal "perceived" range.

    Confidence, humor and a good attitude can get you really far as a guy. I always figured if a girl rejected my advances, she rejected them. I got my share of rejections, but to win you have to be willing to lose sometimes. I found women are more forgiving for us guys physical limitations if you make up for it through personality, etc.

    I rarely got friend zoned, because as I got to know a woman I didn't play the shy beta male. As I said before, confidence without being a jerk, takes you far in life!!!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I used to ask stuff like this, then I realized that I was fat and ugly so I started dieting and working out. 50 pounds later, my current boyfriend asks me out. Soooo yeah, kinda odd that I had to do all the asking when I was heavy but now that I'm less heavy, it's acceptable for a guy to ask me out now. Then again my current bf didn't know me when I was heavy so I don't know if it really made a difference or not. So it was making my appearance more desirable and having my friend bug him into talking to me. :laugh:
  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    Because for decades, women have been trying to chop their balls off . They have succeeded now. Thanks ladies!!!

    *ding* we have a winner.

    what I am saying, I am coming up on 13 years of marriage. I think that should stand for something.
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    Saxmaniac had some good advice about making yourself approachable. When I was single, I had friends tell me I did not look approachable, but I was very shy. If I liked a guy, it was really hard for me to look him in eye and talk to him. I would just freeze up when he looked me in the eye and flirted with me. If I had it to do over again, now that I am older, wiser, and bolder, I would have made myself more approachable and just ask him if he wanted to go jogging or play tennis. My only regrets are the chances I never took. Better to risk rejection than never to know what could have been. If you are just meeting him and don't know what to say, just smile.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    I don't currently ask because i'm not 100% sure i'm ready to put up with the bullsh*t involved in having a girlfriend, and yes, i am well aware this goes both ways here, i'm also not sure i am at a point where i'm ready to provide a bullsh*t free side of things for her, i might still have a thing or two i want to take care of first in my own life before trying to introduce someone special in sharing it with me, but i did ask someone out a while back and got shot down, didn't know her well enough to know she had a boyfriend,made me feel kinda bad that i was hitting on her in the first place hahaha
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    Am I the only person who hears ACDC singing in the background,,,

    Some balls are held for charity
    And some for fancy dress
    But when they're held for pleasure,
    They're the balls that I like best.
    And my balls are always bouncing,
    To the left and to the right.
    It's my belief that my big balls
    should be held every night.
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    That's why even never being an Adonis or Greek God body; I never had problems getting a date. And, why I married "up" over my normal "perceived" range.

    Confidence, humor and a good attitude can get you really far as a guy. I always figured if a girl rejected my advances, she rejected them. I got my share of rejections, but to win you have to be willing to lose sometimes. I found women are more forgiving for us guys physical limitations if you make up for it through personality, etc.

    I rarely got friend zoned, because as I got to know a woman I didn't play the shy beta male. As I said before, confidence without being a jerk, takes you far in life!!!

    Yep! by the time you guys figured all these out in your heads... The girl is already mine. Well, I'm already hers... Whichever way it works.