Ladies: Best Way To Approach You In The Gym?



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I forgot to add, women love guys that draw attention to themselves. Look at nature, it's always the bird with the most vibrant and colorful feathers which finds its mate. Buy spaghetti strap tops so your nipples hang out a bit and grunt very loud when doing all your lifts. That way they know you're top dog. Nothing sets off the pheremones like a sweaty meat head.

    Result? The women approach you. Flawless strategy broski.

    I'm not interested unless I can see nipple.
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    When a girl is trying to do squats or pull ups, just give her a spot. She won't ask for one because of pride, so just walk up behind her and put your hands on her *kitten* (you could go hips, but *kitten* is more intimate, it tells her you're interested in more than friendship, a major turn on). Provide support as needed, she'll be extremely grateful when she's finished her set, you'll be in for sure.

    ok I just wanna ask is the guy hot that is grabbing or not? that make a difference.

    geez, ladies, go easy....poor guys, its just a joke

    God I hope you're joking. I really hope you're joking. Because any random dude that grabs my *kitten* saying he's trying to "spot" me at the gym would get a swift backhand to the face. No joke.

    Try to do that with 135 lb on your back, wouldn't want you to drop that now. :bigsmile:

    That would absolutely be the last rep I did, and once my barbell was racked, then the backhand (or kick to the balls) would come. Better? I'm a pretty chill person, but somebody I don't know grabbing my *kitten* would NOT fly.

    I don't see how a kick to the balls is better, that's not going to make you any friends.

    Haha I don't make friends with *kitten* grabbin' creepers!

    apparently i do... my husband is an *kitten* grabbin' creeper... :embarassed: LOL ok he didn't turn into one until we got married, but still. he's an *kitten* man. thankfully, i have plenty of it and it seems to be the hardest place for me to lose so... yeah. haha!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    When a girl is trying to do squats or pull ups, just give her a spot. She won't ask for one because of pride, so just walk up behind her and put your hands on her *kitten* (you could go hips, but *kitten* is more intimate, it tells her you're interested in more than friendship, a major turn on). Provide support as needed, she'll be extremely grateful when she's finished her set, you'll be in for sure.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Best way? Don't make eye contact and keep walking.

    good life philosophy, avoid all human contact everywhere
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Wow... get over yourself ladies!! I can't believe some of these answers. Just remember as soon as you hit mid 50's you're screwed and your body will start deforming into something hardly human....

    Um, what? My mom is pushing 60 and has a better body than I do (she's a personal trainer). So, false.
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    At the gym I'm feeling self conscious, I'm sweating like I'm a shower head I know I'm cherry red and I know I'm not looking glamorous, but if you take time to smile and say hi while I'm looking cause my tunes will be loud, compliment the workout. Then next time I see you at the gym I'd say hi and I wouldn't freak out if you tried to talk to me. It's a really individual thing though, good luck (;
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I wouldn't "approach" her, but try saying "hi, how's it going" if you see her without headphones on. Or smile and give her a little wave or a head nod next time you see her. Watch her reaction, if she initiates more conversation you're good to go, if not, at least you're not that creepy guy. I see the same people in the gym 5 days a week, I'll say hi, how's it going to a lot of them. Most of them have rings on, so I'm guessing they're not cruising, it's just natural to say hi if you see someone that often.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Wow... get over yourself ladies!! I can't believe some of these answers. Just remember as soon as you hit mid 50's you're screwed and your body will start deforming into something hardly human....

    Um, what? My mom is pushing 60 and has a better body than I do (she's a personal trainer). So, false.

    I'm with her. I met a woman at the gym and she was in her 50s and look amazing! Solid body and beautiful!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Just a simple hello or complimenting her form/lifting/endurance whatever is nice. I've had guys just tell me "You go lady!" after a session on the treadmill or something, and it's very nice. It doesn't come across as hitting on, but it's still positive and friendly.
  • pagingdoctork
    pagingdoctork Posts: 40 Member
    holy fvck worst advice ever. PSA: MEN DO NOT APPROACH A WOMAN IN A PARKING LOT.

    that is the worst thing ever, and makes us feel unsafe.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    That is one thing I have no plans to ever do...every girl in the gym looks downright angry and ready to bite every guy's face off if we so much as glance their way.

    I have had men follow me while I am running, suddenly fall in step beside me while I am running and scare the daylights out of me, one who hit on me at the gym then had a hysterical meltdown when I leg-pressed more weight than he did, and one man who actually tried to to kiss me when I finished running and was headed to my car.

    Maybe I am a creep magnet. But if you are wondering why some women have that "leave me alone" look on their face while working out, I can say from experience that at least mine is there for a reason.

    A sane man walking up to me in the gym while I am stretching or otherwise not in the midst of concentrating on my workout, and talking to me like I am a human being, especially if he is funny, would actually be welcome. Unfortunately that is typically not what I have experienced.
  • Geez, some of these "gym b****es" need to lose the "gym" part of the term. I workout hard, just like everyone else. But I'm sorry, accept the fact that sex is HUGE driver in why we workout, along with health and whatever else you say on facebook. Bottom line, we all wanna look good! The gym is a perfectly acceptable place to meet someone. Timing is everything.

    Don't let the nay-sayers discourage you. Most of us are nice girls who would say "hi" back.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Wow... get over yourself ladies!! I can't believe some of these answers. Just remember as soon as you hit mid 50's you're screwed and your body will start deforming into something hardly human....

    *moment of shocked silence for utter douchebaggery*
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I personally wouldn't care if a guy approached me at the gym.
    A simple hello or a compliment is enough to start up a conversation. .
    Though I would prefer you do it after I got off the treadmill/elliptical - at least do it when I am taking a break, lifting weights a bit or when I am getting ready to leave.
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I think that waiting until she is leaving the gym, maybe in the hallway or something would be a more accepted approach, I get annoyed when guys try to talk to me during my workout... I am there to look ugly, break a sweat and kick my own *kitten*... leave me alone... HAHA

    This! It's really intimidating to be approached as you're working out. Some girls are pretty shy (even if we don't seem to be) and just being at the gymn is intimidating enough. For some reason, being in your "real clothes" makes it easier to make eye contact and give the guy a chance. (And, good for you for asking. I always feel sorry for the guys having to be the ones to put themselves out there - especially when some girls are so heartless about it.)
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Wow... get over yourself ladies!! I can't believe some of these answers. Just remember as soon as you hit mid 50's you're screwed and your body will start deforming into something hardly human....

    Ah, like your mind already has?
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    holy fvck worst advice ever. PSA: MEN DO NOT APPROACH A WOMAN IN A PARKING LOT.

    that is the worst thing ever, and makes us feel unsafe.

    But its so much easier to wait for you in the parking lot!
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Walk up them them holding your junk and in your best Tony Montana voice scream, "Say halllo to my lil frend"

    This is how I met my wife. Well, I call her my wife. The courts call her "woman I must remain 500m from at all times", but that is just semantics.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    For the record...OP no longer cares.

    I defied you all and walked right up to the girl I was curious about...while she was all sweaty and in the middle of her workout...and you know what? She was pleasant and receptive...She even gave me her number, without me asking for it.

    Lesson learned.

    You are all free to continue bantering about how much you hate social interaction at the gym, in fear that it may disrupt your precious workout.

    Haha, nice work bro.