Strength Training PR's - Brag About Your Success



  • kirsty_mc
    kirsty_mc Posts: 35 Member
    My little success seems very minor in comparison to some here!

    I am 5ft 3, 149lbs (GW 130).

    This week I :
    legpressed 80kg x 18/16/12
    Chest press 20 x 12/12/12

    I've only really started lifting in the last 4 weeks, and have started crossfit to increase my strength. I can even do 1 full body weight pull up (just 1.... but I'm damm proud of it!)
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    squat 185 x 3
    deadlift 175 x 3
    overhead press 115 max
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    My stats aren't great, but I have to BRAG, especially from where I started:

    Bench Press: 100lbs 8 reps

    Bicep Curl: (Seated 20lbs 10-12 reps) Standing 25lbs 20 reps

    Tricep Pulldowns:60lbs 15 reps

    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 70lbs 8 reps

    Squats:75lbs Back Squats 45lbs Front Squats

    Leg Press:400lbs

    I love the gymnastic rings & climbing rope. Excellent upper body workout. I even bought them for at home use.
  • Thor2020
    Thor2020 Posts: 41 Member
    2010 is when I started to set yearly December 31st of that year.

    Personal Best
    2010 34 reps of 225 flat bench (goal 35 reps)
    2011 17 reps of 315 flat bench (goal 20 reps)
    2012 2 reps of 405 flat bench (goal 450 lbs)

    34!?!?! thats amazing! You know the record for NFL Combine is 51 reps of 225! Avg. is mid 30s reps
    17 reps of 315 is wow.

    Impressive man.

    First of all thanks!

    The 35X225 by the end of 2010 was my first goal ever on bench. One year I saw the NFL televise a skills competition at the pro bowl and I saw Joey Porter do 35 reps of 225. I said to myself....dude, I think I can do that...if he can, why can't I?

    I didn't get the 35 like I wanted....but I did get to 34.

    I'll be 41 in October and I know I could totally kick my college self's *kitten*!
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Well I don't do the gym thing, but....

    6'1", 195 lb

    The other day I was able to press from a headstand to a handstand, without starting in a handstand (no elastic energy in the arms) for 3 reps

    My working weight for weighted pistol squats is 50 lb, which I can do for 7 reps
    I can almost get back up in a GHR without any hand assist (not as good at the negative portion, more a mental thing)

    I can do 7 reps of one arm pushups per arm with good form.

    I can hold a 1 leg front lever for 18 seconds
    I can do 11 reps of tuck front lever rows

    I can hold a 1 leg back lever for 25 seconds

    I can hold a flat palm floor L-sit for 30 seconds

    My working weight for weighted dips is +50 lbs, which I can do 7 reps of

    I can do 5 dragon flag reps where I hold the lever for 5 seconds at the bottom of each rep (12 reps without the hold)
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Heh, I feel weak after reading this thread. I'm about 4 months into StrongLifts so far:

    Squat: 250 5x5
    Deadlift: 305 1x5
    Bench: 190 5x5
    Row: 165 5x5 (missed reps at 170)
    Overhead Press: 135 5x5 (missed reps at 140)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member

    I have never seen any woman squat, with good form at least, more than 135lbs so nice work! That's so awesome and so hot at the same time. ;)

    I can do it. I weigh 113# @ 5' tall. Did 125# on the FRONT this morning. :smile:
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    My stats aren't great, but I have to BRAG, especially from where I started:

    Bench Press: 100lbs 8 reps

    Bicep Curl: (Seated 20lbs 10-12 reps) Standing 25lbs 20 reps

    Tricep Pulldowns:60lbs 15 reps

    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 70lbs 8 reps

    Squats:75lbs Back Squats 45lbs Front Squats

    Leg Press:400lbs

    I love the gymnastic rings & climbing rope. Excellent upper body workout. I even bought them for at home use.

    You rock! What were your starting points...or do you not have those figures?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    I have never seen any woman squat, with good form at least, more than 135lbs so nice work! That's so awesome and so hot at the same time. ;)

    I can do it. I weigh 113# @ 5' tall. Did 125# on the FRONT this morning. :smile:

    Another hottie than can lift some weight! Awesome!
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    I only started lifting in Nov '11 when I hired my PT. I USED to be a Cardio Junkie! And while I still like my runs & rides, I am LOVING the definition that strength training has given me. :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • jessew1760
    Almost 2 months into lifting consistently and now hitting PRs every workout
    Deadlift 325x5
    Squat 285x2 (pyramid)
    Bench 195x2 (pyramid)
    OHP 135x5

    nice work everyone it seems i still have a long road ahead of me
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    My stats aren't great, but I have to BRAG, especially from where I started:

    Bench Press: 100lbs 8 reps

    Bicep Curl: (Seated 20lbs 10-12 reps) Standing 25lbs 20 reps

    Tricep Pulldowns:60lbs 15 reps

    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 70lbs 8 reps

    Squats:75lbs Back Squats 45lbs Front Squats

    Leg Press:400lbs

    I love the gymnastic rings & climbing rope. Excellent upper body workout. I even bought them for at home use.

    You rock! What were your starting points...or do you not have those figures?

    I only started lifting in Nov '11 when I hired my PT. I USED to be a Cardio Junkie! And while I still like my runs & rides, I am LOVING the definition that strength training has given me.

    Edited: I am not very computer savy! Sorry for the double post! :grumble:
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    5'9" 225lbs

    Deadlift 405 x 2
    Squat 385 x 3
    Overhead Press 185 x 2
    Dumbbell Bench Press 240 x 4
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 434 Member
    I've been lifting for a little over 2 years now.

    I'm 6'6" about 230lbs and my top working sets are as follows:

    Bench Press: 245 * 8
    Barbell Squat: 265 * 8
    SLDL: 315 * 8
    Dumbbell Overhead Press: 65 * 10
    E-Z Bar Preacher Curl: 100 * 8
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I've only started back into body weight strength training recently after several years off from any kind of lifting at all. I need to set some goals to look forward to. My ultimate goal is a planche press up.

    In my prime I could do 50 dips, I think that will be another goal to get back to.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Just hit my first 500lb deadlift at the end of my cut!

    1 Rep max:
    Bench: 250
    Squat: 245 (never tried more)
    Deadlift: 500

    Current weight ~185

    Been working hard on bringing up the squat..and I refuse to cheat on the reps so the weight is going up slowly. Changing my split for my upcoming bulk and I'll be doing legs twice a week so Im really hoping to get the squat somewhere between 315 and 345 before January.

    strong deads.
    you should definitely be squatting in the upper 3's with deadlift numbers like that.
    Typically when one of those lifts goes up, the other will too.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I've on Stage One of NROL4W week 5. When I started my weight loss journey (start of March) I could barely even walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. When I started doing exercise my 3.3lb barbie dumbbells were too heavy for me....:ohwell:

    Here's my current PR's (of which I am very proud)

    Squat - 11lb dumbbell in each hand -> 45lbs barbbell
    Seated row - 35lbs -> 55lbs
    Deadlift - 45lbs (struggled) -> 72.5lbs
    Dumbbell shoulder press - 8.8lb dumbbell each hand -> 27.5lbs barbbell
    Widegrip lat pulldown - 40lbs -> 60lbs

    Last week I did my first barbbell bench press 1x 45lbs (just the bar) and yesterday my first dumbbell bench press 1x 13.2lb dumbbell each hand.
    I can't wait to see those numbers get bigger :happy:
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    After 3 months of Starting Strength, I've made some decent gains for an old guy (47). :o)

    All weights refer to doing 3 sets of 5 reps
    Squat: 135 to 300
    Deadlift 135 to 305 (I know my deadlift should be better!)
    Overhead Press: 75 to 140
    Bench: 125 to 215
    Pendlay Rows: 95 to 170

    I've gained 13lbs of muscle and about that much fat. An acceptable ratio for now! Progress has slowed, but I'm not yet ready to tweak programming. I still need to invest in a good belt. :o)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've on Stage One of NROL4W week 5. When I started my weight loss journey (start of March) I could barely even walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. When I started doing exercise my 3.3lb barbie dumbbells were too heavy for me....:ohwell:

    Here's my current PR's (of which I am very proud)

    Squat - 11lb dumbbell in each hand -> 45lbs barbbell
    Seated row - 35lbs -> 55lbs
    Deadlift - 45lbs (struggled) -> 72.5lbs
    Dumbbell shoulder press - 8.8lb dumbbell each hand -> 27.5lbs barbbell
    Widegrip lat pulldown - 40lbs -> 60lbs

    Last week I did my first barbbell bench press 1x 45lbs (just the bar) and yesterday my first dumbbell bench press 1x 13.2lb dumbbell each hand.
    I can't wait to see those numbers get bigger :happy:

    You should be proud. IMO, its about progress, not the absolute numbers (but I have to say, you feel like a badass when you do reach certain milestones on the numbers)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    After 3 months of Starting Strength, I've made some decent gains for an old guy (47). :o)

    All weights refer to doing 3 sets of 5 reps
    Squat: 135 to 300
    Deadlift 135 to 305 (I know my deadlift should be better!)
    Overhead Press: 75 to 140
    Bench: 125 to 215
    Pendlay Rows: 95 to 170

    I've gained 13lbs of muscle and about that much fat. An acceptable ratio for now! Progress has slowed, but I'm not yet ready to tweak programming. I still need to invest in a good belt. :o)

    Those are actually exceptional gains.
    300x5 squat is pretty legit and those overhead and bench numbers are great as well.