Train on Log without the log?
There is a strongman comp coming up and I want to go. I learned how to use the log last weekend but the gym I go to doesn't have one. What is the best way to train for log without one? (Plus any other tips on strongman event etc.?)
Raw or gloves?
I like that I lift raw but I have been looking at maybe getting some lifting gloves. Like the half glove with grip type. My frosted side is like "Awesome! Get the purple ones and maybe I can pull more reps! Less pain! All the gripzzz!" While the unfrosted side says, " Pull raw! Love the callous, feel the burn, get better…
Powerlifting meet
So I was looking at hardcore gyms and I see there is a powerlifting meet coming up. I am a novice female over 200 lbs but weight division doesn't get past 198 while guys go past 300lbs. So, do I have to drop weight to get in? I'm super new to this and while I've been lifting, I haven't tried out my 1 rep max yet. (dumb, I…
Everyone, what's your routine?
Do you follow a structured routine, pick and choose to build your own or are you still playing around with options? What are your goals/dreams? I love lifting anything heavy. I used to load and unload trucks manually for years, but it taught me nothing about form. I can lift and carry a bunch of things, but it's all…
Powerlifting Rules for Raw Comp?
I am signing up for my first competition! I am going to do deadlift. The site for the gym share a link to rules but I can't find them anywhere on that site. I wondered if anyone knew if there are standard rules across the board for this or not. If so, what they might be? (I'll be going to MetroFlex Gym in TX. if anyone on…
Share your favorite gym fail
Maybe someone has some personal stories or know someone who knew someone, or maybe has a fave video to share...I've been looking at gym fail videos and thought of the times I'd see some people at the gym that could have used more help.
Partial dislocation or torn rotator cuff/ other?
While I FINALLY was able to go up 5 lbs on OHP today, I really hurt my shoulder doing incline presses. I didn't realize my form was shortening my shoulders ability to move. I'm worried it's partially dislocated because of the pop feeling I had and it kind of moves around a bit, or maybe I tore something. It only hurts at…
Lady lifters
So, I'm not sure if I'm just not engaging my core or if I have tight/underdeveloped muscles, poor form or what, but after my workouts I get a crampy feeling. As if I am about to start my period. I just wanted to get any input with anyone who may have an idea about what it is/how to correct it. :)
Lifters, how long did it take you...
to up your caloric intake? Was it incremental to match gains/ other? I'm looking forward to eating more and would like to hear from anyone whose experienced this already. :)
What nobody told you about running.
I just started a running program and thought it would be great to hear what everyone's experiences has been. I made this thinking about another thread, 'What nobody told you about loosing weight.' Which I think is helpful as well. Thanks in advance! So far I learned that my lips get really chapped after I run. It's more…
Success- Not a total transformation but One Year in, 53 down.... w/ pics
53 down 44 to go! The first pic is near my highest of 276. Second is This week at 223. Third is Nov. last year and fourth was a couple months ago. It doesn't look like a lot of weight lost but I feel so much better. I can't wait to get the rest of it off! I am a 5 ft 7.5 in. 37 year old female SW-276 CW-223 GW-179 after…
Shy about benching barbell...
I've been doing dumbbell benches because I've been afraid of getting under an olympic bar without a spotter. How do I know when I'm ready to handle a barbell. I know the weights don't translate across because of stabilization, form etc. SO, I thought I'd ask some advise. See what everyone thinks... ETA- I'm doing 3x10…
Why is it that...
Some times I get DOMS within hours of a work out in one area, but sometimes other areas I've gotten DOMS a day or two later?
What happens to your body if you don't rest after lifting heavy?
48 hours seem like a long time to wait. I like the split idea because I need to do something everyday, even if it's active recovery. But 48 hours hits me right in my motivation. I though if I knew the why's of it I could understand enough to accept why I need to take a break, instead of just doing it anyway and finding out…
Running and the jiggles...
I ran today and really liked it. What I didn't like was my jiggly tummy. What is out there to help with this problem until I can loose the fat? I was wearing leggings and thought I had outsmarted my sports bra problem only to have this new one. lol Any help is great and thanks in advance.
What happens to your body if you don't rest after lifting heavy?
48 hours seem like a long time to wait. I like the split idea because I need to do something everyday, even if it's active recovery. But 48 hours hits me right in my motivation. I though if I knew the why's of it I could understand enough to accept why I need to take a break, instead of just doing it anyway and finding out…
What size barbell do I go for?
I'm looking into getting a barbell and weights after I go through my dumbbells. I decided I could up end the bar and pyramid stack the weights and store them in my closet. Just put the whole thing together every time. To keep my kiddos safe. So onto the next hurdle, what size should I get. I found this one that come in…
Thoughts on Complexes?
I have never heard of them before but it sounds interesting. Has anyone done this before? Here's a link to the article https://www.t-nation.com/workouts/3-complexes-for-rapid-female-fat-loss
Body weight squats
Can one achieve a round raised bottom with just body weight squats? Obviously weighted squats are the very best, but I wondered how far one could get without. Just like doing different types of squats daily. I'm doing weighted right now, but I was curious. I am assuming it would take longer as well as many reps. What do…
LIFT! 'Cause I see crepey skin...
After a 67 lb loss I noticed the beginnings of some loose skin today and I'm worried. Not enough to stop losing weight (29lbs to go) but enough to wonder if I can lift to keep up with my losses in time. I'm pretty worried. I've been big and lost weight and never had this before. That was before kids though...Anyway,I…
Though it was more a success story...
53 down 44 to go! I had first posted this on success stories and was surprised when only one person responded. (thanks to that person!) I didn't realize how important feedback was I guess. I guess it doesn't look like a lot of weight lost? I don't know, but I could use the feedback. These were the best pics of the few I…
Do I measure natural waist...
an inch above my belly button or at my belly button? I've been measuring an inch above my belly button and my natural waist. I have a long torso and want to know what my actual measurements are. There's a two inch difference between the two and i'd like to calc. my waist to hip ratio for health and corsets.
What does squeezing do?
I've noticed a lot of tutorials that say to squeeze certain areas during a lift etc, but I'm not sure what that does. I'd like to know if anyone could shed some light on this for me. Thanks!
So, about a dumbell routine...
I want to get a better routine going three days a week. Right now I am sporadic and have a loose knee which pooped out on the 11th, so I am doing some gentle walking and wearing a brace. I don't have a bar only dumbbells up to 45 lbs. an incline bench, a 25 lb kettle ball and a 10 medicine ball. I have other equipment…
So, about a dumbbell routine...
I accidentally posted this on another board....It's in the right spot now! I want to get a better routine going three days a week. Right now I am sporadic and have a loose knee which pooped out on the 11th, so I am doing some gentle walking and wearing a brace. I don't have a bar only dumbbells up to 45 lbs. an incline…
Boo hoo, and other fancy words...
So, I on the upside I have lost 60 lbs. The downside, I barely look it. I saw some pics of myself tonight and I really thought I looked better than I do. I feel like I look better and then I catch a glimpse in a reflection and I'm like, Oh Sh%* not there yet. I am plugging away everyday and I know I'll loose that 36 lbs. I…
Sicko? Real quick question...
CICO So, to me I read this as SISCO. But I could see this also as SICKO. Now I'm wondering how everyone else reads this. What do you think?
Same smell in nostrils when eating as when I over exercise...
I noticed that lately, when eating a lot of protein I will have that same Burny/ amonia smell like when I exercise too much. Does anybody have an idea or experience about this?
new to food scale question about weights and calories...
Do I count the calories of food before I cook it or after? I have been doing it before I cook...
45 lbs down!
The biggest chunk of my weight loss milestone was reached today! I've divided up my weight into four parts now. 45lbs-31lbs-20lbs-Reassess. I am a 5 ft 7.5 in. 36 (soon to be 37) year old female SW-276 CW-230 GW-179 after reassesing, could be 150 give or take... Depends on the recomp. progress for me. I count calories and…