40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    cathliz71 wrote: »

    I have dabbled with MFP, but it is time to get serious. I have read through quite a few posts and bought a food scale at lunch today based on the advice of many members. I confess I have a self help book addiction and I am frequently buying Weight Loss books. I have read many posts that say throw the books away and track your calories. OK...I am ready.

    Welcome. The food scale was a good buy. Weigh and log everything. Just seeing what foods cost you in calories will make you think about what you eat. But the self help books can work for you too. Just find a comfortable backpack, pack them into it, and start walking. They will do wonders for you.

    Good luck,

  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, all - can I join in? I'm newly 40 as of January - married, have an 8 year old son, and am working to get my butt in shape (partly because I'm tired of shopping in the plus size section and partly because I've been fighting infertility for a few years and am hoping dropping the weight will help me get pregnant). I've been tracking for a few weeks, am down almost 6 lbs, but the thing that's helped me the most is getting an activity tracker. I honestly had no idea how LITTLE I'd been moving until I got my Vivofit. It has been great to get me going.

    I have about 90 lbs left to lose and really feel like I'm not going to start and stop this time - I figure if I'm actually enjoying the gym, something's different :).

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 31 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Chest, Shoulders & Triceps & Ab Ripper X"=Done!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    In a rush this morning. I'm having to do all the pre-cleaning lady cleaning by 0930. I have a set-up I couldn't do until after the morning customers are out of there. Since I have to go in early to do the set-up, my boss is taking the rest of the day off. Even 3/4 a day of office relief is a good thing.

    You guys have a good day,

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member

    Full regimental funeral procession for fallen police officer in MYcity, right now. Sooooooooo sad.

    Then I am off to GodSon's university convocation this afternoon. Soooooooooo happy.

    No workout, today. Just living-in-the-moment.

  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    Hi all! I've been an inconsistent MFP-er for about 4 years now. I swore I wouldn't come into my 40's weighing what I do, but well, that didn't work out so here I am. I turned 40 a couple of weeks ago and have been working on healthier eating habits for just a few weeks longer than that. I'm down a hair shy of 20 pounds but still have, oh, a lot to go. :) This time feels different, though, and I'm not really sure why. In the past, just the thought of regulating my eating was enough to send me on a major binge. This time, I'm just plodding along and doing my thing and, for the most part, it really doesn't seem like that much of a struggle. I'm sure that will change eventually, but I will take the feeling of "this is easy" while it lasts. :)
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Hello all!

    Woo hoo! Down 3.2 today! Go me! LOL
    So happy to see the scale going in THAT direction. LOL
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    I'm 48. Not really trying to lose weight but I do want to lose inches off my waist. I'm 6'2" and close to 200 lbs. I also want to build more muscle and have come a long way in building my shoulders, delts, bi's and tri's but always looking to get better.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello all!

    Woo hoo! Down 3.2 today! Go me! LOL
    So happy to see the scale going in THAT direction. LOL


  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    Hello all!

    Woo hoo! Down 3.2 today! Go me! LOL
    So happy to see the scale going in THAT direction. LOL

    Great job!

    I'm just struggling to get through the next hour or so before I can leave for the day and be off for 2 days (struggling time-wise, not food wise!). My mom is away this week and our part-time sitter has a school activity on Friday, so I took two days off - tomorrow is to clean up my house and have a first session with a trainer, and on Friday, the kid and I are going to Busch Gardens - I can't wait to see how my Garmin registers steps! (It's the little things ;).

    Hoping for a whoosh tomorrow - coming off of TOM and the scale is finally moving back down.
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    spatulamom wrote: »
    Hello all!

    Woo hoo! Down 3.2 today! Go me! LOL
    So happy to see the scale going in THAT direction. LOL

    Great job!

    I'm just struggling to get through the next hour or so before I can leave for the day and be off for 2 days (struggling time-wise, not food wise!). My mom is away this week and our part-time sitter has a school activity on Friday, so I took two days off - tomorrow is to clean up my house and have a first session with a trainer, and on Friday, the kid and I are going to Busch Gardens - I can't wait to see how my Garmin registers steps! (It's the little things ;).

    Hoping for a whoosh tomorrow - coming off of TOM and the scale is finally moving back down.

    Thanks! :)

    Have a blast at Busch Gardens!!!! I went there so many times when I was stationed down that way back in the day. Enjoyed it more than Disney! LOL
    You should get a ton of steps!!!! You'll have to let us know what the grand total is. :)

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    spatulamom wrote: »
    Hello all!

    Woo hoo! Down 3.2 today! Go me! LOL
    So happy to see the scale going in THAT direction. LOL

    Friday, the kid and I are going to Busch Gardens - I can't wait to see how my Garmin registers steps! (It's the little things ;).

    You will have fun. When I was in the Norfolk area, a bunch of my shipmates and I went a lot. We got cheap tickets through the Navy.
  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    spatulamom wrote: »
    Hello all!

    Woo hoo! Down 3.2 today! Go me! LOL
    So happy to see the scale going in THAT direction. LOL

    Friday, the kid and I are going to Busch Gardens - I can't wait to see how my Garmin registers steps! (It's the little things ;).

    You will have fun. When I was in the Norfolk area, a bunch of my shipmates and I went a lot. We got cheap tickets through the Navy.

    I love Norfolk! It's really underrated around here for stuff to do.

    We actually have season passes - this is our fourth time this year! :smiley: This is just the first time with the activity tracker. I promised him we could eat in the park this time since it's just the two of us (and no friends or cousins that I inevitably end up paying for :smile: ) so I'll definitely have to work off what we eat! We love going so I'm hoping to make it semi-regular exercise ;).

    Hope everyone is having a great evening!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 32 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Yoga X"=Done!

    vinyasas were extra tough today. I think because of yesterday's extra weighted dips. triceps were burnin'!

    yoga with the pup...sometimes she does upward/downward dog...she's better at them than I am. other moves she tries to roll under me or rolls on me. sometimes she'll try to stuff a soggy squeak toy in my face. during ohms, she tries to stick her face in my mouth.
  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    Morning! Down 1.4 lbs this morning, so I'm happy! Off to my first session with a personal trainer and then I'm going to use my Mother's Day gift and get a manicure and pedicure.

    Have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Lifted today. BOOM!
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Well the first week on IF- 5/2/ADF has been quite successful.... lost almost 2kg.... perhaps I have found my way ahead!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 33 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X"=Done!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Andy, weight loss was easy for me using 5-2. I very rarely had trouble hitting my numbers. And with fish, chicken breast and lots of veggies, I wasn't overly hungry. Those two days a week were my first time counting calories, but the habit stuck, and here I am now, a year and a half later, at 168 pounds.
  • ane966
    ane966 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm almost 49 years old and today is day 365 since I've started my diet and exercise program. As of this morning I've lost 113 lbs.!! Whoop!! Still have another 40 to go but I'm doing great and just this past week was able to run 4 miles-this is actually a bigger milestone than the weight loss to me. Even in the prime of my youth at 120 lbs. I couldn't run that far!!
    My advice to all, yes count your calories, but more important is to move every day. I mean 1 hr. of cardio everyday if you can do it. Walking fast, running, biking, stair master, elliptical, aerobic classes - whatever it is, do it everyday and when your tired, do it a little bit more. I did not see steady weight loss until I averaged 12,000-14,000 steps a day - 10,000 just doesn't cut it.
    So, there it is, take it or leave it, but don't give up and good luck to everyone out there!