

  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    @mysticlizard with children you pick your battles. I did "bug" my kids this weekend and the living room is staying clean. I'm glad you got your exercise in. Hope your eating went well.

    On the subject of confident, I know how I feel psychologically when in at a healthy weight. I'm light hearted, fun loving and confident. Confidence is a main reason I'm working on this journey.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    trooworld Look at you you are 1/3 of the way through your program for the month and your energy levels are getting better. woohoo

    @Elaine352962 welcome to the group At the top right there is a star that you can click to bookmark this thread.

    mysticlizard Loved the pumpkin soup It was so good. I had everything but the chili powder but it was still good. I'm not one for too much spice anyway. Dh loved it too.

    rickweinberg Thanks for the tabata link. I'm in a book group too. We just read Amazing Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. I'll have to go look up your book. I did get in my workout for the last two days. First day I coughed through the entire thing as I guess my lungs weren't ready yet to get back to work. Even reducing speed didn't help. But tonight went okay.

    So food was in budget today. I exercised in my target zone on treadmill. Water and step goal needs work.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,588 Member
    Morning everyone! My life has been crazy and I apologize that I have not been on here. It is so good to see everyone on here encouraging each other. My life went from crazy to beyond crazy. LOL I feel out of touch and I am no working on getting a normal routine into my life. Which starts here every morning. I have read through all the post and it seems like everyone has a win on their plate. We also have some new faces. I think I have welcomed all but our newest member but @Elaine352962, WELCOME!! I love all the new faces and life you bring to this board.

    I am not going to try to go back and reply to all the personals. Know that I have read each one and I am so encouraged by all of you. I am still on the 21D fast, still only eating my protein shakes and praying. A couple of days, life got in the way and I only had 1 shake, not the 2 I have planned for this fast.

    My father had a stroke and I have been mostly been with him this week. His stroke was caused by his high blood pressure. He has never taken good care of his health. My sister and I laugh at our history, we always portray the picture of the "Santa list" when healthcare providers ask for family medical history. Hence why this board. Hence why I went to WW and got to be a life time member, hence why I am always looking for natural health products. If I can lead this group into anything, it's please take care of yourself, no one else will. Your bodies were designed to heal themselves and we had dismantled that by our environment, our lack of movement, our food..I could go on, but you get the drift. I just had a picture cross my mind. Some of you won't remember, but we used to have to get up OFF THE COUCH to change the channels, now we just SIT and push a button...I am sure there are voice commands as well..but movement is vital. Do I still struggle to not eat all the sugar in the house, do I still struggle to exercise, do I struggle every day to make better choices? The answer to all is YES, I have not arrived and where I want to be and I know that I will always be looking to achieve better, fight off my sugar cravings and not give in to just being "normal" folks who eat what they want, when they want...

    Okay off my soap box, I just wanted you to know why this board was started and why the journey. Both my parents never really took care of themselves.

    I will make an extreme effort to maintain coming to start my day with all of you! I so look forward to it.

  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    @Cbabie, sorry to hear about your father and wish him a speedy recovery.
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    I ate oatmeal for breakfast.
    This is important because I almost didn't eat breakfast. I am running late on my errands. So, since I was already late (no real appointments 'til 1 pm), I stopped before running out the door and made oatmeal. The last 2 days I didn't stick to healthful eating, nor did I track. Because...who wants to track THAT train wreck??? Back on track now, happily. I also came here to check in. Because this is important to me. Now I'm off for errands. My belly full and warm and my body energized.

    @Elaine352962 glad you found us!

    @rickweinberg Did you find Trello? If not, it's here: I also use mind maps to organize my thoughts and projects, etc. Oh yes…soooo hard to do this journey when everyone else in the house is not aboard. My hubby knows he needs to lose weight, but he makes excuses. The best I can do is cook healthfully, make his lunches so he’s not eating out (he does not make the same good choices I do when we go out!), and try to not have chips in the house. And soda. I hate it when he doesn’t care, and it makes me grouchy and then I’ll just stuff my face in rebelliousness. My daughter is much more supportive in her actions and attitudes. The tough times are game days, when everyone is eating chips and drinking soda. I don’t even like chips that much, but when I eat them they’re so addicting, so I don’t stop at a reasonable portion. Kids and keeping the house clean…aaack! My daughter (the youngest, 19 yo) cleaned the whole kitchen, made sure all the dishes were washed, kept on me about it for a few days…and we’re back to me running around the living room bringing dishes into the kitchen and then washing and putting away. Today I cleaned up the dishes that were around, not too many, put in a basin of hot soapy water, and now I’m leaving the house….she will need to wash them. It was trash day too, and guess who took the trash out to the curb…even though it is the ONLY chore my son has. Ugh! Oh well, such is life. I got exercise today anyway, lol. Confidence…you hit a chord with me. I never thought about it that way exactly. I have my “reasons I want to lose weight”, but really, they do add up to being confident. Not wondering if people aren’t taking me seriously behind my back because of my weight, that sort of thing. Thanks for verbalizing that.

    @cbabie So sorry to hear about your dad’s stroke. Was it a TIA? Is he recovering well? Prayers for him, and for you, today. My mom had a major stroke when I was 15. It was a long road but she recovered. After that she would have TIA’s. She had high blood pressure and had meds for it. Since she developed the dementia, then alzheimers, her blood pressure has stabilized, no meds now. And no more TIA’s. She has no stress. I thought it was an interesting study. So…I think, even with taking care of ourselves physically, stress can play a major factor. Please find time to take care of yourself and unwind. And say “no” sometimes. That’s something I have had to work VERY hard on. {{{hugs}}}

    @FitPhillygirl Hi! I missed where you joined us…I was MIA for a whole month…but glad you’re here!

    Have a great and wonderful and joy filled day, my friends!
    Karla :-)
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    @bugmom92, thanks. I'm very active so I don't get on here to post very often. However, I do try to keep up with this thread. I'm currently in the middle of doing Insanity Max 30, work full time in a busy Emergency Room, and manage 2 active teens. :)
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    @rickweinberg - Yes we do pick our battles.

    @cbabie - You and your dad are in my prayers (((hugs))).

    @theslightedgeforever - I am glad you are feeling better and able to work your way back on track.

    @FitPhillygirl - Hi, it is good to see you.

    @bugmom92 - I know it can get ugly but try to track everything no matter how it looks at the end of the day. It has motivated me some nights to stop eating because I did not want to look at the train wreck. It is also good practice just to keep up logging daily and making it a habit.

    I went to the doc today. I mentioned to him how much I hate to exercise but how much better it makes me feel mentally. He asked me about my stress level. I told him that I hadn't been very stressed lately. He said when a person exercises there is a chemical (I should have written the name down) that the brain releases that fights the cortisol (a stress chemical the brain releases). They have found that this chemical is even released in the body's larger muscles during exercise and more of it makes it way to the brain. And over time this chemical can help to repair damage in the brain from long term stress and mental illness. I found it really interesting.

    After the leaving the doc's, I ran errands. I slipped on some ice and hyper extended my knee. So I am not exercising today. I hope it feels good enough tomorrow so I can. I am enjoying the weather though, it has been in the thirties and sunny, we are having a heat wave.

    I hope everyone has a good evening.


    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 236.4
    1. Log all food 17 out of 31 days Under calories 13 of 31 days Over calories 4 of 31 days Protein goal 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 1005 minutes
    3. Managing stress 14 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    @mysticlizard, nice hearing from you. :smile: Don't worry about the exercise. Take care of the knee first.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    @rickweinberg - Yes we do pick our battles.

    @cbabie - You and your dad are in my prayers (((hugs))).

    @theslightedgeforever - I am glad you are feeling better and able to work your way back on track.

    @FitPhillygirl - Hi, it is good to see you.

    @bugmom92 - I know it can get ugly but try to track everything no matter how it looks at the end of the day. It has motivated me some nights to stop eating because I did not want to look at the train wreck. It is also good practice just to keep up logging daily and making it a habit.

    I went to the doc today. I mentioned to him how much I hate to exercise but how much better it makes me feel mentally. He asked me about my stress level. I told him that I hadn't been very stressed lately. He said when a person exercises there is a chemical (I should have written the name down) that the brain releases that fights the cortisol (a stress chemical the brain releases). They have found that this chemical is even released in the body's larger muscles during exercise and more of it makes it way to the brain. And over time this chemical can help to repair damage in the brain from long term stress and mental illness. I found it really interesting.

    After the leaving the doc's, I ran errands. I slipped on some ice and hyper extended my knee. So I am not exercising today. I hope it feels good enough tomorrow so I can. I am enjoying the weather though, it has been in the thirties and sunny, we are having a heat wave.

    I hope everyone has a good evening.


    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 236.4
    1. Log all food 17 out of 31 days Under calories 13 of 31 days Over calories 4 of 31 days Protein goal 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 1005 minutes
    3. Managing stress 14 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.

    @bugmom92 I hate to admit this but I too stop tracking if the wheels come off and I binge eat. @mysticlizard is right. Even when it is going totally wrong we should still track. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. Also, I never have a problem with not eating enough. I rarely have a challenge with choosing healthy foods. My biggest trouble is portion control. Also, even when people are not "with you" in your journey, never are they actively against you. I always thank my family members for helping. Whether it is my wife telling me what is in a dish/recipe. Or not being around for family dinner and exercising. No matter what it is, I try to thank people for helping me.

    @cbabie Thoughts to your Dad. I hope he is doing better. Please keep us updated when you can. I do not know what a "TIA" is but I hope improvements are happening

    @theslightedgeforever I too am glad you are better and back on track. I just feel better when I'm on track because I feel in control. On this journey I like to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Keep up the good work.

    @FitPhillygirl We have never communicated before. I think I "joined" this board last week. Maybe you were actually here before me. Anyway, you do sound extremely active. If you are active you never have to exercise.

    @mysticlizard I have lots to say about dopamine and cortisol. I just do not have time right now. I will tell you that when I do a 3 hour bike ride and push myself, I actually get a high. Scientifically, there are some real reasons for this high feeling.

    Peace out for now. I'm having a good day. Tracked everything so far and I have about 850 calories left for dinner.

  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited January 2017
    @rickweinberg, welcome to the board. :smile: Yes, I joined MFP in 2013. I joined MFP to maintain my weight as weightwatchers is not supportive of people like me who are 15 pounds under goal. Although, I am active due to my job and keeping up with the kids, I will always exercise. Doing so keeps me from having to calorie count and is a great way to relieve stress. I like heavy weightlifting at the gym as well as doing HIIT workouts. I'm currently doing Insanity Max 30. Btw, you sound pretty active to me. I read a few posts back that you were doing Tabata, I just did that last night.
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    Just have to check in and report my day. I paid close attention to the smart choices I made, and congratulated myself each time. I did real well until this evening, when I made the mistake of grabbing a bag of oriental rice crackers on the way out the door. The whole bag. I ate 3/4 of the bag (6 servings!). And of course, I was still hungry, because rice crackers are just not that satisfying. Went to a Build your own pizza place. Figured I blew it by then and didn't stop at half...however, after the 4th slice I had a pep talk with myself. I also shared a coke with hubby. So I got home and remembered that I needed to track it all anyway, because y'all told me I needed to, lol. And you know what? I was 900 calories over, and we won't even talk about sodium. And I thought it was worse, actually. And it could have been worse if I hadn't made good choices earlier in the day and had kept eating pizza. And you know when you click at the bottom of the food diary and it tells you what you'll weigh in 5 weeks if you eat like that everyday? Well, mine was 2.5 lbs less than I weigh today. (I weigh in each day, I find it helpful). So, I didn't "blow it". I was fully aware the entire time of what I was doing. And I'm grateful to those of you who told me to track the train wreck anyway! Now I'm going to get a decent night's sleep for a change.
    Karla :-)
  • healthypelican
    healthypelican Posts: 215 Member
    I like the Weight Watchers meetings because its good to get support from people in real life, and they have some great ideas.

    However, I don't want to follow the program, I would rather count calories.

    What to do? When I have problems, they want to see my food log with smart points :-(
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @healthypelican I feel your pain! I finally quit WW meetings. It was expensive support, and I wasn't really getting anywhere with the weight. Since I started tracking here, I am so much more aware of what I am putting into my body, nutritionally. This board is great support, really, and we meet every day, no charge! If you like a weekly meeting with real life people, perhaps there is a TOPS group in your area? They don't push a particular diet, and I've found the people to be really nice and supportive. I don't go to my local one because it doesn't work with my schedule, but I think it's a good choice for support. Something else we have in our city is a neighborhood wellness center run by the local university. You can go in weekly, they weigh you, they look over your food diary, help you decide what thing you want to change the next week in your diet, that sort of thing. They have a walking program and give you a pedometer too. I would check out your city and see what kind of community resources they have. That's just a few thoughts I had. Hope it helps
    Karla :-)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    cbabie Sorry to hear about your father. Like you needed one more thing on your plate. Hopefully he will get better soon. My parents sound alot like yours. Exercise was an unheard of thing. Evenings were spent around the tv eating Twinkies, apple pies, ho-ho's. Hostess was our best friend. I do not want to follow in their footsteps. Still not where I want to be yet. I laughed at your mention of get off the couch to change the channel. My dad had his own I always had to get up and change the channel for him. Thank God there were only 3 channels back then.

    FitPhillygirl your life does sound busy. How are you managing the Insanity program.

    karla Yaaay on the oatmeal. I had a recipe awhile back that used oatmeal and peaches. It tasted alot like peach cobbler to me. comfort food. Mmmmmmm especially in the winter. Interesting thoughts on confidence. My mil experienced the same thing when dementia and alzheimers came along suddenly blood pressure was okay and out went the meds. I see it was a rice cracker day for you too. So congrats on tracking everything. What lessons did you learn today? If you could rewind, write out different choices.

    mysticlizard Ouch on the knee. Hopefully it will be better soon so you can get back to exercising. Yes on tracking everyday no matter what although I just looked at mine and realized I had tracked nothing today. My mind must have been elsewhere, i'll go back and fill in as much as I remember. Reviewing last year, I lose weight when I track. I gain weight when I don't.

    rickweinberg TIA transient ischemic attack Like a mini-stroke. For years my dad kept saying my mom was having TIA's and I kept saying no they are seizures. She needs to be on seizure meds. We would always argue. She had cancer and at the end when hospice was called in they gave her seizure meds and guess what no more "TIA". we did find out too late that seizures could be a side effect of morphine. So the more morphine she was given because of pain, the more seizures she had. As with everything, I take this as a learning experience. When you have time tell us more about dopamine and cortisol. I watched a youtube video about these two and another neurotransmitter. Very interesting stuff.

    gemwolf I hope you get some downtime soon. Anything special you really want to do? I pray you get the job too.

    @healthypelican welcome to the group If you click the star on top right you can bookmark this thread. Like Carla said, TOPS is good. You could always show them your MFP food log. Yes they may not like it that you aren't tracking points, but you really don't need their permission. You are a paying member and you are paying for the good ideas they give and being around real people. They could still tell by the foods you eat how to help you whether or not it is in points or calories. Even I can do that for you. I watch you tube videos also to get extra information and motivation. I'm subscribed to Let's Get Fit and it's two sisters who are on WW. They are just normal everyday people like me but they share what they learn at the meetings. One shows what she ate for the day. They laugh and make jokes but for some reason I really like them and always learn something or it makes me think. So you might look around and find someone that you relate to. Lots of WW youtube blogs out there.

    okay so I exercised on my treadmill in my target zone. don't know about my food because I didn't track properly. I had a salad and chicken breast for dinner but then lunch was just 3/4 pack of rice crackers. That wasn't making good choices. so tomorrow is another day to make good choices.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,588 Member

    I am tired, but just tracked all my food for this week. I am mostly making myself to drink more than 1 protein shake. My time is so maxed, I run until about 9PM and then I eat my last one. I know it's not the best, but I don't want to not get my protein in either. It's frustrating with hospitals, one time they say the patient will need this, but then when they check insurance, oh he doesn't need this. Well that's my impression today..

    @gemwolf110 I think you need the time off, We need to renew sometimes. I get tired just reading about your schedule.LOL Thanks for the prayers.
    @bugmom92 GREAT job on the tracking..glad to see your post. I know sometimes I feel I have overeaten until I track..then I get a nice surprise..and the sometimes I don't.LOL I love oatmeal!
    @mysticlizard If you hyper extended you really need to rest it and not over do it will never heal. Then you will really be mad at yourself. Please take care of YOU.
    @rickweinberg Thanks! TIA is really a mini, he had a full blown Stroke. But no paralysis or anything like that, Thankfully.
    @FitPhillygirl Yea I had been down that below goal thing and I would love to get back into weights. It's not the time right now, but you never know when.
    @theslightedgeforever great job on the will get it back on track..Of that I am sure.
    @healthypelican I agree with some of the others, there is lot's of support out there on the social media. You can do this!!

    Okay I have to go be productive and care giver...not sure that I am a care giver..but I have to for right now.
    Thank you to all for the support!!!

  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Hello everyone. I too followed WW on/off over the years loss/gained same weight

    This group seems wonderful

    I have 100 to lose and am truly giving counting calories a chance. I do find it easier than counting points. As well this data base is fantastic!

    Do you guys check in often it sure looks like it.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend
  • mmcjtink
    mmcjtink Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! I hope everyone is having a great week. I have had a good week (so far) eating and hitting the gym. Haven't been on the scales they seem to control my life and that's not a good thing for me. I feel good and seem to have more energy so I'm gonna go with that! I started doing yoga once a week and seem to like it. Nice change from cardio.
    gemwolf10 hang in there 8 days off will be so nice!!! Enjoy and relax a bit sounds like you deserve it. Getting your hair done just makes life so much better!!!!
    bugmom92. Good for you and stopping at 4 pieces of pizza that is my weakness! Those pep talks seem to help. I just pray that no one hears me when I give them to myself!! Lol
    Theslightedgeforever so glad to see that you don't beat yourself up for not tracking properly and your right you have tomorrow to do better. Great job on the treadmill!
    Cabbie so sorry to hear about your dad. It's so hard to be a caregiver and takes so much out of you. Hang in there. Will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
    Jamiewilldo welcome to the group!! I just joined this group a week or so ago and it's the BEST!!! These woman are so kind and helpful it will definitely help you in your weight loss journey. I did ww years ago and lost. I am now doing it again (on my own with the old plan). And also doing map. So far so good!!! Good luck to you!!
    I hope you all have a successful Thursday!!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    Hello everyone! It seems I've caught my husband's cold and I'm pretty stopped up and sneezing. I went to work yesterday (I'm not coughing), and managed to pretend it was allergies. Today, I'll go for a few hours (I would stay home but I only have 6 hours of sick/vacation time left). I hate being sick.

    @mysticlizard congrats on the loss!

    @cbabie I'm sorry your father had a stroke. I hope there was no permanent damage.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    @FitPhillygirl - :)

    @rickweinberg - Yay for you tracking and making good choices! The other chemical the doc was telling me about was not dopamine, it was named with letters. I have looked on google and I am can not recognize/find it. I am also interested in what all dopamine does, so when you have some time please share.

    @gemwolf110 - The new fridge sounds wonderful. I am so excited for you to have a week off, you have been working so hard. I bet your fur babies will be thrilled to have mom home.

    @bugmom92 - Good for you tracking everything! You were mindful about everything too. It is a win! I often make good choices during the day then derail at night.

    @healthypelican - Welcome!

    @theslightedgeforever - Look at you exercising and catching up on your logging, it looks like you are feeling much better and getting back on track YAY!

    @cbabie - You are a care giver in many different ways everyday. Take care of yourself. Hugs and prayers for you and your dad.

    @jamiewilldo - Welcome! If you click the star on top right you can bookmark this thread. The data base is awesome but look at the entries closely as most are user entered and not always correct.

    @mmcjtink - Yay for being on track and exercising! More energy is always a bonus. :)

    @trooworld - Thank you. I am sorry you caught hubby's cold. Take care of yourself. <3

    The knee is still bothering me so I am taking it easy today. My eating was terrible last night. Today I am going to teach myself to tatting so I have something to do with my hands other than eating in the evenings.

    I hope everyone has a good day.


    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 236.4
    1. Log all food 18 out of 31 days Under calories 13 of 31 days Over calories 5 of 31 days Protein goal 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 1005 minutes
    3. Managing stress 15 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    Hi all! Still feeling miserable here. I went to work yesterday but once I got there, I realized it was a bad idea, so I drove home. I'm staying home today as well. I slept all afternoon yesterday, I'll probably do the same today.

    @mysticlizard thank you.