10 a Day (800g) Veggie&Fruit Challenge Participants Check in!



  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    Sorry I wasn't around today-busy trying to finish a painting project before hubby got back from his trip (and saw the huge mess I had made while he was gone lol). Long, exhausting day but now you only see the paint I spilled all over the floor if you squint and look really closely :D

    Today was a big fat fail for me. I only got in 137g of veg/fruit today (spinach, tomato and mini sweet peppers). I ate a late lunch at around 2pm, due to painting, and it was a quick bowl of soup and a small side salad. I had good intentions to make a larger supper with veggies, but it's now 9:30pm and I'm just wrapping things up-threw some crackers on a plate, slapped a triangle of cheese spread on them, topped them with pepperoni and called it supper :p

    Don't worry. Yesterday was also a fail for me. Back on it today though starting with orange juice.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I managed 578 grams today but I am really sucking at this. Did the powers that be really think that people can eat this much fruit and vegetables? How did they come up with 10 fruits/vegetables? My protein intake is lacking. And if I cut back on other carbs like bread or pasta just so I can eat more fruit/vegetables, I will hate life. Don't get me wrong, I love fruit and vegetables but..........

    How many more days? Lol

    This challenge taught me I would make a bad vegetarian/vegan. I've learned about the food I eat as in what is an actual fruit/vegetable (chocolate and coffee don't count BOO!). I'm also unhappy that only certain amounts of things count, but maybe I'm being too anal about it.
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    as a vegan I already eat more than 10 a day lol but I am concerned that I am going over on my daily 'natural' sugar allowance, i inteNd once the warmer weather here in UK comes at the end of Aprilt o go raw to 4...so that means I will be eating about 20 a day fruit & veggies ps i suffer from a chronic underactive thyroid so my weight loss is very very slow

    I am also concerned about this but am going to ignore the sugar for the month and just try and get the 10 a day in and see what the benefits are short term - if I've lost weight/energy levels/digestive (Brown & Co deposits)/skin condition/water retention/pmt effects etc. Obviously we can never know the full benefits for many years if you are going by the article and avoiding heart attacks/strokes/cancers. I do suffer with high blood pressure and cholesterol and a diet high in fruit and veg can lower these.

    I have tried Raw til 4 two years ago and it was good for weight loss and fun for a while. I went vegan at the same time but am not vegan anymore.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited March 2017
    I managed 578 grams today but I am really sucking at this. Did the powers that be really think that people can eat this much fruit and vegetables? How did they come up with 10 fruits/vegetables? My protein intake is lacking. And if I cut back on other carbs like bread or pasta just so I can eat more fruit/vegetables, I will hate life. Don't get me wrong, I love fruit and vegetables but..........

    How many more days? Lol

    I've really been thinking about this too. For some people it seems to be a fairly easy thing to do, but yeah-I'm realizing that I'm not one of those people :p I think its an awesome goal to work towards though, and I do wonder if it will get easier the more you do it? I'm definitely going to keep at it after today and will try and hit 800g or close to it, several times a week.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    I managed 578 grams today but I am really sucking at this. Did the powers that be really think that people can eat this much fruit and vegetables? How did they come up with 10 fruits/vegetables? My protein intake is lacking. And if I cut back on other carbs like bread or pasta just so I can eat more fruit/vegetables, I will hate life. Don't get me wrong, I love fruit and vegetables but..........

    How many more days? Lol

    I've really been thinking about this too. For some people it seems to be a fairly easy thing to do, but yeah-I'm realizing that I'm not one of those people :p I think its an awesome goal to work towards though, and I do wonder if it will get easier the more you do it? I'm definitely going to keep at it after today and will try and hit 800g or close to it, several times a week.

    This has inspired me to seek out some of the more "light weight" vegetables. Bell peppers and the like. I think it would help a lot!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I like carrots, but I'm not buying them this week. This challenge has forced me to push my dental visit up by a month. My poor, sore, bleeding gums.

    I went back to my roots and fried the last of the zucchini. Would be better with cheese, but I went with simple black pepper.

    I'd find this easier to meet if what I considered a vegetable was actually a vegetable. Enough of me b1tching.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    1407 made up of watermelon, carrots, hummus (chickpeas), gherkins, blueberries, red pepper, mushrooms spinach, avocado and blackberries.

    It so interesting how some of us find this super easy and yet others struggle.

    And @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink , forever. Mwahahahaha :p

    Well, I know you, AnnPT, and I are vegetarians. I don't know about the other ones who are finding it easy are doing it. I know that being a veggie makes it easy for me.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,641 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Scrap that - 1677. Needed more watermelon...

    Yet more illustration that satiation is individual. ;)

    (I'm in the "easy" camp . . . but admit I've been practicing for a while. :) )
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    Approximately 800g:

    Radish 14g
    Cherry tomatoes 37g
    Lettuce 70g
    Cucumber 45g
    Beetroot 82g
    Carrot 25g
    Celery 28g
    Strawberries 80g
    Leeks 120g
    Red cabbage 60g
    Apple 20g
    Parsnip 50g
    Banana one
    Orange juice
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    1407 made up of watermelon, carrots, hummus (chickpeas), gherkins, blueberries, red pepper, mushrooms spinach, avocado and blackberries.

    It so interesting how some of us find this super easy and yet others struggle.

    And @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink , forever. Mwahahahaha :p

    Well, I know you, AnnPT, and I are vegetarians. I don't know about the other ones who are finding it easy are doing it. I know that being a veggie makes it easy for me.
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Scrap that - 1677. Needed more watermelon...

    Yet more illustration that satiation is individual. ;)

    (I'm in the "easy" camp . . . but admit I've been practicing for a while. :) )

    Yes indeedy, it's much easier for us Vegeosaurs who have been doing it awhile. I liken it to walking or running, really it's something that you probably have to build up. I'm not surprised some people are feeling bloated and full if their digestive systems are not primed to deal with a kilo of fruit and veg a day!!

    I've been mucking around with my diet this year in an attempt to identify eczema triggers (now that the bell peppers in my fridge have all been eaten I'm probably not going to replenish them, I'll sub in something else in their place), so my protein was down this week purely because I'd changed lunch from cottage cheese on toast (cutting out wheat/gluten :'( ) to carrots and hummus. Next week I'll make a second dip thing with cottage cheese and avocado to bump that up again, and have cucumber sticks as well as carrot. I may need to ditch some fruit to allow for that, but it's end of season for blueberries anyway, so that's quite convenient. Had more than a few 'blueberry raisins' in this past week's punnets.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    What I also found is all this extra eating is making me tired! I usually avoid naps, but now I feel like I need one. It's like my body is going to conserve energy one way or another and it is going to do it by making me sleepy!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    1407 made up of watermelon, carrots, hummus (chickpeas), gherkins, blueberries, red pepper, mushrooms spinach, avocado and blackberries.

    It so interesting how some of us find this super easy and yet others struggle.

    And @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink , forever. Mwahahahaha :p

    Well, I know you, AnnPT, and I are vegetarians. I don't know about the other ones who are finding it easy are doing it. I know that being a veggie makes it easy for me.

    I'm definitely not a vegetarian! I have no issues getting 150g protein (from various sources) every day...