10 a Day (800g) Veggie&Fruit Challenge Participants Check in!



  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm back doing this for a week from today.

    Been struggling to eat since I had to do a pre op diet so I have been having high calorie low volume foods.

    Feels like my appetite is back today so going back to my high fruit/veg diet.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    This was fun to do: I hope some of the "how do I eat?!!?", "Hungry!" and "How to deal with cravings??" new people will give it a try. ;)
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    I have been on a "Christmas Cookie Bulk" diet for the past couple of months. :D I am getting back on track too, and large amounts of vegetation are key to that.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    This was fun to do: I hope some of the "how do I eat?!!?", "Hungry!" and "How to deal with cravings??" new people will give it a try. ;)

    I never even thought of that.

    No way I'm hungry eating this quantity of fruit and veg.

    I like the sound of your Christmas cookie bulk :D
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    This was fun to do: I hope some of the "how do I eat?!!?", "Hungry!" and "How to deal with cravings??" new people will give it a try. ;)

    I never even thought of that.

    No way I'm hungry eating this quantity of fruit and veg.

    I like the sound of your Christmas cookie bulk :D

    The bad thing about the Christmas Cookie Bulk (which was blissful!) is it has to be balanced by the Lenten Cut, which off-brand use of the penitential season will scandalize @lemurcat12. However, I suspect the creation of the liturgical calendar had as much to do with the relative scarcity or surplus of resources (and curbing the piggishness of those who had full access to resources) as it did commemorating this or that event. It would be interesting to follow a diet based on ancient Feast Days, Fast Days and Ordinary Time. (Although technically that means I should not have been stuffing my face with Christmas cookies the entire Advent, LOL).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2018
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    This was fun to do: I hope some of the "how do I eat?!!?", "Hungry!" and "How to deal with cravings??" new people will give it a try. ;)

    I never even thought of that.

    No way I'm hungry eating this quantity of fruit and veg.

    I like the sound of your Christmas cookie bulk :D

    The bad thing about the Christmas Cookie Bulk (which was blissful!) is it has to be balanced by the Lenten Cut, which off-brand use of the penitential season will scandalize @lemurcat12. However, I suspect the creation of the liturgical calendar had as much to do with the relative scarcity or surplus of resources (and curbing the piggishness of those who had full access to resources) as it did commemorating this or that event. It would be interesting to follow a diet based on ancient Feast Days, Fast Days and Ordinary Time. (Although technically that means I should not have been stuffing my face with Christmas cookies the entire Advent, LOL).

    Heh, I appreciate the mention.

    Indeed, proper liturgical observance would mean that Christmas came AFTER the Advent Cut, but not even I manage that, although I always intend to (not for diet reasons, as you note). It would also mean that it is STILL Christmas. People starting Christmas around Nov 1 and ending it on Dec 26 (or best case, Jan 1), sigh.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Thanks for reminding me of this thread, also! Anyone want to start again for January? I don't think I'll have trouble hitting it, as I normally do, but it's fun as an excuse to chat about vegetables!
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    This was fun to do: I hope some of the "how do I eat?!!?", "Hungry!" and "How to deal with cravings??" new people will give it a try. ;)

    I never even thought of that.

    No way I'm hungry eating this quantity of fruit and veg.

    I like the sound of your Christmas cookie bulk :D

    The bad thing about the Christmas Cookie Bulk (which was blissful!) is it has to be balanced by the Lenten Cut, which off-brand use of the penitential season will scandalize @lemurcat12. However, I suspect the creation of the liturgical calendar had as much to do with the relative scarcity or surplus of resources (and curbing the piggishness of those who had full access to resources) as it did commemorating this or that event. It would be interesting to follow a diet based on ancient Feast Days, Fast Days and Ordinary Time. (Although technically that means I should not have been stuffing my face with Christmas cookies the entire Advent, LOL).

    Heh, I appreciate the mention.

    Indeed, proper liturgical observance would mean that Christmas came AFTER the Advent Cut, but not even I manage that, although I always intend to (not for diet reasons, as you note). It would also mean that it is STILL Christmas. People starting Christmas around Nov 1 and ending it on Dec 26 (or best case, Jan 1), sigh.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I started today.
  • Fififox9
    Fififox9 Posts: 23 Member
    This is a fantastic challenge. Count me in. I just started my journey to lose 55lbs yesterday. When I fall off the wagon and put up weight the first things to slip from my diet are fruit and veg, to be replaced with junk! I'll happily do this one...but can't begin u til I shake off a stomach bug/flu that hit last night. Looking forward to it.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Fififox9 wrote: »
    This is a fantastic challenge. Count me in. I just started my journey to lose 55lbs yesterday. When I fall off the wagon and put up weight the first things to slip from my diet are fruit and veg, to be replaced with junk! I'll happily do this one...but can't begin u til I shake off a stomach bug/flu that hit last night. Looking forward to it.

    Welcome to the challenge, @Fififox9! You might want to read the first few pages so you know that surprises that might be in store with Brown & Company, ha ha! Overall, the challenge is eye-opening and very effective.

    If other people are doing this, I will participate as well--it's always a good time for a tune up!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    I'm back doing this for a week from today.

    Been struggling to eat since I had to do a pre op diet so I have been having high calorie low volume foods.

    Feels like my appetite is back today so going back to my high fruit/veg diet.

    New participants: Note bolded above. Official start date is Thursday, January 11.

    Ramp up slowly!


    Eat enough fats; drink enough water.

    You have been warned!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    I would love to do this challenge. I might have questions the first few days like do the veggies and fruit need to be raw/cooked or can they be made into other things (besides salads)

    For example I make this cauliflower pizza. Where I take cauliflower and blend into rice and using an egg to keep the shape before baking and putting my other veggie toppings on it. Would that count toward my grams?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    I would love to do this challenge. I might have questions the first few days like do the veggies and fruit need to be raw/cooked or can they be made into other things (besides salads)

    For example I make this cauliflower pizza. Where I take cauliflower and blend into rice and using an egg to keep the shape before baking and putting my other veggie toppings on it. Would that count toward my grams?

    The cauliflower and other veggie toppings would count, but not the rice and eggs. Many of us weigh the ingredients in grams, then divide the total veggie grams in the recipe by the number of servings to estimate what we ate. (We're usually weighing the various recipe ingredients for calorie counting, anyway.)

    Both raw and cooked veggies count. Cheater's tip: Weigh the veggies raw, even if
    you're cooking them, because most weigh more raw so you get more credit. ;) Don't forget to put the cooking oil or the like in your food diary for calories' sake, though.

    Do join in - it's fun! :)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Welcome @abowersgirl Your pizza sounds lovely.

    Thanks for the warning and explanation post @AnnPT77 :)

    Yesterday I had
    Banana 104g
    Clementine 131g
    Raspberries 150g
    Plums 125g
    Apple juice counts as 80g
    Chick peas 80g
    Onion 80g
    Kale 44g
    Mushrooms 105g

    Total of 899g or 11 servings.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Here was yesterday for me:

    150 g banana (2)
    110 g salsa (1)
    1 cup pico salsa (2)
    3/4 c refried beans (1--fulfills allowed dry legume serving)
    1.5 c shredded lettuce (1)
    200 g apple (2.5)
    100 g grape tomatoes (1)
    1 c sauteed onions and peppers (2)
    1.5 c green beans (3)

    15.5 servings. Then I ate 3 Christmas cookies and blew my calorie count, LOL.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited January 2018
    I would love to do this challenge. I might have questions the first few days like do the veggies and fruit need to be raw/cooked or can they be made into other things (besides salads)

    For example I make this cauliflower pizza. Where I take cauliflower and blend into rice and using an egg to keep the shape before baking and putting my other veggie toppings on it. Would that count toward my grams?

    If you read the article links at the beginning, especially the UK 5-a-day one, even something like a tablespoon or so of pizza sauce can count, as it is very distilled tomatoes--it has all the good stuff in it and just has the water evaporated out (I was originally shocked by that, but puzzled it out). The article does not allow for ANY potatoes, but if I eat a baked jacked-on potato, I count it, because it is full of nutrition. US rules don't allow for corn on the cob, but I count that too, as it is still in its vegetable state and not its grain state, so it is providing vegetative benefit. plus I am a Hoosier and you can pry my corn on the cob out of my cold, dead hands. :) One tricky rule is you can only count one serving of legumes--some people flip the bird to that rule; I generally follow it, but I only apply that to dry-state legumes, not something vegetative like green beans.

    So, you just have to kind of work out your own rule system, but probably the most important thing is to "eat the rainbow" and try to have a wide variety of different veg.

    Good luck, and have fun with it!

    Edited to add links to referenced articles from OP:

  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    @French_Peasant That's super helpful!!! Thank you!!

    @AnnPT77 thanks and will do! I usually use the spray for cooking oil or tsp it out for a light oiling

    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld lol fun name to spell lol and thanks! You should check it out!!! I usually search pintrist but u can def Google it. Cauliflower pizza.. It's delicious
  • Fififox9
    Fififox9 Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2018
    Started the day with a smoothie - raspberries, strawberries and peaches with mango amd orange juice. Dinner was a curry with an onion sauce base, accompanied by ratatouille - onion, aubergine, courgette and peppers. So I'm happy with that for today. ☺
  • Fififox9
    Fififox9 Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2018
    P.s. Just noticed official start of challenge is 11th Jan so I am practicing. I will also read the earlier pagea to get up to speed on the surprises in store.