10 a Day (800g) Veggie&Fruit Challenge Participants Check in!



  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Our Aldi recently started selling wonky veg. Even cheaper than their normal veg.

    Who doesn't love a bit of wonkiness? :D
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Aw man! We are just returning from 6 days of vacation in the Traverse City/Sleeping Bear area. I am in need of some vegetative penance after considerable misbehavior at the regions fabulous breweries and restaurants, but not tonight...we are stopping at the A&W in Big Rapids for dinner! I will join tomorrow.

    That's my reason for starting again to. 8lb holiday gain and didn't eat any where near enough veggies when we were away.

    I'm enjoying all the fresh food the last few days.

    Jump back in and share any recipes :)

    Yeah, I managed to put on 3+ lbs over 6 days, ha ha! Some of it might be water weight, but I know I did a good job of packing in the calories, particularly in ice cream beer and cider format.

    I won't have any trouble sourcing my veg because I came back home to 9 or more (they like to hide) baseball-bat-sized (diameter wise) cucumbers and that is without visiting the garden where my daughter has most of her 4-H plants, so I am sure there are more monsters. If anyone doesn't know, 4-H is an agricultural/home arts program aimed at kids through age 19...my daughter does garden (showing plates of veg both as individuals and 3, 4 and 5-plate collections), herb pots, sewing, rabbits, baking, preserving, berries, and her fine art project made it to the Indiana state fair.

    Now that I am back I will be doing some pickling, cucumber dill salad, gazpacho, and looking into some Mediterranean recipes. After my general debauchery I am ready to take on the cukes again!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    So far today
    150g blueberries
    110g banana
    5g garlic
    86g chickpeas
    51g beansprouts
    117g mushrooms
    40g onions
    192g new boiled potatoes
    110g raspberries

    Takes me to 861g for today and I'm stuffed!!!

    Anyone who gets hungry needs to do this challenge.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    125 g banana.......... 1.5 serving
    90 g pickled peppers .........1
    287 g cukes..........3.5
    1 oz sweet potato chips..........1
    Guacamole cup........... .66
    Cafe steamer broccoli & marinara & added basil .......... 2
    Black beans.......... 1
    Mandarin orange cup .......... 1

    11 and 2/3 servings and I didn't even have to cheat and have a Bloody Mary. :) I am definitely stuffed though, and agree that anyone who is overly hungry would likely do well on this.
  • Mojame9
    Mojame9 Posts: 32 Member
    Tomato Juice does that count?
    Lots of carrot sticks
    Roasted mix veg. About 200g.
    Sweetcorn. Very nice. 100g.

    Not bad for a start?

    Today so far. A banana. Hmmm...
  • Mojame9
    Mojame9 Posts: 32 Member
    The 800F&V team
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Mojame9 wrote: »
    Tomato Juice does that count?
    Lots of carrot sticks
    Roasted mix veg. About 200g.
    Sweetcorn. Very nice. 100g.

    Not bad for a start?

    Today so far. A banana. Hmmm...

    Great start! Maybe between 6-8 servings? It's advisable to increase slowly, as some of us found to our consternation earlier in the spring on this thread! :D

    The "rules" can be a little mysterious. If you read the first couple of pages, we are mostly going by the UK 5-a-day rules--potatoes don't count, 80 g = a serving unless it is dried, in which case 28 g = a serving; you are allowed 5 oz of juice a day to count as one serving and 1/2 cup beans/legumes to count as a serving, but with some of us there has been a rebellion against the Article Against Potatoes and we will from time to time give the papal blessing to jacketed whole potatoes to count as veg (interestingly, US guidelines allow potatoes but not corn).

    So, the tomato juice would count as only 1 serving, even if you drank a pint, but 1 tablespoon of reduced tomato sauce/paste also counts as a serving with apparently no limit. Tomato soup is not limited. If the tomato juice has its fiber in it still, I would be more inclined to count it for more servings than a juice that has all the fiber strip-mined out, which is what they are encouraging us to avoid.

    Basically you just have to use your judgment--I feel like my ginormous qtys of cucumber is pushing it as they are not nutrient dense, but they are very filling, and I have 12 lbs of monsters sitting on my counter, so SOMEONE has to eat them! Ideally the more "eat the rainbow" variation you get the better.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    103g banana
    5g garlic
    86g chickpeas
    51g beansprouts
    117g mushrooms
    40g onions
    192g new boiled potatoes
    163g raspberries
    30g dried mango which counts as a full 80g serving according to the NHS

    So that is equivalent to 837g

    The weights are mainly the same as yesterday as I made a pan full and divided the weights of a chick pea and potato curry.

    My fat macro is rubbish again though, might have to have a spoonful of hazelnut butter later to increase it.

    @Mojame9 I second the advice to increase slowly or the fibre can have unwanted side effects :D
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm at a loss for counting yesterday. My double partner (rowing) and I decided to row into an oldies cover band concert the city was sponsoring for boaters, with a mobile stage pulled up on the river's edge. So, I was throwing together a light picnic supper we could eat one handed (in rowing, one must always hold the oar handles, or swim). The prep happened at lightning speed, so I didn't weigh or measure.

    This is what I ate:
    • 100g mixed berries (lunch)
    • 3 veggie cups (2 cucumber, 1 Cousa squash), maybe 1.5-2 inches tall, filled with egg salad that was heavy on chopped Vidalia onions and garlic-stuffed green olives.
    • 3 romaine lettuce wraps filled with a roll-up of broiled eggplant slices, balsamic-vinegar rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes with minced fresh garlic & fresh oregano, and a chunk of string cheese.
    • Small sandwiches on Greek-olive and sun-dried tomato focaccia, with sweet corn cut from the ear, chopped Vidalia, fresh sage, goat feta, and enough Greek yogurt cream cheese to hold it together.
    • 3 cherry tomatoes
    • 4 Mirabelle plums

    Along the way while cooking, I ate the off-cuts from the lettuce, the cut-outs from the cukes/squash, and probably some random other bits I'm forgetting.

    I'm thinking that's not 10 servings. Maybe 7 or 8, including the scraps eaten while cooking?

    I'm not doing too well this round of play, so far!

    Edited: typos
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    This looks more like a normal day, finally:

    100g mixed berries
    268g cantaloupe
    238g tomatoes
    132g Cousa squash
    39g avocado
    128g cucumber
    100g adzuki beans
    67g bell peppers
    25g onions

    1097g = 13.7 servings.

    Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to count all of the beans, but I don't care because that rule is silly. ;) Also, I ate 58g of pickles and 62 of salsa, both of which are mostly vegetables, and would more than make up for the excess beans. Plus it's not bedtime yet, and I still have 413 calories left, so I may eat some plums!
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I'm at a loss for counting yesterday. My double partner (rowing) and I decided to row into an oldies cover band concert the city was sponsoring for boaters, with a mobile stage pulled up on the river's edge. So, I was throwing together a light picnic supper we could eat one handed (in rowing, one must always hold the oar handles, or swim). The prep happened at lightning speed, so I didn't weigh or measure.

    This is what I ate:
    • 100g mixed berries (lunch)
    • 3 veggie cups (2 cucumber, 1 Cousa squash), maybe 1.5-2 inches tall, filled with egg salad that was heavy on chopped Vidalia onions and garlic-stuffed green olives.
    • 3 romaine lettuce wraps filled with a roll-up of broiled eggplant slices, balsamic-vinegar rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes with minced fresh garlic & fresh oregano, and a chunk of string cheese.
    • Small sandwiches on Greek-olive and sun-dried tomato focaccia, with sweet corn cut from the ear, chopped Vidalia, fresh sage, goat feta, and enough Greek yogurt cream cheese to hold it together.
    • 3 cherry tomatoes
    • 4 Mirabelle plums

    Along the way while cooking, I ate the off-cuts from the lettuce, the cut-outs from the cukes/squash, and probably some random other bits I'm forgetting.

    I'm thinking that's not 10 servings. Maybe 7 or 8, including the scraps eaten while cooking?

    I'm not doing too well this round of play, so far!

    Edited: typos

    Now my mouth is watering, thinking of that delightful repast enjoyed from the river!
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Today's tally:

    1 serving pizza sauce in stuffed pretzel
    2 c romaine
    1 c kale
    2 boxes raisins
    4 servings cukes, supplemented by pickled peppers
    1 serving cider
    1 serving steamed broccoli

    So, 12 servings, but the cider and pizza sauce, although following the letter of the rules, is cheating the spirit a bit. Oh well!
  • Mojame9
    Mojame9 Posts: 32 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks @French_Peasant for the advice. I'll take it slow.
    I don't think I'll count potato as generally I don't have time to cook them in a healthy way. Not sure about legumes. I do like Fava beans and they're quite healthful. So might include...

    In the end yesterday was
    1 Banana
    Large salad including delicious roasted cherry tomatoes and organic cucumber!
    1 Orange
    No juice. No potato. No legumes.

    Good luck with all those cucumbers! I've been struggling to eat them as they're so flavourless. However these organic ones do seem a bit tastier. I need high water content for satisfying meals so tomato paste isn't great for grams. So 800g is know important than 10 portions.

    Today. Another banana. Getting repetitive. Need to look for more rainbow options!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm sucking at this challenge today.
    30g dried fruit =80g
    76g raspberries
    64g peppers
    89g carrotts
    94g mushrooms
    5g garlic
    149g fresh apricots

    Gives me only 557g/7 servings, need to get another 243g from somewhere.

    Stuffed though so not sure I will. Ended up eating a packet of Ramen with the small amount of veg as I couldn't be bothered to go shopping for more veg.

    Need to buy more in the morning!
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited August 2017
    Aw man! We are just returning from 6 days of vacation in the Traverse City/Sleeping Bear area. I am in need of some vegetative penance after considerable misbehavior at the regions fabulous breweries and restaurants, but not tonight...we are stopping at the A&W in Big Rapids for dinner! I will join tomorrow.

    I think we're neighbors, I live in a suburb of Grand Rapids :) And we used to camp at Cran Hill Ranch in Big Rapids-I've been to the A&W many times lol.

    Didn't realize the challenge had started again (I originally started this thread with my old account).

    I haven't weighed what I ate today but I've had

    riced cauliflower (1 1/2 cups)
    mushrooms (whole package, de-stemmed)
    green onion

    greens mix (swiss chard, broccoleaf, kale, dandelion greens)

    and then tonight the plan is
    1 serving black beans, (refried style)
    red onion
    red lettuce (new to me)
    and then sweet cherries
    (unless my husband comes home from work and suggests pizza lol)

    and then possibly a red bell pepper-I sliced one up last night and ate the whole thing with a bit of low calorie ranch and really enjoyed it :)

  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Aw man! We are just returning from 6 days of vacation in the Traverse City/Sleeping Bear area. I am in need of some vegetative penance after considerable misbehavior at the regions fabulous breweries and restaurants, but not tonight...we are stopping at the A&W in Big Rapids for dinner! I will join tomorrow.

    I think we're neighbors, I live in a suburb of Grand Rapids :) And we used to camp at Cran Hill Ranch in Big Rapids-I've been to the A&W many times lol.

    Didn't realize the challenge had started again (I originally started this thread with my old account).

    I was trying to figure out who you were--I hadn't gotten baffled enough to send a pm, but I suspected it might have been you. Yay! :blush: I've noticed your posts--"who is this Olive Girl? Her responses are really good!" Ha ha! 'Splains a lot.

    Yes, I am about 2-1/2 hours from you; we are always endeavoring to get into Michigan one way or another. We have Grand Rapids on our list to visit, in particular the Founders brewery. I was, regrettably, outvoted on the A&W and we went to Culver's instead. They didn't like my plan to eat burgers and do the river walk after being marched up and down the dunes and in and out of lighthouses for a week, and eating all the burgers at Joe's and Art's in Empire and Glen Arbor. I cannot understand why!!

  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Mojame9 wrote: »
    Thanks @French_Peasant for the advice. I'll take it slow.
    I don't think I'll count potato as generally I don't have time to cook them in a healthy way. Not sure about legumes. I do like Fava beans and they're quite healthful. So might include...

    In the end yesterday was
    1 Banana
    Large salad including delicious roasted cherry tomatoes and organic cucumber!
    1 Orange
    No juice. No potato. No legumes.

    Good luck with all those cucumbers! I've been struggling to eat them as they're so flavourless. However these organic ones do seem a bit tastier. I need high water content for satisfying meals so tomato paste isn't great for grams. So 800g is know important than 10 portions.

    Today. Another banana. Getting repetitive. Need to look for more rainbow options!

    I have taken to picking them when they are quite small (maybe 2/3 the size of what you normally get at the grocery) and they are really spectacular. I grow things about 97.5% organic and have these in soil amended with a lot of compost. I have noticed it affects the flavor and general robustness, compared with plants I grow on a very thin soil with industrial fertilizer and very little organic amendment.

    Unfortunately we have at least one vine succumbing to powdery mildew so hopefully they don't all get wiped out after all my whining!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    @French_Peasant and @OliveGirl128 . . . I'm in Lansing. ;)

    I had another difficult-to-count day with restaurant food. (Jeesh, who picked this week to reboot the thread, and why did I join??)

    100g of mixed berries
    A fresh brown fig
    Half a good-sized order of edamame
    A small dinner salad, maybe 3C of lettuce, fennel, mandarin oranges, among other things.
    An eggroll that was all veggies except the wrapper.
    2 oz of crispy broadbeans, but only the beans count, not the crispy
    161g raw tomato

    Maybe 6 or 8?

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Aw man! We are just returning from 6 days of vacation in the Traverse City/Sleeping Bear area. I am in need of some vegetative penance after considerable misbehavior at the regions fabulous breweries and restaurants, but not tonight...we are stopping at the A&W in Big Rapids for dinner! I will join tomorrow.

    I think we're neighbors, I live in a suburb of Grand Rapids :) And we used to camp at Cran Hill Ranch in Big Rapids-I've been to the A&W many times lol.

    Didn't realize the challenge had started again (I originally started this thread with my old account).

    I haven't weighed what I ate today but I've had

    riced cauliflower (1 1/2 cups)
    mushrooms (whole package, de-stemmed)
    green onion

    greens mix (swiss chard, broccoleaf, kale, dandelion greens)

    and then tonight the plan is
    1 serving black beans, (refried style)
    red onion
    red lettuce (new to me)
    and then sweet cherries
    (unless my husband comes home from work and suggests pizza lol)

    and then possibly a red bell pepper-I sliced one up last night and ate the whole thing with a bit of low calorie ranch and really enjoyed it :)
    Welcome back! I was trying to work out who you were as well :)

    I had another ,166 grams of mandarins last night so I wasn't far off the 800g.

    Just weighed in and I'm down 3lbs this week.

  • Mojame9
    Mojame9 Posts: 32 Member
    Grrrr! I wrote a message and it's disappeared!

    Shortened version.

    @OliveGirl128 I like the idea of riced cauliflower. Already found some recipes on YouTube.

    My results for yesterday..
    1 banana
    1 satsuma
    350g watermelon
    Large salad with bell peppers and cranberries.
    Half a tomato
    Tomato Juice (spiked with Worcestershire Sauce and Chipotle Sauce (no vodka))

    The F&V filled me up so much that I was be low on calories for the day. Had couple slices whole wheat toast to top me up!

    So far today. Guess. 1 banana. Rolls eyes.