

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,239 Member
    edited January 2018
    trooworld Glad your migraine is gone but boo for your leg. Do you need to go to the dr? On those days when we leave you all alone we are giving you space to self-reflect. ;) Okay weird, I just saw the word palazzo twice on two different sites. I own a black pair but always feel fat when I wear them.

    cbabie You can lose this weight. Just like you did the last time I checked you are ahead of me again. Doesn't take much these days.

    trishastime Are you at the same username on fitbit? Then you can beat cbabie :D So what are the effects of a cyclone. Although I'm sitting here wondering is a cyclone like a big tornado?

    @hayleyb25 Welcome to our group. From your weight I see you are across the pond. I had an English friend once who taught me all about stones. Go look. It's just a number and starting place. You are more than that number on the scale. We can't change what we don't acknowledge. I'm in a stuck place it seems. Trying to get out of it. Are you following the new freestyle program?

    I have been cleaning out storage closets for two days. When the declutter bug hits, I have to go with it. I hurt my back today from moving and lifting boxes. No exercise for me. Well other than all the lifting and moving I was doing.

    WW Weekly meeting

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,239 Member
    I gained 2.7 this week

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @theslightedgeforever no, there is nothing broken, just road rash and badly bruised. I bought some arnica gel for the bruising, and some Neosporin for the cuts and so far it seems like it's doing a bit better. That's true: I do self-reflect when I am here alone! hahaha yeah, palazzo pants can make you feel fat but I also feel a bit fancy when I wear them because mine are sparkly. ;) I'm sorry that you hurt your back and that you gained. Back pain is the worst!

    Hi all! Well, as expected, I had a gain this week but it isn't bad. I only gained 0.6 lbs. I'll sneeze and have that off! I think part of it is my leg is still swollen and traumatized from the fall. I'm not discouraged. At work, I think they didn't realize how bad my fall was, I think they thought I was being a bit of a baby and going home from work unnecessarily, so yesterday I was wearing a dress without pantyhose and I showed them my leg (it's on my lower part of my leg). Their mouths flew open and then it was obvious that they understood why I was leaving work early to elevate my leg and rest. Yesterday, I was able to stay all day though, which I was thankful for. Have a good day, everyone!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I had to look up what palazzo pants where, so you can I assume I have none. A cyclone is similar to a tornado, except it starts at see and as it gets stronger, it brings heavy deluge of rain as well as really strong winds. We get a lot in the North West Area of Australia.

    @trooworld - Glad your work is more understanding now. Sorry about the gain,, but yes I agree it is probably the swelling.

    @theslightedgeforever - take care of your back - one of the things that can take ages to repair. It is funny all you want to do is lay still but they say that is the worse thing for you

    @hayleyb25 - Welcome - I only joined this group a few weeks ago. We talk in kgs here

    Today is Friday -yah!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TrishasTime I forgot not everyone knows what palazzo pants are lol. Sorry! :) Yes, work is more understanding now. Yay for Friday!

    Hi all. Well, a colleague convinced me to go to the doctor yesterday and so I did. I have a blood clot in my leg with all the bruising and a possible infection in the scrape. The doctor said she wasn't too concerned at this point, but to be safe she is doing two ultrasounds to make sure that the blood didn't seep into any organs. I don't feel really well today, not sure if it is related to all of this or if I'm coming down with something. I'm supposed to go to dinner with a friend tonight, so hopefully I'll feel better today. Have a good day everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Sorry guys, the last two days got away from me...I didn't track yesterday and it was not good, I felt terrible...but today I think I have found my favorite Leslie Sansone's video. It's tied to the American Heart Assoc. I am sweating and that is a good thing...out of breath...also another good thing.

    @trooworld I am so sorry about your leg, but I am so glad you went to the DR....I had a mother of one of the girls in my MK group get the flu and she was gone in about a week...please keep watch on yourself.

    Gals..I don't believe in scare tactics, but I believe in we should know our bodies, be aware and if anything seems not quite right, please have it checked out..I am probably one of the most stubborn people about going to the I am talking to myself as well.

    @TrishasTime I laughed when I read about your granddaughter...LOL my husband really didn't want kids...but boy when the grand kids came along...he was the biggest kid and they always run to POP.... :) My oldest is 23 and he still loves his POP...

    @hayleyb25 Welcome, Sorry I wasn't on the board to welcome you your first day here...but we have a great group here. I hope you find this to be a place of fun, encouraging, accountability and even a place to vent from time to time..LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you feel better...please take care of the back...I don't want to see you walk like my grandma...LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    edited January 2018
    Morning everyone - another hot day here today. I got a phone call to take my GDF (3) to her very first birthday party. It is at a farm for cuddly animalsand lasts for 3 hours. Luckily for me the other Nanna is going so I can do a drop off and pick up cause I have to go to a dress fitting with the GD (16) that lives with me for her seniors ball in the middle of the 3 hours. I am sure, I will get to shopping, washing, ironing, cooking etc as well. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you found your favorite LS video and are back in business! Thanks for sharing, I'll have a look.

    @TrishasTime that sounds like a fun party! I bet your GDF will love it.

    Hi all! I got good news about my leg, I got some tests done and I have no blood clots afterall, just a hematoma and lots of deep bruising and scrapes. It looks really ugly but I'll be fine! I'm so relieved. I was really worried Thursday and most of Friday. I'm glad they were able to fit me in for the ultrasounds yesterday afternoon and then able to tell me the results right away. I still don't feel really well, but I think that is just my anxiety. You are right, cbabie, we shouldn't wait to take care of ourselves or go to the doctor. I waited to go to the doctor 4 days, and if I HAD had a blood clot, I could have been in serious trouble!

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @trooworld - great news about it not being blood clot

    Hi everyone - another hot day here in Aussie. I need to go out shopping to get a pair of sports shors for GD (16) and I hope to spend some time in the garden before the heat makes itself noticeable.

    Hope you are all enjoying yourself
  • hayleyb25
    hayleyb25 Posts: 8 Member
    Afternoon all, thanks for the welcome! I haven't been tracking properly this week and not expecting much loss for my first weigh in tomorrow. I have decided to try and stop focusing on the endgame and set smaller, more achievable, weekly goals. First three small steps: no milk in coffee, extra ten mins per dog walk, complete my aerobics dvd twice.

    Start: 8st 13lbs (56.7kg)
    Goal: 8st 3lbs (52kg)
    Current: 1st weigh in 22.1.18
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TrishasTime stay cool! Right now, it's in the 50s and 60s(F) here in southern California, which is pretty cold for us lol. I like it for a change.

    @hayleyb25 that sounds like an excellent plan! In my case, I have about 72 lbs to lose, and if I focused on that number and losing that, it would seem insurmountable. :( So, when asked, I say I my goal is to lose 28 lbs (I now want to get into Onederland--- 199). I might even break it into smaller goals. Are you going to reward yourself when you hit your weekly goals? Even something small like a self-pedicure or allowing yourself time to read or garden (if you are in a warm part of the world). I like your small steps too, great idea! I'm glad you are here!

    Hi all! Happy Sunday. I've got a busy day of errands and chores planned before I go back to work tomorrow. Last night, I made this beef and mushroom ragu over spaghetti squash in my Instant Pot. The sauce was a little bland, so if you make it, make sure and add some spices. The meat came out really tender though. I also made these Skinny Mozzarella Sticks. They came out so good! I love mozzarella sticks, so I was happy to find that recipe. :)
  • hayleyb25
    hayleyb25 Posts: 8 Member
    @trooworld unfortunately it's only about 5°C/40°F here in Liverpool, UK and constantly windy/raining
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Todays weather forecast here in Perth Aussie is expected to 90 degrees. Off to the office today and will get a 15 min walk in at lunch. Going to a women's gym after work. I have not been there for 8 weeks due to feet issues - but is time to get on with it.

    @trooworld - Every time I have a good week, regardless what the scales say a loss or not - I buy myself a bunch of flowers. To remind myself I am work it. A good week to me is that I have stuck to the plan eating and exercise.

    @hayleyb25 - Great thing to focus on achievable small goals - otherwise it does become over whelming. Nice to have you on boad

    Well off to work I go - catch you
  • hayleyb25
    hayleyb25 Posts: 8 Member
    Weigh in was ok, really wasn't expecting to lose anything. Starting Monday with a spring in my step!
    Start weight: 8st 13lbs (56.7kg)
    Goal: 8st 3lbs (52kg)
    Current: 8st 12lbs (56.2kg)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @hayleyb25 oh my! I guess gardening is out of the question then. :( I hope it warms up soon.

    @TrishasTime good luck at the gym. That's great! I really need to reward myself more, I don't tend to do it because we are on such a tight budget, but there are free ways to reward myself. I just need to be creative and think of those ways. :)

    Hi all! Well, I got my errands done but most of my meal prep went out the window because I couldn't stand for long periods because of my leg. It's just not healed up enough yet. It gets swollen and painful when I stand on it too long. I did do my nails since I was sitting down on the couch anyway. I like when my nails are done, it makes me feel more put together. Unfortunately, most of the times my nails are NOT done. ;)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Morning all, Sorry I was not around this has been unreal. I ran errands all day Friday, came down with a migraine and didn't get out of bed until Saturday late afternoon...then church yesterday...and trying to figure out what is with my headaches. I am thinking it might be stress, compiled with a bed that needs replaced..LOL

    @hayleyb25 Morning! Yes small goals are what keep us moving to the ultimate goal.. :) Great job Glad you are here with us!

    @trooworld I am praying for your leg. I am glad it came back with no clots!!! You are always so positive in life. I appreciate that about you.

    @TrishasTime We hit a cold spell here, I had frost on my windshield Sunday morning!! I am assuming if you're in the garden you finger is better? Hope so!!!

    theslightedgeforever wanted me to let you know she won't have access to the boards for a bit, I think she will be back online on Wed.

    I am slowly getting back to my's still a struggle, but I am moving forward.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld Making time to do your nails every week vould be your reward. Giving your self some "me time" in abusy life is always a reward

    @cbabie - Yes I hav have noticed you are getting alot of headaches. Do you think you hould get them checked out with the doctor? It may be what you are saying (stress) but it always better to be sure

    @theslightedgeforever - Missing yu and wondered why you had not been here

    @hayleyb25 _ hope your step has sprung as the clock turned to Monday.

    I have taken the dogs out for a walk, sitting here eating brekkiw as I jump on the boards before I had off for a shower to go to work.

    Happy Tuesday everyone
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @cbabie I'm so sorry! Have you considered going on a medication for them? I used to get migraines fairly regularly and then went on Topamax and get them much less often. Thanks, my leg "feels" better (but by the end of the day feels tight like it is swollen) but looks like someone has taken a bat to it lol. But at least it is on the way to healing! Tell theslightedgeforever hello and that we will miss her.

    @TrishasTime that is a great idea! Thank you for that. Happy Tuesday to you as well!

    I'm going to go to the gym tonight and ride the recumbent bike. We'll see how that goes. It will be the first exercise I've had in over a week. I messed up last night and ordered food delivery, you can get ANYTHING delivered to my address. We got Mediterranean food delivered. I ordered a chicken shawarma plate that came with half a pita, rice, chicken, hummus and tabbouleh (I don't like tabbouleh so I didn't eat that which is a shame because that is probably the healthiest thing on the plate lol). I did track it. So my duty today is to drink lots of water...lots and lots of water. I might still gain on Thursday, but it will be a lesson learned! :)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Morning all!

    I have done the Leslie Simones twice this week...YEA. I didn't eat after 5 yesterday, so both are pluses for me!!

    @TrishasTime glad you got the dogs out for the walk...They love you for that. LOL I will go to the Dr if they stay consistent. You know it could also be my glasses.. :(

    @trooworld I hope you don't over do it. You leg needs to heal. I am glad you want to get moving again, its a good thing, just take it slow.. :) Are you using your water ap today? LOL theslightedgeforever (could she have a shorter name?) I am sure she misses us as well!! LOL

    @hayleyb25 Hope all is well in your area!

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I am off to a Curves Gircuit gym tonight. Dogs missed out on their walk this morning

    @trooworld _ Perhaps you could go onn for a short period and see how that feels tomorrow and then extend the time slowly. Would hate for you to take a step back

    @cbabie - Yes it could be your glasses, but if you get the Dr to eliminate other things as well. Yes I wonder why the name - theslightedgeforever, I always love to hear the story behind the name

    Hello to @hayelyb25 and @theslightedgeforever - hope all is well with you both
