In App Calculation
Every time I have to pull up my calculator to determine how much of a serving I had I think to myself "My Fitness Pal should do this for me." Ex: Milk serving size is 8oz but I generally drink between 9.5oz and 11.5oz every morning. It'd be great if I could leave the serving entry amount at 8oz, type in 9.5oz, and have the…
Adjust Amount of Each Item While in Diary
I am on a very specific macro plan, and my protein, carb, and fat macros have to hit EXACTLY every day. I spend WAAAAY too much time entering my meals because I have to enter the item, guess at the amount that will give me my macros, then if it doesn't I have to go OUT of my diary in order to enter that item AGAIN but with…
Export calories to Google Fit
Hello, I am suggesting that MFP adds the functionality to export the number of calories consumed to Google Fit. Thanks
More measurements
This is a great app but most measures seem to be in g or oz. Would be great if you could add cups, tsp and tbls to as many foods as possible.
Recipe contents
Would love to be able to see the contents in recipes that I've added. Sometimes I need to substitute items and need to change my values.
Week Long Meal Planning
Team, One of the things that I have found I use the app for is planning my meals out. Having created a lot of recipes in the app, being able to look ahead at what my calories and macros will look like is very helpful. I think that being able to view your food log as a whole week would be very helpful in meal prepping and…
Proteins, Carbs, and Fats by Meal Should NOT be Premium
I am a diabetic who uses insulin. I have been using your app for years and rely on this feature to determine how much insulin to use. Now you have locked this feature in the Premium membership?!?! Now you are forcing me to manually calculate the total proteins, carbs, and fats for each meal. I am on disability and can't…
Ability to add recipe instructions to own recipe. Basic requirement
Any plan to add support for intermittent fasting tracking?
If we can log the time of eating, it should be straight forward to measure. Would also be good to have settings to configure an intermittent fasting plan, and a widget to show Times to eat
Include filter for each meal, not just 'all meals' or current meal
When adding a previously used food to the diary, I don't understand why the filter only has two options - 'all meals' or whichever meal you're currently inputting to ? If there is a food that, for example, I often have for lunch, but today I'm having it for dinner, I have to hunt/scroll through pages of foods under 'all…
my recipes serving size
when adding my own recipes, it ask how many servings. this is usually something i can't answer. would there be a way to add a serving size that calculates nutrition. exp. my meatloaf, instead of serving 10 it would be helpful if a 3oz. option was available. exp. my potato salad, instead of serving 5 it would be helpful if…
Stop "fixing"‐ what isn't broken
The new UI you've just dropped is horrible. I've used this app on and off for a number of years now and it's getting progressively worse and worse. The continual nagging to buy premium, making the UI less user friendly with more flashy graphics etc is just unnecessary. Given the fact I didn't download an update as well, I…
New layout
Is it just me or is the new layout terrible and confusing?
Add the option to disable popup notifications
I find the new feature of a popup box telling me I have a new notification to be very annoying. I am perfectly capable of seeing the highlighted number by the notification icon in the header - why do I need a popup as well? Please add the option of disabling this feature. Right now, the only way to disable it is to…
Recipe search function, order
As near as I can tell, there is no way to search your own recipe list. If so, please tell me! Also, the order of your recipe list is in order of last entered, going back to the first entered. It would be much more logical to have the recipe list in alphabetical order. And PLEASE, add a sort function for this list!
Bariatric Macro Tracking and feedback fixes
Hi - it would be GREAT if there were a workflow set up for bariatric post-op users. Features: - Let me set goals and calculations that apply for those of us who have had weight loss surgery (basically Protein and fluid intake, Supplements - Bariatric multi, Calcium, Iron) - Turn OFF the feature that scolds you for low…
Separate volume and weight input fields in "Submit a New Food" and "Enter New Recipe" UIs
I've noticed that many food items that are added are entered in either a volume (e.g. cup, fluid ounce, ml, tablespoon, etc.) OR a weight (e.g. gram, ounce, etc.). Often in packaged food both values are given and would probably be more likely to be provided if the option was made easy and obvious. My personal preference is…
Calculate a Serving "Size"
Greetings, Nearly all recipes you find are quick to tell you the number of servings a dish was designed to provide, but they never tell you just how much a serving is, whether in standard or metric units. Maybe MFP could have a bit of code that helps calculate this information based on the amounts of the ingredients in the…
Allow total macros consumed or macros left on diary overview
I'm using MFP to try to hit my protein goals each day, and stay within a calorie range. Rather than seeing an overview of my macros "left," counting down, I'd like to see a status of my macros consumed. This would allow MFP to be less diet focused for individuals who are taking a more flexible approach. I'll also find…
Likes and such
It would be great if we can see what member put a like or hug, etc on our comments.
Good Cholesterol tracker
Why do you only track total cholesterol in the diet diary? Would it be better to separate bad cholesterol from good? If I eat avacado or eggs it pegs my daily cholesterol numbers. But those foods are really that bad, right?
Menu Planning
I would like to preplan my daily food in the same setting as the diary. I suppose I could put what I plan to eat in the diary but i wish there was a way to indicate "this is what I plan to eat." Then I could adjust and check what I actually ate that becomes the diary. The diary feels like past tense. Indicating as…
Copy Recipe or Meal to Change Items
Greetings, When it comes to recipes, I have several that are essentially the same thing, but one ingredient has changed; for example, I have two salad recipes where the protein changes (one has chicken, one has pork). I'd like the ability to copy recipes and meals with new names so I don't have to re-invent the wheel every…
Upload Penzey's Spices Catalog into Food Database
Recently, I suggested that MyFitnessPal upload the Savory Spice Shop product catalog into the food database. Savory Spice Shop (www.savoryspiceshop.com) is a family-owned and run Denver-based spice business with 29 locations nationwide. Penzey's Spices www.penzeys.com is another family-run competitor with stores…
Distance as a measure of exercise for daily steps.
My Stepz app no longer synchs with MFP, so my caloric allotment isn't updated. Manually entering your distance makes a lot more sense than the amount of time. Please make that an option.
Steps from a fitness tracker
I have a fitness tracker not listed as one that can be connected to mfp. I don't have room on my phone for more other apps and I don't want to have my phone on me for every step I take. I would like a way to manually enter the steps shown on my tracker and get credit for them. Thanks
Target weights in app are wrong for short women
I’m 156 cm tall (5’1.5”) with slight bones and am tired of being told by your app that I’m underweight. Diversity cuts both ways. I’m 44 kilos, mostly muscle, and eat on average 1700 calories a day, 1300 if I want to lose fat. Our culture tells short people things are wrong with our bodies every single day in a variety of…
Macros by meal
It would be helpful if we could customize our macros by meal. My meals are not uniform throughout the day and customizing my post workout carbs, for example, would be helpful.
Interface with smart kitchen scale
It would make life so much easier if MFP cooperates with a smart kitchen scale.
Add a place in the Food Diary 2 take a pic of our food.
You know how you can take a pic of yourself when you enter your daily weight?…. I would LOVE the option to take a pic of some of the foods I log in my food diary. I take pics and save them on my phone but I would love to be able to add a pic next to the written description. That way I can have visual if it’s something that…