Statistical Reporting
MFP has an unprecedented collection of data relating to healthy eating and exercise. Why are you all not mining it into statistical reports? For instance, you could provide the average macros and average exercise minutes across all users who lost more than 50lbs. I could go look for Females > 40, 5'4", 125lbs and see the…
Have a "what's in your fridge" option
It is annoying to have to scan a barcode every time when preparing food. It would be great if it was possible to store your food shopping in a "fridge" section of the app. When you are preparing food or creating a recipe or thinking what you can make for lunch or dinner you can just call upon the fridge to find the item…
cookidoo thermomix gateway
What it be possible to import receipts/food data from the Cookidoo app ?
import all active calories from apple watch to “exercise”
Not everything record as active calories is a workout, and I prefer the most accurate calorie counting possible. This app is very close to perfect, I would love to start using it again.
Allow us to view pals profiles
Seems simple enough. I click on a pal to go to their profile without getting an application error every single time... Something to think about.. Thanks alot MFP.
Make Quick Links Available at Group Level
Please make the Quick links (e.g. Groups, My Groups, Bookmarks, etc.) available at the group level. For example, if I am in the Biggest Loser Monthly Challenge group I have to enter one of the discussion threads in order to access my Bookmarks.
Feature Parity: Search for food by UPC on Website/App Without scanning barcode
On many occasion, I've found myself at work or home, using the website to log my food. Nine times out of ten, it's easy, straightforward, but sometimes, especially with community-powered databases, I might find a bunch of variations on a specific food. On the app, I know I can scan a barcode without any issue whatsoever.…
Better visibility of 'post under review' notices
On mobiles the notice for a post being delayed until it has been reviewed is not very noticeable. It is small and appears at the bottom of the screen. Making it more visible (like move to top or red color or something else to provide high contrast) will help it be noticed by posting users, and cut down on duplicate posts…
Search titles only?
Ever since the update, I can't figure out how to properly search for things. If I want to search for say, cornbread, but only want to search in subject lines/titles, how do I do it? The old system let you check the box for just that, but the new one seems to search across the board. Is there no way, or an I just dumb (you…
I've started a personalized exercise routine that includes cardio, strength and stretching. I can track the first 2 easily, but MFP has no stretching section (like yoga). I have to use Notes. I appreciate stretching isn't a calorie burner but it's an important part of a rounded routine. Good strength training includes a…
Tiny bugs noted in the new forums
Just thought this could be a place for people to list small bugs noticed in the new forums. Not major issues, but little things. For instance, in the iOS app, the “Notification Preferences” page is typed quite large and doesn’t fit on one screen, could be typed smaller so it isn’t necessary to slide over to the tick-boxes.
Poster's name cut off in first new response
Would it be possible to include the first new responder's name along with their post when viewing new responses? Right now the first "new response" has the poster's name cut off so I have to scroll up to see who posted it.
Allow members who participate in a Challenge Group to edit their posts at any time
Our group is a team competition and one part of it has each member track their weight over a 9 week period. Group leaders then transfer this info to a spreadsheet. It would be a lot easier if each member could edit their weight post each week without having to copy & paste to a new thread (which is the only way our leaders…
Discussion Search Option
Previously there was the capability to search within a discussion and with the update that capability is gone. In Challenge Discussions we frequently copy, add to the previous status and repost to show our progress. Being able to search back for the previous status is essential and now trying to go back through a busy…
Why not possible to register low carb diets like 2:5 or 1:1 or a day of fast ?
There are diets that are founded in research and science but if you try to register f.ex. one day of fast, myfitnesspal raises their big brother/mother finger and tells you: "You are not eating enough" I have even found, with my sedentary lifestyle I gain weight if I stick to 1200 calories a day, as set as min. by…
Mobile App
Here's an idea: get rid of those useless boxes on the mobile app for serving size and number of servings. You can't read the entire serving size without clicking on it and opening that full display. Why did you put that there, anyway?
Like many others, I read a LOT here. While "like," "hug," and "disagree" are helpful sometimes, there are two emojis/expressions missing that would so much more accurately convey my feeling/reaction: "Funny" and "Agree." Very often, when reading, I either laugh or think to myself "Yeah, I agree," but the only option is…
Show date thread was started (restore this feature from the old boards)
Before the update, the boards would show both the user that started the thread and the most recent comment, both dated/timestamped. Now, it still shows those usernames, but only the most recent comment has the timestamp. It's common on several boards to see users asking the same questions over and over and over (how do I…
Restore top bar navigation aligned to MFP Home
The new layout essentially extracts Community out of MFP. I can't toggle between Community back to my Food Diary and have to have separate browser tabs to check community and update my food diary (computer access). Would prefer if top bar navigation (Home, Food, Exercise, Reports) was retained when user is in Community.
Where to begin...
I truly try not to complain. I do. I figure I am in your playground, and I can play here or not. I've been here forever and a day and seen more changes and owners and whatnot than many have, and just kind of roll with all of it. But we've reached a point of ridiculousness. Across the board ridiculousness. Let's start with…
How to avoid new paragraph (double spacing) when hitting return in Rich Editor
@Betty I thought I would bring this to your attention, in case you are unaware of this. I was reading documentation on the Rich Editor and found info on how to avoid starting a new paragraph when hitting return. (Obviously, I have no way to verify this as we aren't currently using the Rich Editor.) According to this page…
Page layout all wrong in Chrome browser
@Betty, @Nova, @durden I use the Google Chrome browser. In the Google Chrome browser, the sidebar content appears not to the right but at the very bottom of the page. The first image below is an example of what I see in Microsoft Edge browser. The sidebar to the right contains Welcome!, Quick Links, Categories... This next…
Temp workaround for how to [un]bookmark discussions for Groups
@Betty, FYI regarding this bug: Unable to bookmark Discussion in Groups: OPEN - Bookmarking or un-bookmarking a discussion in a group results in an error message. While that bug is being fixed, there is a work-around that people might like to know about. I verified that I get a 403 - forbidden error when I attempt to…
Easy way to find bookmarked items
I used to be able to see the number of new comments for each Community item I had bookmarked. Now I have to scroll Notifications and see every single one. I can't even figure out how to go to my bookmarked items in Community anymore. Can bookmarked items be moved to the top of the list in each category? Similar to MFP…
Tracker to be a signature
What Help discussions are needed?
How to Use the Forum Editor - If there is documentation elsewhere on how to use the editor, this would provide a link to that documentation. If there isn't, then each comment posted in this discussion would explain various features and functions. Like: using the paragraph icon to bring up formatting options for: headings 2…
Spoiler support for media links
In the old interface I could put the [spoiler][/spoiler] tags around a media URL or pasted image and it would be inside a spoiler so that display of the media/image could be toggled on/off. I used this occasionally, and noted that a number of other users did as well. The new interface provides a spoiler paragraph type, but…
Alert/Warning when not replying to the latest post in a discussion
This mainly impacts the 'Fun and Games' discussions, where users are playing games in which their new post is usually based on the most recent prior post. In other forums it probably doesn't matter as much. The problem this would help solve occurs when a user is replying and they aren't on the last page of the current…
Forum Change
Please undo your recent forum changes. It looks awful and cheap, and is so much harder to navigate. Or at least give us an option to use the old layout instead.