Can Do attitude!
As with any goal in life.... the accomplishment can only manifest with the right mindset. We have to first “Believe“ that we can do it! Then we have to reinforce that attitude and tell ourselves continually throughout the process. This continues the line between point A and point B. Statement for today: “I can and I will“
Am i eating enough?
So basically im back on the weight gain. I average burn 2000 calories a day (work as a chef) I'm managing to eat 3000 to 3200 calories a day. Plus ive started back at the gym. You think its enough or not enough. I'm on 45% carb 25% protein 20% fat macros. Any advice would be welcome
regaining weight.
I lost over 220lbs 2 years ago. I have been at maintenance for a year. Was trying to bulk a few months ago and just maintained. Whenever I added calories, I just became more active. I lost a monkey ton of LM while losing most of my weight. I had no idea what the kitten I was actually doing. Well, I am truly lean bulking…
Reduce running to gain weight?
So I've been debating on how much to scale back on running to gain back alot of weight I lost. I'm a long distance runner who normally runs 5 times a week 45-55 miles sometimes more and I love it but the last few weeks I've increased my mileage and well..that resulted in a huge weight loss that was way unintentional so now…
Weight loss then gain
Explain how u follow it to the tee, gym six days a week, loose ten in the first three weeks then gain three
Lower Body Strength Training?
Stupidly long story short: Broke my right elbow. Ortho says I can't use my arm to lift, push, press, balance, or pull. Any recommendations for programs/routines that will focus on lower body training? Either body weight or machine is fine. (I'm so-so cleared from a cardio perspective. No swimming or barre, but he said I…
Looking for like minded people that will encourage and help on our quest to gain weight and turn it into muscle
By how much should I expect my weight to increase each week ?
Hello everyone, I have started a month ago, a 6 days per week intense cardio exercise program along with watching my calories intake per day where I try to have a 250 calories daily surplus in order to gain muscle. I noticed that exercise does improve my appetite and makes me able to eat a bit more and I think this helped…
Strength training only burns 110 calories?
According to my fitness pal strength training/weight lifting only burns 110 calories in a 45/50 minute session? Is this accurate? I usually perform 8-9 exercises with 4 sets of 8 reps on days I’m lifting heavy and 12 reps if I’m lifting moderately heavy. If I’m only burning 110 calories that seems like all of my hard work…
Can’t decide which
Heya, I’ll try and keep this quick and to the point. So I’ve been bulking for 2 months now, managed to gain 9lbs so far, my strength gains have also been very consistent, I’m happy with how my bulks gone but I’m now starting to feel too fluffy (for lack of a better word). My goal is to be in the best shape I’ve ever been…
Im trying to gain weight with gerd
LiftHeavyThings27105 - starting Lyle McDonnald's Rapid Fat Loss diet (2018 AUG 01)
Okay, folks. Here is the thread. I will upload the pics once I have them. For those of you who can see my wall, I will link this thread in the post that I just made a few minutes ago. Okay....now off to get those starting physique pics (UGH!). Folks - fair warning: not gonna be pretty! Yet!!!!
When should I stop bulking?
I am currently bulking and have a few more months to go,but lately ive been feeling like I got so big😂. Should I just finish these last months or should I just go on a mini cut then continue to bulk? I dont know what to do😭
How quickly do you lose skeletal muscle mass?
I'm hoping this question is purely theoretical, but my Fitbit Aria scale is showing 1.2% BF increase with 11 lbs weight loss in the last 30 days. So, without addressing my case specifically, does any one know the basic research that answers this question?
Body weight workout for skinny guys
Hello everyone, My question is quite simple. Has anyone of you guys ever managed to get more muscle and a good looking body using only body weight workouts ? The persons who are qualified to answer by "yes" here are only those who were skinny before they have started working out. If that was the case, it would be nice if…
Adderall and CLA.
Hello I do 5x5 workouts 3 times a week. I take prescribed Adderall and as you can imagine I have a high Metabolism. According to this site: https://www.livestrong.com/article/73799-gain-muscle-mass-fast-metabolism/ I have to take CLA. It seems to increase Metabolism. Am I wrong and/or do I need it at all?
Trying to gain muscle after losing 100 lbs
I have been using cardio for some time now. By exercise and eating less, I’ve managed to bring my weight down 100 lbs to 145. I am 5’6” and 63 years old. Now I want to start gaining muscle. I have upped my calorie intake and am lifting heavy weights. I feel like I am pushing myself but I’m not getting muscle soreness. Am I…
How many calories?
Would anyone be able to offer some advice.... I'm trying to gain weight, and want to do it 'clean '. To do this it seems the most commonly suggested surplus is 250 cals. Should I use the figure that my Garmin device gives me for calorie burn then +250 Or choose a figure and stick with it? Sometimes it feels as if my…
When do you take a break from your cut?
So I read that your metabolism can slow down after cutting for too long... so how long should you cut before taking a break? How long of a break before getting back to it? I've been dropping 1/2 lb per week as advised for about twenty weeks (213 to 200 lbs). I've still got some fat to lose (mirror guestimate 20% bodyfat).
Fast Metabolism
Hello. I do the 5x5 strength training workout, eat a total of 3,000+ calories a day. I work out 3-4 times a week (every other day). I drink a lot of milk (1%) and almost every day go for a brisk and therapeutic walk for 20 min at night. I also take prescription adderall and lexipro. And yet I can’t seem to gain alot of…
What are the best things for me to eat, to help me gain 40 pounds?
I’m clueless.
So, I’ve successfully lost 18 pounds, yippee! With that, I am four pounds away from my goal weight. However, I’m still not particularly thrilled about how my body looks. I’m not satisfied with weighing less if I still look like jello. I would like to tone my muscles and tighten things up. Not looking for anything crazy,…
Good food vs bad food
Quite new to this, but what I don’t get is why lots of people say to eat things like peanut butter and avocados for ‘good fats’. What’s the difference between this and eating food like cheese? Will eating cheese make me look worse, or do avocados just have more health benefits in terms of risk of heart disease etc and…
5lbs lost in 10days after 2yr 30lb bulk
Cutting is hard y’all, but it’s a great finishing touch. 155lbs to 150lbs
Gaining weight
Hey I’m relatively new to this app. I am a swimmer and I’m trying to currently gain some muscle and weight for next swim season. I have a slender figure so it is tough for me to gain weight. Any tips and good workout routines for arms, legs, and core. Especially core!!
I’m looking to put on 10 lbs of muscle in the next 6 months. I want do this with calisthenics. Any advice?
I weigh 102 and been small my whole life
I ain’t never been over 100 pounds besides being pregnant... it seems impossible to gain weight. Has anybody tried apetamin ?
How much protein per day for reducing body fat
Currently my nutritions are 45,30,25 with 141g of protein on non-workout days. That being said, the amount of protein per day for building muscle is 1 multiply by weight, I'm at 57kg, so does that mean I'm only allowed 57kg of protein a day? Is that correct? It seems too little.
Don't laugh but what is bulk 😁😁
I hear it every day at the gym
Muscle builders
Looking for 40+ female friends who are in the middle of their journey of muscle building and plankers. Add me💋