Planet Fitness?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »

    From what I've read, it takes an act of congress to get out of the contracts from PF. All you gotta do is pull your way to freedom.


    the $10 a month deal with PF is a NO contract deal. It's ok that PF is not for you but dont make up stuff to bolster your argument.

    No one is making stuff up, go lift at PF, no one cares. It's like Curves with training wheels.

    Purple is a stupid color too.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    and what's even worse... the absolute worst part.

    Nothing to look at there.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited November 2014
    I joined because it was close to my house. If there had been a Y or (please, God) a Lifetime Fitness nearby, I'd have gone there.

    PF is a hellhole with few staff and the ones they have don't seem to have any interest in actually helping anyone.

    And it smells odd.

    The alarm has gone off twice when I've been there. Once for something in the weight room (no clue what.). Another time because a guy was running on the treadmill and I guess he was pounding too hard or something with his feet. I could see the guy (who was genuinely surprised he'd caused a problem!) from where I was and hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, but had the iPod thingies in my ears and couldn't hear.

    It's kind of hard to run fast on a treadmill and be quiet as a mouse, IMO.

    Everyone wears sleeveless shirts in the summer here (it's hot as hell in the summer), so if they tried to enforce that rule, nobody would go. They're very picky about shorts and pants, though, and wouldn't let me in once because my cotton shorts had pockets and they said they looked too much like denim.

    When my contract is up, I'm done. I can buy a treadmill for the summers.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yeah, I have never even walked into a PF but have experience changing gyms and looking at gyms. One, it should be close to your work or your home. If it is far away or in an inconvenient location, you probably won't go there and even it it is only $10 per month, waste of money. Two, if you feed off of the energy of other people, and the folks there don't appear to be serious, I.E. on their phones or loitering around equipment that you can't get to, then you might be frustrated and not want to go there. Three, would you need different equipment than what is offered there, i.e., heavy weights, cables, benches, and how easy is it to access this equipment. Is a clean facility? How stable is the corporation? I have been a member of a gym and the doors of it closed the next day--a big sign on the door, stating "out of business" (thanks, Cardinal Fitness). Most gyms offer a free trial where you can try the gym for a week or two. Does Planet Fitness? I am not sure. I am a member of LA fitness--there are about 5 or 6 in the city, and I can go to any one and work out--they honor my membership. I love the flexibility of it and it serves my needs.
    Regarding PF, I have a problem with them having pizza there--a place that is promoting health and wellness. I once walked out on a gym where the person behind the cash register seemed disinterested and was smoking a cigarette I didn't even utilize the trial.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm really torn on the whole PF thing, but I've never been to one. I hate their commercials. I hate the lunk alarm thing. But $10 is awesome.
    I hear that they don't like people to lift heavy but what's considered heavy to everyone?
    When my dad is in the States (we live in Canada) he goes to the gym down the way from my Gramps' house. And my dad presses 190lb. So that seems pretty heavy to me. And he's never said that they don't have what he needs to lift heavier than that there, all I know is that he currently presses 190lb and that he's able to do it at this Planet Fitness location.

    * Also can I just say that my dad is pressing 190 POST heart attack! Yeah, just throwin that out there cause I think that's pretty awesome.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    The equipment and atmosphere (and what they will allow) at Planet Fitness will vary from location to location and based on local management/staff. I love the one I'm at. They have kettle bells, box jumps, battle ropes, TRX, etc. And yes, there is space to do burpees… I've seen plenty of people do them! I'm still a newbie at weights, so I don't even know the terms for what all they have. I know it's more than just cable weights though!

    OP: if that is your options… try out a $10- no contract membership. If you hate it or it doesn't work for you… you're not out much. But you may find out it will work just fine for you.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Listen, Planet Fitness is marketed as a gym for the average joe/jane - not power lifters. It is cheap and cheerful and they strive to keep it a place where you can go, workout, and not feel you're doing anything wrong by NOT being a power lifter or power anything. A simple and no frills type of place. If anyone needs something more rigorous then find a different type of gym. Why is this so hard?

    Actually, from what I've seen they are anything but "no frills". A hard core gym tends to be "no frills" i.e. no powered cardio machines and juice bar/pro shop etc.

    Power cardio machines? You mean a treadmill? plonk . . .

    I don't belong any longer (recently joined LA Fitness - let the conversation begin!), but the one I went to had a juice and water machine. Fancy! :smiley:

    Nothing wrong with LA Fitness...that's where I go. Two squat racks and a power cage at mine (along with three Smith machines). Preloaded bars up to 110 LBS, dumbbells in 2.5 lb increments higher than I'll ever use, and I can deadlift.

    Smith machines. Booooooooooooooooooo. You should ask them to trash those for more squat racks and power cage.

    Except I already have no problem getting the cage because everyone else there uses the Smiths :: shrugs ::

    Complete opposite at my gym but it's easy to get the SM for shrugs and calf raises at least.

    because its easy LOL

  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    I've had amazing experience at my planet fitness! The staff was super nice and the facility is soo clean! I don't unstestand all negative feedback PF gets! Give it a try you might like it! Only can decided tha btw still go to love it!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I was out doing errands this am and was going by a PF so, because of this thread, I stopped in and said I was thinking of joining and could I take a walk around. The guy said sure, so I walked around by myself for about 10 minutes or so. There were plenty of benches, oly bars and plates and an area for squats, presses and deadlifts. There were signs warning about dropping plates and not using cell phones except in the lobby area. There were a few guys working out who were "built" and appeared to be serious lifters. There were a few women on the cardio machines and a few people who were intent on what they were doing. It was clean and had a large area with a circuit of machines for total body fitness. There was nothing obvious that said this isnt a good enough gym.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Listen, Planet Fitness is marketed as a gym for the average joe/jane - not power lifters. It is cheap and cheerful and they strive to keep it a place where you can go, workout, and not feel you're doing anything wrong by NOT being a power lifter or power anything. A simple and no frills type of place. If anyone needs something more rigorous then find a different type of gym. Why is this so hard?

    Actually, from what I've seen they are anything but "no frills". A hard core gym tends to be "no frills" i.e. no powered cardio machines and juice bar/pro shop etc.

    Power cardio machines? You mean a treadmill? plonk . . .

    I don't belong any longer (recently joined LA Fitness - let the conversation begin!), but the one I went to had a juice and water machine. Fancy! :smiley:

    Nothing wrong with LA Fitness...that's where I go. Two squat racks and a power cage at mine (along with three Smith machines). Preloaded bars up to 110 LBS, dumbbells in 2.5 lb increments higher than I'll ever use, and I can deadlift.

    Smith machines. Booooooooooooooooooo. You should ask them to trash those for more squat racks and power cage.

    Except I already have no problem getting the cage because everyone else there uses the Smiths :: shrugs ::

    Complete opposite at my gym but it's easy to get the SM for shrugs and calf raises at least.

    because its easy LOL

    No clue what you are talking about.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Listen, Planet Fitness is marketed as a gym for the average joe/jane - not power lifters. It is cheap and cheerful and they strive to keep it a place where you can go, workout, and not feel you're doing anything wrong by NOT being a power lifter or power anything. A simple and no frills type of place. If anyone needs something more rigorous then find a different type of gym. Why is this so hard?

    Actually, from what I've seen they are anything but "no frills". A hard core gym tends to be "no frills" i.e. no powered cardio machines and juice bar/pro shop etc.

    Power cardio machines? You mean a treadmill? plonk . . .

    I don't belong any longer (recently joined LA Fitness - let the conversation begin!), but the one I went to had a juice and water machine. Fancy! :smiley:

    Nothing wrong with LA Fitness...that's where I go. Two squat racks and a power cage at mine (along with three Smith machines). Preloaded bars up to 110 LBS, dumbbells in 2.5 lb increments higher than I'll ever use, and I can deadlift.

    Smith machines. Booooooooooooooooooo. You should ask them to trash those for more squat racks and power cage.

    Except I already have no problem getting the cage because everyone else there uses the Smiths :: shrugs ::

    Complete opposite at my gym but it's easy to get the SM for shrugs and calf raises at least.

    because its easy LOL

    No clue what you are talking about.

    Depending on whatever weight you use people deadlift then shoulder shrug. You are the first to say that you use the smith machine to make a exercise easier. I would not modify a workout to make it easier. That is my preference though. That is the whole point of lifting weight for me is to get stronger.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    I was out doing errands this am and was going by a PF so, because of this thread, I stopped in and said I was thinking of joining and could I take a walk around. The guy said sure, so I walked around by myself for about 10 minutes or so. There were plenty of benches, oly bars and plates and an area for squats, presses and deadlifts. There were signs warning about dropping plates and not using cell phones except in the lobby area. There were a few guys working out who were "built" and appeared to be serious lifters. There were a few women on the cardio machines and a few people who were intent on what they were doing. It was clean and had a large area with a circuit of machines for total body fitness. There was nothing obvious that said this isnt a good enough gym.
    Nice, so they put on a nice face.

    I wonder how long that will last once you start running a tough lifting program.

    I doubt I could do much of my program there.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    "looked too much like denim."


    It's either denim or it isn't. I'd have taken the shorts off, told them to analyze them and bring them back while I'm squatting. I swear.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm really torn on the whole PF thing, but I've never been to one. I hate their commercials. I hate the lunk alarm thing. But $10 is awesome.
    I hear that they don't like people to lift heavy but what's considered heavy to everyone?
    When my dad is in the States (we live in Canada) he goes to the gym down the way from my Gramps' house. And my dad presses 190lb. So that seems pretty heavy to me. And he's never said that they don't have what he needs to lift heavier than that there, all I know is that he currently presses 190lb and that he's able to do it at this Planet Fitness location.

    * Also can I just say that my dad is pressing 190 POST heart attack! Yeah, just throwin that out there cause I think that's pretty awesome.
    I'd love to be putting up weights like that when I'm an OG. Good for him. WITH a compromised heart. Doubly awesome.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've had amazing experience at my planet fitness! The staff was super nice and the facility is soo clean! I don't unstestand all negative feedback PF gets! Give it a try you might like it! Only can decided tha btw still go to love it!

    and what do you do there? Cardio only?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Deborah105 wrote: »
    Listen, Planet Fitness is marketed as a gym for the average joe/jane - not power lifters. It is cheap and cheerful and they strive to keep it a place where you can go, workout, and not feel you're doing anything wrong by NOT being a power lifter or power anything. A simple and no frills type of place. If anyone needs something more rigorous then find a different type of gym. Why is this so hard?

    Actually, from what I've seen they are anything but "no frills". A hard core gym tends to be "no frills" i.e. no powered cardio machines and juice bar/pro shop etc.

    Power cardio machines? You mean a treadmill? plonk . . .

    I don't belong any longer (recently joined LA Fitness - let the conversation begin!), but the one I went to had a juice and water machine. Fancy! :smiley:

    Nothing wrong with LA Fitness...that's where I go. Two squat racks and a power cage at mine (along with three Smith machines). Preloaded bars up to 110 LBS, dumbbells in 2.5 lb increments higher than I'll ever use, and I can deadlift.

    Smith machines. Booooooooooooooooooo. You should ask them to trash those for more squat racks and power cage.

    Except I already have no problem getting the cage because everyone else there uses the Smiths :: shrugs ::

    Complete opposite at my gym but it's easy to get the SM for shrugs and calf raises at least.

    because its easy LOL

    No clue what you are talking about.

    Depending on whatever weight you use people deadlift then shoulder shrug. You are the first to say that you use the smith machine to make a exercise easier. I would not modify a workout to make it easier. That is my preference though. That is the whole point of lifting weight for me is to get stronger.

    when it's different movements and isolation, what makes more sense, induce stress and reduce available energy by adding a compound rep to an isolation rep.

    OR focusing on the isolation reps only, and save the compound work when you're doing compound work. Allowing you to efficiently use what energy you have for the lift you are actually focusing on?

    Hard's cool, but efficiency is the coolest.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I think it depends on the location. I've heard horror stories, too, but mine is amazing. They don't limit you on deadlifts, we have squat racks, the lunk alarm rarely goes off (I only heard it for the first time last night, not even sure why or how). I think you can always make a workout work if you need to, but only you know your needs.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Char231023 wrote: »
    Why would PF not allow deadlifts?

    I cannot do one of my favorite exercise there. I will never buy a guy memebership there. I will deadlift people before going there.

    I deadlift people who work out at Planet Fitness.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    We can get a deadlift daisy chain going. You deadlift one of them, then I'll deadlift the both of you.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    We can get a deadlift daisy chain going. You deadlift one of them, then I'll deadlift the both of you.

    Wouldn't be the first time!