20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Friends,

    Going for lunch with a friend today, a late birthday lunch for me. I don't know where we are going so I didn't get a chance
    to look at the menu.

    Another rainy day and the temps are dropping. We have our patio furniture out but not sitting out there yet. :(

    Stephanie - Your dinner doesn't sound boring at all. Try sauteeing your brussel sprouts and add some bacon it gives
    more flavor to it.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    B) Faye...cycling to work is so awesome! It's great exercise AND saves you money.

    B) Stephanie..hope you are feeling better; glad I don't have that PMS issue anymore! :#

    B) Eileen..I know you enjoyed time spent with your granddaughter!

    B) Esther..it's always nice to know you inspire someone.

    B) Barbie..always good to hear from you..I agree the best plan is one we stick with!

    B) Shirley..the sun has to come out at some point! Enjoy your lunch!

    It's a beautiful day here today with sunny skies and low humidity. No gym today, but I did a walking DVD and the dog will be walked. I also need to go to the store...again! I get soooo tired of going to the grocery store.

    Have a great day!
    Stay strong!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning connie,

    I was worried as I never post before you......glad to see your beautiful face!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Easter and Fourth of July challengers. we got the best of both world. Love reading post from all the new people Lots of new ideals from the 4th posters
    and dearly love the originals Easter members

    MY DAY YESTERDAY in a nutshell Down 1.8 in weight
    my granddaughter, her husband came by took me out for lunch I had a healthy Vegies plate with pinto beans
    We visit my Brother who has an embroidery shop down the street from me.
    I cooked some steamed hard boil eggs and they turn out perfectly and so easy to peel without making a mess of them If you have not tried it you ought too. I put the recipes in Connies 4th
    of July group topic under recipes
    Of course on computer talking you all of you nice people
    Very pleasant day
    TODAY IS GROCER SHOPPIN DAY other than that a very pleasant day and relaxing day for me
    have a great day.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning to you,
    It is a beautiful day for us, cool and no rain for the next two days.

    Barbie, I am doing the same thing of eating the same thing over and over just so
    I don't have to think about trying new things.

    Stephanie is so creative with her food and I get inspired reading all the things she
    is cooking but I don't seem to get around to trying them.

    Marie, So happy that you have another loss. You are doing something right.
    Keep up the good work.

    Shirley, Hopefully you will get to enjoy your lawn furniture soon. Wish you had
    this beautiful day in your part of the country.

    Connie, You are at it early as usual!!! You have done your exercise and moved on to
    other things before I get started with mine.

    Esther, You continue to do such a great job with exercising and losing that weight
    for the new knees.

    Faye, You are getting in some good bike exercise, be careful to watch out for those
    drivers who text and drive. I am in the same boat as you,, as I have to work really hard
    for every pound I lose.

    Eileen, When will the snow end for you? It must be beautiful but I am sure you get tired of it.

    Rachel, Hope you are feeling better.

    Janice, Glad someone in this group is not an early morning person beside me. That is one thing
    I really enjoy since retirement, not having to get up early. I also had to be at work at 7am.

    Sunny, Hope you are ok, have not seen you around in a day or two.

    Have a great day,
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning friends.

    Just finished sweeping and mopping a dance studio with 3 large room. I'm sure I burned a few calories in that 1.5 hour. But I don't know how to log it. Well off to Zumba. Have a great day.

    I'll check in again later.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Marie, another loss! That's fantastic!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Good morning friends.

    Just finished sweeping and mopping a dance studio with 3 large room. I'm sure I burned a few calories in that 1.5 hour. But I don't know how to log it. Well off to Zumba. Have a great day.

    I'll check in again later.

    Cleaning house might be listed under cardio.. Not sure.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I know you guys are sick of me saying this, but I LOVE THIS THREAD AND THE FOLKS ON IT!! <3


    AMEN CONNIE!!!!!!!!!!! I concur 100%. I love you guys. Our posts are personal and not generic or "automated" if you will.

    So I weighed in on Saturday and had dropped to 260 which put me at 6 pounds for this challenge and 34 pounds since I joined. Well.... I weighed myself this morning....... 258!!!!!!!!! Happy dance!!!!!!! Happy dance!!!!!!! I haven't been this light since before my divorce in 2003!!!!!!!!!!! I have also dropped 2 sizes in pants. Shirts are still the same because of the stupid BOOBS!!!!!!!!! I hate boobs. 36 pounds and I swear they are BIGGER!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! I hate DDD. I WANT TO BE A B!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry. Venting again......

    Esther, I agree 100%, too! <3 CONGRATULATIONS on all your victories thus far on your journey to a healthy "new kneed" woman!! Don't worry about the boobs, you can do what I did in the past, which was to have a reduction and a mastopexy (lift). I love the result when I had it done in my 30s and I love it still in my early 50s! I lost 100 lb in the past and had some other skin removal surgeries that were the best thing ever! You'll be a brand new you. :-)
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    DRUM ROLL....Well, ladies, I have a non weight victory today. I absolutely HATE clothes shopping and avoid it at such a high rate that I end up wearing old, now loose, and almost thread-bare clothes. I always feel fairly frumpy, but can't stand shopping so one day turns into the next and years go by... Thus boring Beck. :-(

    WELL... today I work 1p-9p, so I MADE MYSELF go to Talbot's this morning (never been but my Dept Chair and a fellow faculty member shop there and always look GREAT).

    A woman who worked there said she would love to shop for me and I let her. 2.5 hours later, I walked out with a brand new wardrobe and everything was a smaller size and I feel amazing!!! :-) I'm never fashionable because I'm more of a cute T-shirt and jeans and cute sandals kind of girl. I garden, bike ride, demolish and renovate, fish, etc.

    I am SO excited to look as good as I'm starting to feel BECAUSE OF THIS CHALLENGE and all of YOU <3

    So, THANK YOU for helping me experience this day and these wonderful new feelings.

    Love you all,

    Becky (no longer frumpy) in MD LOL!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh How happy I am for you Becky. You done it Becky we are just a post to lend on. hope we all come out ahead just like you.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    @tenpets Hats off to you, Becky! That is awesome! Talbots has beautiful clothes, and they last forever because they are so well made! <3 (I used to shop there during one of my smaller years when I was still teaching. :) )

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Becky, That is awesome. Makes you feel so good when you can step out in new clothes and a smaller size.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited April 2015
    Marie-congratulations on another loss, 1.8 is great, you have been killing it lately with all your losses.
    Becky-I completely understand how the new clothes that fit, makes you feel so much better, so glad you made the time for yourself, to get new clothing.
    Connie and Nancy-I recently went thru alot of my old diet books and literature and got rid of most of it, no need for all that, after finding a plan that works for you and that you can live with. I just count calories now, and try to get in some exercise, nothing I know I cant continue doing for a long time. I do not eat as many carbs as mfp suggest with my macros, but I almost always eat all my proteins, I may try to adjust my macros, have you ever done that? Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Becky. I feel your pain with shopping. I am the same way. I wear blue jeans and t shirts because you can mix and match everything with anything. If I can't find something in 15 minutes then the store has nothing for me. Even my husband is more of a shopper than I am. Congrats on getting someone to offer to help you. Let someone who likes it have at it. B)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Becky it sounds like you had a great time! Nice clothes really do make a person feel better, especially when they're in a smaller size. :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif Becky, congrats on the new clothes and the new smaller size.

    smiley-cool05.gif Esther, I am a jeans and t shirt or sweatshirt person, too. I thought that when I lost weight, I'd start wearing the new cute fashions but I love the familiar. I cried when I had to get rid of my old shirts when I dropped too many sizes and they didn't fit any more.

    :) When I lost weight, I found that I was much colder so I don't buy short sleeve shirts anymore. Most of the year I wear long underwear and wool socks. Even in summer I wear long sleeve t shirts to stay warm most of the time. I do most of my shopping online because I live in a small town with very few stores.

    <3 Barbie
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    @becky - supper wonderful news!! I am so happy for you!!

    I am so used to wearing big baggy clothes I would love to head out and buy something fitted as even before I started this challenge I always bought clothes on the bigger side.

    My trouble is living in Asia and having a western figure the shops don't cater for anything other than super skinny out here! I am left to buying clothes on line from home which I generally get a size bigger to be sure they fit as trying to send them back is so much hassle and quite costly!

    I think if I can drop a clothes size I may be able to venture to the shops and find something - at the moment I avoid it as it is too upsetting to be told every time that they didn't do anything my size! I am a UK 16 and it seems most shops don't stock anything over a UK 12!

    I know I will get there eventually and when I do I can't wait to celebrate with you all!


  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Congratulations Becky! And Marie weight droppin like flies. Whoohooo!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Barbie.......don't you live in western Washington? If I remember right. Somebody on one if these threads lives in centralia and another over on the Olympic peninsula. Up here we have Walmart. Needless to say I spend a day shopping when I head to the "real world" (Seattle or Bellingham).