I bulked and just got fat.



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Okay, no video at the moment, but I have a question about my bulk.

    I seemed to be putting on over half a pound a week so dropped my calories. Now, over the last ten days I have actually lost .44lbs. Wait longer, or put the calories back up? I suspect the excess weight gain previously might have been because I recently started taking creatine and a certain time of the month (but I put on more than usual).

    Also, last night was taken to hospital with a heavy nose bleed/nearly passing out. It stopped eventually and they gave me some sort of cream, but said I was fine apart from some low blood pressure issues (explaining the nearly fainting), but apparently that's likely to be due to squeamishness anyway... I didn't think to ask them about whether I can lift tomorrow. They did say the nose bleed could recur over the next few days. What do you think? I want to, but don't particularly want to pass out mid-squat or anything... What would you guys do? (Apart from being too hardcore to faint over a bit of blood :p )

    I would imagine increased pressure could induce a nose bleed, especially since they said there's a risk of it anyways; I'd skip a workout. As for calories, that's well within water gain territory, so maybe just keep them where they are at and wait and see (granted, they could have been fine at the higher levels too and that was increased water weight). I'd suggest just picking a calorie level and sticking there for a few more weeks and then adjust accordingly.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Okay, thanks - I think I'll stick with the lower calories for now, then.

    Will have to have a think about working out. I'm still not feeling quite well :/ Probably would be best not to, as you say...
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited March 2015
    So, I woke up feeling sick and hungry, weighed myself - found out I lost a pound. Later in the day had another (albeit much shorter) nosebleed. Then, just went to do something and started to get faint and had to sit down. And I feel really nauseous, and my head feels weird and hurts. Starting to think there's something wrong with me. This would make sense if I was hardly eating anything, but I'm at 2450 cals a day... increasing calories wouldn't help, would it? I won't be able to see a doctor until Monday... don't even know whether it's necessary.

    Edit - oh, and I did lift in the end - was fine. Not sure whether it would be a good idea tomorrow though, considering all this. ...Which probably means I'll do it anyway :/
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So, I woke up feeling sick and hungry, weighed myself - found out I lost a pound. Later in the day had another (albeit much shorter) nosebleed. Then, just went to do something and started to get faint and had to sit down. And I feel really nauseous, and my head feels weird and hurts. Starting to think there's something wrong with me. This would make sense if I was hardly eating anything, but I'm at 2450 cals a day... increasing calories wouldn't help, would it? I won't be able to see a doctor until Monday... don't even know whether it's necessary.

    Edit - oh, and I did lift in the end - was fine. Not sure whether it would be a good idea tomorrow though, considering all this. ...Which probably means I'll do it anyway :/

    Stop training, see a doctor?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    So, I woke up feeling sick and hungry, weighed myself - found out I lost a pound. Later in the day had another (albeit much shorter) nosebleed. Then, just went to do something and started to get faint and had to sit down. And I feel really nauseous, and my head feels weird and hurts. Starting to think there's something wrong with me. This would make sense if I was hardly eating anything, but I'm at 2450 cals a day... increasing calories wouldn't help, would it? I won't be able to see a doctor until Monday... don't even know whether it's necessary.

    Edit - oh, and I did lift in the end - was fine. Not sure whether it would be a good idea tomorrow though, considering all this. ...Which probably means I'll do it anyway :/

    Stop training, see a doctor?

    Fainting, nosebleeds, headaches, unexplained weightloss?

    Time to visit the doctor.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    So, I woke up feeling sick and hungry, weighed myself - found out I lost a pound. Later in the day had another (albeit much shorter) nosebleed. Then, just went to do something and started to get faint and had to sit down. And I feel really nauseous, and my head feels weird and hurts. Starting to think there's something wrong with me. This would make sense if I was hardly eating anything, but I'm at 2450 cals a day... increasing calories wouldn't help, would it? I won't be able to see a doctor until Monday... don't even know whether it's necessary.

    Edit - oh, and I did lift in the end - was fine. Not sure whether it would be a good idea tomorrow though, considering all this. ...Which probably means I'll do it anyway :/

    Stop training, see a doctor?

    Yes, get to the doctors.

    In the meantime, how's your sodium levels?, too low would explain the weight loss (water fluctuation) and faintness although not the nosebleeds. If you can't see a doc till Monday, it might not help to eat more but it certainly wouldn't hurt.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Okay, I'll book an appointment... lost .8lbs last night... kind of scared, but it could just be water weight or something, right?

    My sodium levels average about... say, 2500mg. That's recorded - I don't log what I use in meals. That said, this last week it's been more like 1500 (we ran out of salami :) ). I would probably estimate an extra 1.5g (that seems to be 600mg sodium) salt a day from what I add when cooking. Too low?
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Not sure tbh - have some bacon and see if you feel any better :smiley:

    Get to the doctor tomorrow, better safe than sorry.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Two pounds lost could be normal weight fluctuations, but even if you aren't losing, I think you need to put a hold on lifting and see the doctor.
  • josueg123
    josueg123 Posts: 18 Member
    Apparently I'm supposed to go and try again now. So, just a quick answer for now - I'm not terribly overweight and have a medical condition which means gaining the muscle is a lot more important at the moment than losing fat. Thank you for the replies, I'll read them in a bit.
    - After I fail at pressing. Hooray. :(

    First, I'd like to know what medical condition it is that you have? I have never heard of anything that requires you to bulk up while you are overweight.

    I can already tell why you are failing at the gym. You don't believe you can actually do the workouts. You'd be surprised at how powerful your mind really is. If you tell yourself that you will fail. YOU WILL. Quit beating yourself up because you can't do something. Having a hard time with squats? Lower the weight, can't lower the weight anymore? Do body weight squats, can't do those? Get on the leg press machine. Work your way up slowly and you will be successful.

    Right before you go to the gym, tell yourself that you will accomplish whatever goal you have for the day. If you fail, take a break and try again. Can't get it this week? Try next. Negative attitudes will cause negative results.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    I'm going easy on the lifting - haven't done deadlifts, and I had a light squat day yesterday (used the bands during the work set, managed to keep them from dropping! That said, I might be 'cheating' a little as I can't put them around my knees directly, it kind of subluxes the kneecap if I do). Didn't make me feel ill/induce nosebleeds, though I feel the deadlifts might have, hence why I skipped them.

    I'm booking an appointment soon, will probably get one within the week unless I say it's urgent. In the meantime, my mother in law has lent me her blood pressure monitor, suggesting I check it three times a day so I can take the results when I see the doctor. Just hope this doesn't seem paranoid, lol.

    Josueg123 - Page 2. And thank you for the tips. I'm doing better with my attitude towards lifting nowadays - it does make a difference.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    josueg123 wrote: »
    Apparently I'm supposed to go and try again now. So, just a quick answer for now - I'm not terribly overweight and have a medical condition which means gaining the muscle is a lot more important at the moment than losing fat. Thank you for the replies, I'll read them in a bit.
    - After I fail at pressing. Hooray. :(

    First, I'd like to know what medical condition it is that you have? I have never heard of anything that requires you to bulk up while you are overweight.

    I can already tell why you are failing at the gym. You don't believe you can actually do the workouts. You'd be surprised at how powerful your mind really is. If you tell yourself that you will fail. YOU WILL. Quit beating yourself up because you can't do something. Having a hard time with squats? Lower the weight, can't lower the weight anymore? Do body weight squats, can't do those? Get on the leg press machine. Work your way up slowly and you will be successful.

    Right before you go to the gym, tell yourself that you will accomplish whatever goal you have for the day. If you fail, take a break and try again. Can't get it this week? Try next. Negative attitudes will cause negative results.

    This is great advice.

    Due to a SI-Joint injury, I had to go back to bodyweight squats for a while, then moved up to goblets, then double kettlebell squats and finally got back under the bar.

    Took months.

    Now I aim to get myself back to where I was pre-injury, weight on the bar wise. I've given myself 4-6 months on a slow progression to get there. I mean, what's the rush? The ultimate result of strength training is to get stronger. The ultimate result of hypertrophy training is to add quality mass. Neither of these goals is obtainable if you're injured. Keeping yourself injury-free and progressing (even by means of regression) is ultimately what the game's about.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have a new video:

    Apparently the other sets were better with my knees, but we didn't record those. What do you think? Also, I'm not sure about the depth, but my husband checked my depth from the side with the others and apparently they were fine in regards to that. I keep forgetting to adjust arm position to get the bar straight across my back :/

    Oh, and I got better in the end - did see the doctor, he said my blood pressure was really good. The weight loss had stopped by then so I didn't mention it. He gave me the choice of having blood tests but we decided it might be better to give it a few months and see what happens, since I have a tendency to faint during those. Apparently I'm most likely fine, though. He said a lot of young people have problems with fainting and it would stop when I 'bulked up' as I got older. So, that was good news. :)
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Just bumping this in case it was missed over Easter... completely understand if there isn't anyone who has time to check the video though. Won't bump it again.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Do you have any videos from the side of you squatting?

    These are my opinions.....
    1. Bar is too low, even for a "low-bar" squat
    2. Your elbows should be more perpendicular to the ground (shoulder flexiblity issue)
    3. Hip mobility issues.....this is causing you to "lean" foward during the up movement of the squat. Focus on keeping your knees "pushed out" during the lift.
    4. Depth looks good
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Jmule24 -
    Thanks for the feedback.
    There was one earlier in the thread, but not of my latest squats (I'm assuming you viewed the one above?). I can find the link if you like, but it was taken before improvements were made...
    1. Okay, my husband keeps trying to get me to put it higher too - but it feels completely comfortable and supported where it is. Doesn't feel 'right' higher.
    2. You mean they should be pointed at the floor more? I could do that, but I thought the idea was to have them up so you can support the bar better... and again, they do feel comfortable where they are, and the bar doesn't move (or not that I notice).
    3. Well, I'm trying to keep them out. I feel they are improving over time, though that's mainly why I posted the video (so if anyone who has seen the other videos can tell if they're getting better).
    From what I understand, you are meant to lean over during low bar squats to help balance? My hips are plenty flexible, so that's not causing it.
    4. Good :) Thanks!
  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    I am doing a cut right now and gaining strength in my lifts. I make sure I eat protein and a good slow absorbing carb one hr before I lift and abt 30 mins before I take a pre-workout drink it keeps me focused and in the gym a little longer. I am losing fat and maintaining most of my muscle. I believe 1800 is maintanence cals for me and I am doing 1500 right now. I plan on doing this for another month then I will start a slow bulk to get some more lean muscle built. One thing that has helped me lately is weighing my food.I think the key here is eat less lift more. I hope you find your sweet spot it takes time. It does sound to me that you should probably be cutting right now. Make sure you eat an hr before you workout and take a protein shake with you in case you get sluggish it will help keep your strength up.Good luck and hang in there :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Lots of improvement from the earlier videos; you seem to do better at keeping the knees out, and your back is tight. But, it looks like the bar is still crazy tilted to the left. Like a lot. I'm wondering if this is a camera angle thing because it seems like it would be difficult to keep balanced leaning over so much.

    Also, it seems like you're still leaning over and rising from the hips and ending with more of a good morning. Try focusing on the hip drive through the movement and keeping your chest up. (Yes, I know it's a huge list of things you actively have to think about, and I feel your pain. It does get easier as you lock in form and repeatedly get x right, allowing you to spend more time fixing y, hopefully without x going to crap when you change y...)
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Auddii -
    Thanks for looking at the video :) I'm glad it's improving. Yeah, I don't know what to think about the bar. It really doesn't feel that tilted, and my husband doesn't seem to notice, so maybe the camera is making it look worse.

    To be honest, I'm trying to keep my chest up so much it makes clicking noises. I'll see if I can improve it, though.

    Thanks again for your help.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I think there's loads of improvement - the hip sway thingy isn't as pronounced, told you - mine went away itself too XD

    The bar is still a bit squeegee but seems to be what you're comfortable with. Stick the knees out and if you find it getting uncomfortable/feel your form is off - deload again.

    I'm not much help, my own squat sucks!