I bulked and just got fat.



  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    3laine75 -
    Thanks! Yeah, I'll keep an eye on the knee situation.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thought I'd update.

    I'm coming up to the end of my linear progress. Unfortunately, I maintained this month by accident, which might be why my lifts are stalling earlier than they probably should... but, what's done is done. I'm adding 200 calories and going to see whether I can manage my squat weight next week, and go from there.

    So, how did the bulk go?

    well, calling it a bulk might be a bit strong. I put on a total of 6.6lbs since the beginning of December, and around 2% body fat (assuming calliper readings are accurate). 2lbs of that was put on over Christmas week (who counts calories on Christmas day/New years? Certainly not I!), and another 2lbs happened on my husband's birthday (all you can eat buffet place, and there was a LOT of cream involved). I've had about two months where I accidentally maintained. However, I have put on visible muscle mass and am quite pleased with the results.

    The improvements in my lifts:
    Squats: 29kg to 55kg (interrupted by a deload)
    Overhead press: 18kg to 25.5 kg
    Bench press: 22kg to 33kg
    Deadlift: 40kg to 62kg (also interrupted by a deload)
    And I can do chin-ups with light bands now!

    So, I wouldn't exactly say it went brilliantly, and if I do it again I'd hope to do better. Despite this, I did get what I wanted out of it (well, other than massive muscles ;) ) : stable joints (very few subluxions, too), hip got better, no longer seeing any sort of decline in my body, more muscle mass. I even lost a little flexibility in my hamstrings. In regards to the overweight-ness - my blood pressure is good (116/74 average), my resting heart rate is usually around 65 beats per minute, and the doctor seems pleased that I'm the same weight as a year ago. So despite the bulk, I'm not about to have a heart attack.

    I would like to thank all of you who have been so much help. It really is appreciated and means a lot. :)
    Hopefully, I still might get a few more weeks out of it - but we'll see.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    any reason not to up the calories and just drive on? 6 pounds in 4 months - is.... not much.

  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    I have a new video:

    Oh, and I got better in the end - Apparently I'm most likely fine, though. He said a lot of young people have problems with fainting and it would stop when I 'bulked up' as I got older. So, that was good news. :)

    So your doctor wants to you to gain weight? Are you currently underweight?
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thought I'd update.

    The improvements in my lifts:
    Squats: 29kg to 55kg (interrupted by a deload)
    Overhead press: 18kg to 25.5 kg
    Bench press: 22kg to 33kg
    Deadlift: 40kg to 62kg (also interrupted by a deload)
    And I can do chin-ups with light bands now!

    Wow! You should be very proud of your progression of lifts! Remember it's a long game and any progress is progress none the less. Apologies that I haven't read the past 7 pages + what was your primary focus with the bulk? Add weight or add to your lifts? I find that when I focus only one of those two I get the best results.

  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2015
    JoRocka -
    Well, I'm not sure how much linear progress I'd have left anyway - I've been lifting (including when I was trying to lose) since about September last year. Also, I'm getting tired of eating at a surplus - I'm always full and don't really enjoy food much anymore. Though that isn't really a good reason... Do you think I should carry on?
    (Just to clarify, I'm not going to stop lifting, just would be moving to some sort of intermediate program like the Texas Method (although apparently that one in particular might not be good for cutting)).

    Vcorz -
    I'm not entirely sure what he meant. He didn't say I needed to (I'm not underweight - my BMI says overweight, body fat percentage says just about healthy), though I think he was implying I'd 'naturally' put on a bit of weight over the years and have fewer problems with fainting/dizziness. I don't really get how that works.

    Jmule24 -
    It was both, really. I see how it would be easier to just focus on one, but I really needed to improve both.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka -
    Well, I'm not sure how much linear progress I'd have left anyway - I've been lifting (including when I was trying to lose) since about September last year. Also, I'm getting tired of eating at a surplus - I'm always full and don't really enjoy food much anymore. Though that isn't really a good reason... Do you think I should carry on?
    (Just to clarify, I'm not going to stop lifting, just would be moving to some sort of intermediate program like the Texas Method (although apparently that one in particular might not be good for cutting)).

    Vcorz -
    I'm not entirely sure what he meant. He didn't say I needed to (I'm not underweight - my BMI says overweight, body fat percentage says just about healthy), though I think he was implying I'd 'naturally' put on a bit of weight over the years and have fewer problems with fainting/dizziness. I don't really get how that works.

    Jmule24 -
    It was both, really. I see how it would be easier to just focus on one, but I really needed to improve both.

    If it was ME. I would. at least for another month- I would up my calories some more- actually significantly and keep it for for 1-2 more months. 6 pounds is more like a quick recomp/painfully slow bulk.

    But- the struggle is real with being uncomfortable. I found my best growth came in that the time between month 4-5- my goal is usually 6 months- and by 3-3.5 I'm sick of it. But that's why I always recommend a max/min window (like 4-6 months) so if you MUST bail- you reached the minimum goal line.

    If you really are completely fed up with it- either try going for even higher calorie foods (do you drink soda/beer?) or- go ahead and eat at maintenance for a while and switch programming.

    No harm either way honestly- totally up to you- I just think you have more growth to do and you don't know it!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LotusAsh wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    bd208 wrote: »
    First off, throw out that stupid scale....Go to a gym and have a fitness professional measure you with Fat Calipers, You may actually be getting some gains but because you are overweight you can't see them. I'm doing Body Beast and I started the program at 220, too k my measurements and Fat Caliper test and I've allready lost -2% body fat, dropped some pounds, and slowly firming up. Some of your post does not make sense to me or the other posters. If you set your expectations too high you will surely disappoint yourself. Take small steps and gains as a step closer to where you want to be. There will be BIG differences when you measure with a scale, a tape measure or Fat Calipers. I have found those little calipers worth their weight in gold. You will also need to be eating "clean" healthy nutritious foods. With your health issues, speak with your doctor and if possible and Dietician to get you pointed in the right direction! Good luck on your journey!

    no, OP won't need to do that...

    clean eating has nothing to do with weight loss.

    and good luck trying to bulk on chicken and vegetables ....

    the amount she would have to eat while bulking makes me want to vomit

    can you OD on chicken and vegetables?

    I'm gonna say no, you can't, because if you could, I would probably be dead. Here where I live, chicken is the cheapest meat by far at 99 cents/pound (whole chicken) so when the budget is tight, we are pretty much living on chicken and frozen broccoli. It does get boring. When the next paycheck comes in I run over to the store and see if any of the beef is on special.
  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member

    Vcorz -
    I'm not entirely sure what he meant. He didn't say I needed to (I'm not underweight - my BMI says overweight, body fat percentage says just about healthy), though I think he was implying I'd 'naturally' put on a bit of weight over the years.

    Ah. Yeah that "natural weight gain" is a thing...I was 135 pounds at 36, now I'm 206 pounds at 39....it happens so quick....but if youre already lifting you stand a great chance of avoiding it!
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    JoRocka -
    Okay, thanks for the advice. Well, I'll up my calories by 300 or so and see if my lifting improves. I should probably mention that I suspect I'm going to stall on the lifts sooner than usual because of a slight recovery problem - my husband has a sleeping condition, which basically means his sleep/wake cycle kind of rotates around all the time (so awake from 3pm to 3am one day, then a few days later it'll be 10pm to 10am, one day he might not be able to sleep for 24 hours completely turning it around, etc - completely unpredictable). I am unemployed/looking for freelance work so I follow along with his sleep cycles, and while I feel used to it, it probably still affects my body, and thus recovery.
    I do have a lot of calorie dense foods, I suppose it's just that I have large amounts of the same food every day. Eggs, pork, unflavoured whey, milk, cheese, whatever vegetable was on offer when we went for the weekly shop. Some sort of treat every day, like home made ice cream, which I do look forward to... I'll just have to have more of that. :)

    Gothchiq -
    I'm so jealous. Chicken is really expensive here.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yeah stop making it a treat- it should be a regular food product you're consuming- if you like it and it's got the calories- no reason to waste calories trying to stuff more chicken down your gullet. You don't get bonus points for bulking "healthier" it's just harder.

    Go for it- eat up. (NOMNOMNOMNOM)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Glad you're happy with your results - who knew throwing heavy stuff about could make you feel so good?! I'm with Jo, if you can stand it, try to stick with it for a wee while longer (I'm losing strength on this cut which is rubbish :()
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, when I said a 'treat', I meant something tasty I have calories for while still meeting all other nutritional requirements. These often take up 300-500 calories.

    The extra calories do seem to be working! It could be too early to tell, mind you. The bench press I failed on the first rep last time, I managed for 5 sets of 3 yesterday (so sore though!) and I managed all the squats I previously failed the last set on. :) So, thank you!
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    I know this probably sounds a bit paranoid, but does anyone else think it doesn't seem right that I can maintain at 2550 calories at 5'1, 148lbs (sedentary other than lifting, some walking and interval running once a week)?
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, I failed my squats and bench press today. I think that might be it now. I'm going to continue to bulk until I've done the next two workouts - so until Monday - and then cut. Hopefully I'll at least manage to get the squat I failed today (as I managed three sets) and increase my deadlift. Do you guys have any suggestions about strength training while cutting? My husband says because I've finished linear progress it will be hard/impossible to make any strength gains while cutting so it's better to just lift the same weights for the duration of the cut. He believes there's a risk of over training by trying to increase the weights and actually losing strength?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, I failed my squats and bench press today. I think that might be it now. I'm going to continue to bulk until I've done the next two workouts - so until Monday - and then cut. Hopefully I'll at least manage to get the squat I failed today (as I managed three sets) and increase my deadlift. Do you guys have any suggestions about strength training while cutting? My husband says because I've finished linear progress it will be hard/impossible to make any strength gains while cutting so it's better to just lift the same weights for the duration of the cut. He believes there's a risk of over training by trying to increase the weights and actually losing strength?

    It will become more difficult, but it doesn't mean that it is not possible. You may need to end up dropping volume as you progress more deeply into your cut. I would stick it the programming as is and assess later on.

    What programming are you you looking to move to now that you've finished linear progression? Texas Method?
  • ScorpioJack_91
    ScorpioJack_91 Posts: 5,241 Member
    edited April 2015
    Why are you bulking if you're overweight?
    Why are you bulking when already overweight? Most people would suggest you wait until you are at a healthy weight before you bulk, maybe even the lower end of healthy.

    Bodyfat scales are NOT accurate. Do not rely on that. The few pounds you are up are most likely water weight and bloating.

    Your lifting issues are apparently not related to your food intake. Are you trying to increase weight too quickly? How's your form? Have you had someone check it?

    Yeah agreed...it's better to just cut and then bulk
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, I failed my squats and bench press today. I think that might be it now. I'm going to continue to bulk until I've done the next two workouts - so until Monday - and then cut. Hopefully I'll at least manage to get the squat I failed today (as I managed three sets) and increase my deadlift. Do you guys have any suggestions about strength training while cutting? My husband says because I've finished linear progress it will be hard/impossible to make any strength gains while cutting so it's better to just lift the same weights for the duration of the cut. He believes there's a risk of over training by trying to increase the weights and actually losing strength?

    It will become more difficult, but it doesn't mean that it is not possible. You may need to end up dropping volume as you progress more deeply into your cut. I would stick it the programming as is and assess later on.

    What programming are you you looking to move to now that you've finished linear progression? Texas Method?

    Just keep lifting heavy even when cutting. It's all in the mind, even if your carbs are lower your motivation should see you through each session. Keep your protein high even on a cut and train like your on a bulk. Just advice.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I couldn't give a flying *kitten* weather I'm on a cut or a bulk or how many cals I had yesterday or that day when I'm in the gym. One way or another I'm going to try to move the weight and I wont let weather I'm on a cut or a bulk get in my head.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I know this probably sounds a bit paranoid, but does anyone else think it doesn't seem right that I can maintain at 2550 calories at 5'1, 148lbs (sedentary other than lifting, some walking and interval running once a week)?

    Don't be paranoid - I'm jealous :) At my best I was able to maintain at roughly 2400 but I'm a little taller. Unfortunately I've also been dieting down for the better part of 2 years now (lost about 80 lbs total, put a bit back on) so my metabolism is very probably somewhat depressed. If you have the muscle mass you should be able to eat more food! don't knock it, believe me, it's NICE when you don't have to starve to lose weight! (and by starve I mean anything under 1800 because that's what I'm stuck on atm) and congratulations on your improvement!

    There's a lot of great advice in this thread which I will be happy to apply to my squat journey that I have just had to re-start due to an accident which has pretty well left me unable to do a whole lot for the past 7 months.