I bulked and just got fat.



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Auddii -
    There is a difference between deloading because you missed a lift and a scheduled deload. I know stronglifts isn't written to incorporate scheduled deloads, but it might be really useful for you.
    Thanks for the link, I see what you mean about scheduled deloads. However, the long deload I had (from February) was not because of missing a lift, it was to make my form issues easier to correct. So that would have been kind of like what you're suggesting, I think?
    (Also, probably not relevant, but it's Starting Strength I've been doing)

    Nakima -
    Thanks for the advice. I might try having a little something before workouts and see if it helps. Trouble is, I like to not eat within a few hours of working out (I do it first thing in the morning, usually) as it makes me feel really sick. :/ Maybe there's something I can find that won't, though.

    Yeah, that's going to be a decent deload. I'm just thinking you should contemplate putting a standard deload week in your routine. I'm doing a more intermediate program, so it works on a monthly cycle, ramping up each week and then the fourth week is a deload week every month. If you're having fatigue issues, a scheduled deload might do you some good, especially with your health issues. I can't remember, but have you been able to discuss with a trained physical therapist your specific health issues to see if they have any ideas?
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    edited May 2015
    That's definitely something to consider, yes. Possibly near a certain time of the month... I've heard some women have issues with their lifts at that time, and it does just so happen to be that time at the moment.

    I spoke to an orthopedic surgeon about the fatigue issue when I was initially diagnosed, but he basically just said to focus on getting enough rest (in general and between sets) and kind of 'listening to my body' - and it's just the way it is, I suppose. I don't think there's anything that can be done about it.
    (He also said he didn't usually find most of his patients found physiotherapy very useful and I was doing the right sort of thing, so he didn't want to refer me for that)