Fat girls at Victoria's Secret.



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I'm glad to hear they've changed their way of doing business. I went in there years ago with my MIL who was overweight and they weren't very nice at VS.
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    VS and La Senza are the only two stores that carry my size. And they measured correctly and got the same measurement I got elsewhere for all you nay sayers. I would shop there if a serial killer met me at the door with a meat cleaver.... :)

    Stores cannot stock every single size. If VS doesn't carry your size, go elsewhere. For me, thank god they stock a 32 DD, now that is an impossible size to find. Everything else can be found at Walmart.
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    Congrats on the job!!! :D I think it’s wonderful. I’d rather shop at places where all shapes and sizes are accepted. It’s a more down to earth atmosphere to be in and since I get really bad anxiety as far as shopping for clothes it’s nice to feel like I’m in a judge free zone. It makes me more comfortable. :smile:
  • Power_Man77
    Power_Man77 Posts: 207
    Congrats on the job, but I will never, ever shop in a VS ever again. Mostly because I found they don't measure for bras correctly. They shoved me into a 38DD. I have recently found out that I'm actually a 36I. And no, VS doesn't even make them that big, but they'll happily shove you into an ill-fitting bra because the majority of us have never even heard of how to be measured correctly.

    Unfortunately I've heard that a lot, and it's definitely something that can be worked on, but I think that problem stems from the company having a problem with pushy managers in certain stores threatening to fire people that don't hit their sales goals. We have a certain amount of measurements, sales, and store credits we have to hit per shift, and I'm really lucky that the store I'm in is one of the best in the district to shop at and to work at. I think the company needs to crack down on pushy managers. As long as the store meets their goal, it shouldn't matter if an individual doesn't sell one bra because the person just has really big boobs. I think the highest VS goes is like, F.

    VS carries F?! Since WHEN!?

    Also, CONGRATS on your new job! Enjoy! And there will always be ignorant people in the world. Ignore the scoffs and stay fabulous in your VS bra! :drinker:

    Last I checked, VS only went up to DDD. They referred me to Lane Bryant for extended size bras past DDD.

    My wife work at VS and she said the web goes to a 40 ddd
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Go you for getting that job! Ignore the world. Clearly they saw potential in you that you got the job. Now hold your head up when you start your training!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    An update: had my first day today. It went awesome! Two more days of training and then I'm on my own!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    A little back story: I recently (and I mean, so-recently-I-haven't-even-gone-to-training-yet recently) got hired at Victoria's Secret. Being nearly 300 pounds, I was surprised to have even gotten an interview since I applied with the manager in person. I thought surely, I won't make it to the second interview. Then I did. Looking at all the other women working there, I was absolutely positive I would not get hired after the interview with the store manager, who was probably no more than a size 6.

    To my surprise, I did get hired. And not as a throwaway that they put in the back. I did well on my interview, and I got hired as a sales associate with no former sales experience...and being nearly 300 pounds. This is one of the best stores in the district, so on top of being fat, I had no experience. I thought that surely, if there was a company that discriminated against hiring fat people, it'd be them. Boy was I wrong! And I am so glad, because I love their store.

    I've been doing some reading on VS. Experiences as an employee, good and bad reviews, what kind of customer base it has, etc. What interests (read: disgusts) me is that I'm finding a lot of posts and comments about how "fat girls should not be allowed in VS" and "fat girls should only shop at their plus sized stores" as well as "no one over 175 pounds should be able to shop there" and even "dear obese girl working at VS, thanks for ruining my shopping exerience" (and yes, that one was 'ruined' simply because the sales associate was 'too fat'.')

    Before I ever stepped foot into that store, I never thought they would have anything that fit me. I was so embarrassed to get measured, but much to my delight the sales girl was wonderful and said though they don't carry sizes that large in store, she'd be happy to order it for me online or I could buy bra extenders. A lot of women have a problem with the fact that they don't carry certain sizes in store. I don't see the problem with this, and actually find it quite practical, if you've ever been in a VS and see how full everything always is.

    My question is, what does everyone think of "fat girls" working/being at VS? If you walked in and saw a fat employee, would you be more comfortable knowing that it's at least a bit more diverse, or would you be turned off? Do you think they purposely don't cater to "fat girls"?

    I'm just interested in this topic because I'm realizing that I'll probably experience a moderate amount of scoffs and sneers from certain shoppers simply for being fat. I was just wondering what other people think on the matter.

    TL;DR: fat girls working/shopping at Victoria's Secret: 'go you' or 'find your own store'?

    I'm a VS perfume *kitten* lol I love their scents and when/if I have the extra money it is one of the few places I can find bras that are comfortable that actually fit my DDD's I honestly don't care if the associates are fat/skinny/pretty/ugly as long as they treat me nice. And I don't concern myself with other shoppers there or anywhere else...apparently the store near by is one of the few that stock the bigger size bras.