

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Why not have a pizza then..? last year, I've had a pizza every day, and if I missed a day I would make up for it with 2 on a different day :) I think in total I may have missed a max of 10 days of eating pizza.
  • havalynd
    havalynd Posts: 54 Member
    DavPul btw, I wish there was a like button so I could like your posts here.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    What kind of fatasses tell someone who's trying to loose weight to eat pizza. ONE slice has 285 calories. 640 mg of sodium. 36 carbs. For one slice. It's not that much protein, and that carbs y'all are talking about? THEYRE FROM WHITE BREAD. THATS BAD FOR YOUR BODY.

    Not trying to starve myself I'm trying to make healthier choices. Try it sometime. When you're not eating pizza, try swapping it for a turkey sandwhich(healthy filling calories)

    How is white bread bad for your body? And it's easy to work 285-570 calories into a day. Also, I've had four turkey sandwiches in the past ten days and bought some more today. Like I said before, moderation is the key. I wouldn't have lost 55+ pounds if I had deprived myself of the things I love.

    You honestly think bread that is processed from 100% artificial ingredients isn't bad for you? http://authoritynutrition.com/why-is-bread-bad-for-you/

    ....The ingredients in the pizza dough recipe I posted earlier:
    - 1/2 tsp sugar (oh noes)
    - dry yeast
    - bread flour
    - cornmeal
    - extra virgin olive oil
    - salt

    .....yep it's so artificial I might just die... :huh:
    When I posted this I wasn't talking about homemade pizza

    And yet you called me a fatass after I suggested home made pizza. Are you actually reading your own thread?

    I'm not talking about the very few kind people who are sending me homemade links. I'm talking about the adults who find it amusing to pick on a young adult late at night who's trying to make a healthier choice than papa johns on a Wednesday night 60 days from spring break. I appreciate your link yes

    wait, what does spring break have to do with this?


    Ahhh...short-term crash diet support wanted. I get it now.

    OP, what is your net daily calorie goal,and are you consistently reaching it?

    I'm actually well below my calorie goal and surprisingly go to bed full each night. (Because I choose wise healthy filling calories)

    Do you realize that this is not a good thing?
    I'm sure she doesn't but she will get it someday

    well, a quick peek at eating disorder rates for girls in her age group indicates that today would be a good day for her to get it, as opposed to someday.

    but who are we kidding? the OP is lost. but 400 other newbies will see this thread before the week is out, and maybe half of them will get the message that eating food you enjoy is okay, and that WHITE CARBZ are not the debil, and that you can post on these here forums and get some pretty damned good advice from some very successful people IF YOU"RE WILLING TO LISTEN.
    You don't have to preach to me, I have been at this awhile and I eat... When I started I didn't though and killed my metabolism and got more overweight. I finally educated myself enough to know that food isn't the devil, it's how you act about it that is.

    Hopefully she will pick that up too, but right now she is obviously not in the mindset to listen.

    Insecurity causes teenagers to throw defenses up, I am just saying there are 2 sides to every story and she is not ready to learn. So why waste your time and effort?

    note the bolded in my post before yours. after one or two attempts, i'm never trying to reach the OP. i'm posting for the lurkers that may never ever create their own threads or post outside of CCF&G threads, but do come to these forums seeking answers to their diet and fitness questions.
    but the noobs will still create their own threads because they are noobs.....

    not even close to true. SO FAR from being true. but don't take my word for it. see for yourself.

    for example.....this thread right here. let's take a look at some stats.


    5 mins ago when I took this shot, there were 195 posts in this thread. half of which came from the OP after she said she would never post here again. but look at how many people have viewed this thread without posting in it. That's the first number, next to the eyeball symbol, inside the circle. 1500 people have read this thread, and it's late as hell on a wednesday night. literally thousands of people are forming opinions on eating, on forum posting, on teenagers, and on adult bullies by reading, but not posting, in this thread.

    When a fake nutrition site gets quoted about 100% fake ingredients in Wonder Bread, it'll get shouted down for it's complete and utter lack of facts. Not because the OP will listen, but because maybe a third of those 1500 lurkers will get the message and not be scared into an unsustainable, unnecessary eating pattern because of the lies of that site.

    Oh, yes...facts. Delicious facts.

    But blah blah blah reasons why *you're* the bad guy. Er, I mean, *I'm* the bad guy.

    Forum god

    PS: Remember when you couldn't get here from there?

    suddenly i can't even seem to find my way out
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    amymrls wrote: »
    So what I've learned from this chat:
    1.) eat when I'm not hungry because lets face it, that calorie mark is the only thing that matters
    2.) white bread is good for you
    3.) eating pizza cookies and ice cream everyday will aid in my weightloss goal
    4.) there is no "good" or "bad" food. (Apple vs brownie. Doesn't matter it's not good or bad.)
    And 5.) adults find way meaner pictures to send than middle school girls [/q
    So what I've learned from this chat:
    1.) eat when I'm not hungry because lets face it, that calorie mark is the only thing that matters
    2.) white bread is good for you
    3.) eating pizza cookies and ice cream everyday will aid in my weightloss goal
    4.) there is no "good" or "bad" food. (Apple vs brownie. Doesn't matter it's not good or bad.)
    And 5.) adults find way meaner pictures to send than middle school girls

    I eat good food and have still lost 100 lbs so yeah a lot of that sums it up... I also look great for being almost 40 and am told that all the time.

    Wait. Did you confuse which of your two accounts you were on for this post? Were we just trolled with a dupe account player in the game?

    I mean, I hate to make accusations like this without more facts, but...the pieces seem to fit.

    ETA: or did amymris just happen to accidentally answer MrM27's questions for barefoot_brunette?

    ETAM: I still think something seems fishy here, but will concede that I might have jumped to a bad conclusion. Might have.

    pretty sure it's just quotefail

    I concede that you're likely right. Dang.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    DavPul wrote: »
    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.

    Why you gotta bully the skim milk with all the name calling? :(
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    So, instead of eating cereal with bananas, blueberries, and skim milk for dinner, I should have eaten pizza. And because I didn't eat the pizza, and because I'm full off the 1113 calories I ate today, I have an eating disorder. K

    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.
    havalynd wrote: »
    DavPul btw, I wish there was a like button so I could like your posts here.
    Agreed, he just said best what everyone else was trying to say.....
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    What kind of fatasses tell someone who's trying to loose weight to eat pizza. ONE slice has 285 calories. 640 mg of sodium. 36 carbs. For one slice. It's not that much protein, and that carbs y'all are talking about? THEYRE FROM WHITE BREAD. THATS BAD FOR YOUR BODY.

    Not trying to starve myself I'm trying to make healthier choices. Try it sometime. When you're not eating pizza, try swapping it for a turkey sandwhich(healthy filling calories)

    How is white bread bad for your body? And it's easy to work 285-570 calories into a day. Also, I've had four turkey sandwiches in the past ten days and bought some more today. Like I said before, moderation is the key. I wouldn't have lost 55+ pounds if I had deprived myself of the things I love.

    You honestly think bread that is processed from 100% artificial ingredients isn't bad for you? http://authoritynutrition.com/why-is-bread-bad-for-you/

    ....The ingredients in the pizza dough recipe I posted earlier:
    - 1/2 tsp sugar (oh noes)
    - dry yeast
    - bread flour
    - cornmeal
    - extra virgin olive oil
    - salt

    .....yep it's so artificial I might just die... :huh:
    When I posted this I wasn't talking about homemade pizza

    And yet you called me a fatass after I suggested home made pizza. Are you actually reading your own thread?

    I'm not talking about the very few kind people who are sending me homemade links. I'm talking about the adults who find it amusing to pick on a young adult late at night who's trying to make a healthier choice than papa johns on a Wednesday night 60 days from spring break. I appreciate your link yes

    wait, what does spring break have to do with this?


    Ahhh...short-term crash diet support wanted. I get it now.

    OP, what is your net daily calorie goal,and are you consistently reaching it?

    I'm actually well below my calorie goal and surprisingly go to bed full each night. (Because I choose wise healthy filling calories)

    Before we all get too lost in lessons on how we're all supposed to behave, let's not overlook this flashing red light and accompanying warning siren.

    There was a huge red light and warning sirens the minute she said how guilty she'd feel if she ate the pizza. And now it sounds like she's eating maybe 1100 calories a day. And exercising.

    People aren't being mean they just don't take well to threads started with the intent of supporting disordered eating. OP's posting sounds like she is cultivating an ED, eating her apple on the treadmill. She won't see it, but everyone else was just trying to help offer some more healthy advice than demonizing food. (at least until she insulted everyone then it got a bit more terse).

    I think OP got upset because she expected a lot of people to related to the "I can't eat this ARGGGHHHH NOOOOOO" sentiment, when any successful person I know around here is more like "I'll eat some of it YUM!!" and they just work around it either that day or rearrange some other meals during the week.

    It's not an eating disorder it's wanting to make a healthy choice vs eating processed pizza???

    Trying to lose 30 lbs in 2 months when you are only 30 lbs overweight IS NOT HEALTHY.

    I don't care what food you choose to eat, your underlying goal is fundamentally potentially damaging to your internal organs. HOW is that healthy exactly"?

    Don't lie and try to say you are trying to be "healthy"- you are trying to be thin. And you are trying to do so at an unhealthy pace by cultivating unhealthy thinking so you can more easily restrict.

    And anything I have ever read about anorexia says that the hunger signals STOP WORKING for people once they restrict enough, so don't sit there and act like you are that knowledgeable about bread and it's ingredients/manufacture but you know so little about EDs that you don't know at some point hunger stops being a viable cue on when to eat.

    You made an attempt at a triggering post that supported ED type thinking and people called you out by responding by suggesting more healthy ways of thinking and how to have a healthy relationship with food. Nobody said to eat pizza every day.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    So, instead of eating cereal with bananas, blueberries, and skim milk for dinner, I should have eaten pizza. And because I didn't eat the pizza, and because I'm full off the 1113 calories I ate today, I have an eating disorder. K

    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that you wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.

    Wait. This was her first post? I'm starting to reconsider my concession now.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    havalynd wrote: »
    DavPul btw, I wish there was a like button so I could like your posts here.

    As soon as he finds the exit, he'll be gone anyhow. Fighting the good fight in here really takes a toll on him. He can only take so much at a time.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited January 2015
    So, instead of eating cereal with bananas, blueberries, and skim milk for dinner, I should have eaten pizza. And because I didn't eat the pizza, and because I'm full off the 1113 calories I ate today, I have an eating disorder. K
    This isn't a good thing. Seriously. It can have serious health consequences. It is really hard to eat 1200 calories and get the Macro & Micro nutrients your body needs and almost impossible if your under that. Not getting enough Macro & Micro nutrients can really damage your insides.

    And for the record I'm an 1" taller than you, 7lbs heavier currently, eat almost double what you do calorie wise and lose an average of 1.3-2lbs per week.

    And yes things like:
    - eating less than 1200 calories
    - feeling guilty about eating certain foods
    Do tend to lean towards either having an ED or someone who is walking a very thin line between having an ED and not having an ED. Which is why people are bringing it up.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I hope none of you have kids. Called my parent and got the advice to never check this again because it's tearing me down and making me feel like I have an eating disorder because I only eat when I'm hungry(which happened to only be 1113 calories today. Maybe it'll be different tomorrow) hope you all reach your own goals, watch a YouTube seminar on cyber bullying, and *kitten* off just bc you're pissed that I'm trying to reach my goal faster than in a year so I'm swapping pizza for yogurt, fruits, and salad.
    Okay..... I didn't know the OP sounded like a 12 year old.... I am out, night everyone...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.

    Why you gotta bully the skim milk with all the name calling? :(

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I'm trying to only eat healthy calories into my calorie goal though,,,same amount of food!, just swapping it for filling, beneficial calories
    A calorie is a unit of energy measurement. The body doesn't distinguish between "healthy" or "unhealthy" calories. Whole foods will be more nutrient dense than processed foods, but that doesn't mean the processed foods are necessarily bad. The biggest issues with processed foods is it's high calorie value thereby limiting how MUCH food one can eat.
    Weight regain with many happens for one main reason.............they reintroduce foods they LOVE into their diet after reaching or almost reaching goal and overdo it. Then they usually say "what the hell" and continue till most of the weight lost is regained again.
    So how can you help resolve this? By being responsible and limiting how much of the food you love. People who stay lean are always pegged for being able to eat what they want.............and it's mostly true. They just don't eat HUGE portions of it.
    So if you want pizza, then by all means have some, but don't eat a lot of it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    And yes things like:
    - eating less than 1200 calories
    - feeling guilty about eating certain foods
    Do tend to lean towards either having an ED or someone who is walking a very thin line between having an ED and not having an ED.

    Or just subscribes to too many women's magazines. Because 1200 is somehow still the magic number in the media, and most articles seem to be about "good/bad" foods, cheat days, etc. Not saying these aren't warning signs for ED, but they're also simply "common knowledge" in the worst way.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    edited January 2015

    amymrls wrote: »
    I hope none of you have kids. Called my parent and got the advice to never check this again because it's tearing me down and making me feel like I have an eating disorder because I only eat when I'm hungry(which happened to only be 1113 calories today. Maybe it'll be different tomorrow) hope you all reach your own goals, watch a YouTube seminar on cyber bullying, and *kitten* off just bc you're pissed that I'm trying to reach my goal faster than in a year so I'm swapping pizza for yogurt, fruits, and salad.
    Okay..... I didn't know the OP sounded like a 12 year old.... I am out, night everyone...

    Were you not here from the beginning?
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2015
    DavPul wrote: »

    Ooh, Parks & Rec reference. In that case.... :)

  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    crabada wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.

    Why you gotta bully the skim milk with all the name calling? :(
    amymrls wrote: »
    I hope none of you have kids. Called my parent and got the advice to never check this again because it's tearing me down and making me feel like I have an eating disorder because I only eat when I'm hungry(which happened to only be 1113 calories today. Maybe it'll be different tomorrow) hope you all reach your own goals, watch a YouTube seminar on cyber bullying, and *kitten* off just bc you're pissed that I'm trying to reach my goal faster than in a year so I'm swapping pizza for yogurt, fruits, and salad.
    Okay..... I didn't know the OP sounded like a 12 year old.... I am out, night everyone...

    Were you not here from the beginning?
    No I came in at page 7ish......
  • tracyheartsrob
    tracyheartsrob Posts: 10 Member
    I've been craving pizza all week!
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    crabada wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.

    Why you gotta bully the skim milk with all the name calling? :(


    This is hilarious!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    amymrls wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    crabada wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    i think we've gone back and forth so much that we're all missing the basic point. the reason you should have eaten the pizza is because you wanted to eat the pizza. and we know that wanted pizza, not cereal covered in watermilk because you created an account and with your first post you created a thread titled "I WANT PIZZA SO BAD" (caps are yours).

    our main point, before you called a bunch of people fatasses, was that if you want pizza, it's okay to eat pizza, instead of settling for a dinner of cereal, fruit slices and sadmilk.

    Why you gotta bully the skim milk with all the name calling? :(
    amymrls wrote: »
    I hope none of you have kids. Called my parent and got the advice to never check this again because it's tearing me down and making me feel like I have an eating disorder because I only eat when I'm hungry(which happened to only be 1113 calories today. Maybe it'll be different tomorrow) hope you all reach your own goals, watch a YouTube seminar on cyber bullying, and *kitten* off just bc you're pissed that I'm trying to reach my goal faster than in a year so I'm swapping pizza for yogurt, fruits, and salad.
    Okay..... I didn't know the OP sounded like a 12 year old.... I am out, night everyone...

    Were you not here from the beginning?
    No I came in at page 7ish......

    And didn't bother to catch up but instead decided to lecture others on how to forum appropriately?

    Tsk tsk. That is very bad forum etiquette. You should know better.