

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Confession: I am on here so much because I hate my job. I work for a large company and feel totally undervalued and unappreciated. It's not the company though because in my last position here I was very happy. Need to start seriously looking for another job, but every time I do the task is so daunting and don't feel like I'm qualified for any of the positions posted. Really depressing!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    I confess that most of the threads in the Chit - Chat section drive me absolutely bonkers. "Would you kiss the person above" "Compliment the person above" Blah blah blah. I guess because it's blatant compliment fishing maybe...or perhaps because there are a ton of married/partnered people out there flirting and being inappropriate with other people. I don't know...but it grosses me out. So I try not to look at even the titles...and I never click in. Did it once...won't make that mistake again, lol. :dizzy:

    I hear ya! I'm single and I've honestly never been to that thread! Seriously search my name you won't find it! Not a fan, I'm here for my health not to find a date :)

    Well now you are not really single...

    But I am and I can't stand when people start all the overt flirting and innuendo. I leave those threads immediately. That is not why I am here. If I wanted that I would go to

    I tried once and they literally refused my membership! I got a msg that said they didn't have anyone that would match my profile/questionnaire info, and to try again at a later date!

    It's hysterical and depressing all at once!

    Now you have to tell us whats in your profile!

    it never even let me get that far! i used to have a screenshot of the: you're too weird, go away, msg..i should try to find that. it was pretty funny.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lbking94 wrote: »
    I found this thread last night after looking for posts to make myself feel better for once again thinking I could eat out of the carton of ice cream without over doing. Like I hadn't learned that lesson already. The first two pages made me laugh til I cried, I so related to playing games with a food log that only I see. I didn't realize I wasn't alone. Thank you. I will be returning often.

    Welcome to our safe place!

    We have cookie butter, Oreos and Poptarts, and Funyuns.


    Blech. I hate Funyuns. And where's my turtle cake @quiksylver296 ?

    I told you! I ate it!

    When did you say that? I don't think we can be friends anymore if you're just going to eat cake and rub it in my face and not in a good way either.

    On my newsfeed, when you asked what turtle cake was. Not my fault, I didn't bake it. Someone brought it in and gave me a piece. You want me to share my ONE piece?!? (And I took a small piece, too, trying to maintain some sort of control.)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    This is more advice than a confession: Don't cry in your Goggles when you go swimming, tears sting a lot when they go back into your eyes.

    Why were you crying I hear you ask? I weighed myself this morning. I weigh exactly the same amount as I weighed back in February. I'm beginning to think this is all a big waste of my time. I work out 6 hours a week and eat a 890 calorie deficit a day. I don't know what else to do...

    You're eating more than you think and overestimating your exercise calories, probably. Maybe make a new thread and open your diary and people can help... Also, you don't have to eat breakfast if you're not hungry... It's a myth that it kick starts your metabolism.

    Surely I can't be eating 890 calories more without realising though? :# I wear a Misfit (bit like a fitbit, but you can wear it swimming) and just go by that for the day. The only thing I put into MFP is my weight lifting because I like to see the progress, :smile: it doesn't add calories on.
    I do normally eat breakfast because I am normally hungry enough to eat it (particularly after a 45min swim). I know that your metabolism is to do with chemicals in your body that is not easily adjusted, and if it is low, it is considered a serious health problem, so I know the whole "kick start" thing a BS all around.
    And nothing can convince me to start a "I can't lose weight" thread, that's digital suicide. lol I'm a massive softy so all comments would probably put me off coming back to the forum.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Ok, so I'm on my phone and I totally can't manage the quote/comment/not lose your place thing...

    I'm also pretty drunk right now so I apologize in advance. like really, I usually abandon the website after I leave work (which I think benefits everyone), not sure how I got here now.... dang alerts!

    I hauled butt on the treadmill today (tried running for the first time, lmfao, didn't make it far!) , but I still haven't made up for all my calories. And i'm still hungry! I just want to stuff my face, be drunk, and be thin! It's that too much to ask? lol

    Btw: corsets are totally sexy

    I don't think that's too much to ask. If you find some genie handing out that wish, send him my way.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ["That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.

    @JPW1990 I know it isn't rare. Have many a friends who upon getting divorced suddenly find themselves in the company of much younger company. I shake my head as a older guy, but honestly there is a LOT of draw to it. Mostly it can capture that feeling of fleeting youth. Ya know, Jerry Lee Lewis "Middle Aged Crazy, trying to prove he still can...".

    I am pretty grounded, but who knows. Was just thinking out loud. No plans for divorce or younger women at this point. :)

    honestly, this is why at 34 i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be alone.
    totally not judging you (after my parents divorced my dad spent years dating younger gals and then five years ago married a girl that is ONE year older than ME. i judge him ;) )
    anytime i go out i can't help but feel like i don't belong. there are young, stunning girls EVERYwhere, i can't imagine anyone settling for my older, pudgy butt. plus i'm also pretty sarcastic and b*tchy. B)
    but seeing how i'm the reason my current relationship tanked, i really don't have anyone else to blame.
    it's still kinda disappointing though.

    I would too!

    Don't give up on finding someone, I'm only 29 and sometimes it's hard since most gals my age are married or in committed relationships but most the time I'm happy as I have the rest of my life to be with someone may as well enjoy my "singleness" now. You'll find someone!! You are very pretty!

    Agree that you are very pretty, plus you're pretty funny going off your additions to this thread and you will meet someone. I met my husband when I was 35 and got married at 37. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. I used to tell myself I was "fundamentally unloveable". Everyone else said it would happen for me, they were right and I was wrong.

    I must be an anomaly. I was reading through the past few days posts and wondering how people can only come up with a couple of things positive to say about themselves. And, why would anybody think that because they don't have somebody that there is something wrong with them? I never really thought I had super high self esteem, but I've always known my worth.

    I am speaking for myself, but... you look around and all you see is "happy" couples and people dating, and there... is... nothing... going on with you. And I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I see some people who are just awful human beings and they are with someone. And then it's like "how come they can find someone, and I can't?" So you start to think there is something wrong with yourself and you must be completely unattractive.

    I used to feel that way. And I am going to completely honest here. I am not a pretty woman. I am ok. When I am thin I have a great body. Think Marilyn Monroe at her skinniest without the breasts (A cup all the way). But women not as attractive as me ( which takes a lot as I am not pretty), heavier than me, no where near as smart as me, or as accomplished get guys. But somewhere along the way I realized I am ok. I still get down when I gain weight. Hate I am not pretty. That I am the least attractive female in my family. But I am pretty amazing. And if others don't realize it it's their loss. I am not going to settle. And I am a lot older than you. I hope you find the love of your life. I still hope I do. But if I don't it's ok. I am still a pretty amazing person. I don't need a guy to prove that to me. And I never will. :)

    That is a lot of self realization. I have not seen any photographs of you but I am sure you are not unattractive. You are right to be happy with yourself first. All other things fall into place in time. It took me a while to figure that out and now I would be ok if I were alone.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited May 2015
    i've caught up on this thread. which means i have 90 minutes to waste until i can leave. i hate it when i have to work Fridays. and i am now boredom eating :(
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I stopped eating meat 25 years ago because seeing raw meat grossed me out. I stopped eating anything you had to rip off a bone 35 years ago. Completely turns my stomach.

    That's very similar to my explanation of how I eat: if it reminds me of what it was when it was alive, I don't eat it. Sometimes it's appearance, and other times (like pork) it's texture that puts me off.

    I can force myself to cook it but I won't be able to eat the end result, having handled it.

    But I can eat ground beef from time to time (bears no resemblance to dead cow, in my mind) or small pieces of meat like ham in pea soup or chicken bits in fried rice with no problem... just don't plop a steak on my plate.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    I hit my goal weight of 190 about 8lbs ago but altered it to 175 since I'm still a little flabby, the confession is I haven't told my wife since that's less than her current weight and she's losing too just not as fast.

    If I were her, I would not want to know that. I would have a hard time mentally if my husband weighed less than I did. When I am teetering at high weight, and my husband is in good shape, we are close and I hate it! He tells everyone that he outweighs me by 50 pounds, no matter what shape I am in (usually that is closer to 15 pounds). I love it when he does that, even though I know it's not true.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I have an NSV followed by a confession.

    This past Saturday I tried on a pair of American Eagle jeans. One size below the current size I wear (which are falling off and baggy) and the size below THAT as a 'just for *kitten*' sort of thing. I'm in a size 4 now, the 2 was too big, and the 0 fit great!

    Confession: I'm really pumped about it. But no one else really is. :confused: But it's okay, I know they're just concerned. But man, I went from growing out of a size 18 to a size 0. Madness.

    And I like American Eagle because I have no *kitten* and their jeans don't droop back there. lol.

    Size 18 to size ZERO?!? That is freakin' amazing!!! Congrats to you, so impressed with your hard work and dedication.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Please help me settle a debate.

    What is a normal number of eggs for one person to consumer in a week? Let's imagine this person eats meat, but not necessarily every day, and not big portions of it. This person happily consume plenty of wholegrains, fruit and veg, dairy (and too much sugar but never mind that).

    So normal number of eggs in a week?

    I'd ask in the normal forums, but I don't want my face ripped off by the 'eat all the protein carbs are evil' mob. (Not having a dig at you low-carbers, just at the way some people harp on about it!)

    That made me laugh out loud!!! I eat more than most people because I eat hard boiled eggs for breakfast almost everyday and lunch some days, so 15 - 20.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    I'll take you up on that. The last month I have barely been holding on with emotional eating. I am finally back on track and starting to train again. Time to get serious. We can do this!

    what do you guys need to encourage you/kick your *kitten* to stay on track? We might be able to help...and by extension, help ourselves

    I've committed to [</= 1,300 net daily] for the next month.

    I was at [</= 1,500 net daily], but I was eating too much & trying to offset it with more exercise...but my metabolism is on to that & wasn't cooperating!

    My diary gets pissy when I eat under 1,200, but for the next month, I can live with the red scolding.

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    I confess that most of the threads in the Chit - Chat section drive me absolutely bonkers. "Would you kiss the person above" "Compliment the person above" Blah blah blah. I guess because it's blatant compliment fishing maybe...or perhaps because there are a ton of married/partnered people out there flirting and being inappropriate with other people. I don't know...but it grosses me out. So I try not to look at even the titles...and I never click in. Did it once...won't make that mistake again, lol. :dizzy:

    I hear ya! I'm single and I've honestly never been to that thread! Seriously search my name you won't find it! Not a fan, I'm here for my health not to find a date :)

    Well now you are not really single...

    But I am and I can't stand when people start all the overt flirting and innuendo. I leave those threads immediately. That is not why I am here. If I wanted that I would go to

    Haha no technically I'm spoken for of course but there's no ring on my finger! (This doesn't mean I'd ever cross boundaries of course just saying I'm unmarried and there's no box to check "boyfriend" or in a relationship when it asks single, married, divorced, or widowed- so I check the single box every time)

    Yeah, I find that one weird as so do I, and I've been with my boyfriend for 11 years.

    My DOH! and I only got married because it was his grandmother's deathbed wish.

    He - "Gram really wants us to get married. Do you want to?"
    Me - "OK."

    The only difference between before and after is I now have a ring on my finger to fiddle with when I am nervous and he likes to joke that all of his years of stalking me have finally paid off.

    HAHA that's great! I've been engaged before but I broke it off (it wasn't going anywhere) but my favorite part was my engagement ring, which, I had to give back :( My confession is: I'm not a huge stickler to get married but you best believe I want a large, shiny, rock on my finger! A giant promise ring of sorts haha

    I thought my engagement ring was the biggest pain in my butt when I first started wearing it, because I never wore jewelry in the lab. I now feel super weird when I have it off (doing dishes, food prep, gardening, showering, etc). The shiny still gets me sometimes though. Ha!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Today, I was at my neighborhood park/playground shooting hoops when a group of teenagers came in the court. I stayed way longer than I would have otherwise to prove I wasn't a wuss.

    This made me laugh. I would totally do this. Much too competitive, to my own detriment, sometimes.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I use multiple types of lotions/moisturizers every day. Right now I'm on a "light" rotation.
    I use two types on my face (an anti-wrinkle and a moisturizer with sunscreen)
    I exfoliate my body and use various types on various parts. I use amlactin on the bikini line and back of thighs where I tend to get bumps/ingrown hairs. I use a thick lotion on calves/elbows. I use a smooth body lotion everywhere else.

    Edited to correct a typo.

    I line up four of them every morning for my post-shower moisturizing routine. That's just my body. Granted, one is prescription estrogen gel so it doesn't really count.

    My face gets a further two, an under-eye and an all-over sunscreen.

    Then my hands get yet another one. I have chronic eczema so I have to keep them well lubed.

    I start to feel a little OCD in the mornings.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Is it weird that I try to save earthworms trapped on the pavement of the green way I use? Fortunately only one person has seen me since its quiet out here.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Ok, so I'm on my phone and I totally can't manage the quote/comment/not lose your place thing...

    I'm also pretty drunk right now so I apologize in advance. like really, I usually abandon the website after I leave work (which I think benefits everyone), not sure how I got here now.... dang alerts!

    I hauled butt on the treadmill today (tried running for the first time, lmfao, didn't make it far!) , but I still haven't made up for all my calories. And i'm still hungry! I just want to stuff my face, be drunk, and be thin! It's that too much to ask? lol

    Btw: corsets are totally sexy

    I don't think that's too much to ask. If you find some genie handing out that wish, send him my way.

    all the local antique shops keep asking me to stop trying to shine their lamps....but what if i just haven't rubbed the RIGHT one yet?!?! ;)
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Norahoefer wrote: »
    When i get on the elipitcal in my basement I have to cover up every clock in the room including the one on the machine and then I spend the entire time trying to figure out how long each song I hear is or how many minutes between commercial breaks on the food network show I'm watching and how many minutes I have left. I hate it.

    I hate the clock when doing cardio. MUST HIDE THEM ALL. What I do is set up my trainer in front of the TV and find something very entertaining to watch that's commercial free. Usually one of my comedies like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Workaholics. Or a sports show like Ninja Warrior. Makes the time fly right on by.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Someone brought in an a 2 layered spiced cake with icing to work and I totally had about a 4x3 inch piece of it. I've cycled in to work every day this week so I've earned it. NO RAGRETS
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm a vegetarian but I can't manage to lose weight. I stopped eating bread and I barely eat any protein

    Buy a food scale. Measure what you are eating and log it religiously. Calorie deficit is what causes weight loss, not what type of food you are eating.