

  • Shellys_Start
    Shellys_Start Posts: 27 Member
    1. I don't eat cake, will give it to someone or throw it away because I only want the frosting. The cake just gets in my way. And the frosting MUST be chocolate.

    2. My son thought pizza was only the end crust and about an inch of pizza for years because that's all he ever got. I would eat the rest of his piece. I hate the crust. I was a terrible mother.

    3. FYI, he's now 23 & gives still gives me a hard time about it.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    edited February 2015
    Right after I had my son, a friend of the family commented (drunkenly) that I once looked like a model and now I look like a mom. Not sure if she meant to offend, but I've lost so much weight now that I'm lower than my prepregnancy weight (and I look better because I've been lifting). I've always got that comment in the back of my head, and secretly can't wait until the next event when I see her.

    I know she probably won't say anything at all, but part of me is hoping.
    Oh yeah I had one of those comments before. A few years ago after having my fourth child in five years, a guy friend from church was talking about a "hot" girl and how she looked like me, well me "before the babies." Wonk, wonk.

  • Shellys_Start
    Shellys_Start Posts: 27 Member
    Lisa1971 wrote: »
    I forgot about this one...

    Pre kids I worked full time as a vet tech. My husband, who is a hunter, would constantly go deer hunting on Saturday and after work and was never home. Oh, and every single year he'd get a deer and then have all his cave man friends over to stare at it, take pics of the carcass, and high 5 each other like idiots...Anyhow, one year I brought home some really stinky cat urine from an unneutered male cat and sprinkled it all over his hunting clothes. Let's just say that year he didn't get a deer! o:)

    Love it!!!! My husband's "friend" used to come to our acreage to hunt and get drunk almost every week-end during hunting season. My husband didn't hunt or drink, the guy was just using him for free hunting land. I wish I'd have thought of this!!
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    I love to have a cocktail or 4 at night so I log my alcohol before my food.
  • kellymoore104203
    kellymoore104203 Posts: 25 Member
    When I was a kid, I thought dogs were boys and cats were girls.

    so did I for some reason?
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I ate four pieces of cake - and I didn't log it because I didn't want to look at it...I had almost 3000 calories today and did not exercise!!! AAAAAAHHHHH There I said it I feel better...fatter but better!!! Tomorrow is a new day!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Oh and another confession in the movie The Women when Meg Ryan grabs a stick of butter, dips it in cocoa powder and eats it I am always thinking MMMMMMMM! I gotta try that sometime... What is wrong with me!? LOL
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Since I went out for a run/walk this afternoon in single digit temps and blowing snow, I decided I would have a tiny salad and HUGE dessert for dinner. It was a layered bar of M&M cookie, Oreos and brownie then I put cherry cordial ice cream on top. Great trade off for the whopping two miles I did. Soooooo good.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Since I went out for a run/walk this afternoon in single digit temps and blowing snow, I decided I would have a tiny salad and HUGE dessert for dinner. It was a layered bar of M&M cookie, Oreos and brownie then I put cherry cordial ice cream on top. Great trade off for the whopping two miles I did. Soooooo good.

    Confession: I am pretty sure that I would throw up if I ate that.

  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    I used to think I was so so so fat when I was a size 12-14. Like, "no one would ever love you" fat. Now I am a size 20-22 and I look back on my high school years and I wish I had realized that I looked pretty damned great and I'd -love- to be that size today. I'd be so confident. As it is no matter how much my husband says he loves me, I think I'm hideous. I just love horrible food so much...
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Since I went out for a run/walk this afternoon in single digit temps and blowing snow, I decided I would have a tiny salad and HUGE dessert for dinner. It was a layered bar of M&M cookie, Oreos and brownie then I put cherry cordial ice cream on top. Great trade off for the whopping two miles I did. Soooooo good.

    Confession: I am pretty sure that I would throw up if I ate that.
    I'm not the only one who's made this- I actually found it in the database under Slutty Brownies :D
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Last week my sister sent me some girl scout cookies. I ate the box of Samoas in one sitting. Then for fear of eating the others, had to give away
  • Shellys_Start
    Shellys_Start Posts: 27 Member
    dunadan wrote: »
    First confession: My wife bought a tub of pre-made cookie dough so she could quickly make some cookies for guests (and to make the house smell wonderful). After making a dozen, the tub has sat in the fridge for a week now...and I grab a spoon most nights and go down for a couple (oh hell, this is a confession thread, right?) six or seven spoonfuls of the doughy yumminess.

    At first, I reasoned, "She won't be able to tell that there is any missing," but after a solid week of this, there's no disguising the fact that the tub is more than half empty. I'm waiting for the night she goes to make another batch, and realizes that so much is missing.

    Second confession: I have considered buying another tub of the exact same cookie dough, scooping out enough to match the amount left in the original container, and then hiding that one in our garage refrigerator to continue to after-dinner snacking.

    I would do the exact same thing! I've never bought the pre-made tubs because I have had previous experience with the roll of cookie dough and those NEVER made it to the oven. I'd have chocolate chip cookie dough coursing through my veins if I could.
  • Shellys_Start
    Shellys_Start Posts: 27 Member
    I stalk the profiles of people who make me laugh in forums. Then I friend them. Then I panic that they're going to think I'm a creep.

    :p Absolutely!!!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Since I went out for a run/walk this afternoon in single digit temps and blowing snow, I decided I would have a tiny salad and HUGE dessert for dinner. It was a layered bar of M&M cookie, Oreos and brownie then I put cherry cordial ice cream on top. Great trade off for the whopping two miles I did. Soooooo good.

    Confession: I am pretty sure that I would throw up if I ate that.
    I'm not the only one who's made this- I actually found it in the database under Slutty Brownies :D

    Confession: I prefer to do slutty things instead. Burns more calories. :)
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    When I'm craving something sweet i eat spoonfuls of jam (jelly for Americans) out of the jar.

    /pedant on. Jam is made from the fruit, jelly is made from juice. Two different things in 'Murica
    Same in UK (though jam is fruit AND juice).

    I used to think in America, jam and jelly (and the other sort of jelly) were all called jello.
  • AvidAdrienne
    AvidAdrienne Posts: 41 Member
    I wear spanx all the time. I never leave the house without something to keep my tummy held in. :(
    I do the same thing! My underwear is control top, then if I'm going out, I'll wear an extra pair of Spanx lol... It actually makes a big difference! ;)
  • hinaisold
    hinaisold Posts: 19 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yesterday guests brought over a box of quality street chocolates and I ate them all.

    I didn't even bother logging them.
  • shortiequinn
    shortiequinn Posts: 38 Member
    My ex had two young kids when we were dating. I thought they were so cute and lovable. They're getting older and awkward looking. Now I'm like "thank god I don't have to deal with those brats"
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    LizN63 wrote: »
    When I'm craving something sweet i eat spoonfuls of jam (jelly for Americans) out of the jar.

    /pedant on. Jam is made from the fruit, jelly is made from juice. Two different things in 'Murica
    Same in UK (though jam is fruit AND juice).

    I used to think in America, jam and jelly (and the other sort of jelly) were all called jello.

    When I was in elementary school in Real America, we 100% learned that British people call jelly "jell-o."

    That's so funny.