
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    It's been the most traumatic day. I've mentioned here before about being a full time carer for my Grandma who suffers with dementia.

    Today she had a bad fall from the top to the very bottom of the stairs. She hit her head and has suffered bruising and bleeding to the brain and fractured her skull in two places along with breaking her elbow. The Doctors say there's nothing they can do but to wait it out and see if the bruising on her brain heals itself within the next 48-72 hours and her condition is going to get worse before/if it gets better. If it does heal itself they don't know what her level of function will be after.

    I'm sick with worry and there's nothing I can do. It was 12 hours in hospital before she got seen by a specialist after lying there drowsy with a confirmed bleed on the brain!

    I can't help thinking somehow that this is my fault and I should have been watching her (I was in my bedroom getting dressed) even though she is always steady on her feet and hasn't had a problem with stairs at least recently anyway. If she doesn't recover from this I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.

    I'm so sorry. Please don't blame yourself.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I may start a thread and call it "If you're starving just google image 'trypophobia' - appetite gone!"

    I know what I'll look at from now on if I get hungry! Phew that was nasty.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    It's been the most traumatic day. I've mentioned here before about being a full time carer for my Grandma who suffers with dementia.

    Today she had a bad fall from the top to the very bottom of the stairs. She hit her head and has suffered bruising and bleeding to the brain and fractured her skull in two places along with breaking her elbow. The Doctors say there's nothing they can do but to wait it out and see if the bruising on her brain heals itself within the next 48-72 hours and her condition is going to get worse before/if it gets better. If it does heal itself they don't know what her level of function will be after.

    I'm sick with worry and there's nothing I can do. It was 12 hours in hospital before she got seen by a specialist after lying there drowsy with a confirmed bleed on the brain!

    I can't help thinking somehow that this is my fault and I should have been watching her (I was in my bedroom getting dressed) even though she is always steady on her feet and hasn't had a problem with stairs at least recently anyway. If she doesn't recover from this I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.

    I'm sorry about your grandma... hope she recovers.

    But you can't blame yourself. And I hope no one else is blaming you. It could have happened any time... while you were peeing, showering, preparing a meal, checking the mail... you just can't watch over her every move, every minute 24/7. Even if you had been right at her side, she might have fallen in a direction away from your grasp where you couldn't have prevented it anyway. Falls happen quickly. I managed to fall downstairs at the ripe old age of 43 and it happened in an instant... one second I was taking a step down, and the next I was flat on my back.

    My thoughts are with you.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Maybe we should make a group..?
    I'll do it if everyone's in. Let me know what you think.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't see it as stickied...
    It's part of the list in the top sticky.

    I'd be in for a group

    Should've just read further before posting :/

    Me too
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.

    Me too! Seriously there are five other stalls open down the line and you take the one right next me? Okay creep-o...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I miss one day because of a sick kiddo and I'm 21 pages behind! WTH? She's fine, just an upset belly and one of those; you can't return to daycare for 24 hours...even though she doesn't have any symptoms.
    Imagine missing several days in a row (like I did, when away for a stretch), and coming back to a NOOOOOOOOOOOO -like number... my internal response seemed kinda like my external response would 'feel' were each of the posts I'd missed turned into a ball of hail, and subsequently 'pelted' at me... LOL ;)

    (...and after being like a deer-in-headlights, in the wake of such, as I wrestled with the indecision of whether to even *begin* trying to catch up on something I new I'd just continue to fall behind in, I entered a kind of post-reading (as in, the reading of posts, and not "after" posting ;) ) 'stasis', in which I did nothing... and after recently resuming posting, I have apparently 'made peace with' the fact that I likely will never truly 'catch-up' on the posts that I missed (which numbered into the 4 digits)...)

    So... one day? -- No prob... ;)

    I only missed half a day cause I had a conference this morning, and I'm still back here on page 773. Gonna be here all night...
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    It's been the most traumatic day. I've mentioned here before about being a full time carer for my Grandma who suffers with dementia.

    Today she had a bad fall from the top to the very bottom of the stairs. She hit her head and has suffered bruising and bleeding to the brain and fractured her skull in two places along with breaking her elbow. The Doctors say there's nothing they can do but to wait it out and see if the bruising on her brain heals itself within the next 48-72 hours and her condition is going to get worse before/if it gets better. If it does heal itself they don't know what her level of function will be after.

    I'm sick with worry and there's nothing I can do. It was 12 hours in hospital before she got seen by a specialist after lying there drowsy with a confirmed bleed on the brain!

    I can't help thinking somehow that this is my fault and I should have been watching her (I was in my bedroom getting dressed) even though she is always steady on her feet and hasn't had a problem with stairs at least recently anyway. If she doesn't recover from this I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.
    Oh, that's awful. So sorry to hear, and please don't blame yourself. I'm sure the logical part of your brain knows this couldn't possibly be your fault - try to think what you'd tell a friend who was in the same situation.
    Sending positive thoughts your way.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I may start a thread and call it "If you're starving just google image 'trypophobia' - appetite gone!"

    I know what I'll look at from now on if I get hungry! Phew that was nasty.
    I'm not going to. You can't make me.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    These bathroom posts are so hilarious to me, and so true :lol: One thing I find really weird is when someone is using the bathroom and talking on their cellphone at the same time. I was in a stall at my University when a girl took the stall next to me. I proceeded to hear a series of loud farts as she communicated cheerfully with a friend on the phone. I was blown away by how much she just didn't care. :lol:
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Neither do I. I had a procedure done years ago to eliminate all of that nonsense, but I do still get the mood swings. I ignore them because I refuse to let them control me, but if I really pay attention I could still tell when during the month it should be happening. Just to say, blame the moods anyway!

    Yanno, i have been wondering recently if i still had the hormonal surges that would result in the moods/food cravings and kinda dismissed it as yet another excuse, but as you've said you experience, maybe there is something in it.

    I'm on the injection (depo) and I definitely still get the hormonal surges. Excessive hunger, carb cravings, depression, and even pimples (ugh).

    Wow, THIS got flagged as spam? I must have spammy pimples. ;)

    I'm wondering who flagged it! Or, if it was accidental or something because that's just ridiculous. Although we would not have heard the phrase "spammy pimples" otherwise, so maybe we should thank whomever flagged it?

    Is that where they get that goo inside the can of Spam?

    Sorry, couldn't help it :s
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Neither do I. I had a procedure done years ago to eliminate all of that nonsense, but I do still get the mood swings. I ignore them because I refuse to let them control me, but if I really pay attention I could still tell when during the month it should be happening. Just to say, blame the moods anyway!

    Yanno, i have been wondering recently if i still had the hormonal surges that would result in the moods/food cravings and kinda dismissed it as yet another excuse, but as you've said you experience, maybe there is something in it.

    I'm on the injection (depo) and I definitely still get the hormonal surges. Excessive hunger, carb cravings, depression, and even pimples (ugh).

    Wow, THIS got flagged as spam? I must have spammy pimples. ;)

    I'm wondering who flagged it! Or, if it was accidental or something because that's just ridiculous. Although we would not have heard the phrase "spammy pimples" otherwise, so maybe we should thank whomever flagged it?

    Is that where they get that goo inside the can of Spam?

    Sorry, couldn't help it :s
    Ok, there it is. Off goes my appetite.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I confess that ins spite of being an aging metalhead, I have DeeLite's "Groove is in the Heart" in my workout playlist.

    And I sometimes hit repeat.

    Black Eyed Peas.

    Let's Get it Started is on my exercise playlist list.

    I have that one and Pump It in there.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    i'm pages behind, but i thought i would attempt to post my fur monsters...

    plankton and wolverine...

    aka tiny bill murray...

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    So I'm about to go on vacation, and I'm starting to get embarrassed about my very pale, pasty skin. My mom used to go tanning before vacations, but I'm certainly not going to do that (I know how bad it is for you). I bought some fake tanner on a whim and I'm a bit anxious about it. I have never used fake tanner before. I'm thinking that I'm worrying about my skin for nothing.

    As a side note, my sister has the whitest of white skin and always got hit on and complimented for it in the Bahamas.
    Top tips: exfoliate, shave (if you do) and moisturise before applying. If you get extra-brown knees or streaks, a lot of it will scrub off over the course of a couple of showers. Use a rough face cloth or a puff. Also, have someone check the backs of your legs before you wear shorts, just in case you've missed a spot.
    As you can tell, I've had a few disasters in my time. These days, like your sister, I tend to prefer to be pale and interesting.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:

    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.

    my husband hates bees & wasps too. One time we were stopped in traffic in a construction zone and a wasp flew into the car. He screamed like a girl jumped out and ran around the car. Nothing is as funny as seeing a grown 7'2' dude run around a car in traffic because of a flying insect (I was mildly embarrassed because everyone was looking at us but it was still funny)
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    @KylerJaye CUTENESS!!!
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    So I'm about to go on vacation, and I'm starting to get embarrassed about my very pale, pasty skin. My mom used to go tanning before vacations, but I'm certainly not going to do that (I know how bad it is for you). I bought some fake tanner on a whim and I'm a bit anxious about it. I have never used fake tanner before. I'm thinking that I'm worrying about my skin for nothing.

    As a side note, my sister has the whitest of white skin and always got hit on and complimented for it in the Bahamas.
    Top tips: exfoliate, shave (if you do) and moisturise before applying. If you get extra-brown knees or streaks, a lot of it will scrub off over the course of a couple of showers. Use a rough face cloth or a puff. Also, have someone check the backs of your legs before you wear shorts, just in case you've missed a spot.
    As you can tell, I've had a few disasters in my time. These days, like your sister, I tend to prefer to be pale and interesting.
    Thank you!! I'm especially concerned about horrible streakiness... I'm going to attempt this in advance, before I go on vacation, just in case it turns out to be a disaster :( I'm already anticipating that it will be, so maybe I'll just keep my pale skin :tongue:
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    i'm pages behind, but i thought i would attempt to post my fur monsters...

    plankton and wolverine...

    aka tiny bill murray...


    Aw!!! They're so tiny and cute! <3 Jealous!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:

    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.

    my husband hates bees & wasps too. One time we were stopped in traffic in a construction zone and a wasp flew into the car. He screamed like a girl jumped out and ran around the car. Nothing is as funny as seeing a grown 7'2' dude run around a car in traffic because of a flying insect (I was mildly embarrassed because everyone was looking at us but it was still funny)
    Omg! Lol :laugh:
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I find bees so cute. Bumble bees are fuzzy and nice and love flowers :blush: One got on my dad's hamburger when we were eating outside once, and he didn't notice until he was already chewing it :( He commented on some ''weird fuzzy thing'' on his burger and then he realized he was eating a bee. It didn't even sting him or anything, but sadly he ended up in my dad's stomach. Wasps and yellow jackets, though... I hate them.